Beastiful || Completed||

By eaderray

9.8K 1.8K 490

DO YOU KNOW THE BEAST? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¥• So that was how her first kiss played o... More

Chapter 1: Me, myself and I
Chapter 2: Truth or Freaking Dare?
Chapter 3: First point of Contact
Author's Note
Seven- The List
Author's Note
Authors Note
Twenty One
Twenty three
Author's note
Twenty Four
Twenty 5
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five

Thirty One

172 32 4
By eaderray

Pic of Cara above ☝🏾

"You're such a loser. I can't believe you let Jeremy beat you like that."

Cara's voice made Tony want to tear his ears out. He couldn't believe the amount of shit that could come out of someone that looked so good. She was arm candy, but when you broke through the candied surface, it was just horse shit all the way.

"I have no idea why you'd do that! You're losing your credibility Tony. I thought you promised me you'd be the most popular! Prom is next week! I need to be prom queen. And for me to be prom queen, I need a great date. You need to get your shit together or I'll go with Jeremy. He's sure to win, especially after this incident."

He rolled his eyes and continued playing Assassin's Creed. His neck still hurt from Jeremy's choke hold. His fingers had left distinct bruises on Tony's neck. Extremely embarrassing.

"Tony! Can you fucking pay attention to me?! I'm trying to help you!!" Cara screamed, ripping the controller from his hand.

His temper flared up quick. "What do you want me to do? Huh? As long as he's devilishly handsome he'll still be the most popular! I can't change that!"

"Hmmm" A sly smile came over Cara's face.
"If there's one thing the students at Cleaver's love more than a hot guy, it's a hot couple. You need to get him to go out with that ugly girl... uh Sasha, right? His overall coolness will be ruined, and we can step in!"

Tony considered her words carefully. His eyes were still on the controller but now they focused on her bright blue ones. He smiled.

"That's what I love about you babe... you're so fucking smart!" He said, kissing her roughly. She giggled and pretended to swat him away, winking seductively.
Tony felt his insides turn to mush as all his energy got transferred down there.

"I'll just increase the pressure on him. That'll make him crack."

He rubbed her lips with his thumb, and she took it in her warm mouth. She began to suck the finger lightly, making little moaning sounds that turned him on.

"Oh by the way, don't expect any action today. Get rid of that acne and then we can... talk." Cara got up, leaving him high and dry. She winked as she left his room, giving him a sneak peek at her underwear under the short skirt she was wearing.

Tony grimaced as he looked in the mirror. He looked horrible! How would he get rid of this?? If only he could find a way to repay Jeremy properly.
Then a light bulb clicked in his head.

He knew how to take it all from Jeremy. His beauty, his popularity and his place as volleyball team captain.


Jeremy felt something deflate in him at her words. The magic of the moment broke and reasoning came back to him. What the hell was he doing?

He couldn't believe his own actions. He couldn't be falling for her. No way.

But he needed to date her and get the dare over with.

He gripped her hands gently. As soon as he did, the dare didn't feel so important anymore. He wanted to date her. There was no point denying it to himself.

But I don't like her that way. I'm just... satisfying my curiosity about her. I'll lose interest soon. Two weeks is a loooooonnnng time.

"Why? Just say yes. Please, Sasha!"

Sasha could not believe her ears. How could she go out with him? Was he listening to himself? He was too... too... good for her. It hurt her to think it. But she couldn't imagine them together that way. Nope.

"Give me time to think... this is huge for me." She avoided his eyes and jumped off the counter. Her mind went back to what had just finished happening and she flushed with embarrassment.

Did that really happen?? It was almost a dream. But she could remember every glorious second of it. It was permanently engraved in her most treasured moments for life.

"Okay" he said, flashing his quick, charming smile.

"Let's go up to my room and have a quick look at that list."

He took her hand in his and led her to his room. She tried not to get too worked up by it. There was just something about his touch that sent her reeling. It was so disconcerting.

They spent the next hour discussing the sky painting and working out schedules for her to come over and start. Right there, they ordered the necessary stuff online.

