A Frosty Romance❄

By DemonSpawn123

797 14 10

There is a festival going on in Springdale and Blizzaria, accompanied by her sister Demona, decide to go. Whe... More

A Frosty Romance❄

797 14 10
By DemonSpawn123

"I don't wanna go!" Demona cried as Blizzaria pushed her out of the elevator that connected the real world to the yo-kai world.

"Well, too bad! There's no going back now." Blizzaria had been super excited about this festival ever since she had overheard a conversation about it a week ago, and she was not going to let her bitter sister miss out on the fun.

"Why do I even need to go? You know I hate parties." Demona whined glaring at her sister. Blizzaria sighed and crossed her arms.

"Because you need to get out more, and I thought that this could be a good way for us to spend some time together. Plus, I think you can benefit from learning some social skills from this." She said starting to walk the forest path, Demona begrudgingly following behind her.

"Hey I do have social skills!"

Blizzaria rolled her eyes. Her Demona had the social skills of Hidabat. She stayed indoors most of the time and when she was out she was never happy about it. She was always so rude to people and didn't have many friends. Which was why Blizzaria took her out so much, so she could find a friend for her or if she was lucky, a lover.

"Whatever," she said as Demona sped up to walk next to her. "But you still need more friends and who knows you may meet a special someone tonight!"

Demona huffed. "You always talk so much about romance and yet you have never been in a relationship."

Blizzaria blushed. "What? That's not true." She said even though it was a lie.

"Yes it is. How do you expect to hook me up with someone when you can't even get a man for yourself." Demona smirked.

Blizzaria looked down at her feet in embarrassment. It was true, she had never been in any sort of romantic relationship before. She didn't even know if anyone even liked her in that way, she didn't have a male friend that was close enough to even consider a lover.

"And besides," her sister continued. "There's no one in the entire yo-kai world that I have ever been interested in. All the boys I have met are stupid!"

"You haven't met every boy in the yo-kai world and you shouldn't be so judgemental towards people."

"I'm not judgemental, I just have high standards."

"Well lower your standards. Your never going to make friends if you don't.

The sound of loud music interrupted their argument. Blizzaria smiled excitedly as she saw the colorful lights in the distance. She grabbed her sister's hand and started to run dragging her along. "Come on, come on! Lets hurry!" She said.

"Hey, slow down!" Demona cried. "I think I lost one of my sandles!" Her words fell on deft ears as Blizzaria sped up.

Blizzaria gasped as she skidded to a halt and the both the sisters couldn't help but stare in awe at the utter beauty of the festival. The bright lights, the floral decorations, the street vendors selling sweet treats, people dancing and playing games in the streets, this was going to be a night to remember.

Demona took a second to look down and lift the skirt of her kimono to look at her feet, she definitely lost one of her sandles. She groned and glared at her sister who was still admiring the festival. Demona was about to take the opportunity to sneak away to find her shoe but Blizzaria grabbed her arm before she could.

"Come on!" She said excitedly.

"Wait, at least let me find my sandle!" Demona arguedas Blizzaria started to pull her along again.

"There's no time! The night is young and I don'twant to waist a moment of it!" Blizzaria was too excited to think about anything else besides the festival, plus she didn't want to give Demona the chance to run back to the yo-kai world without her knowing.

Blizzaria dragged her sister through the crowds but eventually Demona grew tired of deing dragged so she sped up to walk next to her sister. Blizzaria let out a sigh of relief, her arm was starting to get tired. Even though she wasn't dragging her sisters dead weight anymore, Blizzaria found it hard to navigate past the humans. It made sense, since they were yo-kai they couldn't see them. She could hear Demona cursing at them whenever they past, she never cared for humans. The only exception was Nate, and that was only because he saved her from the crank-a-kai.

Thankfully it wasn't long before they heard a familiar voice. "Well good evening, ladies."

The girls looked up. Blizzaria smiled at who she saw.

"Oh, Casanuva!" She said as he floated down to meet them. He flipped his long pink hair in a swave manner.

