{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home |...

By DeathByAnarchy

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DISCONTINUED (for now, at least) ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ You and your younger sister, Frisk, fell into a hole atop Mt. Ebott. Y... More

Missing | Ch. 1
Leaving | Ch. 2
Meeting the Skelebros | Ch. 3
Almost Died. Un-dyed :D | Ch. 4
Timelines | Ch. 5
To Hotland | Ch. 6
Alphys | Ch. 7
The Core | Ch. 8
Your Best Nightmare | Ch. 9

The End? | Ch. 10

154 5 1
By DeathByAnarchy

Sans followed you as you walked back into the same room you had just died in. You almost didn't believe that that had just happened. When you walked in Frisk was standing next to Asgore looking at the doorway as if she had been waiting for you to enter. As soon as you walked in she yelled out and ran to you embracing you in a hug.


"Frisk! I missed you so much!" you yelled as you hugged her back.

"Howdy, I'm Asgore! I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm guessing you know Frisk?" Asgore said as he walked over.

"I'm (Y/N), Frisk's older sister"

"Nice to meet you!" he shook your hand. Frisk ran over to where the goat king's red trident laid on the floor. She picked it up and brought it to Asgore, and he thanked her for picking it up.

"I'll be outside" Sans looked you in the eye. He was worried, yet so were you. What if something traumatic happened again and you couldn't reset? Before anyone could try and convince him to stay, he was already out the throne room entrance. He was most likely going to meet Papyrus outside and tell him to go back home.

"This was a lot easier than expected..." said Undyne.

"Would anyone like some tea?" offered Asgore "I can make some golden flower tea for everyone."

This was the same thing that happened before. Flowey had showed up when Papyrus entered the room and asked about his 'friend'. Did that mean he was here now? Listening in? Just knowing that he very well may be watching everything that was happening right now made you very uneasy.

"Thank you, but no thank you. Maybe another time, though!" you decided to speak up before Undyne had the chance to say yes. Papyrus was probably talking to Sans right outside the throne room by now. Flowey was behind the walls, you just knew it. All the vines on the wall; which ones were normal vines and which belonged to the monstrous creature you had been killed by before, you didn't know.

"Hey, Frisk, can you come here for a second?" She hurried over upon your call. Undyne was busy talking to Asgore, thankfully. You didn't want them to overhear on this conversation. "Listen, you're not going to believe me when I say this but Flowey- remember him?- he's not just a flower anymore and he-" Frisk cut you off before you could finish rambling out your hushed sentence.

"I know. I don't want to see you or anyone else here die again either, okay?"

How... how had she known?

"I remember, too. I can't control the SAVE files anymore. I'm guessing you can, right?"

"R-right. how do you-"

"Shh let me finish. If you can control the SAVE files that means Flowey can't." the look Frisk had on her face was serious. She knew what she was talking about as if she had done this a million times before.

"I know, Sans told me. But what do we do? How are we supposed to beat him? He's too powerful." you were referring to the "upgraded" Flowey. You still had no idea how you all were supposed to battle him, much less defeat him.

"Omega Flowey can be defeated. Trust me. Determination is on our side, not his"

"Ok, I understand that, but how. I have no means of fighting and it doesn't look like you do either."

"We'll figure it out. I promise."

An almost inaudible, low hum resonated from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Nobody really noticed it, seeing as they were preoccupied by their false victory. Flowey was becoming inpatient.

"Something doesn't feel right" Undyne turned away from Asgore to face you and Frisk and said aloud. Her voice echoed off of the walls and everyone got tense. The now easily-recognizable thick, green vines slithered out from cracks around the room, soon followed by the familiar malevolent cackle that was Omega Flowey. You turned as you heard faint footsteps from the room's grand entrance. Sans was running in, his right eye socket violently emitting a blue flame.

You turned your head back around in time to see the screen with the cursed weed's face on it and the rather grotesque skull attached to the front of the creature. A sight you'd have to get used to if you wanted to win.

