The Game

By laila_duhh

3M 111K 57K

After 17 year old Lauren London's father passes away she is left too take care of her 11 year old sister Abby... More

Hard Times
Pleasure Meeting You
Everthing will be okay
The Favor
The operation
Mind ya' buisness
Home Rules
Tis The Season To Be Jealous
Shopping Time Is Fun Time
Christmas Wishes
The Competition
New Faces
The Switch Up
Friends With Benefits
Suprise, Suprise
A New Friend
Caught Up
You Can't Trust Everybody
Ride or Die?
All Grown Up
The Chase
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
The Decision
The Game: Blood, Sweat, & Tears

Smile to keep from crying

109K 4.1K 2.7K
By laila_duhh


"Bye Mr. Dean." I said with a fake smile.

A smirk appeared on his ugly ass face. "Bye Lauren."

I closed the door and made sure to lock it behind me. The time was now 11:45 pm.

Abby came out of her room and looked at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that."

"Did yall just have sex."

"What do you know about sex?"

"I know that's how babies get here. I'm 11. I'm not stupid."

I rolled my eyes. "I had to do what I had to do."

"That's what they all say." She went into her room and slammed the door.

I really didn't have time for her bullshit. My head was pounding and my body was aching.

I took a cold shower then went into a deep sleep.


"So today after school can we go to the mall?" Abby asked as we walked to school.

"No I have work at my new job." I said with a smile.

"Oh yea I forgot about that."

"Why do you wanna go to the mall anyways."

"It's almost Christmas and I like to look at the decorations."

"Or do you just wanna see Santa." I teased her.

"I do not believe in Santa."

I laughed. We walked in front of my sister's school.

"Have a good day." I said to her.

"You too." She said walking into her school building.

I walked over to my high school. When I walked into school I was met by my friend Callie.

"Hey girl." She said.

"Hey." I said walking to my locker. She followed.

As I was unlocking my locker I starting getting this weird feeling in my body.

"Oooo look who's coming. Stevie." Callie said practically drooling over the quarter back.

"Mhm." I said getting my English textbooks.

"Are you okay? You look a little green in the face." She asked concerned.

"I don't know. I just started feeling weird."

"Did you eat breakfast yet?"

"No. I didn't eat anything."

"Well that's your problem girl. You need to eat."

Callie grabbed my hand and pulled me into the cafeteria. As I looked around there were groups of people everywhere talking and eating breakfast.

"Sit here. Imma' go get you a plate."

I nodded and sat down. As I was sitting down. Stevie came into view.

"Wassup. Laila right?"

"No it's Lauren." I said looking around for Callie.

"My bad. I'm Stevie-"

"Yea I know. The quarter back of the football team and the boy that makes every kill drool."

He chuckled then popped his collar."Yep that's right." He said showing his pearly white teeth. "So I got this party this weekend and-"

"And we will definitely be there." Callie told him popping up out of no where.

"Alright good." He said and started walking away.

"Callie what the fuck!?"

"Girl chill. You need some dick in your life."

I rolled my eyes. The feeling in my body started coming back.

"Do you have any medicine in your purse?" I asked Callie.

"Umm let's see. I've got pain pills, tampons, and weed." She said searching through her purse. "Do you want some weed?"

I sighed. "No Cal."

The first bell rung.

"Well see you later boo." She said walking off with her cheerleading friends.

I shook my head. Callie wasn't really a real friend. She was a rich and boogie cheerleader who thought she was all that and a bag of chips. Honestly she just hangs around me.

I went into my English class and took a seat at my desk.

"Settle down class. Take out your literature books and begin looking at some of the poetry." Mrs. Skiz said.

I took out my book and just started flipping through the pages not really looking at anything.

"Flip too page 454 and read the first poem Lauren."

The whole class looked at me and I froze.

"Um what?" I asked.

"Read the poem on page 454."

I looked down at the book. The words became blurry and they faded away.


"Miss London.... Miss London are you awake."

When I opened my eyes a doctor stood in front of me. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed I was at the hospital.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my-"

"Shh calm down and drink this water." He handed me a small plastic cup.

I did as told and started drinking.

"Now can you tell me when was the last time you had sex."

"Why does it matter." I asked confused and took a sip of the water.

"Because your pregnant."

The water flew out my mouth.

He took out a pen. "Now give me your parents name and phone number. I need to contact them."

My heart stopped. My breathing stopped. The time stopped. The world stopped. Everything Stopped.

"Lauren is everything okay?"

"I-I-I need to go." I said and ripped the IV out my arm.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't let you go-"

"I NEED TO GO!" I ran out the room and into the elevator. I pressed the button to the first floor. When the elevator doors closed I began to break down. The salty tears ran into my mouth as I cried.

I just couldn't believe what was happening. I was pregnant with my father's child.



"Your late." Abby said as I walked up to her school.

I didn't say anything I just kept walking.

"Why are your eyes puffy? Have you been crying?"

"Abbygail don't start that shit. Stop asking me questions." I yelled at her.

"I'm just worried about you." Her voice softened.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. We continued our walk until we made it to Benny's.

I opened the doors to the restaurant and saw Ms. Evelyn taking a customers order.

"Hey hunny. I thought you weren't gonna come." She said.

"Well I'm here." I said trying to smile through the pain I was going through.

"Here. Put this apron on and go back there and wash those dishes. And after your done grab that broom."

I nodded and put the apron on.

Abby cleared her throat.

"Oh, Ms. Evelyn this is my little sister Abbygail."

"Nice meeting you sweetie pie. How about you come help me put up Christmas decorations around the restaurant."

Abby smiled and nodded.

I laughed and went into the kitchen. It was a pile of dishes stacked up. As I was washing I thought about the news I got today.

Ms. Evelyn came into the kitchen.

"You okay dear?"

"Yes ma'am. You have to smile to keep from crying."

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