De Skyy_M

2.9M 99.5K 10.3K

Finding your soulmate is a rare thing in a werewolf world. Those who are fortunate enough, find their signifi... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 31

54.1K 1.7K 172
De Skyy_M

As soon as Marcus open the backdoor of the pack house everything goes silent still. Hundreds wide eyes stare back at us with surprise then all at once they bow their heads in submission and go down on their knees.

I swallow hard, It was quite a scary sight to be honest and a bit uncomfortable. I was never much for a high position I always liked to blend in the crowd then to be the center of attention.

My heart picks up its pace when the realization hits me hard that this was my first time meeting them all as their Luna, with their Alpha by my side.

I slightly turn my head to the side to see Marcus standing up straighter beside me, his shoulders square and feet wide apart. He looked over his people proudly, his gray, dominating eyes taking their time observing each one of them ''Rise.'' he demands in a deep authority voice.

Only a single word but held so much power, That even my wolf quivered to kneel to his demands and she was one proud wolf.

My eyebrows furrow I don't remember my former Alpha holding this much power or Darrion for that matter....

''Jowdan!'' a tiny voice screamed.

At the sound of my name, my eyes leave the crowd and fall on a pink fluff ball running my way at full speed.

''Jowdan! you came to my birthday party!'' Quinn squeals and wraps her small arms around my legs tightly.

Laughing, I look down and run my fingers though Quinn's wild curly hair, trying to tame them to no avail ''How can I miss my baby's birthday?'' I ask. smiling, I straighten her crooked tiara.

Giving me a wide toothy grin she pulls back only to squeal even louder than before making Marcus and Max wince beside me ''And you brought princess too?!?'' her eyes shine with happiness like I just gave her the keys to charlie and the chocolate factory.

Placing her hands on my belly, she rubs her cheek on it before placing a kiss. I throw my head back and a bark of laughter leave my lips. My heart soars, Sometimes I think she loves this baby more than I do.

''It's not like she had a choice, Stupid'' Max says dryly, referring to her last comment. rolling his eyes, he gives me a look that says 'See what I meant by crazy?'

Pulling away from me, Quinn place her hands on her hips and narrows her emerald doe eyes at Max ''Mom said it's rude to call people stupid. You're not a very nice boy, Pax.''

Max growls  ''Its. Max.'' he grits through clenched jaw.

''Fax'' she threw back stubbornly. Not the one to back down easily.

''Okay! off you kids go.'' Clapping her hand, Noelle stands beside me and makes a shush motion with her hands. 

Giving my belly one last kiss, Quinn follows behind Max all the while tugging at his t-shirt to get his attention.

''Alpha,'' Noelle bows her head at Marcus and smiles kindly.

''Noelle,''Marcus gives her a nod of acknowledgment and look around the buzzing party ''You did well,''

''Thank you, Alpha'' her smiles turns into full blown grin. Its really weird how 180 degree turn Noelle's personality takes whenever she's around Marcus.

Marcus's eyes glaze for a minute, letting out a impatient sigh. he looks down at me with much softness in his gray eyes ''Adam set an emergency meeting, I will be back in few minutes.'' he tells me, leaning down he place a kiss on my forehead. His eyes move to Noelle before turning around and entering the pack house. 

My eyes don't leave his back until he is out of view. I turn to look at Noelle and raise a brow ''What did he tell you?''

Draping her skinny arm over my shoulder, She shakes her head and makes a 'tsk' noise ''That you're under my protection and if something happened to you he will have my head on top of the Christmas tree this year.''

I laugh ''He didn't say that.''

''No. but he wanted to,'' she grins and looks back at the her creation ''Well, what do you think?'' she throw her hands toward the party in a grand gesture.

I take a look around the backyard and boy, did Noelle knew how to throw a party. There was a merry go round in the middle of the backyard lightening the whole place, two bouncy castle one for the kids and one for our inner childs. A small roller coaster sat on the side and small boots with various games and on the left side away from everything were the table and grills where men were flipping the burgers and hot dogs.

All in all the party was like a mini carnival.

