ArShi-One Shots

By -Rinii-

2K 118 10

Few one part stories on one of my favourite couples - Arnav and Khushi,set in an alternate universe More

The Turning point

My Hero, My ASR!

1.1K 62 6
By -Rinii-

Guys.. Wrote this couple of years back, hope it isn't a waste of your time :) Those who've watched the show 'Iss pyaar ko kya naam doon' will be able to relate to this :)

"ASRRRR! I love youuuuuu"

"I know Khushi. We all do.Haven't you started your day with the same phrase every day for the past five years?"

Khushi sat up on her side of the bed and stretched her hands over her head ,yawning loudly.

"Kya Karoon jiji? Woh tho mera hero hai! Uska smile, those eyes, the attitude, the stubble..hayee just look at him", she said , pointing to the huge poster on the wall, a poster of the rising superstar in the Bollywood film industry, heartthrob of millions of girls all over the world, the one and only-Arnav Singh Raizada!

"What wouldn't I do to trade places with those aviators ? How does he manage to look so handsome jiji? Look at that turtle neck t shirt na."

"White suits him the best.. Well he looks good in any colour for that matter..", Payal continued Khushi's rant. Hasn't Khushi been uttering the same words every morning ?

"At least change some part of your monologue Khushi!"

"Jiji! I want to meet him someday,bas!"

"Theek hai, take a cab go to his place and meet him. Now please let me get some sleep,bye!", a sleepy Payal replied.

Khushi's alarm had woken Payal up and she was so used to her sister fan girling over ASR every morning,that the dialogue had gotten registered in her mind and she was able to recollect it,even when she was half asleep.


"Goodnight Khushi! ", with that, her dear sister drifted off to sleep.

Khushi continued looking at the poster with a dreamy look on her face when she got a text from her friend.

"Khushi! Good morning! You have the designs ready right? Ananya wants to see and approve them today"

"Hey Devi mayya! I am going to get late! ASR ! It's all because of you", she chided looking at his face in the poster but couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face the next moment, looking at his adorable smiling face.

"Bye my hero, good day to you", she sent a flying kiss in the poster's direction and sprinted off to get ready.

Khushi was an architect by profession and was now working in her friend's firm. They were quite successful and were now one of the emerging names in the industry. People found their ideas fresh and appealing. She loved her job and was passionate about it. They had started working on a new assignment the earlier week and had to submit the first draft of their design that day. Her friend had texted her to remind her of the same.

Khushi got ready in record speed and left home after making sure she had all her belongings intact.She managed to get a rickshaw to her office and reached on time to meet Ananya, her senior. The meeting went well and the draft was approved. In her hurry to leave in the morning ,she had forgotten her breakfast and her stomach started growling just as the meeting was coming to an end.

Khushi excused herself once the meeting was over and after making sure her friends had had their breakfast and declining her friend's offer to accompany her,left to grab her breakfast in the Subway nearby.

She was checking notifications on her social networking page when 'ASR to shoot outdoor in xxx park today' caught her eyes. Her eyes went as wide as saucers at the news as the so called location was just fifteen minutes away from her workplace .

'Oh My God! Am I dreaming ?! Well... dreams do come true, but ASR!!! Seriously ?' .. She was extremely excited and couldn't stop grinning at the phone. She was distracted when she heard a 'Ma'am your order' and only then did she realise her surroundings.

She texted her friend informing her that she will be back in sometime and ran out of the place to get a rickshaw to the park.

1) Phone battery? -90%-check
2) Selfie mode works?- check
3) The 'What to ask ASR when you meet him' sheet of paper that she carried with her always-Check

"God had I known this earlier I would've worn my lucky red top!", she muttered just as they nearly reached the location.
Luckily for Khushi, news about ASR coming there for some shooting , had just gotten out and so she was among the first few fans to reach the place. Just as she was about to cross the road, she spotted him near the entrance of the park.

"ASRRRRRRRR!" she screamed at the top of her voice and that made him turn to look at the girl on the other side of the road.
He looked as dashing as ever, in a white shirt , with top two buttons open and a faded blue jeans. He looked at the girl who had called him, rather, screamed his name and well from what he could manage to see of her from where he was standing, his mind voice at that instant was "Wow ! she looks beautiful" ..

Khushi had worn white that day and she sure did look good. Khushi gave him her 1000 watt smile and waved, gesturing to him that she will be there in a moment.

