Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

By hugmeharryx

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Louisa is the new girl in town, very shy and closed up due to her last relasionship. The school bad boy Harry... More

Oh Harry You Bad Boy (Harry Styles)
This Boy
my history partner....
dont get involved with me
I wont hurt you
only love
first date
Dont Look
hold me
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

93 0 0
By hugmeharryx


Im so glad Louisa had agreed to go to my mums house to meet her and Gems. It means so much to me. They will love to see me happy with a girl after everything that happened with Melissa. Mum and Gemma both know how much that killed me. Louisa needs to speak to her mum first and is not convinced she will let her go after everything that happened with that wanker. I need to be reasuring and charming on the phone when I speak to her mum. Louisa wasn't sure about letting me but I thought It would be good.

"Okay its ringing, I hope your ready" Louisa halfs smiles, she seems nervous. How bad could her mother be? Louisa presses speaker on her Iphone and waits for the two phone lines to connect.

'Hey hunny'' beems her mum

Hey mum, I havent seen you recently with work and all that but Ive met a boy and he is really lovley and he is very oh so very different to Justin. I mean it. He wants me to come and meet his mum and sister. His name is Harry and he is in the year above. He is here you cant speak to him if you want"

"Okay give him the phone"

" Hello Mrs Ford"

"Hello Harry, so what are you planning on doing tonight with my daughter"

"I am going to bring her to my mums for a hour or so and then drop her home on my way home myself'"

" Do you not live with your mum?"

"No I was a very stroopy teenager and used to lash out my anger about my dad on my mum and sister. I have learnt to control it now but I thought it was the best to move when I was 18 I still visist oftenly I love my mum and my sister very much'

"Did ever hit any of them" Louisa gasps at her mums comment. I understand though.

'Not counting silly little fights with my sister at a very young age then no, I would never lay a finger on women at all I think it is abouslolty digusting'

"Are you aware of my daughters past relasionship?'

"Yes, I am very aware I think he was outragious your daughther is stunning and I dont understand how someone could hurt her. It was disgusting behaviour and I hope too allow your daughter to be happy again:

' Thanks Harry Id love to see you at the house sometime, please bare in mind its a school night so dont have Louisa out too late and make sure she stops at the shops to get some chocolate for me and Shannon. Could you give the phone back to Louisa now please"

"Of course Mrs Ford'

"Call me Lisa please Harry, its makes me feel young again'

"Very well Lisa" I pass the phone back to Louisa she has a massive grin on her face. I imagine I am smiling like an idiot aswell.

Louisa says goodbye to her mum and smiles at me. I havent had anyone smile at me like this apart from my mum since Melissa.

" Can we go to the shop and house before meeting them" She begs.

" Why?" I moan. I dont want to waste in the she will be foundling around her house I might regret asking her to come.

"Because I want to look presentable for your mother and sister and I want some chocolate" Lou answer as a pout spreads across her lips. I cant resist that, ever.

" Okay but that whole phone call seems now completally pointless"

" No it wasn't! It means so will have some idea what your like before completally meeting you" She struggles to finish. What is that suppose to mean, does she not think her mum will aprovve of me. Why because of the tattoos and the priercings, They are'nt that bad.

I notice her phone had a crack in the corner of the screen.

"What happened to your phone Lou?" I question.

"You" is all she says.

"what do you mean?"

" When I saw you and that bitch I threw it at the my wall"

"Jesus, you have a temper aswel!" I answer

"Not usally just seemed you brought it to the surface" She smirked. Shit she is really hot.

I bring her closer to me so her head is in the crook of my neck as we walk.

"I like your jumper" I remark.

"Why?" she looks so confused until she looks down, " Oh" Lou then realises she is wearing the jumper I left for her at hers.

' Stop staring at it please!" Louisa laughs.

I laugh back at her.



Me and Harry are walking back from Tesco after buying chocolate and milk for are main ladies. It was so good to hear that he was finishing it with that girl. She looked like a whore any way I hate to be jugdemental, but what she was wearing was very.... whorish. Ive realised how distracted I now get by Harry's face. Like when i turned around to see it was him my anger subsided and I completally forgot about his slag. I swear I would not of said anything until he asked me why I ignored his text. I dont know why I agreed to go his mums and we get closer to my house I am regretting the whole thing in a way. Like I really like him but what if his mum doesnt like me we have only started and we havent even offically started anything. Will he leave me if his mum doesnt like me.

