Say You Love Me [COMPLETED]

By RaziaSultana

835K 25.6K 1.3K

Adam Devin Crighton was in love with Rhea Ivy Palmer ever since he could remember. But whatever he did, his l... More

Say You Love Me


56.5K 1.5K 73
By RaziaSultana

Adam sighed as he heard the dead line at the other end of the phone. Again. He was starting to get tired of his … situation now. At first when Rhea had ignored his feelings, he had not minded thinking that when he showed her that how sincere he was, she would finally give in.

However, he had never thought that it would become such a challenge for him to conquer his love and suddenly the great Adam Devin Crighton felt himself feeling insecure. How to convince someone about your love if the latter had been refusing any of your advances for the past two years??

Today was exactly two years since he had realized that he loved his best friend Rhea Palmer. It had been on her eighteenth birthday that he had decided to tell her about the unexplainable attraction he had been harboring for her. He could still remember the day as clearly as if it were yesterday itself.

He had known Rhea since forever as they had lived near and attended the same school. Moreover, his father Jake Crighton, one of the most influential businessman in town, was the best friend of Rhea’s father Slade Palmer. They were practically family. And so he had been invited over for her birthday party which had not been hosted by Uncle Slade but by Uncle Ashton Cooper another best friend of his father.

When he had caught sight of her dressed in a forest green dress, his twenty three years old heart had skipped a beat but he had made nothing of it. Rhea Palmer had been a beauty even in her teens and every living guy in high school had admired her. Now that she was in college, she was even more popular and it was not surprising that he was attracted to her. But when other guys had started to flirt with her during the party, he had felt his male instincts kick in.

It had to mean something; the raw jealousy eating him up, the growing disinterest for the other girls and the desire he felt for her every time she was around. Like he was feeling now as he stared broodingly in her direction with that arrogant Halter stuck to her like glue. Walton Halter had a severe crush on Rhea but he was an arrogant good for nothing idiot.

As if reading his mind, Rhea had stared in his direction waving at him to join them but he had stayed aloof not wanting to witness the poaching from close. Not satisfied, she had approached him dazzling him with her smile and that was when he had decided to confront her and had practically dragged her to a private place.

“Adam! What are you doing?” she had uttered trying to shake off his hold on her elbows and had looked at him with a question in her beautiful eyes.

“We need to talk,” he had said seriously.

In defiance, she had folded her arms around her breasts and his groin had hardened at the sight. It was happening too often now whenever he was around her. Especially since he had come back from his trip to England after having completed his degree. It was starting to get on his nerves as he was not used to have such intense feelings for one particular girl. He liked his girlfriends to be numerous but recently there had been only Rhea on his mind.

Was it lust which had been driving such intense feelings in him? He had no idea. All he knew was that Rhea was the reason he was sleepless at nights having sinful thoughts about her lovely eyes, her endless legs and her long auburn hair. And it was pissing the hell out of him.

For several weeks, he still could not make out whether it was desire or love he felt for her. It could not be love, he had managed to convince himself. And that had been his fatal mistake. Instead of waiting to confirm his feelings for her, he had immaturely rushed to declare the carnal feelings he had felt for her at that time.

“I want you,” he had said without beating around the bush.

“Huh?” Rhea had looked up at him frowning in puzzlement. “You what?” she had asked clearly not expecting that kind of confession from him.

“I want you,” he had repeated and Rhea had narrowed her gray eyes warningly but he had not stopped. “Every time I look at you, I feel hard,” he had confessed boldly and had watched her eyes widen in shock.

“How dare you talk to me like that?” she had finally cried in fury after getting over the shock. Everybody was now looking their way and he was feeling embarrassed. At twenty three, it had been the only feelings he had understood. Desire. Hell he was too young for the forever kind of love and he had not even thought that Rhea would feel offended by his avid declarations.

At that time, he had not acknowledged that it had been love. Not until she had told him in clear terms what she thought of his advances.

“I’m not one of your floozies Adam. So, don’t even try to treat me like one of them. And I thought you respected me that I was your friend,” she had whispered outraged now and he had seen how much he had hurt her. Thankfully, they had drifted on the balcony to avoid the long stares they were getting from the adults.

“I didn’t mean it like that!” he had defended. “You make it sound so cheap.”

“What do you expect me to think? If you tell a girl that you want her, it had to mean only one thing. That you want her body. And I thought you know me better than that,” she had told him unable to hide the hurt from her voice.

And it was then that Adam had realized that he loved her. He had never cared about hurting anyone of his girlfriends’ feelings before. But Rhea was special. Rhea was the light of his heart; someone he could never replace with anyone else. Someone he could be himself without fear of being mocked or ridiculed. That was why he had been harboring feelings for her lately.

“I’m sorry,” he had apologized instantly realizing his fatal mistake. But it had been already too late. He had spoilt what relationship he had with her since then. She had been furious and had not wanted to listen to any of his excuses. Which seemed quite eligible after the arrogant way he had behaved.

