Different - Hinata Shoyo X Fe...

By _Lilium_00

204K 5.7K 9K

(Y/n) (L/n) A highschool girl who starts going to Karasuno. Her mother and little sister died in an accident... More

Tagged!!! 2 (Again)
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Be my Valentine's (One-shot)
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○ 19 ○ *Finale*
Author's note

○ 6 ○

8.7K 272 387
By _Lilium_00

Hinata's P.O.V

I got up this morning feeling full of energy. I knew something good was going to happen today. Not wasting anymore time I got ready quickly heading out yelling bye to my mom and little sister Natsu.

I arrived early just like I wanted. The more time the more I can practice my skills. I stayed in the gym until the bell rung. Once it did I took my time going to classes I didn't feel like going. I really wanted to stay and play but I'll go just so I can see (y/n).

Plus If I don't go I'll get in big trouble. I got to my class looking around seeing (y/n) reading a book. She looked so calm with the sun raining down on her makes her (h/c) hair look even shinier.

I started to feel my cheeks burning I quickly look away. Focusing on the chalk board ahead. What a weird feeling? Am I sick? I'm not sure what do to? My thoughts were interrupted when our homeroom teacher which I forgot his name came in with a bright smile.

"Ohayou(good morning)" he said "Time to start"

And that's what we did for hours teachers teaching us things I couldn't understand or me not paying attention. My eyes felt heavy I was tired I used lots of energy this morning. Wish I was in my bed so I could rest. Next thing I know I blacked out.


I was startled when the bell rung again. I jumped out of my seat. Is it time to go? I looked around seeing lunch boxes. I sighed. But quickly realizing it was lunch. I grabbed my bento heading immediately to the gym. Not surprised at all that most of the team was there.

Opening my bento starting to eat whilst watching the others talk or practice. Then Sugawara came and asked me.

"Hinata how are doing with the receives?" a smile on his face. I liked Sugawara he's always solving the teams problem but I also think he's acts like a mother. It's funny when you actually think about it always helping and giving advice that's so like him.

"It's good but I still can't get it right" I said with sheepish smile he sat down next to me watching the others. We made conversation for a while then I remembered about earlier with (y/n)

"Sugawara-san can I ask you something?" I asked feeling my heart increase its pace and feeling a little heat on my cheeks. He hummed for me to continue.

"Ah....well...it's hard to explain....but there's this girl in my class... and for some reason when I'm around her I feel my heart go dup-dup and when I look at her its like...gwah! And I just wanted to know...what that was because I think that maybe I'm sick or something...AHH maybe I have a disease" I kept ranting until Sugawara interrupted me with his laughter

"You aren't sick Hinata and it's definitely not a disease" he said chuckling "I mean you could put it in that way love is a disease" he said confusing me I tilted my head when an idea came to my head

"So I do have a disease!" I yelled in his face which made him laugh even more

"It's not a bad one depends on how your looking at it, it's considered good I guess" he said "I haven't experienced it so I can't give you solid advice"

Sugawara grabbed my shoulder getting my attention "What you are going through is called 'love'. It's a feeling you get when you like someone. For example a boyfriend and girlfriend. Kisses, hugs and holding hands stuff like that" he said

I blushed like a tomato feeling steam coming out of my ears. Is that how I feel toward (y/n). I want her as a girlfriend? Holding hands, hugging her, kissing her? As I imagining it all a weird feeling in my stomach appeared like fuzzy.

I was going to ask more questions about this 'love' thing when Takeda-sensei came in saying he had great news. We gathered around listening and what he said surprised us all.

"I was able to get you guys play a practice match with Aoba Johsai"

I was speechless. This was my first practice match against another team than my own. And it makes it even more exciting because we will be playing against one of the top four volleyball teams. Now this was something

"When will we be leaving sensei" captain asked

"Well if it's alright with everyone we can leave in a few minutes" he said smiling "Don't worry about classes I'll tell your teachers"

"Alright!" we all yelled in excitement. No classes.

We went to gather our stuff getting ready for the trip to Aoba Johsai school. As I packed I can't help but think about (y/n). I've going to miss her even though its just a few hours. I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Kageyama

"Oi! What are you doing dumbass! Stop dozing off and get your things out already!" he yelled I jumped my hands in a defense position he left leaving me alone once again

I ran to the bus we were using putting my stuff with the rest then getting in. As we were going my stomach was bothering me. I didn't feel good. Is this another feeling of 'love'?

Tanaka kept asking me if I was alright I was going to respond 'I'm fine' but my words didn't come out instead I vomited on his pants. He yelled getting everyone's attention.

When they looked back Tanaka was holding his pants trying to hold back a few tears. I just laid in the seat looking all dead. After a while we got to Aoba Johsai I was still nervous so I went to the bathroom to try and calm myself. The others kept yelling stuff to which I didn't pay attention to.

Around half an hour later everyone got set ready to start the game. Their coach had said their team's captain wasn't here due to some injury but would be back soon. The game went on hard to score our team lacked a lot with the receiving. We played the first set Aoba Johsai winning it because I accidently hit Kageyama in the head.

We started the second set determined to win it and so we did we won the second set with our quicks and blocking. That's all thanks to the team. We took a short break just then a bunch of girls started screaming and cheering. We all turned our attention to this newcomer. I didn't know who it was but from the way girls are cheering I guess he's popular.

"Oi Kageyama who is that laid back guy I find him unpleasant" Tanaka said with a deadly aura surrounding him.

"He's the captain of Seijou" captain said Tanaka and I were surprised

"He's an aggressive setter with a bad personality I use to play with him in junior high" Kageyama said

I started thinking Kageyama acknowledges this guy's ability so if Kageyama was the 'King' then this makes that guy the 'Great King'

"Oo Tobio-chan long time no see" Kageyama just ignored him looking at us again saying he learned to serve and block from watching the great king.

Our break ended resuming our match once again. We kept scoring until there was only one more point left for us to win. Kindachi scored a point hearing the referee's whistle they switched a player with the great king. We were going up against the great king.

He kept scoring catching up really quick. I wasn't going to let him he served it again directing it towards Tsukishima. He was able to receive it but it gave Seijou a chance ball. Kindachi was going to spike it but I jumped in time not blocking it entirely but giving my team a chance to score.

Tanaka passed it to I went running to the other side. Kageyama tossed it to me letting me spike it. I sent it directly towards the great king. He didn't move surprised by my attack.

And that ended the match we won the set winning against Aoba Johsai. We lined but close to Takeda-sensei he said something I didn't understand

"Sorry! That was too poetic" he yelled when nobody answered

"No it was fine thank you very much" captain said all of us bowing down to our sensei

We headed to the bus after the match. Daichi and Sugawara were talking of how we'd lack if it were a real match.

"Spoken by a true captain" the great king stood at the entrance we all stopped "You know your stuff"

We chatted for a bit then left like nothing happened. We went back to our school the other students must have left already. I wanted to walk with (Y/n) today. I don't want her distancing herself from me I like having her presence.

We arrived at our school cleaning the gym Takeda-sensei told us to rest. I went to the store nearby the guy gave us a free snack. I went home and was greeted by my mother and sister I went to bed thinking about (y/n).

"Love huh? It's my first time ever feeling this unfamiliar feeling" I whispered to myself as laid down in my bed looking up at the ceiling. Girlfriend?

I clenched my shirt where my heart was closing my eyes drifting off to sleep last think in my mind. Would she ever return my feelings?   

Sorry for the wait! I finally updated I'm so happy next chapter will be coming soon I hope. The book is going pretty good so far at least I think. Lets cross our fingers hoping I don't mess it up!

: ) ( :

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