"Round Two" he screeched. Undyne and Asgore didn't understand what he meant by that, but it didn't matter. They didn't need to understand to be able to fight.

Sans sent the first attack: a plethora of bones damaging the monster by a small amount that gave us the advantage of the first hit. After that, everyone gave it their all, Flowey included. Undyne's spears flew threw the air, impaling vines. It took a lot of them to even do a small almost insignificant amount of damage. Asgore impaled the clawed vines that struck the ground of came too close to comfort for anyone with his crimson trident. As for range attacks, he sent fireballs towards the screen and into the mouth of the frontal skull. It appeared as a weak spot.

Frisk and Sans were the only ones not getting hit at all. Each of Flowey's attacks did varying amounts of damage, but none enough to really hurt anyone. You didn't really have magic like the others did, so you did as much as you could to help: distracting Flowey, reloading the save file whenever needed, etc.

And then it happened. Sans got hit. He fell back, his eyes losing their light. As soon as it had happened, it was as if time reset itself. It was about five seconds previous to when Sans got hit, but this time he dodged the attack perfectly. Frisk was right.

Determination was on our side.

Anytime someone would fall , time would just rewind within the blink of an eye. It didn't happen often, but each time it did you could feel it chipping away at your confidence. What if everyone here got stuck in a loop? What if the rest of eternity was spent fighting this battle; refusing to let anyone die? Sans had said this timeline felt different... Was this timeline just an endless battle?

As a SAVE file loaded once more, something was different. Something felt off.

"Someone WILL die here, (Y/N). I won't stop until one of you dies." Flowey spoke. Sans turned to you with a defeated look.

"If neither of us will give up, we'll be stuck in an endless loop. Nobody here wants to die, but I'll do it. I couldn't leave here knowing a good person, a friend, died in this throne room when I could have done something."

At first, you just stared at him, bewildered. Then you spoke, "No! No, I won't let you! Nobody here is gonna die except him!" You jabbed a finger in Flowey's direction, tears threatening to spill.

"You can't defeat me. Its either one of you or all of you. And it seems he has made a decision." he slightly nodded to the best of his abilities at Sans.

"No! If anyone's going to die, its going to be me." you yelled. If one of yours friends died because you dragged them into this mess, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself.

"(Y/N), no!" started Frisk "You can't die, I-" tears welled in her eyes at the thought of you dieing.

Flowey was growing impatient.

"I'll do it. " Undyne unexpectedly spoke up. "That's final. I joined the royal guard to protect others. And when I did, I knew it was a duty where I could very well die. Unlikly, but still a possibility. Its my job to protect." Undyne lazily, more deafeatly really, threw her spear off to the side. It clamered to the floor, echoing throughout the room.

Before anyone had a chance to object, impatient vines shot through Undyne's chest. She let out a pained scream as her eyes went wide. Blood seeped out from around the wound where the vine was still implanted through her. She was dying.

Frisk screamed and dropped to her knees, tears falling generously to the floor. Asgore's wide eyes doing the same. You lifted a hand to your face, covering your mouth as you dragged back a few steps. You felt your tears streaming down your face and drop the the cold ground. Sans, although you couldn't see through your blurred vision, was crying as well. Nobody could have expected this.

Nobody noticed the taller skeleton brother in the grand entrance of the room. He had wanted to run in and save the day, but had been stopped dead in his tracks at the sight that lie before him. He, too, was crying for the loss of his best friend.

Undyne's gaze limply falls toward the vine that ripped through her core. She was shaking uncontrollable and her hair fell into her face as she opened her mouth to say her final words.

"T-tell Alphys"

"Tell her I love her"

The brave warrior slowly fades to dust that drifts slowly to the floor, lading in a thin sheet. The murderous weed just lets out a malicious cackle that shakes the lifeless dead throne room. The air is thick with grief.


You no longer remember the feeling of determination.

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