Forever My Gem

By signature_smirk

3.7K 162 22

Stiles is five years younger than Derek. They grow up together, pining after one another, but never admitting... More



847 37 2
By signature_smirk

Talia and Andrew already have four children by the time John and Claudia have their first.

Laura is 11, Adam is 9, Derek is 5 and Cora is 4 when Claudia announces she is pregnant.

Laura and Adam aren't too fussed about the new arrival; they're used to new babies now. Cora is excited, but she has nothing nothing on Derek, who pets at Claudia's belly fondly and scents her any chance he gets.

He falls asleep- on numerous occasions- curled around Claudia's bump with her fingers combing through his hair.

When Stiles is born they go and visit them in the hospital. Claudia is in bed, a sleepy smile on her face as Laura and Cora sit with her. Adam sits with his own dad on one of the armchairs, reading his school book.

Derek goes straight to John, who is holding a tiny little bundle of blankets. He runs his nose over John's cheekbone as a greeting before crouching to see the little thing in his arms.

"Can I touch him?" Derek asks, reaching a tentative hand out.
"You can hold him if you sit up here," John offers and pats the seat next to him.

Derek quickly hops up to sit beside John, grinning excitedly at his mum, who is watching with similar intent.  Everybody watches with bated breath as John organises Derek so he can hold the baby properly.

He chuckles when Derek stares up at him with wide eyes.
"I won't hurt him will I?"
"No Der, you won't hurt him. It's okay," John reassures before placing the baby in his lap, head tucked into the crease of Derek's elbow.

Derek gasps and his body tightens up. He feels tingly as he cries out, tears forming in his eyes and cheeks flushing red.

The wolves in the room can smell what just happened and they avert their eyes for Derek's sake.

Talia and Andrew exchange some glances before he goes to crouch in front of Derek.

"Hey Der, why don't you give Genim back and we'll get you cleaned up. C'mon, bud," he says gently. Derek frowns, fingers brushing gently over the soft hair on the baby's head.
"When you come back you can cuddle with me and Genim," Claudia offers.
"Really?" Derek asks hopefully.
"Yes, love. Just go with your dad. It's okay."

Derek lets John take Genim away and he hops down from the chair, nose scrunching up at the stickiness in his pants. He takes his dad's hand and waddles out of the room.

Claudia beckons John closer, kissing him gently. John smiles and lays their child on her chest.
"Looks like Genim has made a friend."
"He'll probably get bored once he starts crying," Talia dismisses.

Derek comes back with no undies on under his jeans and pink cheeks. He looks expectantly at Claudia who pats the bed beside her. Laura helps him climb up, offering him a warm smile which makes him feel a little better.

"Want to help me change his nappy?" Claudia asks. The adults expect Derek to turn away like Laura and Cora do, but he stays and nods his head with a dopey smile.

Claudia kisses his cheek when he straps the nappy and brings both of them to lie back with her. Derek scents the baby as much as he can until he starts to wriggle and whine.

Derek flinches when Genim let's out a loud cry, face screwing up as he wails.

"It's okay, baby. Shh."

Claudia speaks quietly in polish to the boy, lips pressed to his soft cheek, but he doesn't calm down. Derek pouts and rests a gentle, careful hand on the baby's head. Genim stops crying instantly. Derek looks at Claudia who smiles down at him.

"Do you want to hold him again? You don't have to if you don't want to," she offers.
"Yes please," Derek says eagerly, despite the earlier mishap. She situates Derek to be comfortable and leaning back against the pillows before laying the small child on his chest. She guides one of Derek's hands to his bum to keep him up and another to his shoulders and neck to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

"Is that okay?" John asks as he sits on the edge of the bed.
"Mhm. He smells very nice," Derek tells him.
"You're very good with him."

They all end up sitting on or beside the bed, voices quiet because both Derek and Genim have fallen asleep.