"OMG OMG OMG He looked at me !! ASR LOOKED AT ME !!!", this was enough to drive all sane thought out of her mind and she started walking towards him without realizing that the signal had turned green.

BAM! The next moment, a motorbike hit Khushi, causing her to fall back on the median. She was too shocked to react and all color drained from her face when the pain took over. Her right leg had started bleeding and she guessed it might be a fracture. Tears started rolling down her cheeks and her eyes slowly started drifting off to unconsciousness.

ASR stood frozen at the spot. A loud horn from a car which went past him, brought him back to reality. "Damn it!!" he said and ran towards her, after making sure the signal showed red. He didn't stop to think about his stardom and the consequences he might have to face later. For now, this girl, apparently his fan, had come to meet him and she met with an accident. He felt kind of responsible for her state.
Crowd had started gathering around Khushi when ASR reached her side. Everyone was shocked/surprised to see THE ASR right before them and some even wanted a selfie with him. He glared at them for not understanding the situation and his breath caught in his throat when he looked at the girl in front of him. He was right. She looked like an angel in white . Her long hair, flawless face, her eyes-from a glimpse he caught before she nearly closed it..."ASR!.."..he heard her voice.. reality struck.."Damn it! Am I sitting here admiring her instead of taking her to the hospital? I can be really stupid at times", he told himself and felt something turn inside him when he saw her leg soaked in blood. She was trying hard to keep her eyes open and he could see she was even trying to smile? This girl was trying to smile through her tears, despite being in so much pain? Unbelievable!

He placed one hand under her neck and the other below her unhurt leg and carried her as fast as he could, to his car, ignoring the gasps and the surprised looks from his audience. "Mission- save my fan girl" was the only thing on his mind at the moment and he couldn't care less about their reactions.

He carefully placed her in the backseat and rushed to the driver's seat and put on the seatbelt.
"ASR..Is it really you?", she asked and he couldn't avoid the small smile that decided to pay a visit to his face right then. He had a LOT of fans and he was well aware of that fact, he loved their attention, he respected them a lot, because if he was in this position today, he believed that they played a MAJOR role in that. But this girl, she was different somehow..

"Yeah I guess so", he replied in his husky voice adding a " Please stay awake.. we will reach the hospital in ten minutes"
"I will", she assured him and tried her best to keep her word to her hero. Yes , she couldn't really describe how excruciating the pain was, but her ASR was driving her to the hospital??! Her first meeting with the guy who conquered her dreams, could've been better though.
ASR reached the hospital ASAP and carried her inside requesting a stretcher on the way. Well, Not everyday does anyone see a movie star walk in with a girl in his arms now do they ? So yet again, there were looks of shock and surprise and he could only let out a groan in frustration.

"God! Why does no one understand that she is hurt?", he muttered and Khushi heard him.

Never in her dreams had she imagined being in his arms like THIS and she couldn't thank that motorbike guy enough. "Devi mayya! Make sure you make that guy's day awesome okay?", she informed her best friend and went back to admiring her ASR. The tears wouldn't stop though. The pain was becoming unbearable afterall.
Khushi was taken to the emergency ward and a doctor and couple of nurses went in, followed by ASR.
"Hmm, sir , could you wait outside please?", the doctor requested him . Khushi gave him a thumbs up and he nearly rolled his eyes ." What is this girl made of ? Did she get hurt in her leg or her head? ", but he realized that it was his presence that made her smile despite being in pain and he felt overwhelmed. A sense of accomplishment at having gained her love and respect, took over. "I will be right outside", he assured her and walked out of the room and occupied the chair outside.

ASR checked his phone to see seven missed calls from Anjali and three from Aman.
"Choteeeee! How's my Bhabhi? Don't worry, she will be fine, I am coming over in a while with lunch for you guys "
"Who Bhabhi whose Bhabhi? What are you saying Di?"
"Offo. Where are you now Chote?"
"City hospital Di"
"Because a fan of mine met with an accident and I took her here"
"And I know the situation is not right but you guys look SO GOOD together Choteee! My Bhabhi looks beautiful!!!"
"What the?"
"Don't 'What the ' me chote! You might be the mighty superstar ASR to the outside world but you are still my little brother"
"Okay okay sorry Di but what are you saying? We looked good together? You mean that girl inside ? When did you see and where ?"
"You are dumb at times you know that? You are a celebrity and there is something called media"
"Oh My GOD!!! DAMN IT I DIDN'T REALISE", ASR nearly screamed into the phone earning a "Shut up ! Do you want me to become deaf?" from his sister.
"Di I am getting another call, I think it's Aman. Oh no.. how am I going to answer their numerous questions now? I don't even know her name"
"yet.. "
"You don't know her name... yet"
"Relax Chote!! Just tell them what actually happened. Rumours are going to be there anyway , whether you like it or not. And I won't mind having her for a Bhbahi either. Get to know her soooon chote"
"Will you ever be serious Di?"
"I love teasing you and you know that. Acha have you informed her family?"
"Oh that completely slipped my mind! I will do that and okay Di I will tell the media what happened,bye"
"Bye chote. She will get well soon don't worry"
Arnav smiled at that and hung up.
"ASR, Media almost outside the hospital. What do you think you were doing running on the road like that ? You could've called the ambulance", Aman, his best friend cum manager, told him.

