Regression to the mean: Rising


18K 270 112

Meet Grace McCall, Scott's 15 year old sister. Why does she feel so close to Scott's first Beta (Liam Dunbar)... Еще

The Benefactor
Time of Death
A Promise to the Dead
Smoke and Mirrors


3.1K 45 19

I wake up to the sun shining through my window and to my brother pounding on my bedroom door. It's Monday, Great. It's a new semester at Beacon Hills High school I'm a freshman. I yell to my brother to leave me alone and get up to get ready. I shower, dry my long blonde hair and put it in a plat. I put on some black mascara and eyeliner making my hazel eyes looking almost black as well. Going through my wardrobe I find plain white skinny jeans a turquoise top with a bow in the front and flat brown sandals. I slip on a pair of pearl earrings grab my hand bag and head down stairs to my awaiting brother who is pacing the floor and holding a chocolate chip pancake.

"You know Scotty if you keep doing that well have to replace the floor boards." I say whilst taking the Pancake of him and shoving it in my mouth.

"Do you want stiles to give you a ride or do you want to walk?" he asks me as we hear stiles jeep honk.

"Okay okay, wait why are we going early again?" I ask

"Stiles and I want to get in a little Lacrosse practice before tryouts today" Scott tells me as we climb in the jeep him in the front and me in the back.

"Oh yes, because the teenage werewolf with the heightened senses needs to practice" I say sarcastically.

"Shut it Gracie" Scott glares at me his eyes flashing red. I just laugh.

We pull into the school and Scott and Stiles are talking about my brother's position as captain

"Of course you're still the team captain, you got your grades up just like Coach told you to right?" stiles asks him.

"Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team he just told me to show up to tryouts today." Scott tells him as we walk to the field.

We got bigger things to deal with anyway. Did you tell Argent yet?" Stiles asks.

"Ah! I texted him but he didn't get back to me." Scott says. Wait what?

"You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?" I asked him clearly shocked.

"I didn't have the money to call France"

"Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House" That place just screams evil.

"Another notice?" I ask

"Yeah, this one said, 'final'" He sighs looking at me. Then continues "Now, what the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got like a 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team in not one of them."

"It is now" Scott says I turn to the field to see a guy in the goal catching every ball thrown his way.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles asks.

The guy in the goal takes of his helmet and I feel my jaw drop. Damn he's hot. Scott, Stiles and I watch him as he walks over to garret and some other guy with a pony tail and we are close enough to hear what they are saying.

"Nice, Liam" Liam it suits. "You might just be our first ever freshman captain." Garret tells him and Liam chuckles. I'm doing a little happy dance inside we're in the same year maybe we have some classes together. I feel a hand under my chin and blink to clear my head. I hadn't realised I was staring at Liam with my mouth wide open. I look to a angry Scott and Stiles.

"What? He's hot" I say and Scott starts growling.

"Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit" Stiles says and kisses me on the forehead, Scott does the same and they run off to practice. I look back to Liam and see him looking at me. His looks kind of mad while looking at me, weird. I shrug it off and sit in the stands waiting for practice to be over. But after 15 minutes of sitting watching Scott and Stiles I get bored and run over to them.

"Hey guys I'm bored" I announce as I reach them.

They look to each other and give knowing glances. Scott hands me his stick and I start playing against Stiles as Scott grabs another stick and stands in as goal. I win to stiles 7-0 and we finish up. Stiles throws his stick to the ground and look at me and wakes towards me. I drop my brothers to the ground and run but because I'm in sandals I'm not very fast Stiles catches me around the waist and picks me up bridal style. I start laughing and throw my hands around his neck. He places me in front of Scott who was standing watching with the rest of the guys who were practicing, including a pissed of Liam.

"Did you really think you could get away from us?" he asks, his eyes glowing red but only I can see.

"Oh no" I groan Knowing what's coming. Scott picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and begins to tickle me while I laugh uncontrollably.

"Scott... please... stop... can't... breathe...need... oxygen" I say in between laughing.

He lets me down and I place my palms on my knees trying to catch my breath.

"What you got first?" Stiles asks. All the guys are packing away whilst still watching us.

"Econ, with Coach" I state and try not to laugh while Stiles grimaces. He still doesn't like the guy.

"Good luck with him, Gracie" she says as we head inside them to the locker room and me to my locker.

Coaches class ~ Econ

I walk into the class trying to rub my still aching back and see Coach laying his head on the desk. I look around the room and see there is only one seat left and it's next to Liam who is sitting in front of my friend Mason. I walk over and place my stuff on my desk and walk over to the Coach. I look to the other student and see them all looking at me curiously as I check the coaches breathing (You never know in this town). His breathing is even meaning he's asleep so I pull out my phone and used an app that has the sound of screeching monkeys. I put it close to the Coaches ear and press play.

