Nobles Actes ..Important thin...

By ZakariaElya

71 5 0


World peace ✌️

A real Hell in Earth: WAR

25 2 0
By ZakariaElya

Seriously, there's no other word to describes The Hell In Earth except the war.And there's no other word more painfull than war, cause that word come just with disasters. And her three lettres have the meaning of the entire destruction of World.
I imagine the humanity in the time of ex-wars with her cruety  and unhumanity, but i can't even think about the war coming. And the law of Jungle is applicable in the north of the Earth and her south. The human acts don't existe when there's a certain War in the World. And the Nobles acts loose what it has from the powerful of word and acts and the positif effects that he've on us -People of countries-... However the war that we're expecting is coming even if we don't know if she's close. But we can expect what the world will be like when the time of war comes. Cause the humanity has been developped and the army also-especialy when the human discovered the secret of Nature, and to be more Specific the secrets of Physics . The result is too simple the bombs are developped such as other military arms . All of that is now able to delete the world of humanity and his meaning also destroys all what the Human built

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