iMakeover (an iCarly Story)

By 101oBsEsSioNs

142K 4.1K 1.6K

The girls want Freddie to participate in a segment for iCarly that will basically be like a rip off on the sh... More

1. Only The Beginning
2. Messy Compromises
3. Giggles and Deal Making
4. Blue over Brown
5. Like a Big Teddy Bear
6. The Perfect Couple? Yeah right.
7. Shopping Day: Freddie
8. Movie Night and Another Bet
9. Angel Disguises for Blonde Headed Demons
10. Wedding Onion Rings
11. Dressing for the Title
12. My Meat Loving Princess
13. Blondie and Brunetto
14. Secrets and Gold Lockets
16. "Don't Stick It Out Then!"
17. And Now the Real Fun Begins
18. Hidden Cameras and Remorseful Denial
19. Ignore the Purple Elephant in the Room
Hey guys-A/N
20. There Was a Reason For That...
21. Stealing Kisses from the Unconscious
22. "Drumroll please... "
23. Shut Up and Kiss Me
Hey lovelies!
New Story is Posted!!
SEQUEL!!!! iMakeover: The Aftermath
I'm back

15. "CARLY!!!!!!"

4.1K 136 17
By 101oBsEsSioNs


Dedicated to purple_elevators for being so sweet!!!!

Spencer's POV
(new POV? Ohmigod, excitement!)

"Just face it Fredward, you're wrong. Lasagna will always beat spoons. In fact, if every single piece of silverware in the universe ganged up against one steaming plate of lasagna, the lasagna would still win." Sam tells Freddie.
I peak around the corner. I'm hiding behind the counter in the kitchen so as not to be seen. Carly wanted me to spy on them and make sure they don't go upstairs and realize what happening.
"That is SO statistically unlikely!"Freddie exclaims. "That's like saying I could go up against the entire football team in a fight and win!" he counters.
Sam is deadly silent for a moment.
"Okay. for one, you would not last ten seconds in a fight against one football player, let alone the entire team. And two? You can not be comparing your nubby self to the gloriousness of lasagna," Sam says incredulously.
"Maybe I am," Freddie says. "What? You think I'm so terrible that I can't even compare to a plate of meat sauce and noodles?"
Sam looks thoughtful.
"Well, I suppose you could be upped to equal to lasagna," Sam finally says and I almost choke on the tuna casserole I'm eating. Sam Puckett could not possibly have just said she considers her tech geek to be equal to one of her favorite foods. But she did. I was iffy at first but I guess Carly was right. Now I'm even more excited for tonight.
"Why thank you Princess, I'm honored," Freddie says sarcastically, but it's obvious he's shocked and pleased by her words. He nudges her in the side and she squirms. I stifle my laugh. I forgot about how ticklish she is.
"You are welcome and don't touch me," Sam says sweetly, then punches him in the arm.
"Oh, you mean like this?" Freddie says innocently before jumping up to hover over her and reaching for her sides. She squeals uncharacteristically, cursing at him between laughs.
"Freddie! Stop! I will-" she pauses and pants heavily, laughing again helplessly. "kill you!"
"Try." He says grinning.
"She slumps into his arms and heaves a heavy sigh.
"Gimme a minute and I will."
Freddie grins and Sam looks up at him.
"When did you get so brave? You wouldn't ever try anything around me a few years ago," she wonders.
He shrugs. "I don't know. I guess about the time I decided I didn't want to live the rest of my life in fear and cowardice. I might still be that same pathetic little kid I was at thirteen if I didn't have you." He smiles at her and she rolls her eyes. I notice they're still sitting oddly close to each other but neither teen seems to notice this, or maybe they just don't care.
"Might be? More like absolutely without a doubt. I saved your social life. You owe me your first born," she says snickering.
"You want to have my first born?" Freddie says, wiggling his eyebrows.
Sam's eyes widen and I laugh quietly. This is better than tv! I wish I made popcorn.
"Stop putting words in my mouth!" She yells at him, blushing, and pushing him away.
"Oh, relax, I'm just joking," he tells her grinning.
"Whatever." She turns to the tv and for the next 20 minutes, they calmly watch tv.
Suddenly, Freddie stands.
"I'm getting a pepi cola, want one?"
Oh no! They can't know where I am! Carefully, I move around the counter as he starts to walk towards the kitchen. I dive behind the couch just in time and crawl towards my room.
Just as I think I made it without being noticed-"Spencer?"
I jump up.
"Oh, um, heey guys! Waz up?" I say, trying to act relaxed and casual.
"Why are you crawling around on the floor? We thought you were upstairs with Carly working on that sculpture?" Sam says, exchanging a weird look with Freddie.
"I, um, I just had to come down and, uh, do this thing, and, oh, then I, uh, I dropped a screw! And now I'm on the floor," I finish, proud that I thought of something to say. I look up to see if they believe me.
Nobody's there.

Carly's POV

"Yeah, okay, and then what?" I ask into the phone, typing it in.
Uh huh," I say.
Okay, thank you!" I tell him gratefully, pressing the end button. Now all that's left to do is- "Hello Carly."
I gulp and turn around. Sam and Freddie are standing shoulder-to-shoulder in front of the door, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
"Care to explain why Spencer is crawling around on the floor downstairs and not making a sculpture up here with you?" Freddie asks.
"Um, wow, is that a new shirt Freddie? Very hot," I tell him, trying to distract them from the laptop in my lap.
They ignore me and Sam gives me a dirty look that makes me smile. She is so jealous.
"What's with the computer?" Sam says, nodding her head at it. Dammit.
"Uh, nothing," I say, furiously starting to type as fast as I can. I have to finish this. I just have to.
Sam starts walking over to me and I jump up, and run from her, still typing. She chases me back around to the door and I try to duck under Freddie's arm and he grabs me, pulling the computer out of my hands.
But it's too late.
"Finished!" I say grinning. I stick my tongue out at them and start to dance around the room.
"Okay, what is going ON?!" Sam yells at me.
"Go check out our website and figure it out for yourself," I tell them gleefully.

They look at each other and run out of the room.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 minutes later


I smile to myself.

Guess they saw it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A/n: heehee(: What did Carly do?
It's a short chapter but I wanted to update a little quicker. I'm still writing the next chapter, so never fear, Seddie is almost here!!!!

SO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~dustin the great~

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