But he was still paying for his past mistakes and it was not fair. Rhea had avoided him like plague ever since that day until he had had enough and had decided to confess his real feelings for her one week later.

And the only way he had found to confess his feelings without messing it up that time was to phone her. Which he had been doing for the past two years without miss. No matter where he was. No matter what he was up to, he always found time to tell her how much he loved her only to have his feelings being so ruthlessly rejected.

It was not easy for him to live that kind of rejection every day but he had vowed to himself he would not stop until he got his love. Ever since that famous birthday episode, he had never dared confront Rhea about his real feelings a second time fearing that he might goof up once again. It was hard enough to have his feelings being dismissed so easily.

The only thing he regretted was that his relationship with Rhea was strained now. He missed her; the frivolous way they used to treat each other. The things they used to share with each other whether it was feelings or secrets. But Rhea had shunned him out of her life only talking to him when necessary maintaining a strict minimum interaction with him.

And it was killing him. He was the one of the board directors of GEMS enterprise, his grandfather’s company and the only Crighton heir. He knew he would eventually end up being the CEO when his father retired but he was not ready to accept that position soon. Not when his life was upside down; that was why he had been stalling his father’s retirement.

He knew it was not fair but he was twenty five and had just finished his master’s degree from Oxford University. He needed some time to sort out his life before taking the big leap. 

Sighing once again, he decided it was time to stop speculating about the past and get something done. Except he had no idea what to do. It was not in his nature to get discouraged so but had been feeling pressurized lately.

At the sudden outburst in his living room, he got up to find out what was happening. To his surprise, it was his cousin Zoey who was creating such a havoc by greeting his staff. Zoey Cooper daughter of Ashton and Selena Cooper was one of a kind. She was a storm; knocking off one’s sense in less than no time.

Adam smiled. There was no one better than Zoey to lift his morose mood.

“Hey sister!” he greeted opening his arms to hug her but Zoey being Zoey jumped in his arms instead of hugging him nearly sending him flat on his ass.

“Woooow! What a greeting!” he laughed and hugged her back and dropping a light peck on her cheeks. “I did not know you were back from New York,” he said his heart in his throat. If Zoey was back, did it mean that Rhea was back with her?

Zoey drew back and looked at him with thoughtful eyes before replying. “You didn’t? I sent you a mail last night saying that I was going to visit you.”

“Last night? You think I would check my mail so early in the morning sugar?” he asked half smiling at her usual lack of maturity.

“Right,” she agreed like it was no big deal. “So, what’s up?”

“Same old! What’s up with you? You are the one who shifted to New York one year ago for your adventure. So how is Forrester agency holding up?” he asked trying to sound nonchalant when all he wanted to ask was about Rhea. He could not help feeling disappointed that she had not deemed it necessary to drop in to visit him. It had been nearly one year since he had last seen her and he had missed her like hell.

At least Zoey was still friends with him and even if she was the best friend of Rhea, she had never sided with any of them. They had never talked about his feelings for Rhea and he had no idea if she even knew that he called the latter daily.

Zoey shrugged in answer. “New York is New York. As exciting as ever. But we decided to tone it down a bit and return for a while. Forrester Agency is doing well as we have the appropriate staff to get things done. Me and Rhea we are only intervening only when necessary,” she replied offhandedly unaware of his state.

We decided to tone it down a bit, was all he remembered in the sentence. Did that mean that Rhea was around too? It was her birthday today and he had not even wished her. Last year when he had wished her, she had fled to New York only two days later.

So, he no longer knew if he should wish her that year. For fear that she might run away once again. The question he had been dying to ask finally left his lips.

“Is Rhea back too?”

Zoey nodded. “We were in the private jet when you.. called her yesterday,” she said hesitantly as if talking about it was taboo. She removed her sunglasses to have a better look at him and he shrugged.

“Rhea never told me you were still calling her,” she finally said when it was clear that he was not going to offer any explanations. What was there to explain? That he was a pathetic piece of shit still wearing his heart on his sleeves after two long years.

“Didn’t she?” he asked sounding hollow even to himself. That meant that he was not important enough to Rhea for she should have at least mentioned him to her best friend. But on the other hand, even he had never told Zach about his feelings for Rhea. Zach Cooper, the brother of Zoey was the leader of their gang which consisted of the four of them.

“No and neither did you,” she said pensively. “I wonder why. We used to share the smallest things. Have we drifted apart?”

He knew the answer. And he was the one responsible for the rift in their relationship. Everything had changed the day he had confessed his feelings to Rhea. She had retreated in her damn shell and had never returned back to him like she had been. A free spirit.

“Zo, you know how complicated things are now,” he replied.

“No I don’t. What’s the problem? You love Rhea and she doesn’t love you back? Well, that should not stop us from being friends, right?” she said in her usual bright way even if Adam knew she was angry.

