Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Style...

By Welcome_tomyworld

107K 847 92

Faye moves to England from Australia, as she meets Harry she see's him as a self absorbed guy who loves the a... More

Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story

Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story

4.2K 31 0
By Welcome_tomyworld

Chapter 19


Woow, she was actually thinking about getting back with me?! I thought I was lucky by getting an invite here, I'm suprised she actually spoke to me..Woah. But I guess I was extremley happy that she thought about it, so it show's she still likes me..I mean I hope because I still like her. I needed her back, I wanted her. I needed to kiss her. I need to get her alone to try and pursuade her that I would never do anything like that again, I needed her trust back. We headed back to the beach.

'So?' Louis said

'Well she's thinking about getting back with me' I sighed

'Why don't you seem happy about it?!' He shouted

'I am happy, but I just don't know if she actually will'

'Mate, just give her time, I think she will'

I smiled and chilled out for abit, hopefully he was right..


I really did want to get back with him, I just wanted to play hard to get..I know it's abit nasty but he cheated so I get to play a little mean on him ;-) And I kind of wanted him to ask me again because I felt awkward just saying 'Yes I'll get back with you' out of the blue. I needed the right time. Ahh, he looked so hot with his top off.

'You are getting back with him aren't you?' Hannah said randomly

'Huh?' I said confused

'Well, you'se just suited so much, you like him, he like's you?'

'I know, but I just need trust, I do want to get back with him'

'Oh my god!! eeeee!!'

I laughed and carried on sunbathing, until I water went all over me.

'AHHHH' I screamed opening my eyes hearing a laugh

I looked up and Harry was stood laughing with a bucket. he obviously poured the bucked of water over me, oh my god he was dead.

'YOU'RE DEAD' I said getting up

He started running and I did, I caught up to him and dived on his back making him fall onto the floor, we carried on laughing. He was on top of me and I thought he was going to ask again. I did have really bad butterflies but I don't know why. We finished laughing at he just stared at me.

'What?' I said laughing

'Beautiful' He whispered

I shook my head and he put the hair behind my ear and leaned in, oh god he was about to kiss me..Did I want to or..too late. He had already kissed me but I guess I did want to kiss him so I leaned in too. He leaned out and smiled, his smile did make me melt.

'So are we..?' He said

'Are we what?' I said knowing what he ment, but I wanted to hear him say it

'Together?' He said smiling

'If you want?'

'Of course I do, but do you'


He smiled and stood up picking me up, I wrapped my legs around him and we kissed again. He put me down and grabbed my hand.

'I won't make the same mistake' He said

But I think he actually ment it, he looked so..sorry. I smiled at him and carried on walking. Louis and Hannah smiled as we came back over.

'Finally!' They both said

'Last one to the sea buys us drinks!' I said

Lou and Hannah sprinted and I made a run but Harry grabbed my wrist

'Come on we can't buy drinks!' I said quickly

'I don't mind' He said smiling

I smiled back and he picked me up the marraige way and carried me towards the sea, it felt like a big weight had been lifted, I was so much happier and I was so happier I was back with Harry. Life was amazing once again, then I remembered. 5 months in Australia...

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