Lemons Hetalia

By lovepenguin1

19.3K 155 24

just some lemons mostly reader x character More

France's date
A different side of Tino(Finland)
The dressing room
The tomato field
A Denmark brother soon to be lover
Falling in love with the pirate(England)
Falling in love with you captor(Romano)
To choose between green or blue
Apology for long update
coming update
Choosing green

Proving love(Norway)

1.4K 12 6
By lovepenguin1

"so, speak to your future brother-in-law have you done it yet?" Matthias asked making you sputter and glare at him he just grinned

"what the hell why are you even asking me that."

"pure curiosity I wonder about these things."

"that isn't something for you to wonder about things happen in their own time."

"so, you haven't then." He guessed grinning like he knew it you frowned damn the man how had he known

"no, we haven't dammit he hasn't even come close to going all the way with me we kiss sometimes but not often that's like the only romantic contact we have is there something wrong with me Matthias what the hell." You blubbered

"whoa slow down missy this is Lukas we're talking about Lukas he's not the sort of man to even get a girlfriend so that leads me to my next question are you two even going out."

"what erm I'm pretty sure we are right I think we are at least oh lord what if we aren't I never even thought about that being the reason."

"slow down again seriously your quick to jump to conclusions I was just asking pondering Lukas is different than me I haven't the faintest clue how he treats his girlfriends."

"well thanks a lot Matt now I'm worried wondering if we're actually even going out of if it was some kind of delusion of mine."

"I do what I can." He smirked making you hit him idiot why did he have to bring up those worries that you weren't even aware you possessed did Lukas even like you did he even ask you out or had you just supposed on some weird knowledge and he didn't have the need to ever explain the truth to you oh this was quickly going downhill and Matthias was laughing at you

"I've also thought once in a while that he may be gay with his features and general dislike of woman except you but I feel like you might be the exception."

"stop damn you just stop it!" you screeched

"wow geeze no reason to bust my eardrums I was just giving you things to think about."

"wow thank you so much." You seethed he patted your head before getting up

"have fun pondering things." He added before meandering away damn the man why did he have to make you think those things were you even a couple was the guy you thought was your boyfriend actually gay

"I can practically see the steam coming out of your ears are you actually thinking about what he said?" Lena the fairy asked having taken up Matthias' empty seat obviously wings were superfluous

"of course, I am I don't want to but I can't help it he has a point what if I am imagining this whole relationship." You fretted Lena stayed silent

"this is where your supposed to stop my crazy thoughts calm me down." You pleaded Lena just shrugged

"I don't know what to say here Lukas is a hard nut to crack I believe he really likes you I just can't read him."

"oh gah even you this is disastrous I don't know what to do."

"talk to him I believe he did ask you over today so yak the man up make him explain exactly who you are to him."

"what no I couldn't do that no way no how."

"oh, come on you can't just go worrying about this yourself."

"it's embarrassing."

"talk to the man speak to him conversate with him use the words inside you and tell him, do it."

"I CAN'T!"

"I see sissy." She jabbed you shrugged you did feel like a sissy

"well what are you going to do because when he gets here he'll know something is up with you and ask you what's wrong you know he will."

"oh, no he will, I have to go home." You panicked jumping up Lena rolled her eyes

"I do not believe that is the action to take here."

"and I believe it is you can stay here but I'm making a break for it."

"sigh I'll come with you being around all these boys makes my skin feel like it's crawling sure they're dammed hot but the way they live ew." She sighed floating after you as you ran out of the house as fast as you could.

An hour or so later

Lukas sighed as he took his scarf off (insert name here) should be waiting for him he didn't know why he asked her over today, it wasn't like him but he missed her somewhat and wanted to spend some time with her, even if he had to do it while surrounded by his brothers. He took off his shoes and placed them on the matt Tino would kill him if he tracked snow in the house and he needed to be alive if he wanted to cuddle next to (insert name here) he smiled just a small one realizing he was excited to sit next to her and surreptitiously cuddle with her as to not let his brothers catch on it rankled him that they seemed to adore her as well she was his even if he had never even spoken those words before she was his and his idiotic brothers needed to notice that especially Matthias he got close to her way too often and needed to learn how to keep his distance and she needed to learn how to keep him away she was way to open for his own comfort.

"hey Lukas your home.... hmm you look happy is (insert name here) supposed to be coming over today." Tino asked popping his head out of the kitchen

"she isn't already here?"

