Faction before blood?

By Singingpeople

215K 4.2K 467

Being an Abnegation transfer to Dauntless is in no way easy. Being the sister of the flawless prodigy is hard... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors note
1. Eric - A first glance
2. Assumptions
3. Denial
4. Endurance
5. Insights
6. - A steamy encounter
7. - A shocking revelation
8. - Clash of the titans

Chapter 20

5.9K 120 22
By Singingpeople

The next few weeks went by, without further drama for any of us. Eric was working late almost every day, analyzing footage and trying to come up with a suitable plan, to raid the abandoned warehouses.

Whoever said "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", never met Eric on one of his missions to seek revenge.

So I spend my days with whoever of my friends was off work, mostly Belle, Uriah or Tris, who was suffering because of her pregnancy, before meeting Eric for lunch, if he was free. It was the only time at day, when I was able to see him, before he woke me up in the middle of the night, as he slipped into bed, since he was always gone in the early hours of the day.

I was still working through all the folders, I received for my ambassador training. Knowing I wouldn't have much time, after my baby was born, I tried to internalize as much of the given information, as possible.

Christina was true to her word and hosted a celebration in honor of the both of us. She somehow managed to squeeze me into another tight dress, much to Eric's delight, who was wearing a tux, much to mine.

The festivities were held in one of the conference rooms, that she decorated accordingly, while all our friends and colleagues mingled with each other, drinking and laughing.

They even somehow managed to invite Adrian, who arrived with a large grin on his face, congratulating us both with a hug.

He had somehow been able to sneak his way into my heart, with his strange attics and his sarcastic humor, and I strongly assumed, I wasn't the only one.

Where I used to see resentment and disdain from Eric's side and arrogance on Adrian's, there was now something, that displayed, that they indeed shared a brotherly bond, no matter how small it was.

Adrian reminded me as we made small talk, that I had another ultrasound in a few days. Being 27 weeks, I was starting to feel really tired after standing short periods of time, so Eric ushered me home after three hours and leaving regretfully to the control room, since there had been new sightings of factionless.




So I found myself a few days later, walking to the infirmary on my own. Eric had once again been called this morning to lead an expedition group, to investigate an abandoned warehouse close to the merciless mart, in candor.

It was most unlikely that he would come back in time, as I had learned the last few weeks, so I had to do the examination on my own.

One of the nurses, I used to work with, draw my blood and took my weight and vitals, before guiding me to the room and telling me to prepare myself.

As I lay there, staring at the white ceiling, I was reminded of my first ultrasound.

The first shared moment with Eric, the first moment ever, when I was able to envision a future with him, even when the foreboding anger of my brother scared me, from hindsight, everything was worth it.

My child will be worth it.

I hadn't had to wait too long, before Adrian walked into the room. He greeted me with the obligatory hug, before he busied himself on the machine.

"So I take it, Eric won't be here today?" He asked after a few minutes.

"He wanted to, but he had to go on a patrol near Candor, so it's highly unlikely that he will make it. They're usually out there the whole day." I informed him sadly.

Hearing my sadness, Adrian rolled towards me on his little chair, grabbing my hand.

"Don't worry, they will soon have them under control again."

"I hope so." He smiled, while unrolling the cable and squirting the gel onto my belly.

"They will." He reassured me. "Let's have a look at your little man. That will cheer you up."

Pressing the wand on my already huge bump, it took him a few minutes to measure the baby and check for certain diseases or deformities.

"Have you had any troubles?"

"Well, I can't stand anymore for longer periods of time, my abdomen sometimes feels tight and the Braxton-Hicks-contraction sometimes get worse." I informed him, thinking of a certain night, where they were so bad, Eric was freaking out and carried me all the way to the infirmary, even when I told him, that it was normal.

"I heard about that." Adrian laughed. "Little overprotective, isn't he?"

"Always." I agreed, chuckling.

He then showed me once again, my babies face, his arms and his legs. "From what I can see here, I would say he is about 16 inches long and about 2.5 pound heavy, which is over average. But if you look at his father, I would say it's normal."

"Great, I'm having a giant." I grumbled sarcastically, making Adrian snicker, as he examined me further.




I was just leaving the infirmary, as Eric came striding towards me.

"Did I miss it?"

As I smiled regretfully at him, he closed his eyes, trying to calm down. "He couldn't wait any longer, he had to get back to the hospital, but it's okay, Eric."

"No, it's not okay!" He shouted, before punching the wall.