"Now, what are two lovely ladies like you doing away from the action?" He said giving a handsome haft smile. "Allow me to to escort you to the real party." He bowed over dramatically.

Demona scoffed at his actions. "Whatever lover boy, just take us to where the other yo-kai are."

Blizzaria glared at her sister but Casanuva didn't look faised in the slightest.

"Oh, a feisty one," he said. "I like that."

"Just show us the way," Blizzaria cut in politely. "Please, before she says anything more 'feisty'."

Casanuva chuckled. "Of course, right this way."

As the girls walked beside the handsome yo-kai Blizzaria thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to make some conversation.

"So Casanuva," she said breaking the silence. "What brings you hear? Hoping to charm some lucky yo-kai girl?"

He chuckled. "Usually, yes that would be the case. But I am actually hear on a mission tonight."

"What kind of mission?" Demona eyed him suspiciously. Casanuva crossed his arms and smirked proudly.

"I'm going to get my brother a girlfriend!"

"Oh," Blizzaria said. "I wasn't aware that you had a brother."

"Yes well," he seemed embarrassed. "He's not very popular. Maybe I could introduce you to him?"

"Yeah, how about no." Demona cut in.

"Demona!" Blizzaria scolded then turned back to Casanuva. "We would love to meet him."

He grined. "Great! I'm sure he would love to meet two cuties like you." He winked.

Blizzaria blushed and giggled while Demona just rolled her eyes, she was never fond of Casanuva's flirting.

The charming yo-kai suddenly looked ahead. "Look," he said. "We're hear!"

The sisters looked up. It was an area far away from the humans but no less decorated, and replacing the humans were yo-kai lining the streets.

Blizzaria gasped in excitement, while her sister huffed in annoyance.

"Great," she said crossing her arms. "More people to annoy me."

"Oh, quit being such a Negatibuzz. Come on, lets go!" Blizzaria said taking the lead with Casanuva following close behind her. After giving another annoyed huff, Demona followed suit as well.

Blizzaria looked around wildly trying to take in all of her surroundings. She didn't even notice that there was someone in front of her until she bumped into it and fell to the ground. That hurt.

She looked up and saw a yo-kai with a dragon scarf. A yo-kai she had not met before.

"Um... sorry." He said offering his hand to help her up. "Are you okay?"

She accepted his hand. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." She said as she stood up.

She stared at his face. His features were fierce and dangerous looking, at least what she could see of them, his scarf made his mouth almost unnoticeable and his hair covered his left eye. But what she could see of his eyes made her heart flutter. They were a bright gold color that seemed to glow under the colorful lights of the festival and his pupils were slitted, just like a snakes eyes. But she could tell just by his aura, he wasn't just handsome, he was powerful.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I didn't see you."

She blinked, his voice had snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh no," she said. "Its my fault. I should have been paying attention."

"It's fine." He said simply.

They both stood in an awkward silence, neither of them knowing what to say next. He stared at her intently, as if he was assessing her features.

"Blizzaria!" Demona's voice rose up from behind her. She whipped around to see her and Casanuva running up to her.

"What the heck!" Demona cried. "You can't just run off and ditch me like that!

"Sorry," Blizzaria said trying to quell her sister's rage. "I just got excited, that's all." Demona sighed.

"Your so dumb." She said. "And who was that guy?

Blizzaria turned around only to see that he wasn't there anymore. "I-I don't know." She stuttered.

"I may know." Casanuva said.

"Really? Who was he? Who was he?" Blizzaria said a bit too excited.

"His name is Venoct. He hails from the Slippery Tribe and is one of King Enma's elite soldiers."

The girls stared at him, shocked. A soldier of King Enma? An elite soldiers?

'So that's why his aura was so powerful.' Blizzaria thought.

"Well, why is he hear? Surely he would have more important things to deal with. I wouldn't think he would be hear without a good reason." Demona said.

"I'm not sure," Casanuva said seriously. "But I think your right. He may be here on a serious mission, that said, we may need to keep our guards up tonight. If theirs something  dangerous lurking around, we need to be ready for it."

