Por Narrator13

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Prologue: Arnav and Kushi grew up together with a huge age gap of 9 years. Kushi was a 5 year old baby when s... Más

Chapter -1 The Intro
Part 2 Love in Heart
Part -3 Into the past
Part 4 Jhas in Kushi's life
Part-6 The New Beginning
Part -7 Realisations
Part-8 The Engagement
Part - 9 Grey Shades of Raizada
Part -10 The Wedding
A New Story
New Story Link

Part - 5 The Proposal

15K 536 34
Por Narrator13


Kushi couldn't control her tears as she sat thinking about the evening. The evening has started off in a good note with her and Arnav joking around, but when the senior Jhas started speaking she couldn't believe that such vile people could exist in this world. As the evening proceeded Mrs. Jha started to speak about the rishtha.

"You would have known that we are not so rich like you people, we are middle class people but we have given our children education so they can fend for themselves. Shyam is now employed and Sheetal also will finish her studies this year. We live in a rented one bedroom apartment near the chawal and Kushi couldn't live there. So we were thinking that you could buy her a house near yours as a wedding gift or if you want to keep her with you here we will be happy to shift here. And also I want to say that we heard some rumors about these two and we are witnessing how close they are to each other, we understand that their intensions are pure but not everyone can understand that, so we want to ask for Arnav's hand in marriage for our daughter so we can shut the mouths of the society. What do you say Rathnaji?"

This question had different impact on every member of the Raizada clan. Rathna couldn't understand how a woman can sugarcoat such venom with her words. For who ever hears this speech will think this as a normal occurring in a marriage discussion, but this is a silent threat and exposed their greed for money. Arnav was stunned with the atrocity of this family who could they think of putting forward such a clause before them, but he has to thank them for the reaction he got from kushi as soon as she heard that woman proposing his marriage with her daughter Kushi had moved closer to him and clutched his arm in a death grip. Kushi couldn't control the furry that she felt at the moment her Arnavji and Sheetal she couldn't imagine that so she moved closer to him and clunk on his arms while glaring at the Jhas.

Arnav met the eyes of his mother and asked her not to interfere while he talked with the Jhas and proceed to get up, as he removed Kushi's hold from his arms he saw the panic and hurt that went through her. He stood up and faced the Jhas and started to speak

"why should we buy her a house or let you stay here?"

"Because it's a custom to give dowry to the bride during her marriage by her family or are you not willing to get us married" answered Shyam.

"No you can marry her but why should we spend money for her she is not a Raizada to get a part of our wealth, with your marriage our duty towards her is over, it's up to you to look after her and her comforts."

These words were a great shock to all the occupants the most shocked persons were Rathna and Kushi they couldn't understand why Arnav was speaking like this. Rathna was confused she couldn't understand why her son is saying all these things, he has always considered Kushi as a part of this family, then why is he speaking like this she know money is not important to him before Kushi's happiness why is he saying all this nonsense is it his plan to test the Jhas, but had not he realize that this will hurt Kushi the most. Kushi was more confused than hurt why is this man who had held her hands in his gentle grasp till some moments ago is speaking as if she doesn't matter to him anymore? She knows better than to judge him with these few words. But the Jhas are more confused with his statements, yet Mrs.Jha spoke again

"It's O.K if you are not willing to spend any money on her. But you can't deny her of her father's money. We know about the Guptas, they are rich and aristocratic so he would have definitely left a heafty sum of money for his daughter. So you can hand over that money and properties to us during the engagement. Even though its humiliating for us to stay her after the marriage we thought you would want to keep her with you since you were fond of her we suggested that."

"Shashi Uncle left no money behind for his daughter; he had given all his properties to his younger brother, So Kushi didn't inherit any money from her father or her family."

"We can't believe you. No one will accept a girl child into the family without any financial gains." Told Mrs.Jha.

"Yes he is right Shashi Bhai escaped from the accident caused by his brother for money and reached here, before he died he gave away all his properties to his brother, so that they will leave Kushi without harm and he didn't want to trouble us more. We took Kushi since we loved her not for any money." Told Rathna. She is now sure that this people wanted to get the money they thought that they will get through Kushi and not that kind hearted girl. She glanced at the young girl she raised as her own with sadness and hurt, but Kushi was more into herself to notice her glance.

