
Autorstwa BayRenmen

32.3K 910 319

For Lena the one person keeping her from happiness and love is her fiance, Mason. For Stef, the one person ho... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

1.5K 42 20
Autorstwa BayRenmen

Chapter 8

"So how is it that you two officers know my daughter?" Stewart asked. Stewart Adams was Lena's father. Stef and Mike just picked up him and Dana from the airport. Stewart was a handsome aged white male who embraced both Stef and Mike the moment he saw them. Dana was an equally polite African-American woman. Every time she spoke Stef could hear the regal tone and demeanor of Lena in her voice. The entire car ride both parents seemed nervous and jittery as they anticipated seeing their daughter once again.

Stef and Mike looked to each other not sure of what to say. Not sure how well the truth would be taken. Not sure how much they already knew. "I just randomly bumped into her one day. Literally, actually. I made her drop her phone and I was pretty sure that she was going to scream or yell at me. She already seemed pretty mad. But she just smiled, and was polite and understanding." Stef reminisced looking out of the window as Mike continued to drive. Trying to signal her to get a grip.

But Dana and Stewart already caught on. "So tell me my darling, I already know that your story is lacking a few important details," Dana began. "I think that it is no coincidence that both of you are police officers and seem very on edge and cautious. Since you know my Lena, I'm sure that you know that partner of hers. Know him very well in fact. You two are risking your careers to help us. Possibly risking even more. I don't know if I feel comfortable with that".

"With all due respect Mrs. Adams, we both really care about Lena. Stef and I are partners, so we are in this together no matter what". Once again the hidden message did not go unnoticed to the Adams. "I see that you have a wedding ring, Mike. Are you happily married?"

"Yes, sir. Very much so".

"You also care much about Stef, I assume. Which is why you are out here doing all of this to begin with. Because Stef cares very much for my daughter." Stef looked to Mike scared to say anything else, as he looked to her with the same expression. "Oh relax you two. We both knew that Lena was gay," Dana chuckled as she lightly hit Stewart for making them nervous. "We are her parents. We know things. Granted she's never introduced us to any of her woman crushes, but when she introduced us to Mason, you can say that we were surprised for many reasons".

Still nervous to say anything else, Stef and Mike remained quiet. "Oh loosen up you two. We are supposed to be the nervous ones".


"This is such a beautiful school. I've always hoped that my Lena would work somewhere as gorgeous as here". Dana held hands with her husband and Stef and Mike lead them to Lena's class. Once they reach the room Dana and Stewart's anxiety was taking over.

"Hold on a second," Stewart began, "What if she doesn't want to see us? I mean, who is to say that she won't resent us once she sees that we are alive and well?" Stef looked to both of them with comforting eyes, touching each of their shoulders. "Because she has told me practically every day how much she misses you two. She wonders about you guys all of the time. She knows that if there was a chance that you two were a live then he was doing something to keep you guys away from her. She understands that. She stayed with him this long just take make sure that you guys would stay safe".

"Exactly. She had to go through all of this because of me," Dana said as she finally revealed her guilt. With that even Mike's heart broke as they could do nothing but reassure her that she was wrong. The last bel finally rung as kids began to fill the halls with teachers yelling reminders after them. "Stef, how about you go in first and talk to Lena. We will just ease into this together. I will stay out with them until you signal us in. Gives everyone a moment to collect themselves". Mike suggested.

Walking into the room after the last child leaves, Stef was greeted by an excited Lena. "Someone had a good day back I see". Stef lightly kissed her cheek as she took one of her hands. "I'm so excited. I talked to that social services lady you told me about and...what's wrong?" Lena noticed the confliction in Stef's eyes.

"Nothing. Mike, he has been working so hard. I tell you, when that man is determined he can get a lot done. He, uhm, he was able to locate your mom. Well and your dad, both parents...together". Lena couldn't hair anything else besides her heart rate as she took a seat at her desk. So many thoughts swarmed her mind as she began to get light headed. "Are they dead?" Stef quickly kneels next to her, stroking her face. "No! No, my love. Quite the opposite. Mike!"

Lena looked to the door as Mike walked in with her mother and father right behind him. Instantly, the flood gates opened as the ran to each other and tears freely ran. "Mom, Daddy, you guys are ok. I can't believe it!" They continued to hug and cry; not wanting to let go. "Wait. I don't want anything to happen to you guys. He can't find out that you two are here".

