UnderTale Oneshots (FINISHED)

By TheGrinningKitten

2.4M 48.3K 20.4K


SwapFell Papyrus x Shy! Child! Reader ~Stray Animal~
Always (UnderSwap skelebros fanfic)
OuterTale Sans X Reader ~My Star~
UnderSwap Papyrus X Shy! Reader ~Innocent Love~
UnderSwap Sans x Sad! Reader ~Teary eyed Love~
SwapFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Tough Love~
Ink Sans X Reader ~Creative Love~
SwapFell Papyrus x Clumsy! Reader ~Clumsy Happiness~
Together (Underswap Genocide skelebros)
Just a little update
Dream x Sad! Reader ~Sweet Dreams~
Murder Sans x Reader ~Heartache~
Underfell Sans x Reader ~Trust~
Overprotective! Sans x Pregnant! Reader ~Clueless~
Error x Reader ~Glitchy Love~
HorrorTale Sans x Horror fan! Reader ~Fan~
Another Update
UnderSwap Yandere! Sans x Reader ~Mine~
UnderSwap Yandere! Papyrus x Reader ~Yours~
UnderFell Papyrus x Reader ~Stuborn Protection~
UnderSwap Sans x Abused! Child! Reader ~Loving Heals~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Child! Reader ~Promise~
SwapFell Papyrus x Reader ~Forever with me~
Such Horrible Things (US! Yandere? Sans)
UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Anger~
SwapFell Sans x Child Reader ~Completely yours~
Update (About Requests)
Another Update wtf? (about requets)
Ink Sans x Child! Reader ~Colorful~
UnderSwap Sans x Shy reader ~Opposite ~
Underswap Overprotective! Papyrus x Reader ~Caring~
SwapFell Sans x Shy! Reader ~Weak Love~
Ink x Shy! Reader ~Quiet Artist~
Sad! Sans x Genocide! Reader ~Heartbreak~
Error x Suicidal! Reader ~Closeness~
Underfell Sans x Neko! Reader ~Annoying Love~
UnderSwap Sans x Self harm! Reader ~Lovely Sadness~
OuterTale Sans x Scared! Reader ~Bravery~
UnderFell Sans x Baby! Reader ~Never ending love~
MafiaTale Sans x Child! Reader ~My Princess~
Another Fricken Update!?
Swapfell Sans x Puppy! Reader ~Loyal Love~
Swapfell Papyrus x Child! Reader ~Half~
Papyrus x Child! Reader ~Snow Play~
Goth x Child! Reader ~Broken Soul~
Underfell Sans x Kindness soul! Reader ~Kind Heart~
Papyrus x Sad! Reader ~Broken Innocence~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Singing! Shy! Reader ~Angel Voice~
Sans x Sad! Reader ~Broken Happiness~
Error x Infected virus! Reader ~Heart Error~
Space and Stars (UnderTale Sans fic)
Underfell Vampire! Sans x Reader ~Uncontrollable Urge~
Papyrus x Sick! Reader ~Thankful~
Thank You!
Underswap Brothers! skelebros x Adopted! Reader ~Precious~
FlowerFell Sans x reader ~FairyTale~
Right here (Swapfell skelebros)
Underswap Sans x Outgoing! Reader ~Yin and Yin~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Neko! Reader ~Don't hide~
Underswap Surface! Papyrus x Genocide! Reader ~Regained Trust~
UnderSwap Surface! Sans x Genocide Reader ~Your Guilt~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Neko! Reader ~Shy Cat~
Pallete x Child! Reader ~Past Is Gone~
I'll always love you (Underswap skelebros fanfic)
UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~NightMare~
SwapFell Papyrus x Reader ~Comfort~
Swapfell Sans x Reader ~Cuddle~
OuterTale Sans x Space Lover! Reader ~Lovely Space~
UnderSwap Vampire! Sans x Reader~Innocent Urge~
Asylumtale Sans x Reader ~Unique~
UnderFell Sans x Scared! Reader ~Brave Love~
Cat! Sans x Reader ~Weird~
AsylumTale Sans x Child! Reader ~I know~
Geno Sans x Child! Reader ~Sad hearts~
Ink x Suicidal! Reader ~Lost Colorsight~
SwapFell Papyrus x Adopted! Reader ~Rare Love~
Error x Neko! Reader ~Cat Virus~
PaperJam x Shadow! Reader ~Your Guardian~
AlterTale Sans x Reader ~Punny Love~
AlterFell Sans x Reader ~Horrifying Love~
~Update Time~
UnderFell Sans x Shy! Reader ~Punishment for the shy
Meme Lord Sans x Reader ~DANK~
Papyrus x Ghost! Reader ~Never Be Alone~
HorrorTale Sans x Evil! Insane! Reader ~Insane Love~
Papyrus x Ghost! Reader Part 2
