By _will_o_the_wisp_

781 137 108

We have all got a battle to fight, isn't it? And we are doing so each passing second. This story is set in th... More



100 19 25
By _will_o_the_wisp_

Chapter 3
And it began...

I don't know how long I stood there staring at the retreating figure of my parents until Amal intertwined our hands and lead me inside.

I knew the Khalid's home like the back of my hand. Their home was like my second home. Though I had stayed here several times previously, this time was different.

It was almost midnight and we set off to sleep. The usually cheerful house was dull and thick with tension.

After a lot of failed attempts, I gave up on sleep and walked out to the terrace. Happy memories flashed by as I stood there looking at the starry night sky. I stood there feeling the chill and the light wind caressing my face. I adjusted the few strands of rebellious hair within my hijab if incase Habib or uncle were to pass by.

With shivering hands, I clutched the paper in my pocket. Looking at the bright and unusually sharp quarter moon amidst the tiny stars surrounding it, I smiled a genuine smile for the first time in a while, after  the recent turnout of events. The dark fascinated me; it frightens me as well as amazes me at the same time. I love the night sky, so peaceful yet so full of mysteries, secrets and splendid beauty. The sky always gave me a feeling of protection. It may sound weird but I feel a sensation of homeliness when I look at it. The same sky and the same moon I look at every night through my window is the same moon you look at some from some other point of the world. It is the same  moon my Rasoolullah(saw)  once looked at too! I chuckle at my weird thoughts and take out the letter that felt heavy in my pocket, though it was just a piece of paper. Yeah, just a piece of paper your mom gave you before leaving. Just a piece which contained those words which may or may not be herlasts to you. Your only memory left of them. Just a piece of paper.

A shiver ran down my spine, maybe because the night has turned even more windy or maybe due to the thoughts that were clouding my mind right now.

I looked once again at the sky as I saw the dark grey clouds enveloping the moon in its embrace. With a deep sigh and a madly hammering heart full of hope, I open the letter to see the words neatly scrawled upon the paper-

"Dear Ziya,
I know it must be terribly difficult for you, I am not the one who should be sharing the news with you,atleast not now. I just wanna say a few things to you Zee. And don't take it as my rambling. There are things which only you can figure out through this.
There is a solution to every problem Zee. No door is ever closed without another opening. There is always an open door, we are just too blind to see it. All you need is to knock. Things might not go the way you want them to. Times might be tough. Stay strong. Believe in yourself. When you face something difficult, look atthings from a different angle, remember what I'd advise you. Remember my likes and dislikes. Trust me, it'll help you one day. And then the most imporatant thing Zee, make your choices wisely. Your choices determine were you go. We all have to choose between what's right and what's wrong. And deep within, we know what's the right thing to do Zee, we are all just too selfish in our own ways to do it. And right now, am going to do what's right.
Don't ever give up on faith. It opens doors you could have never imagined of. You can crack any code if you have faith. Its not just some war Ziya,there's more you need to know, and when the time comes, you'll know where to find the answers. Things won't be the same anymore,Zee. If all of this ends well, If all of us get through this safely and lets pray it does, we shall soon meet. Until then, stay strong, stay safe.


I felt a tear trickle down my eyes. I look up at the sky, helpless. It felt like she was speaking to me. The last words of hers were blurred,probably as they mixed with her tears. The letter still had her fragrance. It smelt like her. Like home.
I sat there,on the ground,hugging my knees to my chest, wiping away that single tear. I read it all over again...and again. As much as I'd love to sit there alone and stare at the sky all night long, my eyes felt thick with sleep. I sent a silent prayer to God to keep them safe.

"Sometimes you need to be in the dark,to appreciate the light, Ziya" My father's words rang in my ears as I looked one last time at the dark sky,before returning to my room.

It was already 4 in the morning. After doing Fajr Salah* and a lot of twisting and turning, I drifted off to a deep slumber.


I woke up as the sun rays hit my face. For a while everything was back to normal. Was it all a bad dream? Why didn't mom wake me up?
No soon did reality dawn upon me as I turned and saw Amal's sleeping figure curled up beside me.
I sighed deeply rubbing a hand across my hair. I sat cross legged on the bed, still in my pajamas. From rooms to settings to furnishing, everything was similar between our home and the Khalid's. Their bond was too strong. I was never more struck about how alike it looked.
I quickly freshened up and after securing my hijab* in place, I walked down the stairs with light steps. How I missed jumping down the stairs and flying down the banister and receiving mom's lectures right in the morning.

I entered the kitchen to find aunt Razia, uncle Khalid and Habib sitting around the round table, cracking jokes and having some family time. I was about to leave when aunt saw me.

"Assalamu alaikum* dear, I see you are up early unlike my lovely daughter."
I smile and return the greetings and sit down on one of the chairs.
I helped myself with a cup of coffee and a bread sandwich.

Everything looked normal except for the fact that it looked highly abnormal at such a time for it all to look normal. Okay, maybe it doesn't make sense.

Aunt Razia's eyes shifted to mine every now and then. She smiled reassuringly. I found the care and love in those pure eyes which I yearned for.

