Our Night In Vegas

By FreakZilla

33.3K 968 36

Dumped.Not just on any day...her wedding day...To the man she loves...adores and even cares had dumped her.. ... More

Our Night In Vegas
Secrets out!
Related To The Jerk
Married To The Jerk
Dead Or Alive?
Mission Impossible
Mission Failed!!!!
Being Together
Being Together....Alone-One week
Double Trouble

Order Order!

2K 72 1
By FreakZilla

When I was 5 years old, My mum always told me that happiness is the key to life.
When I went to school,they asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up.
I wrote down 'Happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life.

Sophia's POV


"Don't the stars look amazing"I heard myself saying.

"The only stars I see are the ones in you're eyes"He smiled.

"You're so cheesy"I joked.

He sighed and hugged me, I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a long time.

'Come on let's go in.."He pulled me through the doors and too our table.

Everything was red and heart-shaped...well durh it's valentine's day.

There were baloons with Hearts on it and my name in the middle.

"Wow this is so cute"I smiled as I looked around the beautifully lit place.

I  turned around to see him on his knees holding out a ring.

I gasped as I saw the diamond being held out in a box.

"No way"I smiled, He nodded watching my face carefully.

"I know I don't have much to offer these days and admit it our life are pretty boring staying in the apartment and that but what I know is I can offer you my love...I love you Sophia Anderson and I wish to spend the rest of my life to you..will you pretty please with a cherry on top marry me"He asked.

I laughed and went down on my knees too "Yes"I blurted out and smashed my lips to his

*End of dream*

"Sophia.."I felt a nudge.

'YES I WILL MARRY YOU"I shouted as I sat up, unfortunately my head had banged into Danny as he was hovering over me, he groaned in pain as I cried.

"What the hell was that for"He asked as he rubbed his head.

"What you get for waking me up"I smiled as I rubbed my head.

"Were you having a dream.."He smiled,i blushed as I remembered my dream and outburst.

"No...for me it was a nightmare"

It really was...why was I having this...dreaming of Mark remembering the day he asked that stupid question.

Why am I so weak...

"Anyways it 10:00 I came to wake you up"He smiled.

"Thanks...uh what didn't you're dad catch you"

"Naaah he's too busy to get to work in the mornings"He shrugged I nodded.

Last night we came straight to Danny's, both his parents were asleep as we were safe to go up.

I got ready and put on some new fresh clothes that Danny had brought for me, brushed my hair and had a sneaky breakfast in Danny's room.

"Ok the maids are everywhere so we will go down the balcony..you can climb down trres right"He asked.

"What are you insane! what if you get hurt"

"I always used to climb down it to sneak out, now come on I'll help you"I gulped and looked down, it was quite a big climb.

"It looks far but it's closer then you think"

"Ahh thanks for making me feel better"

'ok so take this step, don't worry I'm right behind you, ok now move you're feet there"He helped me as we both slowly climbed down.

"Wow that was hard"He huffed as we finally made it down, I glared at him.

"I grazed my knee half way down"I said as I limped my way through the side garden and out the back door, we got into his Z4.

He started the engine and we left to go court, I still couldn't get that stupid dream outta my head...Wish it would just go away!


"Woah what's up"Danny asked.

I then realised I had actually shouted it.

"Crap uh sorry I'm just frustrated"

"Wanna talk to old gramps about it"He pulled a sad face.

"Not today.."I said not wanting to talk about it, the dream will lead to explain the past including the wedding day it self.

It enough embarrassing that everyone's heard of it back at home. 

He didn't questions further more which I was grateful for.

After about a 10 minute drive we finally reached our destination,it was a big court.

"Asif you guys live in Vegas"I joked as we both got out.

"I live in California with my parents, Drake always loved Vegas since he was a kid so he moved here"Danny spoke as he locked the car, we sneaked in the back seen as everyone was waiting for Drake at the front.

"Drake uhh quite big in the media ain't he"I couldn't help by say.

"He's the youngster, the party boy..He's cheated on Melissa loads of times"I stopped and looked at him.


"Why doesn't Melissa just leave him...Common sense?"

"Oh no don't worry..Melissa cheats on him is well...while she's at 'work"He grinned.

Wow...confused much...

I nodded and walked in, we went through some corridors...a few stairs and a bridge to get to our room.

The two giant doors opened and in came a big room.

I saw Drake in the corner with his lawyer and our Lawyer in the other corner.

"Sophia May Anderson, Nice to meet you I'm Sarah your lawyer"She came up to us and shaked our hands.

"Come on let's sit over here"He guided me towards the front and we both sat down.