"Shut up Aman. She was coming to meet me and I couldn't just leave her in that state. And yeah media. GOD!", Arnav started seeing visions like –'India wants to know Mr ASR, Who is that girl? Is she your girlfriend?

"I will be there in ten minutes, we were wondering where you had disappeared from the location but when we all saw the 'Breaking news' on TV we knew for ourselves"
"Hmm okay I will come out after you reach", he said and cut the call, rushing to meet the doctor who came out just then, to ask her about the girl.
"She has fractured her leg. She will be fine in a month or so Mr ASR" , he replied
"Can I go in?"
"She hasn't gained consciousness but yes you can "
"Thank you Doctor", Arnav replied and the doctor told him a "I am your big fan" phrase before walking away, humming a tune from Arnav's movie.
Arnav walked in slowly and sat on the chair beside her bed.
"You both look so good together Chote" played in his mind over and over again.. He logged into his social networking page and obviously, the video of him carrying the girl and almost running to his car had gone viral. He played the video and found himself smiling at it ? He liked it and he didn't know why.."Okay, you have lost it , officially", his mind informed him. But he decided to give her a piece of his mind when she woke up. She was crazy to just walk on the road like that without even checking the signal! What of it had been a truck in place of a bike! What if she had been in a worse state? The thought sent shivers down his spine.

He then remembered that he hadn't informed her family yet and saw her bag lying on the other end. He wasn't sure if he could open it but deciding it wasn't time to think about manners , he opened her bag and took her phone when a paper fell down from her bag. He was about to place the paper back in her bag when the word 'ASR' caught his eyes. He opened it to see "What to ask ASR when you meet him" as the title and it was dated almost five years back? Wasn't that the time he started acting ? Woah!!

There were the usual questions like " Who is your favourite co-star?" "What do you do when you find some free time?" " favourite destination" etc.. but one "Have you been in love and Do you believe in love at first sight?", caught his attention. Yes.. ASR had had his share of girlfriends but none of the relationships worked out for whatever reason, but he knew when they went their separate ways, that he hadn't met his soulmate in them...."Love at first sight ? Hmm.. I might know that feeling now", he muttered, looking at her. He couldn't quite explain the emotions he was experiencing at the moment but excitement and elation topped the list for sure. "What if Di's words turn out true? What if she ends up being the love of my life? Destiny sure comes up with the strangest ways to make people meet" , he thought and took her phone and wasn't surprised to find his picture as the home screen image.. He chuckled and was grateful that she hadn't locked her phone and found the number 'Home' in her contacts and dialed it.
After around half an hour her family arrived..Arnav guessed it should be her parents, her sister and one another relative, her aunty probably..
When they saw him there, they were surprised..Payal didn't know how to react. Till that very morning she was chatting with her sister about him and now he was the one who admitted her here ?
"ASR !! AAP?"
"Are you a fan too ?" , he asked, smiling at her.
"Ofcourse! OMG You are amazing ! "
He smiled politely and turned to the elders to inform them about her fracture and that the doctor informed him that she will be fine in a month or so.
"Hai re nandkishore! Yeh Sanka devi bhi na!! She doesn't even know to cross the road properly!! ", that relative aunty exclaimed dramatically.
"Buaji. Thankgod its nothing major ! Chintha math keejiyega! " , Payal tried comforting her.
"Oh Buaji", Arnav made note of the relation that aunty shared with his fan girl. Oh btw!! He didn't even know her name yet !
Khushi's parents and Buaji thanked ASR and told him how big a fan of his Khushi was. "You don't like my movies?", Arnav asked them, pretending to be hurt.
"Arey aisa nahi hai Betaji. We like them too. We bless you for a bright future!"
Payal added a "They just said that because Khushi literally starts her day after talking to your poster"
Arnav was surprised. "Seriously ?"
Payal nodded grinning and told him how Khushi NEVER missed the chance to watch his movie on the first day and the count of the number of times she must've watched each of his movies.
Arnav couldn't wait for her to get up. His fan girl seemed extremely crazy about him and his joy knew no bounds.."Khushi is a beautiful name" he thought to himself. He got a call from Aman just then and he excused himself and attended it.
"Yeah Aman ,coming" he said and walked out to face the media.
As expected,"MR ASR Who is that girl?"" Is she the special someone in your life?"" How is she now?""Are you guys getting married? " .. He calmly replied with how she was his fan and had met with an accident etc.. They didn't seem convinced but he had conveyed what he had to and so asked Aman to manage the crowd and went back inside, to inform her family that he had to go back to his shoot.
None of them were outside and that's when he realized she must've woken up.. He waited for them to come out so that he could go meet her alone.
They did after a while and he informed them not to worry about all the media as the rumours will die down in a while. When he asked them if he could go meet her, they gladly agreed.
Khushi was smiling to herself when he entered and she looked extremely adorable with her pink cheeks and button nose. Their eyes met and he got lost in her eyes , the deep hazel pools that they were.. "Rabba ve" , a famous song from one of his movies, played in his mind and Arnav came out of the eyelock first.

