Control (Evak & Philkas)

By FiftyShadesOfStyles

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Philip and Isak are relocated to a new city and family due to their mother going to rehab. (will insert... More

Before reading // Author notes
Chapter one: Starting on a bad foot
Chapter two: One step forward, two steps back
Chapter four: ...And the cat is out of the bag
Chapter five: First times
Chapter six: Innocent soul
Chapter seven: The other me
Chapter eight: Unexpected visitors
Chapter nine: I missed you
Chapter ten: Unplanned situations
Chapter eleven: Kiss me, kiss me
Chapter twelve: Open hearted confessions
Chapter thirteen: Let me in
Chapter fourteen: Don't say that
Chapter fifteen: It's complicated
Chapter sixteen: The Even curse
Chapter seventeen: A bad news never comes alone
Chapter eighteen: This is what friends are for
Chapter nineteen: Moving forward
Chapter twenty: You're the one that I want
Chapter twenty-one: Chit chat
Chapter twenty-two: Everybody hurts
Chapter twenty-three: An emotional weekend
Chapter twenty-four: The scare of my life
Chapter twenty-five: The aftermath
Chapter twenty-six: Much needed explainations
Chapter twenty-seven: Don't let go
Chapter twenty-eight: Though love
Chapter twenty-nine: It's too late to appologize
Chapter thirty: Choices and regrets
Is this story discontinued?

Chapter three: Nice to meet you?

3.5K 133 186
By FiftyShadesOfStyles

  Isak was sitting in the lunch room with his friends, chatting as they ate. They got out of class early today for lunch and had the luxury to be the first to chose their meal from the cantine menu. 

Last years always get out first and takes what's best to eat which really sucks. No one wants to eat dry meatballs or cardboard pastas. 

''Can I borrow you Math homework?'' Jonas asked Magnus. The blonde hesitated. ''I just want to see if I did it right,'' Jonas explained.

Magnus snorted, not believing him at all. Jonas never do his Math homework, he always copies on Magnus. Why would he suddenly change? 

''To copy all my hard work? No fucking way. I stayed up till midnight to finish this one.'' 

''I'm not gonna do that!'' 

''You always do that, Jonas. I've known you since we're five years old.'' 

''That doesn't mean anything...'' Jonas trailed innocently.

Magnus scoffed, biting into his chicken sandwich. 

Knowing it was already lost with Magnus, Jonas turned to Isak. ''Hey, Isak. Can I compare my math homework with yours?'' 

The blonde shrugged. ''Yeah, sure but I wouldn't trust my answers, I'm the worst at Maths.''

''Don't care.'' Isak gave him a weird look before pulling out his Math homework from his bag. ''I didn't have time to do it last night. I was chatting with this really hot girl-'' 

''Knew it!'' Magnus cheered. 

Jonas rolled his eyes and ignored him. ''Like I was saying...''

Isak zoned out of the conversation as he looked up to see Even,  sitting with two guys that Isak assumed were last years too. The older boy was wearing a dark hoodie with a denim jacket on top which was a little weird since they were inside the school... Isak didn't focus too long on that, he was mostly preoccupied by observing and memorizing every inches of the tall blonde. 

Before Even, Isak didn't really look at guys. He didn't really look at girls either. But Even, he was- He was now staring right back at him and, oh shit. Isak looked down immediately before looking up again, more subtly this time. His cheeks went red when he saw Even was still staring at him.

''Isak?'' Jonas said, pulling the boy from his bubble.

Isak hummed, giving his friends his full attention, tearing his eyes away from Even. 

''You'll be there, right?'' Magnus asked.


Magnus sighed in desperation. ''To Emma's party,'' he explained. ''Her parents are out of town this weekend, she invited everyone.''

Everyone? Does that means Even will be there? Not that Isak's obsessed with him, because he's really not. He did not dream about him later night, nope.

''The whole school?'' Isak asked cautiously. 