"Honey. We can't be afraid anymore. He only has the power that we give him", Stewart said reassuring her and Dana.

"Yeah. Plus you guys aren't alone anymore," Mike said linking his arm around Stef's shoulders. Lena ran up to him and hugged him as well, almost knocking him over. "Thank you. So much". She went to give Stef a hug to but hesitated. "Oh go ahead and give your partner a hug. We already know". Dana said to Lena's surprise.

But before she could abide in ran Mariana. "Oh. Sorry." She said feeling awkward with all the adults. Right when she was about to run out Stef stepped toward her. "Come here Miss Thang". Mariana smiled and went to Stef as she lift her up and Lena came over to her. "Mariana I want you to meet my mom and dad."

"They're back?!" Mariana's eyes lit up with excitement, remembering the stories Lena use to tell about her parents. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Adams. I'm Mariana".

"Hello Dear. Stef has told us quite a bit about you. And she was right, you are extremely precious. But you know, I would much prefer if you called me Gram." Stef and Lena's eyes practically bugged out since they didn't get a chance to mention anything to Mariana as the young girl beamed with excitement. She looked to Lena as tears filled her eyes. "Am I getting adopted?" Lena couldn't help but smile as she took her into her arms. "I'm trying my baby. I'm trying".

"And everyone here is willing to help make that happen, sweetheart", Stewart voiced.

"Wait. Does this mean that Stef is adopting me too?" she said looking back to Stef.


"Baby, are you almost done with those onions"? Dana and Lena were working hard in Stef's little kitchen to make an amazing meal for everyone. Dana wanted to be able to just cook a meal for her daughter and everyone but Lena couldn't resist being by her mother again. The entire time they could not help but smile and hug and nudge each other. Neither one of them ever believed that this would be possible again.

"Mom, how is your health? What has happened?" She felt as if she collected thousands of questions and different scenarios of what was happening with her parents and now that they were here she just wanted to know everything and vis versa. "I am perfectly fine my love. There were able to extract all of the tumor. I was still in and out of surgery but I was blessed to find a kind surgeon that was willing to take a risk. Plus, your father has become quite the investor and an expert with the stock markets".

"But tell me about this Stephanie. I was hoping that when I was finally able to see you that you would be as happy as can be. I can definitely see that she is bringing out that glow of yours". Lena just blushed as she continued to chop and dice the vegetables. "She's honestly amazing. She has helped me through so much already. She's honestly been like my personal savior". "I prayed that you were happy and would find love and happiness. Even if the journey to here was a rocky one, everything happens for a reason".

"I'm just glad that you are here and things finally feel as though they are turning around".

"So are you two planning on making this living arrangement permanent? Mariana and Stef already seem to have a connection as well, so is she going to be a part of this little family as well? I know you Lena. You are smart and your father and I raised you well. I know you have quite a bit of money stored away. I'm sure that if you wanted to get your own place you would be able to. I'm sure that fancy school of yours pay you well and money definitely wasn't the reason you were hesitant to adopt that girl".

Lena sighed as she looked to her mother. "To be completely honest, I love her and I'm pretty sure she loves me too. I'm happy with her. I feel brand new and safe whenever she is around. I get excited every time she walks through the door. And you are right I do have quite a bit saved in case something like this happened. So I am prepared and I will be ok Mom. I promise".


"So you're actually a Padres fan? Just when I thought that I would like you," Stewart joked. Him and Stef were sitting on the couch watching the game and chatting away. Stef let out a laugh. "I was thinking the same thing about you. My dad use to bring me to their games all of the time when I was younger. I'm a Padres fan for life".

"Speaking of life. I love my daughter very much. If I could get back all of the time that I missed I would. And I don't want to ever see my daughter hurt or unhappy again. I know that you are putting a lot at risk and I'm scared to see Lena wrapped in something or someone that is just going to leave her high and dry. Especially through everything that is about to happen. I know that she's strong and can handle things alone. But I also can tell that she cares about her deeply".

Stef sat up and her calm yet sensitive side appeared, "I understand that, sir. I truly do. But understand that I love your daughter. I knew that I would love her from the moment I bumped into her. I may not be able to provide the best living situation or be able to contribute as much as those in previous relations; but I will give my all for her and Mariana. Even if Lena decides that she isn't ready for this I can't imagine not being in her life or not having her in mine. I have money saved here and there and I am willing to do whatever it takes; just like I have been doing. But please believe me when I say, I am not going anywhere".


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