Thats not even talking about my mum after Justin i have not spoken to my mum about boys, I havent had any contact with boys anyway I didnt feel comfortable until Harry. My mum would be constantly asking him questions that I doubt he is ready to answer. Though I feel like Harry is quite an open book in a way like the way he talking about his reasoning for moving out. I didnt think he would be so open. Im kind of scared to open the door and let Harry in I really dont want my mum to be judgemental. She tends to be a little like this because of Justin he was a clean cut looking boy but he was evil.

I finally decide to open the door its kind of odd to be here with Harry due to the reason of the last time he was here.

" Hey" I shout into the uncofortable silence in my house. Before I know it my mum is comming out of the kitchen in her pjs. Oh my gosh this is so funny. She looks at Harry and then shoots me a glare.

"Jesus Lou you wouldnt even text me to tell me you where bringing Harry here" She laughs

"Sorry mum only popping in, brought your chocolate though" I reach into my pocket to retrive some chocolate.

"Anyway this is Harry" I smile. I hope this is'nt awkward. I look at Harry and he smiling like really smiling. Its so cute I just want to place kisses from ear to ear.

" Hi Harry, Lou you didnt metion how handsome he was" My mum adds, I look over to see harry has his hands over his eyes shaking his heads. He is so cute.

"Please Mrs Ford" He jokes, they seem to be getting on.

"Remember its Lisa! It makes me feel youthful" Jesus Mum thats so not embrassing.

"Of course Lisa" Harry giggles.

"Come here Harry" Before I know it my mum has her arms around harrys waist and is giving him a hug. I flush of relief floods through me thank gosh she likes him I dont know what I would of done If she hadnt. I know I still will be bombarded with questions when he leaves.

"Okay we are going to go upstairs so I can make myself look presentable for meeting Harrys mum"

"You look gorgeous" Both Mum and Harry say in sync. My mum looks at me and smiles, Justin never compliemented me. Espiecally not when I was wearing a jumper leggings NO make up and messy hair.

" Right that was weird" I say

"I was just telling the truth" Harry states

" Okay charmer now lets go I dont want to be late" I grab Harrys hand as I lead him up stairs. He then shouts to my mum

"Nice meeting you Mrs Ford"

"Lisa Harry!"

"Opps Sorry Lissa" He Shouts.

As we reach the hall way I go into my sisters room.

" Shan this is Harry this is your chocolate" I throw her the chocolate.

"Is he your boyfriend" Oh shit is he Harry is in the room with me this awkward.

"Friends" I say

Fuck should I off done that. I dont know!

" Okay good because he is hot too hot for you" She giggles.

I classally put my middle finger up and say " Fuck you shan"

Harry then pops in with " Hey listen Ive heard about your boyfriend I could talk to him and let him know you've got your sights on me okay?"

"Louisa! He is not my boyfriend" Shannon wines

"Yeah Yeah" I say before walking out of the room with Harry. I just called him me friend I wont bring it up if he doesnt I hope he doesnt because I would not know what to say to him.

He knows where my room is, fuck of course he does.


She called me her friend, should that bother me because it does. But to be honest I haven't made anything official like I haven't asked her anything. She did sleep in my flat for tonights with me we have kissed a fair bit, and we have opened up to each other. I don't know but I have never kissed my friends or is she in to that if she is that's kinky as fuck. Wait that's off topic hah.

As I enter her room she goes in to her closet to pick some clothes before I shut it.

"You really look fine gorgeous" I insist.

"Whatever, I'm re doing my hair and make up though"

"I need to pee Lou" I really need to use the toilet.

"It's the room thing next to Shannon's" She giggles.

I make my way past Shannon's room to hear her on the phone it must be her boyfriend aw. I then go in to the toilet.

After I've done my business I head back to Lou's room. I find her staring into the mirior with my jumper pushed up over her hips grabbing her sides in frustation. She doesnt notice me until my head is rested o her shoulder and I kiss her cheek.