"Good morning Coach, Nice nap?" I ask as his screaming stops. The class laugh at my question.

"Biscuit" he says in a annoyed tone. I just smile tap his cheek twice and then skip back to my seat. I sit down and notice Liam staring at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing" he smiles the most amazing smile I have ever seen and his eyes are so...Blue. "I'm Liam Dunbar" he says with a smile and holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Grace McCall" I take his hand and shake it once and smile back. His touch sending tingles down my spine then we let go.

"As in Scott McCall?"

"I guess you met my brother"

"Yeah him and your Boyfriend cornered me in the locker room" He says.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend" I tell him.

I turn back to the front and try to listen to the Coach for the rest of the lesson but I find myself pulling out my sketch book and drawing a feather, a few times I find myself looking over to Liam. He's just so pretty. What I would do just to kiss him. He notices me staring.

"What?" he asks

"Nothing" I say repeating the same thing he said early which he noticed judging by the smirk on his beautiful amazing face.

I go back to sketching this time a pair of bright blue eyes.

Time Skip ~ End of the day

As it turns out I have Liam in all of my lessons (YES!) I head to the fields after going to my locker. I see Kira and Malia in the stands and go to sit with them and watch the boys run around the field with Coach at the side shouting his usual insults.

"Terrible, Horrifying, Pathetic, Unbelievably pathetic, is that everyone?" Coach asks as stiles drops in front of him out of exhaustion, panting "Yep, that's everyone."

Scott goes to Stiles and helps him up. I can't hear what they're saying but I can tell it's about Liam who instead of resting like the others is doing push up and I can't help but stare. That is until he looks over to me and smirks to which I look away and blush. Kira and I are watching the guys as Malia is doing homework. She suddenly looks over to Kira who is on the other side of me.

"What's wrong with you?" she asks

"Me? Nothing"

"You reek of anxiety, and it's distracting. What's going on?"

"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen. But it wasn't much of a thing and I'm starting to think it never was anything at all"

"What do you want it to be?" I ask her. It's kind of weird talking to one of my best friends about my brother.

"More" she sighs.

We look back to the field to see the guys lining up to take shots. Stiles goes first and the goalie catches it without moving next its Liam who scores perfectly. I start cheering with the rest of the crowd and I guess my brother heard me specifically and turns to glare stiles and Liam follow Scott's gaze and stiles gives me a disapproving look and Liam just smirks and winks at me.

Scott's next he flings the ball and it flies through the air only to hit the post of the goal causing everyone to laugh. I immediately grow angry at the guys and my brother he's supposed to be the best on the team. He's supposed to be the Alpha.

"Nice McCall" Garret shouts to him and I just have to answer

" Hey Garret" I shout standing up drawing the curious glances from everyone "shut up" I finish, Garret smiles and the go back to playing I look at Liam who is looking at Scott like he wants to rip his head off. At least he's determined.

The rest of tryouts Scott and Stiles miss every shot and Liam doesn't miss one. I have to admit Its quite hot. Not like he needed to be good to be hot but. WOW.

When Scott fails yet again Kira leans in and asks "Isn't the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team? Or good" which gets Malia into watching them instead of doing her work. We see Scott and Stiles talking away from everyone and there discussion seems pretty serious and I want to know what they are saying.

"Hey Malia, what are our idiots talking about?" I ask her and she starts to listen.

"How mush Scott sucks and that he should use his abilities" she says as Liam Yet again scores. I look over to my brother and I'm not 100% sure but I think his eyes glowed. Oh no.

Time skip

Coach blows the whistle and all the players run to the side. "Hustle! McCall and Stilinski, grab the long sticks. You're covering goal for two-on-ones. Let's go! Line it up!" The coach demands.

I watch as my brother and Stiles get in position. The whistle blows and Garrets up first. He dodges Stiles but Scott knocks him down with his Lacrosse stick and he falls to his ass. They high five each other and get ready for the next guy.

"Those two are like sons to me" Coach tells one of the players from where I am sitting I can hear coach perfectly and what he says makes me roll my eyes and smile slightly.

Coach blows the whistle again and the next player runs up and tries to score but Scott and Stiles knock him down. Players groan at the falls obvious pain but me and Kira just say "Yes!" drawing Malia from her work once again. Player after player tries but none succeed the Coach is cheering on Scott and Stiles clearly proud of them. As the next person steps up, I see its Liam. This is going to be good. I think. Liam looks over to me like he could hear my thoughts and then back to Scott and Stiles determination clear on his face.