“You’re right,” he acknowledged not knowing what else to do. Zoey was quite unpredictable and if he dared refused her point, Heaven knew what she would do to him. And besides, she was right. Rhea did not love him back. Life did not stop there, did it? He was not being fair to his friends by always avoiding them.

“I’m always right,” she scoffed. “So, that means you’re going to be present for the party tonight?”

“Party? What party?” he queried frowning.

“Rhea’s birthday party, silly,” she informed him dropping on a sofa and removed her sandals to massage her feet. “Oh, I’m so tired. Can I sleep here?”

“Of course you can. Have you met Zach yet?” Adam felt obliged to ask knowing that Zoey would wake up hours later and remember that she still had not met her brother.

Springing up from the sofa, she threw him a horrified look. “Damn! I forgot.”

Adam grinned at her. “You go to sleep. I will call him over in two hours or so. Is that okay?” he asked her gently knowing that she must be dead tired after her flight.

“That’s so sweet of you,” she said kissing him on the cheeks before climbing the stairs. “I’m borrowing your pajama.”

Adam sighed feeling happy that Zoey had decided to stay back at his house. But he wanted to know where Rhea was. She had not even bothered to call him when she was back in town. Had they come to this? If that was the case, he was ready to apologize to her and not bother her ever again. He’d rather have her as a friend than lose her forever.

One and a half hour later, Zoey was up and looking fresh. Adam had asked the cook to prepare a nice breakfast for her as he had to leave for office in another hour.

“Rhea is coming over,” she announced. “She has just called me. Her father is back and she did not know about it.”

“I’d better get to office then,” he said hurriedly not wanting to face Rhea since she had taken so much care to avoid him.

“Adam! Stop!” said Zoey sighing heavily. “Stop running away from her. She’s just confused about you. She does not hate you, you know,” she told him biting her lower lips as if thinking whether to say more.

“She doesn’t?” he repeated dazed at the new found truth.

“No. I talked to her this morning about you. She just doesn’t know how to handle you; that is why she had been avoiding you. It’s just complicated for her you know since her father…”

“I know,” he interrupted. “I know how she feels. But shunning me is not going to make her pain go away,” he rasped putting down his briefcase. “She has to face her problems.”

“That is exactly what I told her this morning. But well, I’m not going to interfere in her personal family matters. And as for you, I never had a clue you were so serious about her. I mean you never talked about it. I knew you proposed to her on her birthday and she rejected you. But I thought that was it!” she exclaimed in an outraged tone looking at Adam with a frown.

“I have been calling her ever since to apologize for my mistake. I… I came a bit too strong on her on that day. I guess I was a little bit drunk but I had no intention of hurting her. And had called her to apologize one week or so later,” he poured out his feelings already feeling lighter that he had someone on his side.

Zoey sighed. “Damn! So this is the story. And you know Rhea. She must have freaked out after you propositioned her and had been avoiding you ever since. That’s why she asked me to move to New York with her,” she told him. “It was last year only just after her birthday.”

“I guess. I have tried everything but she’s still so damn stubborn. She’s never going to forgive me for that one mistake,” Adam related massaging his head at his impending headache. Hell, he was in such a mess.

“You haven’t tried everything, A.D.C. I know you and if you have been calling her daily for the past two years, it means you are damned serious about her,” Zoey remarked and Adam sighed. If only Rhea was as smart as she was!

“What do you mean by “I haven’t tried everything?” he queried puzzled and watched as her face transformed into a big mischievous grin.

“I have a grandiose plan but Rhea is on her way and she might overhear us. And besides, aren’t you supposed to be in office?” she asked still smiling broadly. “We’ll talk later,” she stage whispered and Adam whirled round to find Rhea standing in front of the opened door.

His breath hitched as his heart missed a beat at the sight of her. She was lovelier than he remembered, her hair had grown longer and her skin glowed under the early morning sun. Even from afar, he could smell her unique scent and it sent him in a frenzied state. But her expression had not changed. Her grey eyes still looked at him with a wary expression the look she had directed towards him ever since her birthday party two years ago.

“Hi,” she greeted calmly looking at him as she approached him.

“Hey yourself,” he greeted back his voice rough in spite of himself. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as Zoey sent his thumbs up before disappearing into the kitchen. “How have you been?” he asked wishing his heart would calm down.

“I’m good. And you?” she answered politely and how he hated the way their relationship had become. She had been closer to him than Zoey was at one time and something inside him flared. Something ferocious. He wanted his Rhea back at all cost. Even if it meant walking over his heart and making fun of the feelings he had for her.

Without giving her time to react, he bent to kiss her soundly on her cheeks. “Happy birthday honey,” he said and hugged her in his arms. It felt like he was breathing again; his heart felt whole again as if he was reunited with himself.

“Thank you,” she whispered back looking at him with awe in her eyes and Adam wished he could wipe that expression off. It was going to be the end of him. But he was ready to die for his love. Zoey had given him something he had almost lost; hope and he would not give up now. Never say die, wasn’t that what they said?

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