OluwayemisiRose द्वारा

104 22 0

OVERVIEW Have you ever felt like you don't know where you belong or what you want to do with your life w... अधिक

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

chapter 5

5 2 0
OluwayemisiRose द्वारा

Entering math class I spotted Shantel immediately with a few of our other friends (acquaintances) has I liked to call them, we don't associate outside of class except if its absolutely necessary and just to say hi.

Seeing me headed her way she pulled the chair besides her and patted it for me to sit and I smiled sitting down and saying hi! To a few people before Shantel dismissed them and faced me.

"Okay girl there's drama and I want to know about it. What did they want with you guys? Was Christy bothering you again? Tell me and I will deal with the bitch black girl style." She said seriously making me bust out laughing.

"No its nothing like that. Smith and Ryan just wanted to talk about our group project, Derek asked me out, and Christy is apparently tired of her friends and wants to hang." She looked at me for a minute.

"Let me get this straight Christy wants to hang with you guys?" She asked looking at me incredulously.

"From all I just said, that's only what you ask about?" I stared at her surprised.

"No, but that's the most important one out of everything you just said." I nodded completely agreeing.

"This has to be a faux, I mean its Christy. She has tortured you guys for a long time, plus she wants to be friends exactly when Derek starts taking interest in you." she shook her head looking at me skeptically.

"I know right, but the thing is she wants us to talk at her place. I would love to say am not going but I am dead curious. Plus if she's planning something we are not the same girls we once were to take it standing." I said shrugging.

She signed looking at me "if you're sure babe then go, but you better call me to tell me what went down k." I nodded smiling at her concern.

"So about Derek?" She said smiling coyly and I laughed.

"Yeah well I don't know about that. He asked me out but you know how I feel when guys ask me out. I mean I it was like, it wasn't special anymore when he asked me first though Rita is planning an intervention when we get home on the topic." I said rolling my eyes and she shook her head at me signing.

The teacher walked in the class and she leaned in whispering "girl you're all kinds of crazy and weird, but that's what I love about you." She winked and we laughed facing the class.

Leaving the class I couldn't be any happier, "man maths was such a drag today." I said groaning has we walked down the halls to her locker to drop her books and then moved to drop mine.

"Yeah! Mr. Field needs to learn to keep it simple yet interesting, I was falling asleep a couple of times and that's coming from me who eats and breathes maths." she said dramatically and I just shook my head.

Reaching my locker I saw Rita and Vivian already there talking, waiting for us so we could all go to the girls locker room to change for gym.

"Yuck! blonde and blonder what's happening white Chicca's." she said has we neared them making them face us. Rita tried to hide her displeasure at seeing Shantel and smiled fakely but Viv just didn't bother.

"Hi! Shantel." I put my stuff in my locker and closed it facing them.

"Oh wow! Any more of those fake smiles Rita and you could get wrinkles." Shantel said with mock concern making Rita drop her smile and hooked her arm through mine walking away dragging me along.

"I hate her Kate." She hissed has we looked back to see Vivian and Shantel ignoring each other looking through their phones following us.

"She's nasty, rude and no matter how much I try to be nice she always reflex back with something mean." She faced me whining.

"Maybe if you were really offering a sincere greeting, she will be less nasty." I said in a patronizing tone.

"Well maybe if she were pleasant all the time I wouldn't need to act with fake cheerfulness around her." She said clearly angry releasing her hold on my hand.

I signed tired of her drama "Look I put up with Vivian and her remarks about me for you so maybe you should learn to do the same. She only acts like that because you're truly not even putting an effort to be friendly."

"The first time I introduced you guys do you remember what you said? oh honey! just because there are blacks in school doesn't mean we have to associate with them no matter how rich their families are. What if we got mugged or something?" I mimicked in a high pitch voice imitating her. She looked at me shocked before turning to call Vivian and they stalked off together to the girls locker room.

Rolling my eyes I groaned "what's with Barbie?" Shantel asked walking up to me crossing her arms her phone forgotten and I just shook my head.