They all get into position Liam swings his stick backwards then the whistle blows he picks up the ball without looking runs forward he dodges stiles who falls to the ground. Scott lifts his stick to knock Liam but he dodges him to easily then spins around shoots and scores. I start clapping earning a glare from Scott, Kira, Malia and Stiles while smiles at me.

I see Malia get up from beside me and shouts to the field getting everyone's attention on the three of us.

"That was luck" she pauses "Do-over!"

"Sweetheart, there are no do-overs. This is practice" the coach explains.

"Ten Bucks on Scott and Stiles" she says

I feel my blood run cold when the Coach says "I'll take that action."

"Wait no Coach, come on Liam beat them two idiots fair and square you can't just make him do it again." I say I can tell something is going to happen.

"What's wrong biscuit? Think your brother can't take another loss?" he asks me with a smirk. I look to Scott and she shakes his head at me. I sit down and look at Liam then to the Coach and just shrug.

He turns back around and shouts "Hey! Get back in there Liam" I feel the ache in my back grow stronger.

"Please be careful Scotty" I whisper knowing he can hear me.

They get back into position, Coach blows the whistle and they all run forward. Liam dodges Stiles yet again but this time Scott is ready for him and he throws Liam over his shoulder. Liam falls to the ground and from where I am sitting in the stand I can clearly hear bone cracking. Everyone is just stunned as Scott and Stiles lean over Liam and I run towards them with Coach.

"Don't move! Don't touch him!" The Coach demands.

"I'm Okay, Coach. I'm all right" he says as he gets up with the help of my idiot brother and Stiles. "Ahhh! I think it's my leg"

"I think we better get him to the nurse" Stiles announces.

"Yeah go, you too biscuit. Give him something pretty to look at." Coach says to me. I just roll my eyes at him and follow them.

Time skip ~ Hospital

When we get to the hospital we stand at the receptions desk. Scott is talking to the nurse and Stiles and I hold Liam up, His touch sending a shiver down my spine. I see my mom walk around the corner and look at us.

"uh, Hi mom" Scott says. While Stiles and I just wave.

Mom leaves to get a wheel chair for Liam and comes back I help him get in then she takes him away. Leaving me with the idiots.

"I got to get going. I promised Malia I'd help her study" Stiles says.

"Sure, I want to check on him anyway." Scott tells him.

"Come on Gracie I'll give you a ride home" Stiles says nudging me.

"Actually I'm going to stay too" I tell him.

"Go home Gracie" Scott says.

"No Scotty. I'm staying to check on my friend that you just injured."

"Is that all you are? His 'friend'. You like him don't you?" Stiles asks

"Were just friends"

Scott sighs and looks back in the direction where Mom took Liam "Just go Stiles she can stay". I smile a little. Stiles turns to leave but comes back.

"Hey, I don't need to say that wasn't you fault right" he says

"Not his fault Stiles? I told him to be careful and he broke the guy's leg." I whisper/Yell.

"She's right" Scott tells him.

"Scott, if you had used any wolf power that kid wouldn't be limping, he'd be crawling, back to the other half of his body."

"If I hadn't been so worried about being captain he wouldn't be hurt either"

"It's okay to want something for yourself once in a while. Team captain, Alpha werewolf. You're still only human"

"Your right Stiles but he doesn't have to crush someone's bones just because he's jealous of the new kid." I explain

"Okay you, you shut up and stop making him feel bad okay he deserves a little normal in his life"

"A little normal in his life, Stiles face the fact nothing in our lives is normal and it never will be again. Not with what we've seen. Scott is a firkin teenage true Alpha werewolf nothing is Normal. We live in a town built for the supernatural. Please explain to me how playing lacrosse with even a hint of his werewolf abilities are normal?" I ask.

I leave Scott and Stiles and go to find Liam. We walk over to the room he's in and here him talking to the doctor.

"It's broken isn't it?" Liam asks in disappointment.

"It's definitely going to need an X-ray." The doctor tells him

"It's broken" Liam states "And it's all my fault." I just want to go in there and hug him.

"You want to tell me what happened?" The doctor asks. I know doctors care about patients but this is odd.

"I went up against two juniors. One of them is the captain of the team and the brother to the girl I like. I was trying to impress her." Oh my god. He likes me.

"Remember what we always say? Play smart, not hard." Wait they know each other? "Now, what is the name of this girl you like so much you thought you had to impress her to get her to like you?" the doctor asks.

"Grace McCall" Liam states.