Jonas nodded and that was all Isak needed to confirm his presence. 


  After school, Isak had to take the bus home. Helen was working late and Gabe's pick up wasn't working so the bus was his only option - or walk. Helen and Gabe's house is a little far from Red Hook high school so the latter wasn't an option. 

Philip should be in this bus too but, for some unknown reasons, he's not. 

The bus was almost full when Isak got in. He scanned the bus and saw there was only one empty seat so he quickly took it. A few seconds after he got in, the bus started to move but stopped again. 

What is that? Isak wondered.

The bus's doors opened and a tardy student got in. He apologized to the driver, about to explain the reason of his delay but the man stopped him, not having time to hear his story.  ''Won't happen again, Gordon,'' the student promised. 

''Yeah, yeah, hurry up, kid,'' the driver replied, shooing him to the back. 

The boy walked trough the bus, frowning when seeing there was no seats left. Isak looked up to see who the tardy kid was and he was pleasantly surprised to see Even. The bus started to move and Even almost fell, grabbing onto a metal bar to save himself the embarrassment of a fall. The clumsy action made Isak chuckle.

''You think it's funny?'' Even asked him, raising his eyebrows in a dancing way. Isak shrugged and Even crossed the other side of the bus to stand on Isak's side. ''Holla, I'm Even.''

Holla? This is new, Isak thought. He never heard that before.

''I know.'' Even frowned in confusion. ''My brother's in your Biology class.''


The bus hit a bump on the road and Even has to clutch the railing tighter to not fall on Isak. That would've been really funny yet awkward. 

''Are you coming to Emma's party this Friday?'' Isak asked, not knowing where this sudden boost of confidence came from. 

''Emma? She's your girlfriend?'' 

Isak laughed, shaking his head. ''No. I-I don't even know who she is,'' he explained, trying to hide his awkward stutter. He didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Even but, guess that's too late because he fucking stuttered. ''My friends told me about her party. They said she's inviting everyone, it goes for you too.''

''Okay. I'll try to stop by.'' 

For the rest of the ride, they talked about movies. Even loves movies. In his old school, he used to direct plays and film small movies with his friends. The older boy said they were really lame and armateur but Isak took note to check them out once he gets home. 

They can't be that bad if Even directed them. 

Soon, the bus stopped at Isak's stop. He waved at Even and got down the bus in silence. Isak couldn't control the smile plastered on his face. 

He talked to Even. 

And he invited him to Emma's party. He still can't believe he did this. Isak's always so shy and awkward when he has to ask people out. No wonders he rarely do it. It's the fastest way to Embarrassment Land...

With a content sigh, Isak followed the gravel path, Even's empty promise resonated in Isak's head as he walked home. 


  Bag of grocery in hand, Philip exited the convenient store. He doesn't know Tivoli very well but his foster dad promised him he wouldn't get lost. And he was right. The convenient store is the only place to get groceries from, there's nothing else here. 

Gabe had him get milk and eggs to make a 'special' dinner. He had no idea what his foster father was gonna cook but Gabe promised he'd love it. Curious, Philip went and got what he needed.

The brunette was walking in the parking lot when lights flashed in his eyes and almost rolled him over. His eyes widen, alert. He turned his head to see what that was and saw a motorcycle. He slowly looked down to see where the tire had stopped. It was only a few millimeters from Philip; it was a close one. Very close. 

''Watch where you're going!'' Philip started to yell at the driver.

The guy took off his helmet and got down from his bike, turning the contact off at the same time ''Relax, I wouldn't have run you over. I know how my engine works.''

The motorcyclist shook his blonde hair to 'tame' them but they were just as messy as when he took off his helmet. Philip eyed him up and down and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy what he was looking at. 

Taking on himself and trying to not let his dick do the talking, Philip scoffed. ''Really? Doesn't look like it...'' 

''You have no idea who I am, do you?'' the blonde asked, stepping closer.

