Meant to Be (Derek Hale)

mei1524 által

1M 21.1K 4.4K

Mia stared up at Derek in confusion. "What are you thanking me for?" "For giving me a family and making me th... Több

Chapter 1*
Chapter 2*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
Chapter 5*
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Return To Beacon Hills Part 1
Return To Beacon Hills Part 2
Return To Beacon Hills Part 3

Chapter 36

16.1K 354 38
mei1524 által

Mia, Derek, Damien, and Braeden all stood in Derek's loft standing around a table with firearms and bullets on it. "I still don't like relying on these things." Derek muttered as he stared at all the firearms.

"I get it. You miss your power. I would, too." Mia said standing beside him. It took a lot of convincing for him to let her come with them. As long as she stood away from all the danger then it was okay. She wouldn't have be going unless it wasn't an emergency but, her brother was in danger. And not only that but that uncomfortable put in her stomach was still there. It worried her that something bad could happen and she just hoped she was wrong.

Derek shook his head. "It's not about power, it's about being able to help. I don't like feeling helpless."

"I'm human. Do I look helpless?" She asked picking up the handgun.

He gave her a pointed look, "You're a much better shot than me."

Mia stared at her fiance for a moment and could see the struggle in his eyes as he eyed the guns on the table. She bit her lip. "You promise we're going to be okay right?" She asked quietly.

Derek glanced away from the guns and his eyes flickered to the big brown doe eyes that he loved. He could see the vulnerability in them. He knew that she was referring to him coming back alive to both her and their unborn son. He stepped in front of her and cupped her cheeks as he stared into her brown eyes. "I promise." He said before kissing her softly. He felt like he was giving her an empty promise but, he knew that she needed to at least hear it. They pulled away and he looked at the guns. "I don't even know if this is enough firepower to take down one Berserker."

"Not even close." Peter said coming down the stairs. The group of four looked at the older man. "Killing a Berserker is next to impossible. It's not just the firepower, it's breaking the animal spirit from the human."

"Well, the one person we know with that kind of experience is Argent. And he's not getting back to me." Damien said after looking at his phone to see if Argent called him back.

"Well, then you're going to need help. Like Malia, maybe Liam. Definitely me." The older Hale stated.

Mia's phone vibrated and she checked it to see a message from Stiles. She looked over at Braeden. "Hey, do you have access to a prison transport van. Apparently, Stiles needs one." She muttered.

Braeden blinked a few times and nodded slowly. "Yeah. I can get one."


Mia and Derek got out of her car while Damien and Braeden got out of the van. Peter drove his own car. Stiles, Liam, and Malia were standing there waiting for them by the jeep.

"How did you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asked curiously.

Braeden blinked, "I'm a U. S. Marshal."

The teenager furrowed his brows. "Yeah, I just thought that was just a cover."

"Are we really bringing him?" Derek asked looking over at Liam. He now realized that the van was probably meant for the younger wolf.

"Are we really bringing him?" Stiles retorted back when he caught sight of Peter.

Peter stepped up. "We're bringing everyone that we can. And considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon, we should probably get going."

"What's that mean?" Malia asked her father, crossing her arms over her chest.

"If Kate took Scott back to the same temple that she took Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?"

Liam glanced at them. "What, she wants to make him younger?"

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf." Derek muttered keeping an arm around Mia.

Peter shook his head. "A werewolf can't steal a true Alpha's power. But maybe a Nagual jaguar, with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her....Maybe she can. So, if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going." Peter just wanted to get to the church as soon as possible so he could take out Scott and take his power.

Stiles sighed. "We can't. Not without Lydia."

"What's she doing at the school anyway?" Mia asked after Liam explained that the strawberry blonde was currently at the high school.

Malia raised Kira's sword. "We got Kira's sword, but we need something with a stronger scent. Lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker."

Stiles walked back over to them after calling Lydia's phone. "Nothing."

"If she has a car, she can catch up to us." Braeden said.

"That's a good point. We'll call her from the road." Peter said.

"No. What if something happened? What if she's in trouble?"

"Fine. You stay, you find her. We're gonna go on without you." The older Hale said in a frustrated tone before walking to his car.

"I could call Mason." Liam piped up and everyone looked at him. "He has a study group at school. Maybe he could look for her." He suggested.

"All right. Fine." Stiles said, even though he was still worried about the strawberry blonde.

"Remember what we're dealing with. It's not just Kate, it's Berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls. Do not assume that there's any humanity left." Peter said and glanced down at Liam who was shifting uncomfortably. He looked amused. "This little one is terrified of them, aren't you? Don't worry, my friend. It is that fear that will keep you alive. A reminder to everyone. You do not fight Berserkers to survive, you fight to kill."