HorrorTale Sans x Evil! Insane! Reader part 2
UnderSwap Papyrus x Tsundere! Reader ~Stupid Love~
Sans x Protective! Dog! Reader ~Love you~
UnderFell Papyrus x Shy! Reader ~Always be here~
UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Curiosity ~
Sans x Gem! Reader ~Ill never use you~
Sans x Overprotective! Dog! Reader part 2 ~Love you~
DanceTale Sans x Reader
Papyrus x Tsundere! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Kitten! Reader
NightMare Sans x NightMare! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Kitten! Reader part 2
Papyrus x Mermaid! Reader
Vampire! Error x Reader
Unfresh Sans x Reader
UnderFell Sans x Childish! Reader
Neko! Sans x Reader
Dream x Neko! Reader
MafiaTale Papyrus x Early Teen! Reader
Papyrus x Mermaid! Reader part 2
HorrorTale Papyrus x reader
Horror Sans x Murder! Reader
NightMare Sans x Neko! Reader
UnderFell Sans x Kitten! Reader
AlterTale Sans x Reader
Fresh Sans x Reader
EchoSwap Papyrus x Reader
Jock! PaperJam x Reader
Cat! Sans x Reader Part 2
Vampire! Papyrus x Reader
SwapFell Papyrus x Reader
Ink x Suicidal! Reader x Error
MafiaTale Papyrus x Detective/Investigator Reader
Gaster! Sans x Reader
Sans x Ghost! Reader
UnderFell Sans x Kuudere! Reader
Jock! PaperJam x Reader part 2
SwapFell Papyrus x Depressed! Child! Reader
AlterTale Sans x Child! Reader
Yandere! Sans x Reader
DustTale Sans x Reader
ReaperTale Sans x Devil! Reader
MafiaTale Papyrus x Detective/Investigator reader part 2
Sans x Ghost! Reader part 2
UnderFell Sans x Kuudere! Reader part 2
Geno Sans x Sad! Reader
AsylumTale Sans x Insane! Reader
UnFresh Sans x Reader
HorrorTale Sans x Murder! Reader part 2
ReaperTale Sans x Devil! Reader part 2
UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Reader
DanceTale Sans x Dancer! Reader
Goth x Reader
UnderSwap Papyrus x Child! Reader
Sans x Deadly Sick! Reader
Yandere! Sans x Reader part 2
SwapFell Brothers x Reader
Face Reveal!
DustTale Sans x reader part 2
Depressed/Suicidal? Sans x Reader
Underfell Sans x Abused! Reader
UnderTale Papyrus x Depressed! Reader
Geno x Hated! Wolf! Reader
UnderWorld skelebros x reader
UnderSwap Sans x Insane! Reader
UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Reader Part 2
SwapFell Sans x Suicidal! Reader ~You Dummy~
UnderFell Sans x Kitten! Part 2 ~Love~
Babysitter! UnderFell Papyrus x Baby! Chubby reader ~Innocence~
SwapFell Brothers x Reader part 2 ~Happiness~
FlowerTale Sans x Child! Reader ~I'm happy~
UnderFresh Sans x Abused! Reader ~Protection~
Error Sans x Child! Reader ~No worries~
OuterTale Sans x Deaf! Reader ~no need for sound in space~
Cross! Sans x Neko! Reader ~One Word~
UnderWorld skelebros x Child! Teen! Reader part 2
UnderFell Sans x Fox! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Insane! Reader part 2
What the fuck is going on????
Papyrus x Genocide! Reader ~Sweet innocence~
UnderFell Sans x Depressed! Reader
Please read this
Gaster x Kitten! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Suicidal! Reader
UnderFell Sans x Anxiety! Child! Reader
Error x Self harm! Reader
Sans x Yandere! Reader
SwapFell skelebros x Reader
Sans x Mermaid! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Cold hearted! Werewolf! Reader
MafiaTale Sans x Shy! Anxious! Reader
UnderFell Papyrus x Sick! Reader
AlterFell Master! Papyrus x Princess/Prince! Slave! Prisoner! Reader
Jock! PaperJam x Nerd! Reader
Grillby x reader
Mettaton x Reader
Toriel x Reader
SwapFell Sans x abused! 9-12 year old! Reader
UnderFell Papyrus x First Kiss! Reader
UnderTale Sans x Energetic! Reader
Jock! Paperjam x Nerd! Reader part 2
OuterTale Sans x Reader
UnderSwap Papyrus x Devil! Reader
Gaster x Fairy! Demon! Reader
I need to write a new book!
Not a update on UnderTale but its still important