Philip shrugged, his eyes locking with Lukas's blue ones. ''Tell me if I'm wrong but, so far, you're this cocky guy who doesn't know how to drive a motorcycle.'' 

''No, seriously. You're not from here, right? I haven't seen you in Tivoli before.'' 

''You got that right, I'm from the city.''

Lukas hummed. ''A city boy?'' 

Maybe the blonde didn't meant to be offensive but Philip definitely took it the wrong way. 

''What's wrong with the city? At least we have decent pizza.'' 

''I'll give you that, City Boy,'' Lukas agreed. Tivoli pizza - or any food from Tivoli - isn't the best. 

''My name's not City Boy.''

''What is it, then?'' Lukas asked.

''Why should I tell you?''

Lukas rolled his eyes before laughing. ''Oh, come on, I almost ran you over with my bike!'' 

''Yeah, that's a good reason to not tell you my name. What if you did it on purpose?''

''Oh yeah, that's it. I was planning on killing you but...''

Philip gave him a questioning look as to say, go on. ''But what?''

The blonde shook his head and changed subject. ''Why don't you come over tomorrow after school, I'll show you what I'm capable of.'' Lukas grinned. ''There's a training track behind my house, there's jumps and all. I go there all the time.''

''Your own training track, uh? Fancy.'' 

''If mud and sand is fancy for you then, I guess it is.''

Philip tried to hide his smile. ''I should go, Gabe is waiting for this,'' he said, lifting his plastic bag with the groceries in it. 

Lukas nodded, getting back on his motorcycle. He put his helmet back on and before he started the engine, Philip stopped him. 

''It's Philip.'' 

The blonde frowned. ''What?'' 

''My name. It's Philip.'' 

Lukas smirked. ''See you tomorrow, Philip.'' 


  When he came home from school, Isak went straight to his room after saying 'hi' to Gabe and grabbed the laptop. It's not his personal laptop - he has to share with Philip - but he doesn't mind. It's mostly for schoolwork anyway. 

Isak sat on his bed and put the device on his lap, typing in the name of Even's old school. He scrolled on the main page, trying to find the amateur movies the older boy told him about. He saw one named Even Bench Næsheim - The other universe and clicked on it.

The video started with some brunette guy talking to the camera and saying they were gonna go see his what his friend Even was doing. Then, the blonde appeared on the screen. He was wearing a black cap and hoodie, making his blue eyes stand out against the dark fabric. 

He watched Even laugh and making small talk with Captain America and a Barbie doll in a little wooden house. Isak found himself smiling at the screen while Even talked nonsense between the dolls. 

When the video ended, Isak closed the window. 

What is happening to him? What is this Even guy doing to him? Is he- Is he interested in a...boy?

Isak shook his head. No way. It doesn't sound right. He likes girls, right. But Even...

Ugh, he's never put his sexuality in question before and it's troubling him. Sighing, he opened a new window on his laptop and wrote: How to know if you're gay? It was dumb and probably useless but he typed it anyway. The first link he saw was a gay test to mesure the 'gayness' in you. He clicked on the page. 

First question: 1. What do you think you are?

A) Bisexual

B) Straight

C) Gay

2. Who would you feel comfortable making out with for hours?

A) Either the hottest girl or guy in your grade

B) The hottest guy in your grade

C) The hottest girl in your grade

It's only the second question and Isak doesn't know what to answer... This test is going to be a long ride.

Even isn't in his grade so he didn't know what to answer because there's no other guy he wants to make out with than Even. Ugh, theses tests are so fucking complicated, how are they supposed to help you figure out your sexuality?

3. Who would you feel comfortable having sex with?

A) Only a guy

B) Either a girl or a guy

C) Only a girl

Isak groaned, once again conflicted. Why is there no answers for confused people? The only time Isak tried to 'get personal' with a girl, he couldn't get it he told her he had to go home to his mom. 