He then remembered that he wanted to scream at her for being so stupid .. "Khushi! What's wrong with you ? What if it had been a truck and if you had ended up in an even worse state? I understand that you are my fan but don't you have to be careful and responsible for the sake of your family atleast?" he asked her and she was surprised.

'He was kind enough to take me all the way here and from what jiji told me, he was the who informed my family about the accident and now he waited till I gained consciousness to make me see sense? Can the day get any better ? OMG and he knows my name!'

Khushi was grinning at him and Arnav was puzzled. He raised his voice right ? Why is she smiling as if he sang a song or said something nice to her ?
Arnav chuckled at her response. 'Okay... I am starting to like her already'
"Shhh Khushi! You are in a hospital and FYI , YOU are the patient. Stop screaming at the top of your lungs please! And yes I know you are my biggest fan. Sorry but I happened to see that "What to ask ASR.." paper when I took your phone to call your family.. I even know to the extent of your day beginning with a chat with my poster, thanks to your family "
"Hawww! They told you all that?" she asked, her mouth forming a big O. Arnav nodded , grinning widely. " Thankyou Khushi. Honestly, I don't know what to say. I am overwhelmed", he said genuinely.
Khushi smiled, blushing slightly. She then remembered something important."ASR! Selfie?", she asked, without bothering about her leg that was in a cast. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and she wanted to make the best of it.
"Now? In this state?"
"I don't know when and IF I will ever meet you again ASR! I am already praying that all this shouldn't turn out to be a dream when I wake up tomorrow morning"
Arnav felt bad at the 'IF' part. 'I will make sure we meet often fan girl', he told himself.
"Haha dream ? really? Doesn't the pain in your leg tell you otherwise?", he asked her.
"Good point "
"Waise, what's the hurry? I want to get to know you better so we can take one when you are fine na?"
"What ?"
"Yeah Khushi. You are a fun person. I would like to get to know you "
"What ?"
"Do you know anything other than 'What'?"

"ASR.. You serious? You will talk to me after today ?"
"Of course I will"
Khushi didn't reply for a few seconds.
"No Khushi. No screaming mode again!"
"Okay okay sorry. Thaaannkkkyouuuu ASR! ", she whispered
"Better", he said, chuckling .. 'Oh man! She is one adorably crazy girl'
"Okay but can we take a selfie to remember the day we met ? Pleaseeee! "
"Okay fine!", he gave in finally and they took a beautiful picture worth framing!
They chatted for some more time and ASR left ,after they exchanged numbers and after he informed her to check the news. Khushi blushed a deep red when she saw the video later.

ASR called/ texted often, inquiring about her health and even paying a visit to her house once a while. He slowly fell in love with his fan girl and after approximately seven months since that day, when they met at the same park where he had gone for his shooting that day, ASR proposed to his fan girl, his Khushi. And obviously, he had to keep his ears closed for the next five minutes as his sweetheart couldn't stop screaming in excitement . It was a dream come true for Khushi and the moment which reiterated Arnav's belief that 'Everything happens for a reason'.

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