Almost Home ➳ Bellamy Blake

By Emilyharland

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"I don't have anyone anymore! Do you get that? I'm alone, Bellamy and no one, not even you, can fix me!" ➳➳... More

Chapter 1
We're Not Alone
Earth Skills
Earth Kills
Murphy's Law - Part 1
Murphy's Law - Part 2
His Sister's Keeper
Contents Under Pressure
Day Trip
Unity Day
I Am Become Death - Part 1
I Am Become Death - Part 2
Author's Note

Twilight's Last Gleaming

153 3 2
By Emilyharland

Bellamy POV:

I stared down at the girl laying beside me. She had been unconscious for hours and I was reluctant to leave her side. Clarke told me Liz would be fine but I was still worried. She had gone limp in my arms and I thought she was dead, or dying.

Somehow I had come to care about this Angel next to me. Fuck.

I take a deep breath and gently take her hand. "Liz you gotta wake up. Come on, Angel. Let me see those eyes. You gotta wake up Angel. I... I need you," I whisper to her limp form.

I hear footsteps come up the dropship ramp and I quickly drop her hand. I stand up and walk away from Liz. The tarp covering the entrance of the dropship is pulled away to reveal Clarke.

"Hey," she greets as she makes her way to Liz. She carefully checks over the cut on Liz's neck.

"How is she?" I ask rubbing the back of my neck.

She glances at me, "she's getting there. She lost a lot a blood. She just needs time. Why do you even care, Bellamy?" she asks me with a raised eyebrow.

I quickly look away and make my way to the exit. "I don't. We can't have people taking up resources. Plus, we need more hands on the wall."

As I exit the dropship I hear I groan from behind me. I whip around to find Liz slowly opening her eyes, and reaching up to her neck. I rush over to her side.

"Hey, easy there Angel," I tell her softly. I gently help her sit up while Clarke rushes to get some water for her.

"What happened?" Liz groans.

"You passed out in the way back. You lost a lot of blood. You scared the shit of out me, Angel."

She giggles softy. Fuck. If I could play that sound on repeat...

"Sorry about that..."

Clarke comes back with a cup of water and gently helps Liz slowly drink it.

"Easy there, Liz," Clarke says as she brings the cup to Liz's lips.

Liz slowly drinks all the water in the cup and the leans against my shoulder.

"I'm so tired," she groans.

I chuckle, "Sleep, Angel. You need it." I feel her nod and I gently lay her back down. I carefully move her hair out of her face as she falls asleep.

"Don't care, huh?" I hear from behind me. I jump to find Clarke there with a smile on her face. I scowl at her and push past her. "I don't."

I quickly exit the dropship and look around the camp. I need to get her out of my head.

I approach Roma and the blonde next to her wrapping my arms around their waists. "You wanna have some fun?" I whisper in their ears. Both of the girls giggle and nod enthusiastically at me. I smirk and pull them towards my tent.

But they're not my Angel....


Elizabeth POV:

My eyes flutter open and I look around at my surroundings. I'm still in the dropship but I'm on my own now.

I slowly sat up and swung my legs off the makeshift bed. I must have been asleep for a couple hours as night had now fallen. I get up and make my way towards the exit of the dropship.

I exit the dropship and make my way down the ramp. As I come down the ramp I hear my name called out. I look up to find Octavia smiling at me.

"Hey O," I greet as I smile back at her.

"You're finally up. Took you long enough. I swear Bellamy nearly had a heart attack," Octavia giggles.

I blush and look down at my feet. "I'm sure that's not true. Bellamy has bigger things to worry about than little old me."

"Mm-hmm," you tell yourself that.

As I go to retort something in the sky catches my eye. My brows furrow, "What's that?"

Octavia turns around and looks in confusion. "Shooting star?"

"No, it's not moving in the right way," I saw walking towards the centre of camp.

I wasn't the only one who had noticed the object either.

"Check it out," a boy next to me yells out to everyone.

"I'm guessing it's a pod," I mumble to Octavia.

"Bellamy get out here!" someone yells and I look towards his tent. He emerges after a couple seconds shirtless. I quickly glance down at his toned stomach but then look down at my feet, blushing. I feel Octavia nudge me. I look up to her to find her smirking at me.

I roll my eyes at her and look back at Bellamy and my heart falls into my stomach. Next to him and two girls. One wearing his shirt and one wrapped in a blanket clinging to his side. I look back at him to find my looking at me with wide eyes. I give him small smile and look back at the dropship falling towards the ground. 

"They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some grounder ass!" someone yells and cheers erupt in response. 

"Please tell me they brought some shampoo," one of the girls next to Bellamy whines. 

How about some food? Or some weapons?

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. 

"We should go talk to Bell about going after the pod," I hear Octavia say as she drags me towards the tent Bellamy just disappeared into.  I follow Octavia as we enter the tent. 

"If it cleared the ridge than it's probably near the lake," I hear someone say. 

"We should get moving. Everyone's ready," Octavia says to Bellamy. 

"No one's going anywhere." At his words my head snaps up to look at him. "Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light; pass the word," he says as he goes to exit. I quickly step in front of him making him stop. 

"Everyone saw that pod fall, that includes grounders. We need to go now and get what ever supplies the Ark sent us," I tell Bellamy looking him in the eyes.

