One More Night With You [BoyX...

Від shorterguyistops

61.1K 4K 2K

[Kellic] It's hard being trans, but it's even harder being trans and pregnant. [WARNING: Contains, mature lan... Більше

.:24:.:The End:.


2.3K 170 91
Від shorterguyistops

Mondays were the worst. Although I got enough sleep, I was still groggy from working so late. My lessons sucked, and the people were awful.

Now that everyone was back I had to just sit and listen to them talking about all the cool things they did in Italy and how much fun they had. It made me sick to my stomach. I knew that I should not he upset because of others' happiness, but I couldn't help it.

I managed to avoid any unwanted encounters during period one, English, but what came right after was PE. I never enjoyed it very much. Don't get me wrong, I loved sport, but every time I stepped out there I felt like I was being judged by everyone.

I did not keep the fact that I'm trans a secret - just no one ever asked. But, when they did finally find out (undoubtedly through Mike and Vic) I could tell that everyone had a different attitude towards me. There were way more eyes on me during PE. Looks of understanding crossed people's faces when they would see me enter the lockable changing rooms instead of changing with the others. But today was different.

I made my way into the locker room but, for some reason, all of the lockable cubicles were taken. That was strange: I was always the only one who used them. I bit down nervously on my bottom lip. This better not be some stupid prank.

I just sighed and decided to get on with it. Desperately I tried to convince myself that I was just like all of the other boys and I could change with them, but that was just not the case.

Manoeuvring through the sea of shirtless bodies, I just could not find a place where I could hide myself from everyone. With a heavy heart, I found a random spot and started changing.

With my back to everyone, facing the wall, I took off my shirt, exposing my tape-wound back. My movements were speedy, wanting to get this done as quickly as possible. I could tell that the area around me had gotten quiet, but I did not dare turn around. Undoubtedly, everyone would be gawking at me.

I fumbled around with my PE shirt, cursing to myself when I dropped it.

"Cool bra!" I heard someone call out all of a sudden, but the voice was not one I was familiar with. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Thanks!" I yelled back over my shoulder. "I borrowed it from your dad."

I tried ignoring everyone from then on. Just as I was about to finally slip into my PE shirt, I looked down at myself and noticed something. It was extremely subtle and no one except me would be able to tell, but my stomach looked a tiny bit larger. Nobody would care because, if anything, it made my boney figure look healthier as my ribs were less prominent, but it made me feel like I was about to faint.

Through trying to keep my thoughts away from this problem, I completely forgot about the most important things that would give me away: symptoms. I would start properly showing soon. I would get morning sickness. There was no running from this now; reality was catching up to me.

Before I had any time to panic, I forced myself to carry on changing. I felt like crying, but I could not seem weak in front of everyone. I had to stay calm and act like nothing was going on, because I would give myself away and that was not an option.

I swallowed hard and, being as fast as I could, I removed my jeans, leaving me in just a shirt and stuffed pair of boxers. As I was about to reach for my shorts, I felt a presence behind me and a breath on my neck.

"Hey, Quinn."

Alarmed, I spun around and came face to face with Mike Fuentes who was standing way too close for my liking. Oh yeah, I had PE with him too.

"What do you want, dipshit?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. I guess he hadn't had his daily dose of 'make Kellin's life a living hell'. I did not take shit from anyone though. I had learned that ignoring people and letting them treat me badly was not the way to deal with bullies.

The fact that he was standing so close to me was bad enough, but seeing his eyes look me up and down made me even more uncomfortable. I instantly regretted not getting dressed quicker. I noticed that his eyes lingered on a certain part of me and confusion flashed across his face, as well as an evil smile.

"When did your dick grow?" He taunted, his gaze never leaving me and I shied away from his hungry eyes.

"When did yours shrink?" I retorted without missing a beat.

I had a talent of being able to think of witty things to say very quickly. However it was a blessing and a curse, as I could never keep my mouth shut and ended up saying whatever was on my mind during intense situations. This usually did not end well for me and, judging by how Mike's expression went from amusement to anger, this was one of those occasions.

If possible, he stepped even closer to me, his eyes going dark. I had backed up against the wall, pressing against it. There was barely any space between Mike and I, and I could feel his breath on my face.

"What did you say to me, trannie?" He spat venomously yet quietly so that only I could hear him. I gulped, taking note of how quiet it got around us.

I did not let what Mike said get to me, but this time was different. He never really specifically targeted the fact that I was trans when throwing insults my way, so what made him change his mind and act like this? Was it the panic of not knowing what else to say?

"I said," I raised my voice so that everyone would hear, "that I find it very flattering that you take so much notice of how sexy I am, but I don't care that you like getting it up the ass, Mike. I just don't want to have sex with you and I don't want another repeat of last time when you were on your knees begging to suck me off just to get some of that attention you desperately want."

And there I go again with something that will have me regretting being born! But I just could not stop myself and I ended up regretting it less upon hearing the laughter and wolf whistles coming from the other boys. The best part was the look on Mike's face and seeing him so angry to the point where the tips of his ears had turned pink.

"You little shit!" Mike yelled, raising his fist threateningly. My eyes went wide, but luckily I was quick enough to duck my head just in time to avoid his punch, seeing it miss me by about an inch. Instead, Mike hit the wall with full force, releasing a strangled cry at the contact. I was pretty sure I even heard a cracking sound but I was not sure if that was the wall or Mike's knuckles. Ouch.

Before he could come after me again, I grabbed my bag and got out of that changing room as fast as humanly possible. I ended up in the school hallways, speedily making my way to the nearest bathroom which was where I was planning to spend the next lesson.

I was feeling all giddy from such an adrenalising experience, but I did not want to repeat it. Mike had never actually used physical force against me until now but, then again, I never pushed his buttons that much either. I needed to tone it down slightly if I did not want to get hurt.

"Kellin?" I heard a confused voice say behind me. I spun around to see Vic standing at the end of the corridor, his mouth slightly agape in shock. "Why are you...only in your boxers?"

"Why aren't you...only in your boxers?" I replied slowly.

In my rush to get out of there I completely forgot to take my clothes, so I was guaranteed to never see them again. What a shame: I wore my favourite pair of jeans today. That was not my biggest problem though.

My biggest problem was that I was walking around the school in my boxers and nothing to cover myself with.

After a few seconds of awkward silence during which both of us just stared at each other blankly, I wondered what he was doing here but concluded that he was probably just skipping class. I, however, was still in a very sticky situation so I swallowed my pride and spoke up, "Do you have any pants I can borrow?"

"I have my gym shorts," Vic offered and I accepted that with a gracious nod. "Wait in the bathroom by room 29 and I'll grab them from my locker."

I just nodded and turned around, carrying on my way to my initial destination, fully aware of the fact that Vic had not moved yet and his eyes lingered on my ass until I turned the corner.



Woo 500 followers! That's like the only thing I've ever achieved in life.

I really appreciate all of the comments and votes and support, guys. You're fab.

Thanks for reading!

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