"well no she isn't at least if she is I haven't noticed." Tino answered Lukas' eyes widened Tino would've noticed her so where was she, she said she would come over today

"Lukas (insert name here) was here earlier but she left all of a sudden." Emil spoke munching down on a cookie

"so she was here hmm she didn't say hi how disappointing I made a new cookie recipe today." Tino lamented while Lukas wondered where she had gone the only one he could possibly blame was Matthias the stupid idiot what did he say to her this time he stormed off in the direction of Matthias' room it had been a couple of hours since the last time he had strangled Matthias he grinned kicking open the door Matthias looked up blankly at him

"hey what the hell did I do, why did you break down my door?" Matthias asked Lukas glared at him walking up to him grabbing his stupid annoying black tie and pulled it tight around his neck

"did you speak to (insert name here) today?" Lukas asked Matthias smiled used to being choked

"ah that little sweetie I believe I do remember talking to her earlier today."

"what did you say."

"just thoughts I've been having about your guys' relationship."

"and why the hell did you think that was any of your business?"

"I am your older brother it's in my set of rules things to do to younger brothers."

"you fucking idiot did you send her running?"

"I may have."

"I would so like to kill you right now but I have to find (insert name here) and talk to her."

"good luck." Matthias said Lukas let go off his tie and kicked his face

"I'm going to kill you one of these days." Lukas warned just causing Matthias to laugh as Lukas left the room if only because he didn't want to go to jail Lukas thought

At your house

You sat on your couch fretting a bit less now that you were bundled up in blankets and had made yourself some hot chocolate "being home is the best." You sang Lena leveled a blank stare at you

"only because you're a coward."

"sure I'll take that I'm so comfy I don't even care." You murmured burrowing into your blankets at least until you heard a sharp knock at your door your head bobbed up staring at the door who could be here you weren't expecting anyone

"you expecting someone?"

"nope you mind checking?"

"you are seriously lazy." Lena replied but still floated to the door peering out of it

"oh hello Lena." Lukas greeted Lena's jaw hung open flitting back into the house laughing you looked up at her confused

"he came here oh you're screwed you weren't at his house so he found you haha this is great."

"Lukas came here?" you asked she nodded still laughing you burrowed deeper in your blankets wishing you could disappear why did he come here oh no you were hoping you wouldn't have to talk to him gosh dammit the door knock got louder

"you going to answer?"

"uh no I thought I'd ignore him maybe he'll go away."

"I highly doubt that but I'll wait this out just to see what's going to happen." Lena laughed you glared at her nothing was going to happen nothing he would leave it was cold outside he wouldn't freeze but as you were to find out he wasn't planning on freezing because a half an hour later your door opened and a very pissed off and frozen Lukas came strolling in he slammed the door behind him glaring at you

"why didn't you answer you fucking door!" he shouted you flinched what he was yelling at you he knew how to yell did you enter a different reality

"uh." Was all you could get out he walked up to you shucking off his jacket and shoes as he neared you he placed his hands on either side of your head glaring down at you


"explain what?"

"Why did you leave the house I asked you to come over today why did you leave?" he asked you peered up at him oh crap

"um err."

"talk to me I'm not going anywhere until words fall from those pretty lips explaining what happened today." He insisted his violet gaze never once straying from yours he was being serious mm you really didn't want to tell him this but he would know if you came up with some sort of lie to appease him

"uh well it's because err you see Matthias was talking to me and asking questions you know like he does questions uncomfortable questions making me err well wonder if we were actually in a relationship or this was some delusion of mine." You stuttered Lukas' eyes widened before a growl emitted from him throat

"I knew it was that idiots fault but you're even more of an idiot for letting his words mess up his mind."

"hey it's not liked you've ever said anything close to making me believe you like me and I started second guessing if you actually asked me out or not."

"I see so that's what's going through your crazy mind I thought you understood me."

"I do I do I understand you but that doesn't mean I don't still have worries of my own I just sometimes want something more to hold me over." You explained he sighed his forehead propped against yours

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you worry I'm not good with words of affection."

"but." You said he peered at you before lightly kissing you

"I'm not good with words so I'll show you in my own way." He stated before pressing a fierce kiss against your lips making you gasp at the contact having no been expecting it at least not a kiss that fierce he took the advantage of your open mouth to slide his tongue into your mouth rubbing it against yours mm that felt so good he sucked on your tongue asking you to kiss him back you were unexperienced but tried your best slowly copying his moves his hands clutched your shoulders going to press you against the couch you had been sitting on he followed you down not pressing his whole body against your but enough of it so you felt his warmth

"I like kissing you it's always amazed me that you could make me enjoy kissing this much." He murmured making you smile it wasn't words of affection but still it warmed your heart

"your skin is so soft." He stated as he started kissing along your face he pressed kissed along every inch of your face making you chuckle at the feeling especially when he pressed kisses against your eyelids you squirmed when his mouth found your ears slipping your earlobe in his mouth he sucked on it making you squeal he nibbled up along your ear-shell his tongue dipping into the shell the feeling was so foreign that you tried to push him away he moved away from you

"you okay?"