"Bell, she's right. We should go now," I hear Octavia from next to me. 

"I said we wait till sunrise," Bellamy almost yells, making me flinch. He gently pushes me out of the way and exits the tent. 

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. 

"What a dick," Octavia mumbles. I chuckle and shake my head. 

"Even if he is a dick, he's the boss so we do as he says," I tell her exiting the tent.

I go and sit at the fire staring into its embers. I look next to me as I notice someone sit next to me. I find Bellamy sitting next to me looking down at his hands.

"How you feeling?" he asks softly.

"I'm fine. My throats just a bit sore," I reply to him, looking back at the fire. He grunts in response, fidgeting with his hands. He seems to be trying to find something to and goes to say something when someone calls his name from behind us. 

We both turn to find one of the girls from before still wrapped up in a blanket. "Come back, Bellamy. We wanna have some fun," she whines.

I look away from her and go to leave when I feel Bellamy grab my wrist.

"Angel.." he starts.

I gently pull my wrist from his grasp and shake my head. 

"Go, Comrade. Your fans are waiting for you," I say with a sad smile. "I'll see you later." 

I walk away from him and head towards the wall. I sit and stare into the trees for a while until Octavia taps my shoulder, making me turn around. 

"I need your help," she whispers to me. I nod and she leads me outside the walls of camp. 

"What's up, O?"

"I saw Bellamy sneak out of camp a few minutes ago. I think he's going after the pod by himself. I need someone to come with me to stop my idiot brother before he hurts himself."

"And I'm supposed to be helpful here? He doesn't listen to me."

"Believe or not he does. Just come with me," she begs. I hesitate but nod. 

She smiles at me and then leads me away from camp. We walk towards where the pod landed, searching for Bellamy. After about 10 minutes I see Bellamy's back through the trees. I elbow Octavia and point out Bellamy. 

"Bellamy!" she calls out. Bellamy whips around and stares at us. "What are you doing?"

"Go back to camp it isn't safe," he tells us. 

"You lied to everyone. You lied to me. You just want whatever's in that pod," Octavia growls. 

Bellamy shoves Octavia away yelling "Just go home!"

"You always want to play big brother, huh? Well, guess what? Jokes on me. You're just a selfish dick."

"I did this for you! To protect you. If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do...I'm dead," Bellamy sighs.

"What did you do?" I ask him softly. He glances at me then back at Octavia. 

"I shot him. I shot Jaha." 

I hear Octavia gasp. "What?"

"I found out they were sending you to Earth. I couldn't let you go alone. Someone came to me with a deal. Do this, kill him, and they'd get me on the dropship. And I did it," Bellamy admits.

"You killed the chancellor?"

"He floated our mother," he says to Octavia. He turned to me, "He locked you up. He deserved it."

"I didn't ask you to do that," Octavia exclaimed. 

"You're right. I made the choice. This is on me. Whatever they sent down, I'll take care of it," looking away from both of us.

"I didn't ask for any of this," Octavia says softly turning away from Bellamy and walking away. 

I place my hand on Bellamy's arm. "She'll come around, she just needs time," I tell him softly. He sighs running his hand through his hair. 

"Yeah, I know."

"I wont let them do anything to you. You know that right? If they come down, they're not doing anything to you."

He scoffs. "I'm not sure there's much you can do."

"If it's any consolation, I think Jaha deserved it too.  He was a dick. I'm gonna go after Octavia,  makes sure she doesn't hurt herself. Be careful. Comrade."

I turn away from him and head in the direction Octavia left. 


Half an hour later I'm still looking for Octavia. I call her name, hoping for a reply. i look at the ground, trying to find any tracks she may have left.

"Octavia! You out here?" 

I quickly mak. e my way through the trees and find myself at the top of a hill. I look down to find Octavia unconscious at the bottom of it. I make my way down the hill, careful to not fall over and kneel down next to her. 

I gently roll her onto her back to find the side of her head covered in blood. She must have fallen down the hill and hit her head on the way down. i reach into my pack and pull out a rag and some water. I hear a branch snap behind me and I spin around to find nothing behind me. I look around but still find nothing. I slowly turn back to Octavia and begin to clean her wound. 

I gently wipe away the blood from her head. As I go to reach for my bag, I feel a blade press against my throat. I gasp, freezing my movement. I slowly raise my hands dropping the rag in my hand. I turn my head to find a grounder behind me. He stares at me, as if trying to solve a puzzle. 

"Please, let us go. My friend she's hurt, I need to get her back to camp to get her medicine." His gaze flickers over to Octavia and then back to me. 

"Follow," he says as he picks Octavia up. I nod quickly as he walks away with Octavia, scrambling to follow him.

What have I got myself into?


*hides behind a rock*

I'm back....

Sorry it's taken so long, but I've had a really busy year. For anyone who lives in Australia, and did their 3/4 subject and did their exam, being the smart person I am -_- I decided to do Revs in year 11. For anyone not in Australia, this is known to be one of the hardest/most demanding subject you can do...

But anyway, I'm on holidays now so I can update more for the next 8 weeks. I'm hoping to get close to finishing over these holidays, but you never know. 

So i hope you enjoyed that chapter and I'll get working on the next and hopefully update in the next few days.


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