The Dark World Antonio (boyxb...

By SomethingXXWickedXX

845 21 8

Antonio is a flamboyant young man, who is in love with his boyfriend Markus. However Markus finds it difficul... More

The Dark World Antonio (boyxboy)

845 21 8
By SomethingXXWickedXX

Hey watt pad, this story is a work in progress.

Its about a boy named Antonio Gonzalez, he’s a flamboyant young adult, who deals with the many joys and problems of a young gay Latino, and he's also a brujo.

Brujo is the Spanish term for male witch.

Its not going to be long because again Its just a little something that sprung up. I thought I’d let you guys read it, and tell me what you all thought, and if I should continue or consider revising.

So here it is  please enjoy,


there will be a little spanish in here, Im not sure if I got it right, but we'll see what the spanish readers have to say, lol

Chapter 1

Failed Valentine

I blew the candles out, the scent of roses and mistletoe berries annoying me rather than giving me the feeling of love and peace.

Markus canceled on me like always, Im so tired of this relationship crap. I plan a beautiful dinner for him, go out of my way to clear the house so we could be alone, and he cancels.

After clearing most of the ruined plans away, I hear my doorbell ringing like crazy. I rush to answer it, before who every the idiot is wakes my whole neighborhood.

Swinging the front door open to give the person a peace of my mind, I stop dead in my tracks when I see Markus standing outside. He’s holding lilies, my favorite flower, and a huge teddy bear in his arm.

“What the hell do you want,” I say looking at him, and waiting to hear his lame ass excuse this time.

“Aw baby, don’t be like that, I’m here now aint I,” “Markus, I’m not in the mood for games, why are you here.”

“I came to spend some time with you, it is Valentines Day right,” “Markus, I called you ten times, trying to get you to show up for this,” I point to the now half cleared table.

“You canceled on me like always, so whatever was so busy that you had to cancel on your boyfriend, go back to whatever it was.” “Antonio, I’m sorry okay, I had to work late today,”

“You were working late,”

I smile seeing right through all his bullshit.

“If you were working late, why don’t you have your uniform on, and why do you smell like perfume Markus?” “Aw man here we go, I’m here now okay, what the fuck is your problem now?”

“You’re my fucking problem, I'm  tired…I’m so tired of this, tired of you.” “What did I do this time,” “You tell me, why do you smell like perfume, I don’t wear the crap, and I know you know that.”

“So don’t tell me you brought the shit for me, or whatever your excuss was gonna be.” “Antonio, I didn’t come to fight okay, I brought this, now can I please come in.”

He handed me the lilies and teddy bear, then walked pass me into my house. “WHOA, hold up papi, I put my hand on his chest.  I never said you can come in,”

“Man what’s your problem, I said I was sorry, what the fuck do you want from me.” I look at my boyfriend, soon to be Ex boyfriend as I push him back out the door.

“I don’t want shit from you,” I said throwing the gifts at his face. They both hit the ground, the flowers falling apart on the walkway. “Take your shit and go, I’m not stupid Markus, what you think I was born yesterday.” “Antonio, your about to piss me off, let me in and calm the fuck down.” “Excuse me,

Usted se puso me puto,”

(you don’t know me then a cruse word)

I’m done with you okay, pick your shit up and leave from in front of my house.” I slam the door in his face, dropping down to sit on the floor and rest my head on the door.

:Antonio…Antonio, open the fucking door, you stupid bitch, fine you wanna be like that, I don’t need your ass either.”

The banging finally stops, and I hear his car screech away. A tear falls as I wipe it away, I didn’t wanna do that, but this has been going on for awhile now.

I tried giving excusses for him, time and time again, but I’ve had enough. If he cant accept the fact he’s a homo, and likes fucking boys on a regular, then stop cheating on me with who knows what, we cant be together.

I think I would maybe feel a tad better if it was another guy…

Hell no, what the fuck am I saying.

I need him to commit to me, and love me unconditionally, is that too much to ask for. Are the gods like pissing on me or something, I’m a really good person, to everyone I meet, I deserve better.

No… I Demand Better…

(The Next Morning)

I wake up feeling really out of it, my head hurts and every sound sounds like it’s a orchestra of drums inside my ears. I head to the bathroom, ready to fall over until I finally make it inside. I sit to pee,

I find it much less messier when a boy stands to pee, rather than standing up and getting urine all over the place.

Washing my hands, I open the mirror, exposing a life time of drugs, taking two asprin before closing it again. The tap water was cold; I take another drink to wash the taste down before returning to my room.

My cell phone went off again, three guesses who that was, he left 20 messages. The first ten were really rude and sad, and the other ten were apologies and attempts to get me back.

I wanted to call him, and say I was sorry, and that I’ll take him back. But what good would that do. He’ll still be the same old Markus, with another chance at happiness. Then soon he’ll find some way to fuck it up anyways. I rolled my eyes, tossing the phone on my bed, before diving into my messy comforter head first.

My head was sinking into my messy pillows. I screamed inside the heap of feathers, kicking and thrashing my feet all over.

Why does relationships have to be so difficult, who ever invented love I felt like shooting them. I felt like grabbing that chubby baby, they call Cupid and shoving my fist down his throat.

Okay maybe that’s a little harsh, it isnt Cupid's fault Markus has to two time me, and with girls at that.

I just want real love, the kind where I can trust and always depend on the person Im with. He has to be out there somewhere, I pray its Markus, we built to much chemistry together to let it all go down in flames.

I want him to be the one, I want him to comfort me, and make me feel safe like he used to. When things were so simple for the both of us, what happen to those days. What happen to that Markus, and how the hell can I get him back, I scream again, frustrated by my own thoughts. As I finally feel the asprin kicking in, and putting me to sleep.

Okay guys, that was it, please tell me what you thought, vote comment and fan me, I need some FANS  lol

If you guys fan me or at least vote for this, I'll keep this story going. Some Valentines Day huh. lol

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