"Please lets just go change for gym, I will tell you later." She shrugged and we walked in going to our lockers to change.

I saw Rita was already putting on her gym clothes, so I walked to my locker ignoring her stripping and taking out my gym clothes which consist of white polo shirt with blue strips lines running along the arms and all coming down to the middle of the top forming a roaring lion, our schools mascot with blue shorts. Sitting down on the bench I removed my boots and changed into my sneakers before packing my hair in a ponytail.

Not moving until everyone cleared from the locker room we had a silent contest before I heard hiccups, knowing she was watching me I signed and faced her and she looked like she was about to cry but was holding it.

Moving closer I hugged her and she let loose has I comforted her, she could never stand it when we fought especially when she knows she caused it. Shantel and Vivian looked towards us before rolling their eyes.

"Come on Barbie we got to go, we're already late enough." Shantel said when Rita finally release me and smiled at me then faced Shantel nodding getting up and we all walked out going to the gym.

Entering has always late is no big deal because coach Gate doesn't really attend gym class most of the time for whatever personal issues a single 40 year old dude faces. We went to sit with our friends on the bleachers who were currently laughing at dale and candy chasing each other with a lot of other people who were chasing each other around.

"Those two need to start dating each other, they fit so well. The gentle dale with the ever rude and fiery candy." Shantel said making everyone face us.

"I can agree with you there." Kelly said learning on Justin and he wrapped his arm around her staring at the two of them goofing around laughing. Her and candy looked better after their nasty fight, not much bruises.

"So David I heard your throwing a party?" I asked and he nodded facing me.

"I am but its going to be at the beach not the house, pops has guest coming today. You coming right?" He looked at me with a hopeful expression and I nodded.

He smiled looking relieved.

"Since when do you know there's a party going on?" Vivian looked at me sneering. I looked at her confused by her behaviour but just ignored it has Christy shot her a stern look.

"Richard asked me to go with him to the party." I said and all hell broke loose has my friends went crazy.

"What!" Rita screamed.

"You said no right." from David.

"I thought you dumped his ass." Shantel said.

"He better stay away from you, there are various Jedi moves I would like to test out." Justin said.

"Is he disturbing you honey?" Kelly asked concerned.

"You will be a fool to get back with that tool." Viv said blankly.

"What's with the scream fest guys?" Candy and dale walked towards us panting and sweating.

"Richard had the guts to ask Kate out, the little prick." Justin hissed and I signed has I saw dale eyes widen while candy looked pissed.

"eh-hmm guys, I said no so calm down!" I said.

"Damn right you should say no, I might not like you much but that prick has no right coming near you, and definitely not to even think about asking you out." Viv said and they all nodded.

I signed rolling my eyes, did I forget to mention were all extremely protective of each other? If I didn't, my bad.

"Well I rejected him. Can we just focus on another topic please?" I pleaded looking at all of them and they all calmed down nodding before taking their sits.

"Fine, what did Ryan and his crew want during lunch? I have been so curious about that." Kelly asked and I could see how they all perked up at the subject.

I exchanged a worried look with Rita not sure how they are going to take the news. "Well you guys know we have a group assignment with Ryan and smith, they wanted to talk about that." I said not looking at anyone.

"Give it up cupcake we figured that one out. What about Christy and Derek?" Viv asked rolling her eyes drawing closer.

Rita signed "Christy wanted to hang out at her place after school and Derek asked Kate out."

"What! Derek asked you out, why? Viv remarked looking me over like she couldn't phantom the reason for his interest.

"Are you going to respond to him?" David asked clenching his jaw hard and his face emotionless.

"Why would Christy want to hang out?" dale asked.

"Yeah! What he said." Candy said.

"Yeah! Why does Christy want to hang?" Viv asked confused.

"Don't go Rita its probably a trap knowing her." she said.

"Are you going to give Derek an answer?" David asked looking me seriously.

"Cool it David, with her weird nature of always getting turned off when a guy she likes asks her out, do you really think she will respond with a yes?" Candy said.