The girls nodded. Blizzaria suddenly felt very worried, not only for herself but for everyone else at the festival. This was supposed to be a fun night without worries, and now she hads to keep looking over her shoulder just to keep safe. She suddenly felt a feather light touch on her arm, her worry must have shown through because Demona was giving her a conserned look. Blizzaria smiled in response.

The tense mood was suddenly broken when they heard a voice.

"Casanuva, Casanuva!" A yo-kai approached them. He looked exactly like Casanuva, except his hair was blue instead of pink, and he didn't look nearly as confident.

"Please don't ditch me when you bring me to party's like this." The yo-kai continued. "You know I get nervous whenever I'm alone in public." Casanuva chuckled, embarrassed.

"Sorry," he said embarrassed. "I was just searching for some cute girls for that were missing out on the fun." He turned to the girls. "Ladies, this is my brother, Casanono."

Casanono looked at them shyly, "Um... hi."

Blizzaria smiled sweetly at him. "Hi, I'm Blizzaria. It's nice to meet you."

Demona huffed. "So this is the loser brother you were telling us about?"

"Demona!" Blizzaria said glaring at her. Casanono tensed up nervously, as if he expected this would happen.

"I-It's ok," he said looking at the ground sadly. "It wouldn't be the first time someone has called me that."

"Which we are going to change tonight." Casanuva suddenly said, putting an arm around his brothers shoulders, as if trying to comfort him. "You ladies don't mind if we take our leave for now, do you?"

"I don't remember letting you tag along in the first place, lover boy." Demona said before Blizzaria could stop her. Casanuva just laughed at the snotty reply.

"Oh how I do love your sharp tongue." He said making Demona blush. "Mind saving a dance for me?"

Demona stared at him then looked away. "No promises."

Casanuva gave the girls one final wink before leading his brother away to find some other female yo-kai. Blizzaria gave her sister a mischievous smile.

"So," she said. "You still think that all the boys are stupid?"

Demona glared at her, blushing, "D-Don't get the wrong idea! It's not like I like him or anything!" Blizzaria giggled at how tsundere her sister was.

"Whatever," she said. "Let's just go have some fun!" Blizzaria grabbed her sister's hand again and ran to the first game booth she saw.


Blizzaria and Demona both flopped down onto the ground with an exhausted sigh. They were in an area away from the festival, a place where couples came to watch the stars and snuggle. Blizzaria was thankful for the silence, thankful to be away from the colorful lights that, while beautiful, could hurt the eyes after awhile.

"That was fun." She said. "What did you think, Demona?" She looked over at her sister and found that she was asleep. Blizzaria giggled. She wasn't surprised that Demona fell asleep so quickly, big social events tended to tire her out.

Blizzaria stared at the sky for a long time, listening to her sister's gentle breaths. She was about to fall asleep herself when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She sat up and turned around and saw the yo-kai she had bumped into earlier standing in the shadow of a far away tree. He was almost completely hidden in the darkness, if it wasn't for the moonlight Blizzaria might not have noticed him.

'What was his name again?' She thought. 'Venoct?'

He was leaning up against a tree looking up at the stars, seemingly deep in thought. Blizzaria knew it was rude to stare but his presence demanded attention, whether he wanted it or not.

Blizzaria stood up and looked down at her sleeping sister. She would be fine without her right? And besides, its not like she was going very far.

She made her way over to the strange yo-kai, her heart speeding up with every step she took. 'One of King Enma's elite.' She thought nervously. 'What am I doing walking up to an elite soldier of the king himself?' Blizzaria suddenly felt a surge of fear run through her.

'If I turn around now he may not notice that I was ever hear.' Blizzaria was about to turn around when his voice silenced her thoughts.

"What do you want?" He said suspiciously.

"Um...," her mind went blank.

"Well?" He urged her on impatiently. Blizzaria frantically searched her mind for an answer.

"W-well, you looked lonely." She said heart pounding. "So I thought I would come and keep you company."

He stared at her intently, processing what she said. Blizzaria held her breath, wishing she could take back what she said and just run away.

"Alright." He said. Blizzaria blinked, confused.

