Forever and Always // Ashton...

By dottylou

51K 1.6K 490

"When you love something or someone that much, you hold on to them, you hold on to them for dear life until y... More

Forever and Always // Ashton Irwin
1 - Cookies & Cold Sweats
2 - Flights, Fiancés, & Fear
3 - Ashton, Thongs, & Perfect Snogging
4 - Death, Love, & Lies
6 - Words Left Unsaid
7 - Late Night Conversations
8 - Garlic Bread & Opportunities
9 - Hysterics
10 - Broken Promises
11 - All We Seem to Do is Wait
12 - Blame
13 - Numb
14 - Revelations
15 - 12:43 a.m.
16 - You're Doing a Real Shit Job
17 - Deals With the Devil
18 - Fading
19 - Everything
20 - Hanging By a Moment
21 - Staring Down the Barrel of a Loaded Gun
22 - The Light
23 - The Aftermath
24 - Forever and Always
Author's Note

5 - Puppies, Parties, & Josh Ramsay

2.1K 62 21
By dottylou

Wildfire - Marianas Trench
From wedding bells to private hells
To fresh new starts and wish-you-wells
From up in lights to up in smoke
We just can't let this go
Maybe this time it could work
If our need is dire
Maybe our future's so bright it fucking burns like a wildfire
Like a wildfire

My head perked up at the sound of the front door unlocking. I wiggled my toes which were resting on Ashton's chest. He groaned as he tried to roll over, trapping my feet underneath his body.

"Jordyn! Ashton! I have a surprise!" I heard my mom yell from the front hall.

Ashton and I both looked at each other.

"Puppy," Ashton whispered.

"Puppy," I whispered back as a smile grew on my face. I shot up from my laying position on the couch but couldn't move my feet because Ashton was on top of them. I aggressively wiggled my toes underneath him.

"Can you chill for like two seconds?" He huffed as he rolled off of the couch and onto the floor.

I winced in pain as his body weight moved over my feet.

"I get to name the puppy!" I yelled at him as I jumped up. His hands latched onto my ankle and luckily I grabbed onto the coffee table before I lost my balance completely.

"Jordyn and Ashton!" My mom's voice sounded irritated. Ashton and I shared a scared look.

"Lizzie isn't playing." Ashton whispered as I broke free from his grasp.

"Coming!" I yelled back to her as I grabbed Ashton's arm and pulled him up with me. Ashton kept trying to elbow me in the side as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh! Ashton sto-" I was mid-sentence and mid-elbow when my eyes landed on the surprise my mom had for us in the kitchen.

Three of my favorite people in the world stood at the counter eating out of a bowl of grapes.

"My favorite seconds of summer!" I yelled as I left my fiancé standing in the doorway as I ran to hug his bandmates.

My mom put her phone up to her ear and quickly left the room befire we could interrupt her conversation with whoever it was she was talking to.

Ashton groaned from his side of the room. My arms wrapped around Calum and then I moved to Michael. My last hug was reserved for Luke, who I hugged so hard, I didn't think I'd ever let go until Michael said something that intrigued me.

I stepped back at looked at the now blonde boy.

"What did you say?"

"Your fiancé had a gift for you but he's and idiot and left it in the hotel in Toronto." Michael laughed.

I looked over at Ashton as he turned ghost white. He was now standing next to me as Michael reached into his backpack.

"What did you forg- is that what I think it is?" I gasped and clapped my hand over my mouth at the item Michael was dangling in front of me.

"Just a signed copy of Marianas Trench's Astoria album on vinyl? Um, yeah, that's what it looks like to me." Luke rolled his eyes at Ashton who now had a sour look on his face.

I took the gift from Michael's hands and stared at it.

"I realized I forgot it as I was standing in line for security, so I texted Luke," Ashton gave him a dirty look as he said this, "I didn't even tell Michael."

"Michael knows everything." Calum muttered which caused me to laugh. I placed the record on the table as I turned around and hugged Ashton.