"You are beautiful"


"Plus Lou babe, have to have something to hold onto" I wink. Louisa Laughs and then gags a little. Before she knows it I have my lips aganist hers and they are moving in sync.

I break the kiss to quickly say

"Jump" When Louisa then jumps i grab her thighs and she wraps her legs around my waist while she places her hands on ethier side of my neck. I have my hands placed onto to her thighs and we are kissing until we get interupted by her sister.

"Just friends then?" Shannon says and laughs

"Fuck off Shannon, make sure when you bring lover boy round Ill be in" Louisa says and puts up her middle finger.

"Me too!" I remark and continue to laugh. I release her and sit on her bed.



We have finally reached Harrys mums house and just before we go in I ask "Harry what do I call you mum"

"I dont know really she is quite relaxed like your mum her name is Anne but you could call her Miss Cox"

"Okay" I reply. I kiss Harry and I instantly taste the smoke for a cigarette he must of had earlier. " Harry you smell of smoke"

"Cheers babe" Harry said and pops a mint into his mouth. He then leans into me to kiss me and pops the mint into my mouth ew.

"Better?" Harry smirks.

"Just shut up and lets get this done!" I say.

Im so nervous jesus chirst Im nervous what if she doesnt like me Ive never felt this way about a boy before. Will he just stop talking to me if she doesnt like us being toghether. I hope not, how will Harry introduce me as a friend girlfirend? Im overthinking this way to much I cant not. I am about to shit my self for the anticipation. Thankfully Harry takes a set of keys out of his pocket, and opens to door with them. The house is lovley its a little bit like a cosy cotagge I love it. Its basically where I want to live when im older when im married and have children. I wonder if Harry wants children.

His mum then comes into the kitchen she has shoulder length silky black hair a very wide white smile she is beautiful. I am staring at her until Harry nudges me.

"Hello sweet, Im Anne Harrys mum lovley to meet you" She opens her arms for me to hug her.

I walk towards her and hug her when we release I feel a lot more comfortable.

"Im Louisa" I smile.

"Its lovley to meet you Louisa, your the beautifulist of the girls harry has brought home to meet me" Oh shit how many girls has he brought home. Unintentally I furrow my eyebrows and Anne laughs.

"Dont worry Pet he has only brought like 2 girls home over to course of living her to meet me anyway" Thank fuck.

"Cheers for disclosing that information mum" Harry says

"Opps babe, any way whats that?" Anne says as she points to Harrys Arm.

"This?" Harry says as he points to his lock tattoo on his wrist.


"Ed gave it too me"

"Oh thats nice, dont get doing that though please" Anne says

"Anyway it was lovley meeting come in again when its not late, I have work tomorrow so I shall be off" She waves to us as she goes up to stairs until realising harry and going over and kissing him on the cheek. Before she heads up stairs so turns to me and whispers.

"Nice jumper hun, looks better on you" she laughs and walks away Anne's laugh is so radiant and fills the small wrong. Harry looks confused as he has no idea why we are laughing.

45Minutes Later

Harrys POV

Lou and I have been sitting in my old room for ages watching films and talking my sister was due home from work any minute and I really want her too meet Louisa like as my.....girlfriend If that was what she was I guess I need to offically ask. I wont do it yet just hold out for a bit it wont hurt anyone.

Soon enough I hear the door open and in walks Gem into my room not caring about the fact that Louisa is here and for all she knows I could be having sex right now. Even though I would not do it under my mums roof... well not when I have a perfectly good flat. She pretends to be shocked at Louisa laying in my arms under my old covers. I look down at Lou who flushes with embrassement and quickly un wraps herself from me.

"Hey I know you!" Gems says

"Yeah, hey" Lou says nervously she is so awkward its funny.

"So you and my brother hey? I told you he was handsome" gem nudges my shoulder as i push her off me

Okay im finishing this chapter here because its dragging on for my usual one chapter. So I am trying to bang out as many chapter so I can post them from my phone. STRESS I am going to see Ed Sheeran on the 13th October so tell me if you are going yay! Vote and comment as per x

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