Claudia has an arm wrapped around them, holding them close to her as she begins to snooze too.


Derek is always there, helping John and Claudia change nappies and feed Genim. He is there when Genim, a couple weeks after he turns one, takes his first steps.

Genim stumbles clumsily towards a beaming Derek, throwing himself into the older boy's lap when he reaches his destination.
"Good boy, Genim."

Derek claps his hands together, helping Genim clap his hands together too.
"Yay!" Derek cheers. Genim tries to copy, an odd cheer coming from the little boy in Derek's lap.


When Genim is two he marches about the house shouting for Derek if he isn't there. If Derek is there, Genim is snuggled up next to him on the couch or pestering him to play games that Derek is more than willing to participate in. Derek sits and reads stories to Genim which helps his reading improve considerably.

His siblings find it weird how fascinated Derek is with Genim and whilst they love the boy like he's family, they don't see why he's so special.

Derek dotes on Genim, smiling sheepishly when his and Genim's parents coo and comment on how cute they are.

"Der!" Genim shouts. Derek smiles to himself.
"Gem?" Derek shouts back.
"You want orange or black currant?" Derek asks when he gets into the kitchen. There is a small set of steps next to the counter that help him reach Genim's special cup in his house. He even has his own plate and cutlery set.

"Onge!" Genim tells him as he impatiently waits for his drink.
"Magic word?" Derek asks once he has made the drink.
"Peease?" Genim draws out, a goofy grin on his face.
"Good boy, Gem," Derek praises and hands him his cup.


When Genim starts nursery he gets clingier and Derek isn't opposed to cuddling him when he comes home or piggybacking him around the house when his parents are babysitting Genim.

Derek shares all of his toys and his sweets with Genim. He blushes when their parents grin when they catch him scenting the pale boy who seems to have found a permanent place at Derek's side.

Derek hasn't had the soulmate talk yet, his mum and dad will explain that later or when it is necessary. All he knows is that he gets a warm fuzzy feeling in his tummy when he is with Genim.


Laura is 16, Adam is 14, Derek is 10, Cora is 9 and Genim is 5, when they realise that maybe things are a lot more serious than a childhood friendship.

When Laura and Adam were Derek's age they had been giggling about their crushes and secrets shared between friends. Derek is still focused on Genim, following him around in the playground and playing whatever games he wants.

One day Genim comes over at lunch time, pouty and sniffling.
"Gem what's wrong?" Derek frowns. Genim burrows himself under Derek's arm, just as tactile as the pack of wolves he grew up around.
"Is my name stupid?" Genim sniffles.
"No, your name is lovely, Genim."

Derek strokes his hair for a minute.
"Some people are mean to me because of it. They said I'm a freak," he whispers.
"You're great, Gem. I love your name."
"I want a nickname. My dad calls me Stiles."
"Well I think laser dragon is much cooler," Derek jokes and Genim laughs.

Derek comes home that day frowning, shrugging when his parents ask what's wrong.
"Gem was sad and now I feel sad," Derek complains and shuffles into his mum's arms.

She coos and strokes his hair.
"It's okay, baby. It happens with people we love. You want hot chocolate before bed?"
"Yes please," Derek smiles sadly.

It isn't long before his sixth birthday that Stiles, as everybody calls him now - besides Derek , has found out how clumsy he is. He is running around in the garden when he trips and lands awkwardly, arms out in front but not stopping his fall as they take the brunt of the force.

Derek starts crying at the dinner table, clutching his right arm as he sobs. Talia and Adam hold him close and leech the pain as they reassure him it's okay.

Two hours later and Stiles shows up with his arm in a blue cast, yelling for Derek to come see because he broke his arm!

As the two boys chat in Derek's room, the adults talk downstairs.

"And he just started crying, holding his arm. Same place Stiles broke his. Same time," Adam explains to the Stilinskis.
"So you think..."
"It's very likely."
"We need to tell Derek about soulmates."

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