"Hey!" I exclaimed offended.

"And what makes you think David cares if I date...? Oh! Right he likes to act like a big brother." I said smiling at him and they all looked at me with a blank expression before Viv signed shaking her head and closing her eyes while Rita looked at me like am a hopeless cause.

"For a smarty, you can be really stupid and oblivious when it comes to most things." candy said and I frowned at her confused.

"What I really want to know is why Christy wants to hang?" she narrowed her eyes turning back to look at Christy where she was sitting with her friends on the other side of the bleachers.

"We don't know okay! We're going to find out when we get to her place." Rita shouted in frustration.

"Fine! Call us when you get home." Kelly said.

"Not needed, we will all meet at the beach for David's party so we can talk there." Viv said and they all nodded.

"What if we don't feel like sharing what we talked about? I mean its between the three of us and it doesn't involve you guys." Rita nodded her agreement and we crossed our arms.

They looked at us blankly for a minute before Vivian stepped forward "yeah you could choose not to tell us but lets see how long that's going to last. Sweetie if you think were going to drop this, think again. It does concern us, I might not like you much Kate but you're our friends, and we're just worried." Vivian said looking from me to Rita.

The bell ranged signalling gym was over and she walked away clearly angry "we are just looking out for you girl not trying to impose, you did it for us even when we didn't want it and were just trying to do the same. The fact you think were imposing kind of hurts." Shantel said looking at me sadly before leaving along with everyone trailing behind them.

Rita and I looked at each other before signing knowing we might have been a bit mean, but sometimes it can get infuriating when they butt in, which must have been what it felt like when we did it.

Dragging Rita off the bleachers, we manoeuvred our way to the lockers to change come on Margarita we got to move. I said and we went to the girls lockers and got changed. The girls didn't talk to us at all and all left has soon as they changed leaving us feeling even worse than we already are.

The time went by faster than I expected in astronomy class, none of our friends were talking to us no matter how much we begged, so we left them to cool down.

The bell rang signalling the end of the last class. I gathered my books then walked to my locker to get my bag and walked to the school parking lot to wait for Christy and Rita, but getting outside I only spotted Ryan and smith beside Ryan's car next to Christy's, knowing I couldn't avoid them I walked up to Christy's car to wait.

"Hey, Katie its been a while since we've seen each other, how are you and Rita doing?" smith asked with a wary expression on his face.

I looked at him shocked, he was acknowledging me after what he did to both me and Rita in junior high. My shocked expression turned to a glare and I stepped closer to him which seemed to make him more uncomfortable.

"And you care why? Last time I checked, we were too IMMATURE and not of your STANDARDS." he winced at my hard tone has I quoted what he said to us back then and had the sense to look away ashamed.

"But since you asked, we have been grate thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.

"Chill it with the tone clumsy, he was just asking a question, he doesn't need the sarcasm." he stepped closer to me, trying to intimidate me but smith held him back.

I laughed at his attempt and stepped closer to him but had to look up at him because of his height and said while poking him in the chest you. "Do. Not. Tell. Me. How. To. Speak. Here. Cunning. I don't give a shit who you think you are but stay out of this, because its none of your business. I will talk to smith has I damn well please, he deserves it and much worse." I said glaring at him before noticing how close we've gotten and also how mad he'd gotten, but I don't care, am pretty mad myself right now.

Before Ryan could reply, Christy and Rita arrived breaking our stare off.

"Are we interrupting something here?" Christy asked giving both us quizzical looks and turns to smith but didn't get a response cause all smith did was look away, the coward.

"You're not interrupting anything, I was just letting your brother know he can't go around thinking he can intimidate people into doing what he says." I said turning to face them.

"can we go now, am tired of standing here already." I said walking over to Christy's car

Christy rolled and her eyes and mummed something like "could have fooled me," and unlocked the car.