" So you mean to say that you had no benefit by raising that orphan, don't mind. if you want us to accept that orphan then give us a crore as dowry also a mansion and car. We also need a lavish wedding and a minimum of a 100 pound sovereign." Said Mrs.Jha

"She will get to take with her all her jewelries that she posses but nothing more than that and she will have a wedding of her dreams not what you want. And no car, mansion or money shall be given from our side. So are you willing to marry her now Mr. Shyam, because nothing can be more precious than love, right."

"So you mean that I will not get any money if I marry her."

"Yes, but you will get a beautiful, caring, loving and devoted wife."

"I am not the person to play the second fiddle."

"What do you mean by playing the second fiddle?" they heard the voice coming from the pathway and turned to see the Maliks standing there, and the question was by Manohar.

"Do you all think that we will not know about this two and their infamous affair for years? I know that these two are ****ing each other for years and yet they want to get married to others so that they can have their affair lifelong. I thought that she should have warmed his bed enough by now and he will be willing to pay to get rid of her so that he can marry a rich girl and I thought he will fund me so that he can **** her forever but now he is acting all goody two shoes so that he can make us a villains here. Now if we leave without accepting this proposal he can keep her as his mistress forever stating that she is not yet over her first love and living in his memory and continue their affair."

Shyam went on bad mouthing them till Arnav caught hold of his throat and cornered him into a wall and started to chock him. Nobody were ready for such a scene, the Maliks were already informed by Arnav what a low life the Jhas were so they came here they also have an agenda fixed by Arnav to woo his ladylove. Akash and N.K rushed to Arnav to get him off Shyam but Arnav was not ready to leave him, his body radiated the fury he felt that even Akash and N.K were afraid to go near him.

Shyam started to chock and his face started to get blue, all the Jhas were shouting for Arnav to leave him along with Rathna and Maliks, but he was no were near to leave him. How dare he to abuse his Kushi and badmouth their relationship, it's one of the purest love of the world, he would have definitely killed that low life if not for Kushi who flung herself between them and hugged him tight shuddering at the events that have passed that afternoon. When Arnav sensed the shuddering petite form of his beloved in his arms he instantly calmed down and looked at her sweet face which was staring at him with such a hurt filled expression that he regretted his plan of exposing the Jhas. He wrapped his arms around her more tighter bringing her more into him and hiding her in his warm chest. By now the Jhas were huddled around Shyam trying to regulate his breathing. Mrs. Jha was furious and moved near Arshi and started to rant

"See even now they have got no shame they are hugging in front of everyone yet no one is saying a word to them. Now I have seen it with my own eyes how they are behaving it's our fault to think that she will change after her marriage but no she will never change. She is a **** she doesn't deserve to be my bahu. Come let's go."

With that the Jhas left the house, kushi was still sobbing in the arms of Arnav and he was trying his best to ease her by murmuring sweet nothing to her but she was hysteric. The Maliks saw this and looked at each other; they didn't expect this type of a situation. Rathna was shocked; she always wanted Kushi as her bahu but never wanted to force them, but today she thought that she made a mistake, was it wrong to let them be close to each other, but they have been like this right from their childhood, she had let them because she had trust in both of them and secretly wished that they will fall each other. That was why she never saw the other side what will happen if they do not fall in love, but the truth is now in front of her eyes. She has been hearing these rumors about her son and Kushi for sometimes now, but she knows that were never true but will the society accept them as just false rumors? It didn't seem so, they both are young they have their whole future in front of them which is currently at stake. Enough is enough she will get what she wants now, it's now or never. It's up to them to decide but she is going to give the ultimatum now.

With this decision she looked around the living room to find that both Arnav and Kushi were gone and Manoramma sitting beside her offering silent support. When Manohar saw her looking around for the important people he said,

"Arnav took kushi to her room, since she was crying a lot."

Rathna nodded and went back to form a fail proof plan because she knew them better, she know that they will do anything for each other and that is her trump card as well as the greatest hurdle. She has to form a plan with no loop holes since she is going to deal not only with the innocent kushi but as so to the mighty ASR.