"I'm sorry guess my ears are sensitive and no one's ever kissed me there."

"oh really well then that makes me glad that's what a man wants to hear." He explained grinning at you

"oh well I see." You squeaked he nodded before melding his lips with yours again giving you a lazy kiss and now his hand started wandering along your sides up and down before moving in and slowly sliding down your stomach

"you're so warm I love how warm you are." He purred pushing your shirt up before touching your bare skin it felt nice and you pressed your body against him more wanting his warmth he moved away from you for a moment to remove his shirt and remove your shirt you were too surprised to say anything and he started to kiss you again before you could say anything your hands wandered up touching his bare back trailing your hands along it his skin was so smooth he let out a low moan shifting against you his lips left your mouth before trailing his along the skin of your neck he pressed hard kisses all along your neck before dragging his warm tongue along every inch of it and when he moved to another part of your neck the cold air that hit your neck made you clutch his back he moved back up to your lips for another round of kisses while his hands moved to remove your bra and he started to torture you a new way by plucking at your nipples rolling them between his fingers your hips unintentionally rocked against his

"feel good?" he asked you nodded making him grin

"I know something else that will make you feel even better." He said before placing kissed along your chest inching closer and closer to your perked up nipples he grinned at you before placing his lips around one of your nipples causing you to let out a sharp screech he took that as a good sign and doubled his efforts to turn your brain to mush his mouth at your nipples was causing your hips to rock against his even more

"I think you may need something else now hmm." He mused causing you to look at him what was he getting at his hands moved down to your sweatpants he pulled them off along with your underwear you had a feeling of what he planned and closed your legs tightly he chuckled

"do you trust me?" he asked kissing your lips softly you nodded but still you couldn't manage to open your legs

"come on kjærlighet I know how to make you feel even better trust me please." He implored you eyed him warily you did trust him but down there you weren't so sure he noticed your look and sighed before kissing you again his hand rested at your hip he started rubbing circles along it not going to far down but it felt nice making you calm down again letting him kiss you kissing him back and soon your legs fell apart his hand slowly crept down he kept it slow as not to scare you and soon his hand was at your warmth you froze but didn't stop him because well mmn it felt good his finger pressed against your clit rubbing it in circles you moaned squeezing your eyes shut you noticed when his mouth left yours and started traveling down but you were lost in the new pleasure and didn't think to stop him but when his mouth replaced his finger you almost bolted off of the couch before letting out loud moans covering you mouth wow this was mind blowing his warm wet tongue felt so wow he pushed a finger inside you but you were so wet that it didn't hurt it just made you moan louder his finger started moving while his tongue continued what it was doing soon you were thrashing against the couch pushing your hips against his face wanting more feeling a heat build up mmn gahd dammit this felt so ha mm

"Lukas." You whined

"just let yourself go kjærlighet."

"mm I."

"that's it just let yourself go." He coaxed picking up his pace you felt a warmth blossom in your stomach while tears pooled at your eyes your back arched and you felt yourself burst apart calling out Lukas' name panting the room seemed to dim

"well then I'll take that as a compliment." Lukas chuckled pressing a kiss against you making you jerk

"stop can't." you wearied he chuckled moving back up your body his violet eyes peered into yours they looked hotter than normal he pressed a hard kiss against your mouth

"So do you believe me now?" he asked you nodded eyes shutting he sighed

"I tired you out huh?" he questioned you nodded he pressed he rolled over to the side pulling you close

"well at least I get to cuddle with you." He remarked you snuggled into him feeling bone tired how had that taken so much out of you

"thankyou." You emitted

"I don't know what your thanking me for but your welcome." He spoke while you fell asleep

Lukas looked down at her well this was awkward she was sated but he was still hard but she looked so peaceful he hadn't the heart to push his hand

"wow oh wow never thought you had it in you." Lena giggled having popped back into view he glared at her

"yeah well." He mumbled

"oh, now your embarrassed how cute."

"shut it." He growled placing his face against (insert name here) shoulder he was embarrassed now he hadn't thought it through much what he was doing he just didn't like the worried look in her face he adored her he just had problems saying it but now that she was asleep

"Jeg elsker deg." He whispered smiling at her sleeping face he did love her so much more than he ever thought he would he closed his eyes too falling asleep to her warmth he could wait until she was ready to go the rest of the way at least maybe until the next time she was worried about their relationship he grinned he would show her as many times as possibly

Lena looked down at the sleeping couple "I swearwhen will I find a boyfriend ridiculous that she gets to be the only one happy."She said before flying out of the room and leaving them alone to sleep whilethe cold whipped around outside cuddle in their own warm haven cuddled up inlove.

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