I ignored her and got in along with her while Rita looked from me to Ryan to smith and then back to me, confusion written all over her face. She looked like she was contemplating asking smith but Christy pressed the horn of her car showing her impatience so she turned and walked to the car and got in. Christy reversed out of the school lot and we left, leaving both Ryan and smith standing there looking after the car.

The car was filled with awkward silence, but I barely noticed still reeling from my argument with Ryan. We pulled up to Christy's gate, from there you can see my house gate which is the most secluded and closer to Christy's since we both take up a lot of space.

Then there is smiths grandmothers place and then Rita's place. We're basically the only neighbours on the street due to the large land each of us have and since our family's wealth dates back to our former generations. Even has close has we are, each family hates each other.

I mean my and Rita's mother can barely tolerate each other, except due to our friendship they promised to keep it civil and only interact when it has to do with us.

The security confirmed it was Christy and we drove up to the mansion, got out of the car and walked into the house. We were met by their maid who greeted us, took our bags, Christy orders for drinks and left. Christy led us to her room and settled on her bed, Rita choose the couch while I completely flopped face down on her bed.

"Am I the only one who is curious about what happened with you and my brother back at the school parking lot?" Christy asked turning to look from me to Rita.

"Yeah babe! am kind of curious too. What happened back there? Have never seen you so angry." Rita asked and I moved to a sitting position facing both of them already half regretting my outburst earlier.

"Smith had the guts to ask how we were faring, like we were still friends which pissed me off and I replied with sarcasm and a little bit of anger but your brother then decided to butt in like he had the right and tried to intimidate me." I said.

"Yap that's one of Ryan's way of protecting his friends, so don't take it personally. Did you have to make him angry though? He is not the person you should mess with so its probably better you apologize." I gave her a hard look letting her know there was no way I was apologizing, but she just raised her hands in defense has a response to my look.

We both turned to Rita who had a strange look on her face, I signed knowing she was thinking about the smith info, and Christy rolled her eyes like she had the same conclusion and pretty much hauled one of her pillows directly at her head.

"Ouch you bitch!" Rita said and glared at Christy who smirked enjoying her reaction while I held back my smile.

"You didn't need hit me in the face with your pillow to get my attention." she shouted.

"Now where is the fun in that?" Christy asked innocently sending her a saucy wink, "now I called you guys here because I want us to be friends and clear out our past. First because I have envied you guys since we were little and secondly I can't continue to stand my current friends." she said facing both of us.

"I know I have always been mean to you guys, but that's because I liked smith and was jealous of your friendship plus there was some drama going on in my life and I guess I always envied you guys lives." She said lowly and had this vulnerable look on her face for a minute reminiscing about something but brighten suddenly shaking her thoughts away.

"no matter, even after what I did he paid you guys more attention than me so it was a lost cause and I know its petty but I really liked him." she finishes all in one breath waiting for one of us to say something but we continue to stare at her with blank faces.

"That's the reason you made our lives living hell?" Rita screamed in outrage and Christy had the gull to at least look guilty.

"Am really sorry." Christy mumbled looking down and I felt my jaw hang open that the Christy cunning just apologize and it was to us.

"Am sorry doesn't cut it Christy, it. Never. will." Rita growled glaring at her.

"I know this is no excuse, but I was going through so much with my parents constant fights at the time. Seeing you and Kate, especially her be popular and having friends without so much effort, you didn't have to scare them to do your bedding, I guess I got so jealous over that."

"I would say am surprised but not really. So what? Do you just expect us to just accept that you want to be friends just like that? After the torture you put us through, that's a no for me." Rita said due to the fact that she was bulled by Christy more than I was and at the time she was still reeling from her parents divorce while I was absolutely no help dealing with my own shit load of problems from my parents, to smith and to the bullying.

"I am not expecting you to accept me right away, but am hoping you at least give me a chance ok." she looked hopefully at the both of us to which we both looked at each other and then back at her and I shrugged while nodding though Rita was more reluctant but she nodded.

That's how the three of stayed talking, laughing and finding out that Christy might not be so bad after all, if you can get used to her irritating behaviour some times.

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