When the Judge came we all stood up and made our promises to the bible.

We proceeded to tell our stories and so on.

I was so bored half way I actually just wanted to go home.

"I have heard both of you're sides..."He started, I looked over at Drake to see him looking at me, He looked away puffing out, he was nervous...he really didn't want Melissa to find out.

But why are they together if both of them cheat on each other...like what's the point.

"You will not be granted this divorce to go through"I turned my head at him shocked.

Did I hear him right.

"As punishment I demand you two live together for 6 months, go marriage counselling once a week on Sundays, if you refuse to go you will pay a £10,000 pound fine, and you're marriage will go on for longer, after 6 months are up you are proceeded this divorce"He nodded and got up walking away.

"Wait wait Judge I'm sorry this can't happen! Look please I'm begging you this won't happen again"Drake stood in front of him begging him.

"I'm sorry son but there the rules...it's the punishment that happens to everybody"The judge walked away back to his office as Drake buried his face in his hands.

That's 26 weeks....

26 whole weeks with him....half a year...6 whole months with Drake Carlson.

"Imma go see if he's alright"I nodded to Danny who got up and walked over to Drake, Drake hugged him.

"Shhh you're not gonna lose Melissa over this don't worry"I heard Danny mumble as Drake looked angry.

"I can't do it..why me why does everything happen to me"

I stood up and walked away...

Why does everything happen to me...his words rang through my ears.

Danny's POV

Why was he making such a big deal!

"Sorry bro but if you loved Melissa you wouldn't of slept with Sophie"

"It's not my fault..it's that girl's fault! If she didn't come into that club none of this would happen! I might lose Melissa over this and I'm not ready for that"

I scratched my head "You could of stopped this"

"I was drunk outta my head! It was my birthday and Melissa was doing my head in"

"You know what just tell her!"

"I will...just not right now!"

"It's up to you, anyways I'll take Sophie and bring her to yours"

"Noooo no no Melissa's there...just take her to our old childhood pent house"

"Dude that's old...we haven't been there in ages"

I remember that pent house, Mum had come here for a girls night out and she had sneaked us into the country at 13  and kept us there for a whole week.

Luckily no one had any idea and we were happy.

I turned around to see Sophie no where to be found.

"Where'd she go?"I asked to myself, I looked around and she was no where in the court room.

"Look you tell Melissa everything tonight and make you're life easier or don't tell her and make your life harder...I'll bring Sophia to the pent house"I tapped his shoulder and walked off.

Why am I the only mature one...

In a way I'm kinda happy, In the hospital last night I could feel the tension, something strong...

All we had to do was get Melissa out the way and put those two in a box.

I walked outside to see her leaning against the Ferrari watching the media waiting for Drake to come out.

"You ok"I asked as I stuffed my hands in my pockets and stood next to her.

"Not really"She smiled looking down.

"Wanna talk"I asked, she seemed really upset and I really wasn't good with tears.

"Umm yes but no"

"So is that a yes"I was very confused.

"I don't know"

What was she saying?


"My brother isn't so bad..you'll get used to live with him...he can make you laugh at the sad times and he will always be there-"

'It's not about living with Drake...Honestly I really don't care...what's the point in life...you learn,you work, you have all these problems in life and then poof you die and all you're troubles go away...right now to me that seems the easiest option like look at me-"

"Woah Soph calm down...are you thinking of suicide"I was very worried now.

I held touched her arm, she had glistening tears in her eyes and her hand was shaking.

"I-i'm sorry"She cried, I hugged her, we stood there for a while.

"Mr Carlson who's the girl"
"What happened"
"Is it all true...did you get the girl pregnant"
"Did you rape her.."
"Did she seduce you"I heard all these questions float around, I looked to my left to see Drake pushing past and getting in his BMW, he looked at us for a second then drove off.

I let go of Sophie "Let's get in the car yeah"I suggested before the Paparazzi comes to us.

I got in and drove off to the pent house, I explained the plan to Sophie and all she did was nodd, she was acting very different now then before.

"Right i'll bring you some clothes tonight, we'll dye you're hair and give you a complete make over"

"Ok"She whispered putting her jacket on the chair.

"So uh Drake will be round later, uh I gotta go I'll see ya later" I nodded and walked out the door when she didn't say anything.

I was eager to know what was wrong..she just wouldn't talk.

I sat in my car watching her delicate face through the window at the front, she was crying.

Tears flowing down her pink cheeks, I wanted to go in there and comfort her but i've always thought it was better for people to be left alone and let the pain out, because that's how you recover...by letting the pain out.

I drove off following the signs to california and all the way back I couldn't get her face outta my head.


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