I helped her with the dishes as Amal came yawning. She looked beautiful even as she stood there with her messed up hair, still in her Pjs. Guess it's just her inner beauty kicking in. No matter who you are, you'll be judged based on character.

As I sat in the living room on the third day of my stay here, along with Amal who was sipping tea absent mindedly, I recalled my earlier conversation with aunt Razia.
"Ziya, you don't have to feel uncomfortable. Ask us for anything you want. Feel free. This is your home too. We owe you guys that. Besides you and Amal are equal for me. Don't ever feel the need to apologise or feel sorry as long as we are alive." She had said as I was worried about my stay there. I wasn't overacting. Few days, they might tolerate me but then I didn't want to be an inconvenience.
"Do you have any news about my parents, aunty?"
"No sweetie but am sure they can take care of themselves. You don't have to be worried. Just keep praying." She smiled fondly at me.

Most of the time I kept myself occupied with some work so that my mind wouldn't drift away to thoughts about mom and dad.

"Hey Zee, enough of your day dreaming. Come, let's go out and get some fresh air." She said dusting her shirt as she got up from the couch.

"Do you think your parents will be okay with it?" I asked worried.

She bursted out laughing at me," Oh God! What has the world come to? Ziya Anam binth Salman Hussain is scared? Besides they aren't here right now!" She said singing the 'scaredy cat' song at me.

I chuckled and ignored her song. She dragged me upstairs when I disagreed to go out. I don't think its safe out there.

I inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly as I stood leaning against the bainster in the open balcony of her room,upstairs. I felt deep within that something was off, something was going to strike soon.

That's when the doorbell rang repeatedly, causing all of us to snap out of our dream world into the reality.

For a split second, we caught each others eyes and I could see the fear apparent in her eyes and I felt that she too could see it in mine. Without wasting another second we dashed downstairs. Habib was already at the doorway, who now opened the door to reveal a tensed Khalid uncle, who was drenched in sweat. The terror in his eyes were evident. He wasn't the one to give away his feelings easily. I had never seen him this frightened. He looked at the three of us, his gaze lingering a bit longer on Amal. And then he finally answered all of our unspoken question,
"Sh-she's gone, your mo-mother, she's gone" he said as the tears flowed from his eyes freely. I heard Amal audibly gasp as she heard this. Habib on the other hand, looked pale as a ghost. Like he was waiting for the nightmare to end any moment now.
Amal held my hand tightly that it stung a bit but I couldn't care less.

The woman who gave me strength, who watched me grow into who I am, she was like a mother to me. I could not imagine what Amal was going through right now and I'd never want to.

Uncle Khalid broke out of his trance after a moment as he spoke,
"There has been another explosion, I missed it by God's Grace,b-but she.." he continued after gulping down the lump in his throught," they have finally come kids and they are raiding down the houses now. Their forces are strong. We need to get outta here. They may come any moment now. Go! Pack up! NOW!" Maybe it was the urgency in his tone that helped us to fight against our emotions. To push it back, for now atleast yet the tears that ran through Amal's eyes wouldn't stop even as she packed the necessary items. I helped her to fasten the whole thing up. I couldn't bear to see her like this. The funny, charming girl. God knows what she's going through right now. For a moment my mom's image flashed across my mind and I shook the images away as I tucked the letter safely in my backpack. The poor girl was trying hard to control her tears as she kept running to pack up.
She threw her bag upon her shoulders and with one last glance at the room we had shared, were we had our pillow fights and crazy sleepovers, we ran towards the stairs.

As we were walking downstairs along with Habib, Uncle started shouting out for us, which caused us to speed up.

"HABIB! Take the girls to safety, run as far away as you can out into the forest. Stay safe and hidden. I trust you Habib. Now,Go!"

"Just GO! Hurry, they are already here!" He warned us again as we did nothing but stare back at him.

"I'll only be holding you guys back with my weak health, besides I'll buy you some time. Somebody has to get out alive kids." He kissed his children and then his gaze shifted to mine as if trying to communicate something. I nodded at him, grabbed Amal's hand and sprint into a run without a second glance at the place where I held as such memories as Amal did. In my peripheral vision I could see, Habib running too as an army came running after us and towards the house. That's when I heard clicks,gunshots and a familar voice scream.


I kept my hand on my mouth to stop myself from screaming out loud. I shut my eyes and ran harder. I didn't turn back to recognise his voice.

Uncle Khalid was shot.

I could hear a muffled sob beside me and I knew Amal knew it too. But right now, it was the sound of the gunshots and sirens making us run; it was the survival instinct that held us against stopping.


Fajr- Muslim's 1st obligatory prayer of the day.
Hijab- a veil(head scarf) worn by muslim women to cover their hair.
(Hijab has a meaning and purpose much more than that, to know them, pls check out the updates of my book,"Not the End")


Yeah guys change of plans, and I gave you the chapter 25 days in advance.😆 I wanted to update since I woke up today morning.
Exams are coming up. Please do include me in your precious duas.

Anyway....how was the chappi??
Keep supporting
And let me know your suggestions. Share your ideas too...they are most welcome!😄


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