"Thank you, I love you." I mumbled as I pressed a kiss to his jawline.

"Anything for you, Jor."

I stepped back and punched him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" He questioned as he rubbed his arm.

Calum, Michael, and Luke were now laughing at our exchange.

"You got Marianas Trench to sign my favorite album and you forget it in a hotel room?"

"Face the wrath of angry Jor." Luke laughed as he grabbed some grapes from the bowl on the counter.

"Happy wife equals happy life." Calum whispered.

"If it makes you feel any better, when we were with them Josh said he'd love to work with you sometime, maybe work on one of their music videos or something." Ashton said nonchalantly as he reached over and grabbed some grapes.

I felt like my eyes bugged out of my head and my jaw dropped as far as it would go.

"Josh fucking Ramsay said that?"

Ashton nearly choked as I said this.

"Wow Jor." Calum laughed.

"Yeah, he did. I was there." Michael mused as he leaned on the counter.

"You guys!" I gushed. I was so overly-excited at this. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to squeeze the guts out of my friends as morbid and messy as that sounds but I was just so happy.

"Jor, make me food." Michael groaned as he changed the subject. He laid his head on the counter and closed his eyes.

"Make your own food, you've probably been in this kitchen more than I have."


We all stood there in a comfortable silence until Ashton, Calum, and Michael started talking about something that happened on tour.

Luke leaned into me, biting his lip as he did so.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hey," I whispered back at him. His blue eyes looked nervous as they scanned my face.

I sent him a confused look as he let out a sigh.

"Have you talked to Evelyn lately?" He rushed out. I smiled as he said this. Ever since I introduced the two of them back when Eves and I were in high school, Luke has been in love with her. He was too annoying to admit it though.

"I called her this morning." I stated, making him suffer.

"Jeez Jordyn!" He rubbed his neck. "Did she-did she mention me?"

"Unless you're a six-year-old that vomited all over her, then no." I said, referencing to one of her students named Luke that got sick and puked on her yesterday.

Luke groaned in response.

"She gets more action from a six-year-old." He sighed as he threw his head back.

"Perv." I rolled my eyes as a thought popped into my head.

Ashton, Calum, and Michael started laughing hysterically as Michael chucked a grape at Calum's face.

"I better win the 'best friend of the year' award for this." I mumbled to him.

He gave me an confused look as I sat next to Michael at the kitchen island.

"Saturday night, all of you can come over for dinner. Eves will be invited and Calum you can invite Adrienne."

Ashton sent me a worried look as I said this.

"We're not dating!" Calum blurted.

"That's a lie." Ashton stated as he rolled his eyes causing Luke and I to start laughing.

"Wait, I'm the only one without a date now." Michael whined.

"No you're not. Apparently Calum and Adrienne aren't a thing so you two can be each other's dates." I joked as Calum flipped me off.

"Saturday sounds good. Thanks Jor." Luke smiled.

"Boys," my mom said as she peeked her head around the corner, "can you help me move something upstairs."

There was a mixture of head nodding and "yeahs" as three of the four boys followed after my mom.

"Are you sure about Saturday?" Ashton asked me as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. His head rested on my shoulder as he pressed a kiss to my neck.

Saturday would be six years since my best friend and brother died.

"It'll be a good distraction." I responded as I rested my head on his.

"If you say so, Jor."

Author's Note:
I'm such Marianas Trench trash #sorrynotsorry.

This chapter was totally a filler but omg you guys, the next chapter I'm super pumped for.

Fun fact: I only have two more days of classes and two finals next week and I'm done with school until the beginning of next year omg yes. #college

I hope you enjoyed this!!

Also, is everyone who reads this an Ashton boy/girl? Comment your fave bc I'm curious!! If you couldn't tell I'm 3000% Ashton trash. (I did swerve into Luke's lane for like a month last year omg lol.)

I will update on Friday!!





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