Derek walked up to Mia who was about to get into the passenger seat of her car while Damien drove. "I'm going to be going with Stiles and Liam to help him with his control. Are you going to be alright?"

"I should be asking you that." Mia muttered and sighed. "Just be careful. You won't heal if he wolfs out on you." She cupped his cheeks while he put his hands on her waist.

Derek's green eyes flickered to her stomach and than to her eyes. "Yeah, I'll be careful."He then kissed her on the lips. He pulled her closer somehow feeling that this kiss might be the last one and he wanted to remember the feeling of her in his arms one last time. The pulled away when they needed air and remembered they weren't alone. He kissed her on the forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said quietly as she hugged his waist. "We both do." The two pulled away and Derek walked over to the van.

"Okay. I brought something to help you. This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful, supernatural talisman. We use it to teach Betas how to control themselves on a full moon." Derek said and caught the sight of Stiles making a face at what he said. He sent the teenager a pointed look that he needed to lie.

Stiles gulped seeing the glare on Derek's face and nodded. "Yes, it's powerful. Very powerful."


"You okay?" Damien asked after taking a glance at his best friend who was fidgeting in her seat. It was starting to get dark out as they drove to the church which was close.

Mia placed a hand on her stomach feeling the baby moving around. The feeling of dread was getting heavier the closer they got closer to the church and it just made her nerves skyrocket. She knew it wasn't good for the baby but the feeling that something bad was going to happen just wouldn't go away. "I don't know." She answered truthfully. "I'm just worried that something bad's going to happen."

Damien pursed his lips. He knew that Mia was still freaked out about Lydia's banshee prediction and he couldn't honestly blame her. "Hey, everything'll be okay. All we have to do is fight some berserkers and Kate or rather we will and you'll just in the car where it's safe. And we'll save your brother and Kira and then go home. It's a piece of cake."He smiled at her.

Mia hesitantly smiled back after sighing. "I guess you're right." She muttered and saw that they were finally at the church. In the rearview mirror she could see the van but what she saw next made her heart stop.


Derek opened the doors to the van and was suddenly yanked out and tossed roughly onto the ground. He was stabbed then thrown once more against a wall that was falling apart. He could feel the pain as he was stabbed repeatedly. He could faintly hear screaming and gunshots being fired. The stabbing stopped but he felt blood drip from his mouth.

"How bad is it?" Peter asked his nephew. It wasn't apart of the plan to harm anyone in his family and no matter what anyone said he cared about his. Maybe he and Derek didn't get along but that's the type of relationship they had. And seeing his nephew hurt and knowing that it was impossible for him to heal made him worry. But, he had to look at the bigger picture and how he was going to kill Scott. He couldn't afford to let this get in the way.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just get to Scott. Just find him. We'll be right behind you. Go. Go!" Derek yelled and noticed that Stiles was still staring at him. "Hey, hey, save him." He watched the teenager run off after the others.

Mia pushed Damien away who had kept her away from getting near Derek while the berserker was still there and she ran towards Derek and dropped to her knees beside him. Mia kept her hands on his wound while Braeden and Damien gave them space. The curly haired brunette bit her lip to keep the tears from falling. "Stay with me. You're gonna be okay." She said, not knowing who she was trying to convince.

Derek attempted to give her a smile as he covered her hand with his. "It's a mortal wound. And right now I'm feeling pretty mortal."

Tears swelled up in her tears when she saw his half-lidded eyes and the blood dripping from his mouth. "You lied to me." She choked out. "You promised you would be okay."

"I'm sorry." He whispered guiltily.

"I-I can't do this without you, Derek. What are we supposed to do without you?" She cried out faintly hearing more cars arrive and gunshots being fired.

"You can do this. You'll be okay. I know you will. You're strong, Mia." He said, tears strolling down his cheeks. He felt his heart clench knowing he didn't have much time left.

"You can't leave us." She hiccuped, tears falling down her face as she used one of her hands to place it on his cheek.

Derek felt himself getting tired and the pain leaving his body. His breathing becoming slower along with his heartbeat. "I'm happy that you came back, Mia..... I'm happy that you said yes and I'm happy that I get to be a father......My only regrets are that I won't get to see him grow up and that I won't be your husband.....Just know that I love you both." His voice getting softer towards the end before his eyes fluttered close and his head lolled to the side.

Mia's breath caught in her throat seeing his eyes close. "Derek? Derek?!" She cried out and put her head to his chest and when she couldn't hear a heartbeat, she cried even harder. "No! Derek!" Tears spilled from her eyes and her heart ached painfully knowing that he wasn't coming back. She kissed his forehead softly before standing up and faintly seeing the berserkers being shot at Braeden and the Calaveras, while Damien was using his Sai to fight them.