I gasped, running towards him to prevent him from hurting himself further. "Stop it, Eric!" I grabbed his hand with the now bloody knuckles.

"It was one ultrasound. You will be there for the next one. So suck it up." I tried to cheer him up, with using one of his most used phrases.

But he still looked conflicted, as he pulled me into him, burying his head into my hair.

"I feel like I don't get to see you anymore and it's driving me nuts. I don't like the thought of you being alone in our flat, with no one to check up on you."

"You're exaggerating." I lectured him. "I am almost always with one of my friends, so you don't have to worry about me."

"I will always worry about you, no matter what." He murmured into my hair.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way."




Later that week I decided to spent my afternoon with Tris, since we shared the same abandonment regarding our men.

When my brother was done with the fear simulation of the initiates, he would either join the workers in the control room or lead patrols through the factionless sectors. So the two of us spent most of the time together.

Tris had now to face the same problem, I had 10 weeks prior.

Not many knew of her pregnancy, since she and Four were big on being private, but she was starting to show. It didn't help that she felt a lot more awful, than I had, what kept her from going to work in the control room, since she was done being instructor for this year.

That was also the reason, why we met at her flat.

Like normally, I arrived and first checked up on her, when I saw she was sleeping. Then I brought her lemon water, since that helped with the nauseous, before cooking. The greasy food at the cafeteria made it worse, so we usually ate something light, like chicken and bread.

"I don't even know what I would do without you." Tris murmured, as she came out of the bedroom, wearing one of Toby's shirts and leggings. Her hair was all over the place and she looked like hell.

I laughed at that.

"I will be my undoing If I become my obsession.

I will forget the ones I love If I do not serve them.

I will war with others If I refuse to see them.

Therefore I choose to turn away from my reflection,

To rely not on myself

But on my brothers and sisters,

To project always outward

Until I disappear." (1)

I jokingly quoted the abnegation manifesto, that was drilled into me.


With a belt.

"And only God remains."

Tris concluded with the sentence, that really was the only thing we could choose in that faction.

That sentence wasn't mandatory, so we could choose at least one thing in our lives.

How generous.

"The good 'ole times." I muttered, sarcastically.

"Hey, it wasn't all bad!" Tris called over her shoulder, but realized her mistake, as she saw my raised eyebrow. "I mean the faction itself, not Marcus."

"Yeah, the only good thing about him was that he drank so much, that he passed out, before he hit us." I clicked my tongue, remembering, how I had to drag him into his bed at times. And let me tell you, he's a heavy bastard.

"I still can't believe, my parents never noticed." Tris shook her head, lost in thought.

"Oh, your mother knew." I stated, as I turned the chicken in the pan.

"What?!" She shouted, making me drop the spatula.

I stared at her. "Yes, she always suspected something, but she found out when my choosing was only a few months away. It wouldn't have been worth it."

"Are you kidding me?! Of course it would have been worth it!" She exclaimed, but she didn't know what she was talking about.

"Yeah, it would have looked real good, running to the council crying, a few months, before deflecting to dauntless. It would have made me look weak.

Not to mention what it would have done to Tobias. Maybe not many people know him as anything other than Four anymore, but they would have found out and he would have gone through hell here, just as he started to build his new life. Trust me, I thought a lot about it and suffering through a few months of abuse, when I had already survived 17 years of it, was a small price to pay for my brother's happiness."

At first, Tris seemed ashamed, but then a look of understanding crossed her face and she came up to me. "Still as selfless as ever."

"What can I say? Abnegation in mind, but dauntless at heart." I joked, while Tris embraced me. Or at least tried to.

It was like hugging with a medicine ball between our bodies, awkward and uncomfortable, so we were just able to press our shoulders together.

"Oh man, these two will have a lot of fun together." I sighed, rubbing my belly and waiting for my son to respond to the touch.

That has become Eric's favorite pastime. No matter, if I was sleeping or not, he would uncover my belly and lay beside me, his face really close to it. Then he would lightly push two fingers on my bump, waiting. Usually it took less than ten seconds for a little hand or a foot to appear, the shape pressing the skin upwards.

But the most beautiful thing about the whole ordeal was his facial expression. When he was awake and in proximity of people he always stayed guarded, even with me.

But when he thought I was asleep, I could see his face light up with utter delight and contentment. It was the thing I treasured the most in this world.

Seeing the father interact with my unborn child, while his face spoke of adoration.

"If their father's won't stir up the competition between them, too badly." Tris joked, but I sensed a hint of seriousness behind it.