''Noelle, this is..'' I open my mouth to say but shut up completely when my eyes land on something. A Ferris wheel?!? ''A freaking Ferris wheel?!?'' I gasp in astonishment and look at her with wide eyes '' How did you managed to pull that out?'' 

Throwing her head back, she laughs ''Trust me, darling, Having your husband as third in command have its many privileges'' winking, she hands me a icy pomegranate juice from the refreshment table and lead me toward a table with a blonde woman feeding her infant wrapped in a blue blanket.

The woman looks up from her sleeping baby when we join her at the table and smile kindly at us ''Mariah this is Jordan, Jordan, Mariah''Noelle introduce us distractedly and rubs the back of her index finger on the infants chubby cheek.

''I know who she is, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Luna'' 

''The pleasure is all mine'' I smile at her but my eyes fall on the baby and my heart melts at his innocent face.

One day we will also hold our bundle of joy like that My wolf sighs.

''Do you want to hold him?'' Mariah asks, when she notice me looking at her baby wistfully.

''Uh..I don't know how to...'' shaking my head, I hesitate for a second.

''This way,'' taking a hold of my hand, She places my one hand on baby's back and the other under his head.

''Like this?''I ask nervously and bring him closer to my chest, afraid that I will drop him.

''Yeah, just like that'' she grins and nods.

I look down at the baby and feel my heart warm at his pink cheeks and pouty lips, and long blonde lashes. He looked so fragile and so innocent ''He is beautiful,'' I whisper and rub the tip of my thumb on his cheek and nose ''What's his name?'' I look at Mariah questioningly. 

''Thank you, his name is Louise,'' she looks down at her baby with adoration and love and lightly combs his hair to the side with her fingers ''How far along are you?'' 

''Seven months'' I say proudly.

''Aww you have two more months. We can't wait to meet our future Alpha!''she gushes. 

I chuckle and look down at the baby ''I can't wait either.''

''Ahh, this makes me want to have another baby, ''Noelle pouts making us laugh.

We talk for a while and I hang on to everything she says baby related, restoring each important tips in my head. before she excuse herself to change Louise's diaper.

''Move out of the way you, little booger.'' A grumpy voice cuts our conversation, Me and Noelle look up at the same time to see Jade glare at a boy no older than eight and make her way toward us.

''Jade!''Noelle gasps in horrification when she reaches us ''Don't be rude and You can't wear that to a kids party!''

Confused, I take a look Jade's clothes. She was in her usual element with black jeans, black boots, leather jacket and choker around her neck but it was her white t-shirt that took the cake. It said in bold letters  'I work harder than an ugly stripper'

Slumping on the chair next to mine, She looks down at herself and back at Noelle like she's the stupidest person around ''This is my favorite t-shirt.''she states in a matter of fact tone.

''Mommy what's a stri-ri-paar?'' A little girl just few feet away struggles to pronounce the word and tug at her mother's hand and points at Jade in confusion.

''It means your Mo-''Before Jade can yell that to the little girl, I slap a hand over her mouth and hold her still.  

''Stripes! honey, it means stripes!'' Noelle calls out to the girl and gives a nervous chuckle as the little girl's mothers glares at Jade's direction before walking or more like running in the other way.

Shaking out of my hold ''I know where you live, I'm going to blast your mail box tomorrow.''Jade yells at the woman retreating back.

''Oh my god'' Noelle drops her head and hid her face behind her hand in embarrassment.

A loud laugh escapes my mouth at the woman's now pale face. I cover my mouth to stop the giggle when Noelle glares my way ''Sorry,''  

Jade rolls her eyes at Noelle and looks at me with a bored expression ''You're the only one who's tolerable in this party.'' crossing her arms over her chest she makes a circle motion with her index finger without lifting her hand.

I chuckle and rub a hand over the place where the baby kicked ''And you're the light of it''I say truthfully and she really was, no place is dull when she was around.

''Mickey! No! put your brother down'' Noelle shouts at her nine year Nephew who was currently about to do a John Cena stunt on his little brother. ''These boy,'' standing up she murmurs a quick 'I will be back' before running toward her nephews.