"Melissa daughter?" Oh no of course he knows my mom they both do work here. I can practically here the gossiping now.

"I think, she's Scott's sister. Are you mad at me?" I can tell he's asking about his leg.

"No, of course not. Your mom might be mad at me for getting you into Lacrosse. But maybe we should both wait for the X-ray before we panic. And trust me I have more reason to panic than you." The doctor Pauses and then starts talking again walking to the door but I can't move. Still in shock over the face Liam likes me. "It's not over yet. Wait for the X-ray." He walks out of the room and sees me standing there.

"Hi, is this Liam Dunbar's room" I ask, Like I haven't been here long.

"Why yes it is, little lady. But I you already knew that." Damn he's good. I sigh and look to the ground. "How much did you hear, Grace?" he asks me.

"All of it" I admit

"Do me a favour, don't hurt my son. He's never admitted to liking anyone before"

"Liam is your son?" I ask

"Step-son but still mine"

"I understand he's your family in every way but blood"

The doctor nods "It was nice to meet you Grace".

"You too doctor. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more of each other."

"You like him too"

"I want to kill my brother for hurting him" the doctor laughs and walks way shaking his head. I smile and walk into Liam's room.

"How's the leg Dunbar?"

"Grace, what are you doing here?"

"Never left I wanted to check on you" I say whilst sitting on the bed facing him.

"You didn't have to stay" He tells me.

"I know. And when I get home I'm going to rip my brother into shreds." I know Scott had been listening too since the doctor arrived just further away, Stupid werewolf hearing.

"Yeah are you sure you're related to him? I mean you guys don't even look alike"

"Actually I'm Adopted" I tell him.

"Seriously" He says

"Yeah, I uh... Lost my parents when I was 5. Melissa, my adoptive mom was best friends with my birth mother so she was my god-mother, she took me in and raised me from then on. Even before their death Scott was my big brother he protected me and then stiles joined in and we have never been apart since."

"I'm sorry you lost your parents"

"Thanks, I was young so I don't really remember much, 10 years is a long time. But my mom, Melissa has been there for me since the day I was born so it was easy for me to adjust but it still hurts." I say and sniff trying to hold back the tears. Liam pulls me into a hug. I wince at pain in my back, still present

"Hey is your back okay I've seen you rubbing it a lot today?" He asks.

"You've been watching me" I ask.

"Well uh... the thing is... I uh..." just as he says going to say something he is cut off by a roar. That was Scott's roar. "What the hell was that?" He asks. Scott would only roar for one reason. Danger.

Liam gets of the bed and walks out of the room. "Hey! Anyone hear that?" he says and turns back to me. I just shrug. "I thought I heard someone" he says looking around suddenly a boy in a white bloody t-shirt walks up to us and this guy is obviously not home. Not with those teeth. He grabs Liam and I and drags us to the stairs to the roof.

The boy drags us to the edge and holds Liam and I there as Scott bursts through the door in wolf form.

"Get back" he yells to my brother

"Don't . You don't need to do this. Whatever it is. Whatever you are, we can help you." Scott tells him.

"No, you can't" The boy says.

"Let me help you" Scott says clearly not showing any sign of weakness as the guy holding me doesn't know I'm Important to Scott. Not that he wouldn't do this for anyone, that's what makes him a true Alpha.

"Wendigos don't need help. We need food!" The guy shouts and pushes me to the side and Liam starts to struggle more getting loose. Scott jumps over to them at the 'Wendigo' pushes Liam off the edge. Scott pushes the boy and tries to help Liam up but the boy tries to stop him. I try to get up to help Scott but the pain in my pack intensifies and I start to scream. Causing Scott to look over at me and his eyes widen when he looks into my eyes.

He turns away and continues to try and help Liam with the boy still on him. My whole body feels like it's on fire and I look up in horror as I hear Liam's words.

"I can't hold on" Liam shouts. Then there's a slight growl coming from Scott then a scream from Liam. Suddenly a axe of some kind is imbedded into the boys back. I look at my brother who has pulled Liam up and I turn to the entrance of the roof to find a man there with no mouth. The man walks forward and takes the axe out of the boy back causing Scott and I too look at the retreating figure the man stops at the entrance and looks over to and puts a gloved finger of his mouthless face. The universal signal so shush then leaves.

I hear Liam groan and crawl over to him ignoring to still present but bearable pain still in my back. I look down at Liam's arm as he pulls his hand away and see clearly visible bite mark. The bite of an Alpha. I look to Scott with a pissed expression and he looks to me concerned. If the guy I like dies because my brother bit him it's going to be one hell of a ride home.

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