When the business was done, there was an uncomfortable silence.

"I feel like if we had it your way, you'd tiptoe around the obvious fact that we are attracted to each other."
Jeremy said at last. As the words left his mouth, he realized the truth. He was very attracted to her. Very.

"Relationships aren't formed based on attraction only."

"But it's a factor. You can't say we aren't friends at this point. We have enough in common. We are comfortable around each other. Why don't you want to go for it?"

Sasha resisted the urge to smack him in his handsome face.

Didn't he get it? This wasn't a fairytale. She couldn't just be his girlfriend. It upset the balance of high school life. The Beast did not get the attention of Beauty.

She groaned and pushed her hands through her hair.

"I'm not going to stop pestering you until you give me a real reason."

"Fine. You want a real reason. I'll tell you. I don't think it's possible for you to fall for me. I think this is some sick prank that once I say yes will come back to bite me in the ass. You're Jeremy Freaking Cox! You've got everything going for you? What do I have? I'm just not of your... caliber! It's like you're made of gold and I'm made of plastic. You see where I'm going?"

"Yup. I see someone looking down on herself just because she's different."

"You don't have to mince words with me, Jeremy. I'm fucking ugly!"

"And you think I don't know that?! For God's sake, I see you! I'm not blind. And I won't lie, Sasha. I don't mind what I see."

He stifled his annoyance with her. How could someone so special bring herself down so low?

"That can't be true."

She stood and turned away from him. Her arms were wrapped around herself, like she was holding herself together by the sheer strength of her arms. Her shoulders heaved and Jeremy realized she was crying.

Immediately, the annoyance melted away, leaving something soft and warm in its place. It was that thing that made him approach her and hug her from behind.

He held her tight as she cried.
She turned round to face him, then buried her face in his chest. He just held her until the sobs subsided to mini snuffles here and there.

"You okay?" He asked at last.

She mumbled a reply.
He pulled her away to get a good look at her.

Her eyes were red and puffy. Her nose was dripping with snot. Her face was blotchy. Tear tracks ran down her face.

He looked round for tissues but couldn't find any close by. It's not like he cried regularly or anything.

He pulled off his shirt. Her breath hitched in her throat as she viewed his sexy eight pack. Yes. Eight.

Gently, he wiped her face with the shirt. It was already messed up so no point trying to save it. She blew her nose loudly and they both burst into fits of laughter.

"Thanks." Sasha said, when her emotions were under control.
She couldn't help her tears. Any normal girl would jump at the chance of dating their crush. She was wary. What if he decided halfway that he didn't like her anymore? What if... what if it was just a joke?

Her mind went back to what she had told Sylvie a while ago.
"My life is in dire need of some high school drama." She'd said. Well, her wish was being answered in clear terms. Drama.

She decided to take her own advice. She was going to live a little. Take that risk. And if in the end, it turned out he didn't even like her, at least she would have a few nice memories to fall back on.

She cleared her throat and looked at him. He looked so handsome and perfect and flawless at that point that she nearly ran out of the room. But she stayed. He wasn't perfect. He was flawed like her. He had his own problems like her. Jerryland was not all that it seemed to be.

"Is the... uh... offer still... open?" She asked, shyly.

His blue eyes lit up immediately. A smile crept into his face.

"I swear Sasha, I'm going to spoil you rotten. This is going to be the ride of your life."
He kissed her gently on her forehead.

"Oh and by the way... my middle name isn't Freaking. It's Harley."

Yay! So they're together!! The book is not yet over though so hold your horses. In a way, it just getting started.

There's more to come! I officially dedicate this chapter to Hephziboo101 . She voted for every single chapter and successfully blew up my feed with notifications. Thank you so much babe. You mean to the 🌍 to me.

Anyhoo, I'm thinking of going back and changing the chapter names to stuff that will actually help you remember the chapter. Don't know if it's a good idea... if you think so just comment here.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll let you off with this awesome quote I saw somewhere.

"When all else fails, run. Better to run and live than to fight and die."

Pounds of love,

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