Meanwhile in Kushi's bedroom, Kushi kept on crying keeping her head on his shoulders and clutching their intertwined hands close to her heart. Arnav felt his heart breaking a little as he heard her sobbing and drenching in his cloth in her tears. Kushi couldn't tolerate the words the Jhas have thrown at her and her Arnavji, no one has the right to question about their relationship, and how will these vile people know the value of their relationship?

"How can they speak like that Arnavji, they spoke very badly about you, what do they know about you to speak like that to you?"

Arnav was surprised by her words she is not worried about her disgrace but is more worried about him. Are you not more worried about her? His mind questioned him he know now kushi is vulnerable and this is the correct time to strike his target keeping a worried face he said

"Yes Kushi my name is tarnished in the society. What shall we do now?"

"I have an idea Arnavji, we will get you married, and then this all will be solved."

"But you forgot that now my name is tarnished so is my reputation that no one will be willing to marry me Kushi?"

"Many girls will be ready to marry you Arnavji, since you are rich and successful."

"How can you of all the people ask me to marry a girl who is after my money?"

"NO Arnavji I didn't mean it that way, you know many girls in the party we attend will ask me about you, so I thought that they will be ready to marry you."

"Yes but now my character is tainted along with yours then who will marry us?"

"Yes it is then what shall we do Arnavji?"

"You should not freak out after hearing that, since our names are rumored together why don't we get married? We will be the same and nobody will question us."

"How can we marry each other Arnavji?"

"Why can't we marry each other Kushi? Do you think that I am too old for you?"

"It's not that Arnavji, but..."

"No buts and ifs Kushi we know each other for so long we have seen the best and worst side of each other and have been the constant support to each other. We understand each other and we care for each other. So what is wrong if you marry me?"

"But Arnavji..."

"Kushi listen can you imagine a life without me and ma?"


"Can you tolerate it when you will no longer be able to come into this house or treat this as your own? Can you take it when every time you have to talk to me you have to pass through my wife? Can you handle it when you will no longer be the most important person in my life? After I get married if I have to ever choose between you and my wife I will choose her and we may fall apart for ever, because after my marriage it will be my wife who will be the most important part of my life, can you live with it? And most importantly what if ma and my wife don't get along well and she torture ma?"

"No I can't, what should I do now?"

"See if we marry no such thing will happen we will not have any loss but will get 100% profit. What do you say?"

"I don't know Arnavji, I have never thought about this, even when Shyam was speaking about the marriage, I never thought that I will have to leave you all and go live with him. I never thought that he will be behind the money he thought that I would bring with me."

"I am sorry Kushi I had to speak like that in front of him; I knew that he was behind our money since the start it was just to bring his real face out in the light I spoke like that. I am sorry."

"No Arnavji I knew that you spoke like that for a reason."

"See Kushi this is what I am speaking about, you know me too well. You understand me even before I could voice it out; it's the same about me too. We work in sync we are too tuned to each other, so our marriage will be a definite success."

"But Arnavji....."

"Do you believe me?"


"Do you trust me to make the best decision for us?"


"Then Marry Me this is the best for us."

O.K Arnavji, I have an idea..."

Cuts her in between "No kushi our marriage will be real in all sense of the world, you will marry me, have my name and children and grow old with me. Life is not the Mills & Boons novel that you read its reality that you have to face every day, so don't you dare say that we will have a contract marriage or anything of that sort. Did you get me?"

"How do you always know what I want to speak?"

"Really Kushi this is all that you could come up with? Answer me Will you marry me or not?"

"Since you told that this will be a real marriage I want you to propose me just like my M&B heroes."

"Oh then I will propose you when we both realize the love between us for now you have to be satisfied with just ,Will you marry me?"

"O.K Arnavji I'll marry you."

"I will make sure you never regret this Kushi."

With that Arnav again brought her into his warm embrace and hugged her tight, this hug was different from both the ends, it was not the normal friendly hug they give, Kushi had her hands wrapped against his neck rather than hugging him in the waist like usual and Arnav had his face buried in Kushi's neck inhaling her unique scent and breathing on her earlobes unlike resting his chin on the top of her head as he used to. This hug has a lot of intimacy that was earlier absent in their hugs; this is their first hug as a couple. This was how the Maliks and Rathna found them when they came in search of them. Every one of them were shocked and confused but were happy that their dream is now finally becoming a reality. But the couple stood obvious to their audience as they were cocooned in the warmth of love for the first time.

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