Imagines ⌲ SPN

By winchasster

165K 4.9K 718


| Happy Birthday |
| Cuddles |
| Books and Coffee |
| Dating Sam |
| Dating Dean |
| Promises |
| Wrong Bag |
| Texting |
| Shorts |
| Hey Jude |
| I Need You |
| Welcome Back |
| The Little Things |
| She's Back |
| A Winchester Christmas |
| Bored and Cuddly |
| A Certain Hunter |
| Panic Attacks |
| Night Time Proposals |
| Arguments |
Castiel When {1}
Dean When {1}
| Trials |
Dean When {2}
| Friggin' Vamps |
| Insomniacs |
| Hey, Loser |
| The Good Witch of The Winchesters |
| Told You So |
| One Inner Quest |
| Home For Christmas |
| You Have No Idea, My Love |
| Guardian Angel |
| We're All Mad Here |
| One of Those Nights |
| You're Awesome |
| Long Lost Family |
| All Good |
| Just a Little |
| Such a Buzzkill |
| I Know, Right? |
| College |
| Horror Movie Phase |
| A Lot of Things |
| Toddler Edition |
| Such a Teddy Bear |
| Intimacy |
| Morning Texts |
| Carousels and Clowns |
| Everything |
| Types of Kisses |
| If the World was Ending |

| Here's Daddy |

5.3K 138 22
By winchasster

demon!Dean x daughter!Reader

(slight)Kevin x Reader (Platonic)

{Ideas and/or requests are greatly appreciated, guys xD Enjoy!}

"Y/N. Y/N, wake up, kiddo."

Y/N was awoken from her slumber when a familiar hand rubbed her back softly and the voice of her Uncle Sam cut into her ears. She raised her head to find that she had fallen asleep at the table in the library, the page in her book wrinkled from where she had been laying on it.

"How long was I out?" She asked groggily, rubbing at her sleepy eyes.

"About half an hour. I would have let you sleep, but I figured sleeping at a right angle wasn't going to do anything for you." Sam joked with a soft smile, trying to take his niece's mind off her demon of a father in the dungeon.

Y/N couldn't help but smile, shaking her head and raking a hand through her messy hair. "Now I know where I get my dorkiness from." She mumbled playfully, making Sam chuckle.

"You should go get some sleep, kiddo." He said.

"Yeah. You should too." Y/N said, raising her eyebrows at her uncle.

"I know. I will. I'm going to go do another trial on your dad, see what happens." He sighed, ruffling his own hair.

"Okay, yeah. Hey, are you sure you don't want me to go down there with you?" Y/N asked, almost hopefully. Demon or not, Dean was still her father. She missed his hugs, his forehead kisses. She missed him.

"Y/N, we've talked about this..." Sam said, raising his eyebrows at his niece.

"Yeah, I know. I just.." The teenager trailed off.

"I know." Sam said, gently pulling her into a hug. "I know."

Y/N sighed, wrapping her arms around her uncle's middle and closing her eyes.

"We're going to get him back. You know that, right?" Sam asked into her thick hair.

"I know." Y/N sighed, squeezing him a little tighter.

"Okay." Sam said, giving his niece one last squeeze before pulling away. "Go get some rest, okay?"

"Yeah, alright." Y/N sighed, raking a hand through her hair one last time before making her way towards the stairs. "Goodnight."

"Night, kiddo."

The teenager trudged upstairs to her bedroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. She slipped underneath her comforter and brought her pillow close, burying her face into it and closing her eyes. She welcomed sleep with open arms.


Y/N was jolted from her slumber when she heard her phone go off, making a soft groan escape of her lips. She glanced over at the clock on her nightstand. 2:03 AM. She rubbed at her eyes and grabbed her cell phone, looking at the text message displayed across the screen.

Uncle Moose:

He's loose. HIDE.

Y/N's eyes went wide. "Oh, God.." She whispered to herself. She looked up with doe like eyes when she heard loud footsteps hammering through the hallway outside her bedroom door. Definitely not Uncle Sam. Y/N was leaping out of bed in an instant, grabbing her perfume bottle that was filled with holy water. She stood beside the door with her back against the wall, and she was sure the pounding of her heart was loud enough for anybody to hear.

She held her breath when the door creaked open, closing her eyes as she willed her hands to stop shaking. She gripped the perfume bottle tightly, praying to Castiel - no pun intended - that she wouldn't drop the glass bottle.

"Y/N?" Came her father's voice from the doorway.

She could see him now, the door being the only thing blocking her from his field of vision.

"Sweetheart? Are you in here?" She cringed at the nickname. It was just so cold, so unlike her father's usual warm tone towards her. His back was towards her as he crept further into the room. All she had to do was slip around the door, and she was home free. She could take off, find her Uncle, and everything would be okay.

She slowly began to creep out from her place behind the door, her movements slow as she carefully crept around it.

Come on. Almost there. Don't look back.

Her foot brushed the wood of the door. She was almost out. She could do this. She could make it.

Keep going. Don't look back. Do not look back.

And then she's out the door. She takes off running down the hall like a mental patient, her bare feet pounding on the floor. She can hear her uncle calling her name and she runs faster, the bottle of holy water still clutched in her hands.

She knows every inch of this bunker, having walked the entire place on restless nights when she couldn't sleep. She knows every twist, every turn, every dead end.

So you can imagine how angry she is at herself when she finds herself turning into one. With her father.

She skids to a stop, nearly sliding onto her back when her eyes meet his.

"There she is," Dean smiled a sinister smile, making Y/N's blood go cold. "It wasn't hard to find you, you know. I could hear your heartbeat from a mile away."