"Well, then let's hope yours will be a girl. Then there would be not as much testosterone wreaking havoc." I sighed, now seasoning the chicken breasts.

"I'm afraid your prayers won't be heard this time."

I turned around, a little confused. "What do you mean?"

As I saw her smile, something clicked in my head. "You're having a boy?!"

As she nodded, I grabbed her hands, squeezing them. There would be no more hugging, I learned my lesson.

"Wait, until Eric hears... I bet he's going to establish a toddler-orientated training plan with exercises for mind and body." I joked, making Tris laugh.

"Well, Tobias certainly already started the moral lessons." She followed my lead.

"What's that supposed to mean? You're talking about my husband, you know?" Pretending to be offended, I glared at her, making us both loose it completely.

Something that was unheard of in Abnegation and I was glad to be here instead.




It was already late at night and I was snuggled up on the coach, wrapped up in my blanket like a burrito, as rapid and loud knocks ripped me out of my almost slumber.

My heart started beating rapidly, since the last time something like that happened, Eric was missing.

Being woken up abruptly and late at night was never a good sign, so I hurried over to the door and pulled it open.

I came face-to-face with a puffy-eyed Uriah. He just stood there, staring at me, while silently shaking.

"Uriah? What's wrong?" I asked concerned. Everyone that was dear to him, was dear to me.

At my words, a tear escaped his eyes.

"Did you know...?" He rasped out, looking at me with his big, sad eyes. Not being able to stand seeing him in pain, I pulled him into the apartment, closing the door behind him.

"What should I know?" I asked, but he turned his head away from me. So I placed my hands softly on his cheeks, turning it back and making him look into my eyes. "Uri?"

"Marlene cheated on me..." he whispered, hanging his head against mine in utter defeat. I took in a sharp breath of air, just as he leaned against me.

Marlene and Uriah always seemed so in love... How could that happen?

Not being able to support his weight any longer, I guided him towards the coach, sitting him down. Knowing what I would want to do in that situation, I went to one of the cupboards and took out a full bottle of scotch, not bothering with a glass.

As if he would need one.

Handing him the bottle, he took huge gulps, as I sat down beside him, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Tell me about it... Who was he?"

Uriah just chuckled darkly, not a trace of humor in his voice. "He? Why would you think she'd choose a guy? Since obviously I couldn't satisfy her, she choose someone else. Someone without a dick."

"Are you serious?!" I turned my head so fast, I got whiplash. "Who did she sleep with?!"

Uriah looked up to the ceiling, obviously trying not to cry again.



"You're kidding, right?!" That was something that just couldn't be true, but he just stayed silent. "She slept with her best friend? Uri, tell me you're kidding."

He took another gulp.

"Nope, obviously she wanted to see how green the grass is on the other side, before tying herself to me for all her life." Uriah pulled on his hair, as he rested his elbows on his knees.

"Why tying herself down?" I asked, mildly confused.

"Ohhhh, I haven't told you the best part, yet" He chuckled darkly. "I asked her to marry me. I fucking proposed and she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to tell me she's been fucking her best friend."

"You wanted to marry her?" I breathed. "Oh, Uri..."

"You heard the plural, yes?"

"For how long...?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"At least two months." He told me. "She wouldn't tell me more, but apparently she didn't consider it as cheating, since Lynn isn't a man."

"That's bullshit!" Alone that statement enraged me to a point, where I would have loved to slap the shit out of the both of them. I'm a woman, I'm allowed to do that.

"Yeah, isn't it." He muttered, staring into the nothingness of the now half-empty bottle.

At some time, Uriah had to lay down, being drunk out of his mind. He told me everything. From how the ring looked, how he even went down onto one knee.

How she then started to cry, telling him that she's been sleeping with her best friend for months.

How they fought and how he couldn't think of anyone besides me, that he wanted near him. Not even his brother, since Zeke's wife was Lynn's sister.

He knew my Abnegation upbringing would support him, as well as condemn the act of something as utterly selfish as cheating.

His head lay in my lap, as he cried and then, as he finally fell into a deep, scotch-induced sleep. That's how Eric found us, cuddled up on the couch, as he threw his keys into the bowl and turned around, only now noticing us.

"What. the. Fuck?!" he growled, making me roll my eyes.

"Don't. Just don't. He just fell asleep." I told him, before lifting up Uri's head. Getting the hint, Eric begrudgingly came over and placed a pillow under his head, before pulling me into him possessively.