UnderSwap Papyrus x Outcast! Reader

7.9K 213 60
By TheGrinningKitten

I know i have some requests left, i know but... i watched Lilo and Stitch yesterday and i suddenly got this idea for some strange reason so i thought "Hey why not let this lazy as skeleton comfort someone" so here! Take it and hopefully you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it ^^ and btw if you feel like this i just have to say

You don't really need to belong, be an original instead of a copy, trust me because one day you'll find someone who loves you for who you are :)

Nobody got you. Nobody wanted to be with you and nobody was your friend. You always were an outcast for some reason and you stopped believing you even were a human. You were a monster that was what you were. Or at least that is what you thought for a while until you got to meet some monsters in real life and then you stopped believing that. It was hard not to belong anywhere and it made you hurt. Even though you were a bit broken by this someone was with you anyways. A tall and lazy skeleton named Papyrus. He was pretty relaxed and took it easy most of the time. Honestly you wished you were as relaxed as him. Anyways it was some sort of a party but you as always didn't really belong anywhere and Papyrus was nowhere to be seen to. He probably was with his friends... You sighed softly and walked up to the roof. You sat down and looked up at the sky which showed million stars. They were quite pretty tonight. You sat there for a while and it seemed like no one noticed you were gone until you heard someone come up to you. "Y/N?" the familiar lazy voice asked. You turned around and you looked at him a bit surprised "Papyrus?" you asked and he smiled at you while he sat down next to you. "The one and only" he said and you smiled at him "Aren't you going to hang with your friends?" you asked and he shook his head "Nah, they'll probably get drunk anyways" he said and you both enjoyed the scenery for a while. Suddenly those thoughts came into your mind once again which made your eyes get a dull look in them and Papyrus saw this "What's the matter, kiddo?" he asked and you looked down a bit "Papyrus..." you started and he tilted his head at you "Yeah?" he asked "Where do I belong?" you asked suddenly and his eye sockets widen by your question "It seems like everyone has a place... expect for me... Even before I meet you guys I was alone... I first thought I was a monster but then I meet you all... Now I don't know what I am..." you said and he had a sad expression in his eyes "I look like a human but I am not and I am not a monster either so... what am i?" you asked shakily while you felt some tears threaten to spill. Papyrus looked forward and smiled softly "A creature that looks like a human but it's not... sounds like an angel to me" he said and your eyes widen by what he said. He looked at you and he grinned "I guess you are an angel then" he said and you smiled sadly "But isn't angels supposed to be loved and accepted?" you asked and he shook his head "No one would accept them right away because they are odd creatures which few understand" he said and you felt some tears fall down your eyes. "Do... Do you think I am one?" you asked and he took his arms around you "Of course you are, I have always believed that" you felt more tears fall down your dull eyes and you took your arms around him. He looked down at you and kissed your head softly "Hey, don' t cry now" he said and started to wag you from side to side "It's okay..." he said and he rested his head onto yours hearing you still cry and hiccup softly onto him. After a while you both pulled away and he took his hands onto your cheeks, looking into your eyes and he said softly and lovingly

"I love you, my angel"

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