Assassin's Creed: Modernity...

By Raidriar93

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:: The Aqua Pearl Awards First PLace Winner:: ::The Gold Awards Second Place Fanfiction Winner:: ::Fictio... More

Interlude: World War I
Interlude: World War II
Interlude: Operation New World Part I
Interlude: Operation New World Part 2
Interlude: Operation New World Part 3
Interlude: Operation New World Part 4
Interlude: Operation New World Part 5
Interlude: Operation New World Part 6


156 15 4
By Raidriar93

Location: Unknown

PST: 08:43

Mission: Survive


Ethan wandered down the hallway to the sound of voices. Photos and and a variety of strange objects lined the wall. There was a strange cube with a drop of blood in it, feathers and a multitude of old and obsolete hidden blades. 

As his wandering down the hall ended, he emerged into a dining room. The same wallpaper as in in the bedroom line the walls and more artifacts were displayed on shelves and hooks. Most of the artifacts Ethan recognized from his studies of the Assassin's and Templar's history over the past twenty-five hundred years. 

The thought brought back the rage and anger of the entire Brotherhood falling apart in a matter of hours. The old man motioned for him to sit at the wooden dining table facing the TV. Ethan nodded to the old man as he sat and noticed the man speaking on the TV. His black and grey flecked hair, thin tight lips, and gaunt face were unmistakable to any Assassin.

"That's Alan Rikkin!" 

The old man said nothing but nodded, his eyes glued to the TV. The banner at the bottom of the screen read Rikkin Tells About Secret Cult. Ethan, already on edge as he was, clenched his fist and reopened the wound on his knuckles. 

The camera switched from a reporter to Rikkin who was speaking outside of the Abstergo Tech Headquarters. 

"For the past several decades, we have been nagged at . . . no terrorized by a secret cult," Rikkin stated to an outburst from the journalists on the scene. After everyone quieted he began again, "We assumed that the problem would die down and that our security forces could handle the situation. The police investigated some of the incidents over the years, and came up with no conclusive  evidence, so we took matters into our own hands. We investigated, into this cult, these Assassin's, as they call themselves. We hired a militia force and defended ourselves when they attacked."

This was met by another outburst of questions. Again Rikkin waited as the flood of comments died. "Still, a few of these cult members roam the streets. Abstergo has taken the liberty of collecting information on these few active members and gave them to police and the media."

The camera switched back to the anchor, "This was Mr. Rikkin, CEO of Abstergo Industries and the sister companies. That was his statement on the recent incident at Abstergo Tech."

Pictures began to appear of Ethan's fellow Assassin's and their last known whereabouts. All were listed as armed and dangerous. Ethan set his jaw as he saw his picture appear on the screen. 

The screen turned black and Ethan turned to look the old man, who looked as startled as he did.

"I think we've got the picture," said a kindly fragile voice. Both men turned to see an aged lady with white hair, and a small amount of wrinkles, considering her age. 

The old man looked crest fallen. "Yes dear," he mumbled while staring at his shoes. 

"Clark here may have forgotten his manners. My name is Ella." She smiled warmly at Ethan. 

Ethan looked around the walls again, at the myriad of weapons and artifacts. "Who collected all of these?" he asked curiously.

"We did," Clark said, beaming. "While we worked, we collected what we could. They're nice decorations and great souvenirs!"

"So you two were Assassins?"

Ella and Clark exchanged knowing glances. "Well . . ." Clark began before his wife interrupted him.

"I was an Assassin. He was a Templar. It was a classic Romeo and Julliet story," Ella said with a melancholy look in her eyes. "We left our orders to be with each other. But by that time, our skills had peeked a long time in the past, so they let us leave."

Ethan furrowed his brow. "I don't think I've heard of anyone who was released from either order, yunno, without dying."

Again Clark and Ella exchanged knowing glances. "Sorry but I don't think we caught your name."

Ethan smiled, a little abashed at his discourteousness. "My name is Ethan Frye." Ella and Clark couldn't conceal the shocked look on their faces. Ethan noticed that Clark glanced down at the intricately carved vulture cane he rested on, even though he was sitting.

"So you're a descendant of Jacob Frye?" Ella asked with a hint of awe in her voice. Ethan nodded. "Well, why did Clark here find you on that beach?"

Ethan proceeded to tell them of the mission and the apparent downfall of the Brotherhood. He told them of the conversation with Callum and his misgivings of whether or not his information was true. All the while, Ella and Clark were silent, occasionally nodding.

When Ethan finished his story Clark stood. "Let's you and I take a walk, shall we?" Clark led Ethan to a door and opened it. Clark began to slowly descend the stairs, followed by Ethan. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Clark flipped the light switch and the lights flickered on.

The basement was huge and open. Swords, daggers, and shields lined the walls. Many had an Assassin or Templar logo emblazoned onto them. As Ethan looked around, his eyes were wide. On the back wall of the cellar stood a dozen Assassin uniforms. Jacob and Evie Frye's costume were among them. He also recognized the famous Ezio Auditore da Firenze's outfit in his later years. The dark blue and fur outfit was a legendary thing in the order.

Each Assassin's weapons were laid out on small tables. Ethan instinctively walked over to his ancestor's table and picked up the kukri, a large knife with a curved blade from India. He swung it through the air experimentally and the blade hissed. He slipped on Jacob's hidden blade gauntlet, feeling the weight and familiarity. It was a large gauntlet, with a gold plate in center. Attached to the plate, was a hallucinogenic dart launcher. On the bottom of the gauntlet was the usual hidden blade and a small grapple launcher. The knuckles also had studs on them, acting as brass knuckles. 

Setting the gauntlet down, his eyes caught Connor Kenway's outfit. The Native American Revolutionary Assassin was a legend in the Brotherhood. He picked up the tomahawk and tested the perfect balance and easy feel. 

Next, his eyes were drawn to a World War I like outfit, but instead of a helmet, there was the infamous hood of the Assassins. The outfit also had a cape on the right shoulder and two swords at its hips.

"These are amazing," Ethan whispered in awe. Clark nodded a telling smile on his face. 

"You'll need these," Clark said, picking up the kukri, and Jacob's hidden blade gauntlet and Connor's Assassin tomahawk. 

Ethan held up a hand in protest but before he could say anything, Clark began again. "These will serve you better than I. If you are going to rebuild the order, you'll need weapons."

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