''Soo...Where is Marcus? i'm surprised he's not-''she stops talking when her eyes fall on someone. Clearing her throat she looks away and continue in a strained voice''Watching over you like a guard dog'' she smirks but her gaze goes back to something ahead.

I follow her gaze and see the human boy from the coffee shop with two identical girls, his sisters I think.

Everyday after school Jade comes to the cafe and watches the boy at table seven from afar. Her eyes never stray from him as she watches him study for hours and every day she leaves only when he does.

''He's with Adam'' I say, my eyes still on the trio ''Isn't that the boy Lexi is dating?''I fake confusion and look at her curiously. What's the best way of getting your answer than to trigger that person?

Her eyes darken ''They're not dating.''she growls at me.

''He's you're mate isn't he?'' I raise a eyebrow challengingly, not scared of her at all.

Sadness washes over her eyes and she looks away but it answers my question ''And i'm guessing he doesn't know about it?'' silence again. I nod ''Are you ashamed that he is a human?''I ask softly but my eyes narrow slightly to observe her reaction. I'm not going to lie, if she said yes I would be really disappointed.

''No!'' her head snaps my way and her  wide eyes looked so offended like I just slapped her across the face ''I will never!''

My tense shoulders relax ''Then what is it? are you planing on stalking the boy for the rest of your life?'' I raise an eyebrow at her amusingly.

The anger vanishes from her face, Groaning, she puts her head in her hands and shakes her head ''Why the hell do you have to be so fucking nosy?''

I shrug ''Nature, I guess''

She stays quiet and I let her take her time. sitting up suddenly she throws her hands in the air when I keep staring at her for the answer ''Its complicated, okay? I'm not fully sure that he is my mate?''

''Why? how old are you?'' I question and take a sip off my drink.

''I just turned 15,''Jade murmurs sadly. 

Ahh, that explains it. We werewolves shift at the age of 12 and recognize our mates at age of 16.

Sighing, I lean closer and drap my arm around her in a side hug, she tenses under my touch but doesn't move away. Jade was anything but affectionate she was not! and I was glad to see when her tense body slowly relaxed ''How do you feel when you're around him?'' I ask softly.

She looks at me through he lashes and lifts her shoulders in slight shrug ''I feel like...Floating? like.. how I feel when I Hit bong but 100 times better? and..and how after a long run you're gasping for breath but you're still very contained and how it's like a knife stab in the chest when they're sad?'' she looks down at her fiddling fingers and shakes her head before looking up at me with so much vulnerability, her eyes lost and sad that my heart breaks for this strong young girl ''Is it a thing? is that how you feel around Marcus?'' She questions in a small voice.

I smile at her and tuck and strand of her blonde her behind her ear ''And when he smile, you feel like your heart is about to burst from all that overwhelming feelings and when his innocent touch can make you feel more alive than your existence,''  

''Yes.'' she breathes out like someone just solved her a mystery, ''Exactly.''

I sigh ''Jade, I don't know if he's your mate or not but you only feel those things only for your mate and no one else and since he is a human he wont be able to feel the intense pull as much as you do.'' 

''What should I do?''She makes a frustrated sound ''Tell me what should I do. I can't stand Lexi flirting with him only to get a rise out of me. I don't know how that bitch figured out he might be my mate.''

''Well, that's typical Regina George for you.''I hand her my pomegranate juice and lean back in my chair. she sips from my juice while we watch the boy. both lost in our thoughts

 An idea enters my head ''Why don't you be friends with him until you find out the truth? also he seems like a nice boy'' I watch the boy as he blows air in the balloon and it suddenly bursts in his face.

Jade shakes her head and her face softens at the boy's red embarrassed face ''Don't you think I tried that mother Theresa? He flees the scene whenever I am around,''She huffs and starts stabbing the ice in the glass with the straw.

''Well, if you stopped looking at everyone with 'I will skin you alive if you as much as breathe my way' look'' I quote the words ''then maybe he will stop shitting his pants in your presence,''

''I don't do that'' she grits through her teeth and glares at me and I raise a brow as to say see.