"What?" She said dumbly.

"I said you can stay." He looked back up at the sky. Blizzaria smiled excitedly as she stood next to him. She thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest.

They stood in silence for a long time. Blizzaria could feel the thick awkwardness in the air. She wanted to say something but just his aura alone was too intimidating. It was the same powerful aura she felt when she bumped into him.

"So," he said breaking the silence. "What's your name?"

"Um, Blizzaria." She said shyly. "And yours?" Even though she already knew.

"Venoct." He went silent again. He seemed to be very fond of one word answers and simple questions. Blizzaria on the other hand became even more uncomfortable. Was he annoyed? Did he want her to leave but didn't want to voice it?

Similar thoughts raced through Blizzaria's head as they sat in a long uncomfortable silence. She should have known this was a bad idea. He was an elite soldier, why would he want anything to do with a commoner like her?

The horrible silence finally ended when Venoct spoke again.

"Sorry." He said looking at the ground. Blizzaria looked at him.


He sighed making eye contact with her, his eyes seemed to glow a faint yellow in the darkness. "I'm not very good at making conversation. I don't talk to others that often."

Blizzaria breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't annoyed by her presence, he wasn't just being rude. He was just shy.

"Its fine." She said. "I don't mind, really."

He stared at her, assessed her, studied her. She could feel her unease creep back in again.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked.

Venoct blushed and looked away. "No, your just... very pretty."

Blizzaria blushed. She had been told she was attractive before but it felt different when he said it. She suddenly felt a bit self conscious, her kimono was a bit stained from the shaved ice she had with her sister earlier and her hair was all mussed up.

"Thank you." She said smiling at him and reached up to fix her hair. She removed her glacial clip and let her hair flow free. She was about to use  her fingers to comb it out when Venoct gently grabbed her hand to stop her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Don't fix it." He said blushing. "It looks nice like that."

Blizzaria blinked in surprise. She never really thought that she looked good with her hair down, she always thought that it looked unkept when it was down. Venoct then preceded to surprise her more when he reached up to run his finger through her hair.

It was then she realized how close he was to her. She could feel his warm breath on her face giving her goosebumps. Her eyes were locked with his. His eyes really did glow in the dark, it made his gaze look much more intimidating, more dangerous. But his gaze right now was gentle, calm, admiring.

The entire world disappeared. The only thing that mattered was each other. Venoct put his hand on her cheek and pulled her face twards his. Blizzaria closeed her eyes and waited for what came next.


Blizzaria gasped as she pushed Venoct to the ground. He looked up at her, shocked and hurt by her actions. She was about to apologize when Demona, Casanuva and Casanono ran up behind her.

"What the heck, sis!" Demona yelled. "You just thought ditching your sister while she's sleeping is a good idea?"

"Yes," Casanuva said. "Not all the yo-kai hear are nice you know. What do you think would have happened if Roughraff's gang found her?"

Blizzaria rolled her eyes. "I'm Sorry."

Casanono looked over at Venoct, who was dusting himself off from his fall.

"W-why are you with h-him?" He asked nervously.

Casanuva went up to Venoct and glared suspiciously at him. "Your not harassing her are you. Its rude to harass a lady, you know."

Venoct was about to retort when Blizzaria jumped in.

"No no no," she said. "I came over to keep him company."

Demona huffed disgusted. "Are you serious! You ditched me to make out with this guy?"

Blizzaria blushed. "No, we just talked."

"Yeah right," she said crossing her arms. "Well say goodbye to your little boyfriend because I want to go home." She grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her away from the boys.

"Wait, Miss Demona," Casanuva called. "You were supposed to save me a dance."

"I didn't make any promises. Remember?" She said pushing him aside roughly. Both Casanuva and Casanono seemed shocked at the rejection, no one had ever turned down the handsome and charming Casanuva before.

Dispite her sister painfully yanking her arm,Blizzaria looked back at Venoct. He seemed sad that she was leaving him so soon. She gave him a sweet smile trying to give him comfort.

Somehow she knew that this wouldn't be the last time they would meet.

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