"Well, I don't run much." Y/N said, still gripping the perfume bottle tightly in her hands.

"Clever," Dean said, now circling the teenager as if she was his prey. "But we both know the real reason."

In that moment Y/N found herself pinned against the wall by her father, the bottle falling to the floor and shattering loudly. The girl squeaked as his arm pressed into her windpipe, cutting off the oxygen from her lungs.

"You're terrified," He hissed into her hair, his eyes a shade of pitch black.

"I'm not afraid of you.." Y/N wheezed out, closing her eyes as if to will the pain away. "Dad..this is me..come on, you can fight this..."

"I could. But I don't want to," Dean smirked, pressing his arm harder against her skin.

"You got loose, didn't you?" Y/N wheezed again. "You may still be a demon, but you're g-getting your humanity back. You're demon, but not demon enough.." She whispered.

His arm pressed harder. "Shut up."

The need for air was becoming unbearable, and she could feel herself slowly going unconscious. "Please, Dad. I'm your baby girl, remember?" She whispered, her eyelids getting heavier.

And maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her, or maybe it was a trick of the light, but as her now limp body hit the floor, she could have sworn she saw the sweet, warm shade of green that belonged to her father. The real Dean.

Sleep consumed her.


"You really think he's going to come back?"

Y/N walked alongside her best friend Kevin as they strolled along the forest path. She wasn't quite sure how, but whenever she was feeling lost, or needed someone to talk to, Kevin was always there. Always. He was dead for god sakes, and yet he still managed to get to her somehow, in this case, through her dreams.

"Oh, come on, Y/N, you know he will." Kevin said, raising his eyebrows at his best friend. "He's a Winchester. There's no such thing as giving up when you're a Winchester."

Y/N smiled. "You sound like my dad."

"Thanks. That's what I was going for." Kevin joked, and they both chuckled slightly. "Did Sam find you?"

"No. I don't think so anyway." Y/N sighed. "I don't know really. I blacked out before I could see him."

"Well hey, at least you're catching up on your sleep." Kevin said, nudging the female with his elbow.

"Kevin." Y/N sighed, looking to her best friend with a desperate look.

"Yeah, alright. Y/N, you know that's not really your dad, right?"

"I know." Y/N murmured."Of course I know that."

The two finally reached the end of the path where the forest met the river and took a seat on a log.

"It just hurts. Knowing that of my father hates me enough to do this, you know?" Y/N said, looking towards her best friend.

"I know. And I know it's hard." Kevin said, placing a hand on his friend's back and rubbing soothing circles against her spine. The girl felt tears enter her eyes and laughed sadly, wiping at her teary eyes with the sleeve of her sweater.

"God, I miss you." She whispered, her voice so thick with tears she was surprised she managed to get the words out. "I miss you so much, Kevin."

"I know. I miss you too," Kevin said, looking at his best friend with sad eyes. He hated seeing her cry.

"I-I'm terrified, Kevin. I don't know what to do." She whispered, tears beginning to fall from her eyes and onto her cheeks.

"Hey, listen," The male said, turning so he could cup her cheeks and brush the tears away from her eyes. "I know you. Better than anyone," He said, and Y/N couldn't help but smile at how true that statement was. "And I know you'll do what's right."

Y/N sniffled, wiping at her eyes and nodding. "Okay."

Kevin smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead before rising to his feet. The scenery darkened, and she couldn't see his face anymore, but she could still hear him speaking. "I'm still here, Y/N. I'm still here for you."

"I'll always be here for you."


Y/N woke up with a dull throbbing in her head. She felt another presence in the room and a familiar hand gripping her own.

Her dad was back.

She cracked her eyes open gently and saw him rubbing his thumbs gently over the back of her hand, his eyes screwed shut as he kissed her knuckle every now and then. She broke out of her sleepy state when she saw the tears tracking down his face.


The man looked up when he heard his daughter's voice, his eyes brightening when he saw she was awake. "Hey, baby girl.." He smiled weakly, moving a gentle hand up to brush away the stray hairs from her forehead.

The teenager rolled onto her side and grinned, pulling her father's hand to her chest and holding fast. "Welcome back." She murmured.

Dean only smiled. "How you feeling?"

"Tired mainly. A little sore," Y/N murmured, releasing her father's hand to gently rub the sore place on her chest.

Dean's face fell a bit and he cleared his throat, raking a hand through his disheveled hair. "Yeah. Y/N, baby, I-" He stopped, taking a deep breath. "I am so sorry." He whispered, choking a bit.

"What?" Y/N asked in confusion, sitting up. "Why are you sorry?"

"Baby girl, I hurt you.." Dean whispered, his eyes filled with tears. "I-I actually hurt you.."

"No, no, no, daddy," Y/N whispered, sitting up so she could crawl into her father's lap, the way she used to when she was a little girl. "Dad, it wasn't your fault. That wasn't you," She murmured, snuggling her head into the crook of his neck.

Dean sighed as he gathered his daughter close in his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head as his tears fell into her hair. "I know. God, I know that, I just.."

"Don't." Y/N whispered, draping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly as her eyes fluttered to a close. "Don't blame yourself."

The two didn't say another word, just letting themselves bask in each other's presence.

They got each other back. That was enough.


Later, when Sam walked by Y/N's bedroom to check on them, he couldn't help but smile brightly when he saw Y/N curled into her father's side on the bed, Dean's arm draped around his daughter as the two of them slept soundly.

Kevin didn't make an appearance in Y/N's dreams that night, but she knew he was there. He was always there.

A/N- I'm actually really proud of this one, so I hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget requests are open!! Please leave them in my inbox. Love you guys!! ~Hayden

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