Blowing out a breath, her shoulders slump ''Whatever.''

''Go talk to the boy,'' I smile and bump my shoulder with her.

''Maybe later,''she mutters in finality and picks at threads of her ripped jeans.

''Suit yourself. '' I shrug my shoulders and say the words I know will work like a charm, '' Just so you know, Regina George is making a bee line for him.''

Jade head snaps up and true enough Lexi was making her way to the boy and his sisters with three cupcakes in hand and a look on her face that says she's about to hit a jackpot.

''That bitch!'' Jade growls and stand up so quickly that the chair falls backward. Turning sideway so she was facing she tugs at the end of her t-shirt ''How do I look?'' she practically spits the words out.

I laugh under my breath ''Beautiful. but lose the glare,'' and she loses it instantly. Taking a deep breath she makes her way toward the boy with glasses. I watch in amusement as Jade says 'Hey' a little too loudly making the boy jump.

Ah, young love my wolf gushes. Ever the romantic, I roll my eyes.

I stand up and make my way toward Max who was having trouble shooting a statue with a fake gun ''Here, let me teach you,'' I hold his hand steady between mine and make a clear aim ''Now, shoot'' but before Max can pull the trigger someone else shoots the target in the head earning themselves the price.

Standing up straighter, I huff out a breath. I knew who it was without turning around ''Jay..''I grit his name in a low growl and turn around to glare at Jake who was smiling so big he had his bottom lip caged between his teeth Jake.

I absolutely hated when he did that! Even when we were kids and every time we went to carnivals together he will always shoot my targets just to annoy the hell out of me.

Still grinning he walks up to the man behind the booth and claims his price and looks down at Max ''There you go, bud, an early birthday present from you sister,'' he hands Max a fake bow and arrow and ruffles his hair.

''Cool! Thanks, Jake!'' Giving him a high five, Max runs toward his friends elated to show them his new impressive prize.

Jake chuckles when he sees me still glaring at him ''What? No thank you kisses?'' he pouts his lips.

Shaking my head, I throw the fake gun at him hoping to hit him in the face but he catches it effortlessly with a ''Oph'' There, your thank you.''I smile at him sarcastically.

''Ahh, I missed that temper''he murmurs and pulls me in a side hug ''How's little J.J?'' he pats my belly.

I push his hand away ''For the millionth time, I'm not naming my child after you,''

''That's because she's naming him after me,'' Daniel joins us with a beer in one hand and icepack in the other.

''Fuck, what happened to your nose, man?''Jake wince at his bruising nose and lean his head to get a better look.

Danny points a accusing finger at me ''Her mate broke it,''

''He broke it, I fixed it. So that makes us even, doesn't it?'' I look up at Jake for support I knew I will get all the while trying my hardest not to laugh at the accusing looks Danny was giving me.

Jake looks down at me with a thoughtful expression and back at Daniel then nods his head in agreement. ''Even and half.''

''Fuckers'' Daniel growls and place the icepack on his nose.

I chuckle. Hearing a 'Click' I look up to see Caleb holding out his Dslr, taking another picture of us ''Caleb, hey'' I smile and watch him walk toward us with his easy going smile and warm brown eyes. 

''Hey,'' he leans forward and place a kiss on my cheek.

''I believe you guys have met,'' I gesture between them. Jake, Daniel and Mila always swing by the cafe whenever its my shift and they have met more than once.

''Yeah, what's up man?'' Danny gives him the weird handshake that guys do but Jake simply nods in his direction.

Caleb and Daniel instantly fall in a heated conversation about yesterday football game and I look at Jake curiously ''Have you seen Mila?''I look around the party, searching for Mila's fiery red hair. I haven't seen her since I arrived and I also want to talk to her about Max moving in with me.

''Nope. Come, let's play another game,''he nods toward the booth, His eyes shine with mischief. he always loved challenges.

I wiggle my eyebrows ''Prepare to lose.'' 

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