She turned her head to the left and caught sight of Chris and Jordan and approached them. They were standing by their vehicles and the car that Peter brought. She pulled out the handgun that she taught Derek to use and stood beside Jordan and began to shoot at the berserker. She felt anger swell up in her knowing it Kate and the Berserkers who killed her fiance.

"Mia?" Jordan jumped in surprise when he saw the curly haired brunette standing beside him and firing at the Berserkers. He caught sight of her swollen stomach and remembered that John had told him about her pregnancy. He knew that she and Derek were also engaged and he realized that he had to get over his crush on the beautiful doctor especially when knowing she was taken. "You shouldn't be here. You need to go hide."

"I'm not going to do that." She said in an even tone and continued to fire at the berserker when she had a clean shot.

"But..."He stopped himself when he caught sight of Derek on the ground, slumped over. He suddenly realized why she looked so angry and decided to let her be. "Fine, but you need to run the first sight of danger. You're pregnant and should be worried about your baby not getting hurt." He said sternly.

She sighed. "I know. I know. I've already been through this with-" She cut herself by firing another shot. 

She couldn't think about him. 

Not now. 

She could grieve when it was all over. And yet she could still feel the tears welling up in her eyes once more. She risked a glance over to where his body laid. Her whole body froze when he wasn't where she left him. It was then that a loud howl caught her attention.


A loud howl echoed grabbing everyone's attention. Kate stopped her charging towards Araya when she heard it.

 Everyone watched as black colored wolf with flashing blue eyes ran towards Kate and began to attack her. Mia felt her heart skip a beat seeing the familiar blue eyes, she felt a form of connection to it. 

Once it stopped attacking Kate who was trying to crawl away, the wolf transformed into a naked Derek.

Kate trembled nervously on the ground seeing the angry glare on Derek's face. "You were You were dead."

"No. I was evolving. Something you'll never do." Derek said. Suddenly a berserker charged at him and he easily grabbed it by the head and destroyed it. He glanced over when Kate was shot by Chris who ran after her when she ran away. His gaze fell on his pregnant fiance who immediately launched herself at him and hugged him. He didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around her and inhaling her scent.

"You're okay." She choked out, clinging to him as if he were to disappear again. "I love you," She immediately crashed her lips into his.

Derek pulled away and gave her an adoring look. "I'm okay. I love you too and you as well." He said putting a hand on her stomach and felt his son kick. He heightened his hearing and could hear his son's heartbeat.

"This is a touching moment really." Damien piped up as he approached them holding a blanket. "But, you should really cover up. Not that I'm complaining, but I'm sure that everyone else would rather not see your junk." He said tossing Derek the blanket who immediately covered himself.


The sun began to rise when Mia caught sight of her brother. Derek had changed into the spare clothes that Damien had in the car. She immediately crushed her brother in a hug. "I'm so happy you're okay. You are okay, right?" She pulled away to give him a once over.

He chuckled. "Yeah, but I'd appreciate another hug from my big sister." He said and when she nodded, he pulled her into another hug. He was scared when Kate had turned him into a berserker. He didn't really know what was happening to him, all he knew was that he almost killed his friends because of that. And then he had to fight Peter who still held a grudge against. He appreciated feeling the comfort he was getting from his older sister.

The two pulled away and Mia then hugged Stiles telling him she was glad he was okay. Since she didn't really know Kira, Liam, and Malia personally and well enough to hug them, she offered them a smile instead. She let Scott explain that it was Peter who was working with Kate which caught Derek off guard. But, luckily they were able to stop him and he would be shipped off to Eichen House where they could keep him locked up.

Mia got into the car passenger seat with Derek who was driving them back to Beacon Hills. He grabbed her hand while he drove and intertwined their fingers together. "You remember how Damien asked about our plans for the baby?"

"Yeah? What about them?" She asked curiously. They hadn't really spoken about where they were going to live or where the baby would sleep.

"Well, I was thinking we could leave Beacon Hills for a while. At least until the baby is born." He said, feeling nervous when he glanced down at her ring. "And we could get married too. Before the baby is born that is."

Mia's eyes widened and her head snapped in his direction. "You mean get married sometime within 4 months. I'd thought we'd wait until after...."

"I know. But, thinking that I was going to die last night really taught me how time was precious. And besides why wait when we can get married in a month."

She bit her lip as she thought it over before smiling at him. "Alright."

A smile crossed his lips. "Really?"

"Yeah, you're right. We shouldn't wait any longer." She said and giggled. "Although, my mother and Damien are going to kill us when we tell them."

He chuckled, already picturing their reactions. "I love you."

"I love you too, Derek."

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