A Class Trip to...WHERE?! [CO...

By Animelover3313

155K 4K 2.4K

I know there is a lot of stories... or rather fanfic about Tsuna's class going to Italy during their class tr... More

The Plan
The start of the plan
What are you planning? And there's more?!
Information for the trip
Plan in motion
Tsuna's anger, Introductions and Poison cooking
Bad feeling
Teaching them properly (1)
Teaching them properly (2)
Teaching them properly (3)
Teaching them properly (4)
End of part 1, Beginning of part 2
First Generation on the move
Trinisette Siblings
The Meeting
Reborn's day
Papa Reborn
Soo... Fight?
A/N ;-;
The Truth
What happened?
The End

13 Wonders (Ok I suck at creativity)

4.5K 63 36
By Animelover3313

This is NOT a chapter.

I was tagged (The first time) and yeah..

I was tagged by @KaitlynBottom


1. You cannot refuse

2. If you break a rule, you have to post a video of you singing non wattpad

3. You have to do it in a week or less

4. You must say 13 things about yourself

5. You have to tag 15 people

6. No doing this in the comments

7. This chapter must have a creative title

Not my rule, I'm not sure who created it but I just type :)

13 things about myself: 

1. I have a younger sister

2. When I was young, I got hit by a bicycle near my right eye when celebrating my cousin's birthday

3. I am born on October 6, 2002 

4. My favorite colour is Purple.

5. My favorite animal is cats

6. I keep rewatching anime that I have already watch when I'm bored

7. My game name is ASL1 (Can be found in Paladins and Roblox)

8. I like drawing, listening to music, playing computer games (especially involving gun and and shooting games)

9. I'm a girl (If you guys don't know)

10. I live in Yishun, Singapore

11. I have once a whole stack of workbooks (my class) in the zoo and my teacher has to reprint the workbooks as we can't find it in the zoo

12. I'm a clean and neat freak

13. I'm quiet around people I'm not close to. I will talk awkwardly and no one can hear me even if I'm really near them

That's some things about me and..

I will tag:

1. @SeikadarkySona

2. @NurulHuda-noona 

3. @Natsu_Rin_21

4. @starfirepie

5. @akuma55

6. @KouMamoru

7. @Cielo27deVongola

8. @AliceVermillion27

9. @Gamer763

10. @Callme72

11. @King-Elsa 

12. @XxNatsumi_SawadaxX

13. @FoxcatAI

14. @FrostHitsugaya19

15. @Alyzia80

Well that's all! I will be updating the next chapter pretty soon.. (I'm so slow ;-;)


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