"What happened to him?" He gestured with his head towards Uriah, without a doubt being aware of his condition. He reeked of alcohol.

I shook my head, that still lay on his chest.

"Let's just say, if you ever cheat on me, I will castrate you." Eric laughed loudly at that idle threat.

"Well, I suppose it's good that I already got one monster on the way." He chuckled, before tilting his head on me.

"With who?"

Sighing I told him. "Lynn."

"Damn." He muttered. "Don't even think that I would ever allow something like that. The next person to touch you like that will be dead."

"I guessed as much." I confessed to him, before pulling him into the bedroom. All I wanted to do was sleep.

This was one hell of a day.




I woke up late the next morning, being exhausted from the events of yesterday.

So as I came into the kitchen, Uriah was already siting there, drinking a coffee with Eric, who was surprisingly still here. They were talking quietly and as he saw me coming , Eric slapped his back, before turning around to bring me Orange juice and eggs, my usual breakfast.

We ate mostly in silence, that was only interrupted by my embarrassingly bad attempts at small talk.

Soon after that, Eric had to go to the office, but he promised me to meet us in the mess hall for lunch.

So I spent my morning with trying to cheer Uriah up and at noon, I could tell it was starting to work. But it may have also been my embarrassing performance, as I wanted to bake him cake and managed to pour all the flour over myself, making him laugh out loud.

So after a thorough shower we were ready to tackle the crowd. But as we came closer to the mess hall, I felt his mood worsen again.




We made our way through the cafeteria, our destination, the leader table. But as we were walking through the rows of dauntless eating, I spotted the two woman in question sitting at my old table, discussing feverishly.

I guess that's when my motherly instincts set in, because white, hot fury washed through me, burning ever last remaining concern, of making an inappropriate scene.

I decided to shout for him, since he couldn't even whisper right now.

"Amy? What are you doing?!" Uriah hissed, as I marched towards Marlene and Lynn, but I ignored him, making him running after me, but he was to slow.

I banged my hands against the table. Hard.

Both of them looked startled up to me, but while Marlene's eyes widened in fear, Lynn just rolled hers.

"Great, here comes the upholder of moral standards." She said sarcastically, signaling me that my presence wasn't welcome.

But right now I didn't give a shit.

"You find that funny?" I asked her.

"No, I think this is kindergarten. What? Has he not the guts to do this himself?" Lynn sassed right back at me.

"This has nothing to do with that!" I raised my voice.

"It has everything to do with that!"

Finding her straightforward character otherwise deliberating, it only stunned me now, that she dared to speak like that, after she was the one, who did something wrong.

"No, this is about you not seeing that you destroyed a relationship and screwed over one of your best friends."

"It wasn't my relationships, was it? So don't accuse me!" Lynn stood up, shooting me dirty looks.

Her hateful reply stunned me, but I looked over to Marlene, who had tears streaming down her face. She didn't even dare to meet my eyes.

I shook my head at that. "Have you absolutely no feeling of dignity or decency?" I whispered, incredulous by their behavior.

"And there she is. The stiff."

At her loud reply, most people around us gasped. It wasn't just an insult for Abnegation, but she also dared to insult the wife of a leader in front of the whole faction.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Eric, who just walked in, stiffen

"Oh, you think that's something bad?" I smirked at her infidelity. "You think it's not worth to stand up for someone else? To bring up the courage to tell someone that they did wrong? So you don't believe in our manifest?

And since were already talking about courage," I added, knowing I had to beat her with her own weapons, before Eric would do something, I would regret. So I went on." It wasn't really brave for a dauntless-born, who was told her whole life how important bravery is, to hide an affair for months, instead of speaking up the second it happened. Seems cowardly to me."

Knowing I hit bullseye, Lynn scowled at me.

"As if you understand anything about bravery. The only thing you are bothered by, is that I'm fucking women, something you stiffs think of as a sin."

"The thing I care about is your cowardice. Love is Love. So you can fuck whoever the hell you want, if it's a woman or a man, but if you screw over my friends you will have to answer to me."

With that I turned around and walked away, but some assholes comment made me freeze in my steps.

"Looks like someone couldn't satisfy his lady." A guy behind me snickered, making me turn around slowly, glaring murderously at him.

"If you don't want to spend the rest of your life working on the fence at night, I suggest you keep your mouth shut. That applies to all of you." I shouted the last sentence, before glaring a last time at them, grabbing Uri's arm and pulling him to the leader table, meeting a smirking Eric at the aisle, his face showing nothing but Pride.

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