So, let's go from eliminations. 

4. Have you ever had a sexual experience with another guy?

A) Yes, and I HATED it / No, and I don't want to.

B) Yes, it was ok / No, but I guess I would like to

C) Yes, and I LOVED it / No, but I want to

5. Have you ever had a sexual experience with a girl?

A) Yes, and I HATED it / No, and I don't want to

B) Yes, and I LOVED it / No, but I want to 

C) Yes, it was ok / No, but I guess I would like to

6. Who have you had ROMANTIC feelings toward?

A) Both guys and girls

B) Just guys

C) Just girls

Or, more like, just Even. Isak never felt anything for someone before him. That's why he's all confused. This is so new and overwhelming.

7. Who have you had SEXUAL feelings toward?

A) Just girls

B) Both guys and girls

C) Just guys

He can't get it up for a  girl so...

8. If you could get locked in a closet with someone from your school, and you two could do anything you wanted without anybody else finding out, who would it be?

A) The hottest guy in your grade

B) The hottest girl in your grade

C) Either one/ it doesn't matter

Even's not in his grade but for the sake of the question, we'll pretend. 

9. Okay, so you are in the locker room at your gym, and a really attractive guy comes over and gets changed next to you. What do you do?

A) Take a glance or two


C) Nothing. It's just a guy

10. Imagine yourself 10 years from now. You just got home from a long stressful day of work, and you just want to curl up with your lover and cuddle. When you think about cuddling with someone, who gives you that warm comforting feeling inside.

A) Cuddling with a girl

B) Cuddling with either a guy or girl, its the same

C) Cuddling with a guy

Cuddles with Even sounds perfect. Anything that means being close to Even sounds perfect. Cuddle, kiss, Isak is fine with anything. 

11. Ok, so HONESTLY, do you wish you were in a boy's arms being loved right now?

A) EW NO! I'd rather be with a girl.

B) I guess. But a girl would be ok too.

C) YES! That's all I want.

Now he sounds desperate... Just great.

12. What comes closest to your thinking?

A) Guys are just as sexy as girls

B) Guys are sexy and I love them

C)Girls are so much more sexier than guys

Them.More like just this one guy but that's the closest to his answer so, that will do. 

Isak hit the 'see results' button and anxiously waited for his test results.  He doesn't know why he's so anxious, it's just a stupid online test, it doesn't mean anything. Right?


His head snapped up and he read the result: For 67 % you are: You're GAY! Be proud! Guys are the hottest things in the word. I hope you find the man of your dreams and live a happy life together!

Isak fell back on his pillows with a groan just as the door opened and Philip poked his head in, making the blonde quickly sat up, closing the laptop cover. 

''Isak, dinner's ready,'' he said. 

He pushed the laptop off him before rubbing his face with his palms. ''Oh, yeah, coming,'' he replied, trying to be smooth.

Philip raised an eyebrow. ''You okay, Isak? You look a little flushed,'' Philip noted, seeing his brother's panicked face. 

He almost got caught doing a gay quiz online, how can he not panic? Philip can't know he's gay. Well, the test said he was gay. There's still a chance he's not gay. Tests like this aren't reliable. 

''I'm fine, it's just...this Math homework is really difficult,'' he lied, passing a hand trough his messy, wavy hair. ''Math's hard,'' Isak added.

The older boy gave him a look, not quite believing him but not pushing any more. If Isak doesn't want to tell him something, it's okay. He'll come to Philip when he's ready. 

A/N Lukas has been introduced! And, Philkas and Evak interacted together for the first time! I HAD to put a test/am I gay online search in this book, it was too funny not to. I didn't use the same Isak did in the show, it would've been a little boring to see the same thing. Don't forget to vote and leave comments, xx

Thoughts on Evak staring at each other at school? Evak talking in the bus? Lukas almost running Philip over? XD Isak's online quiz?

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