Magenta Converse (CC BVB Fanf...

By Kaisa-Chan

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Five

558 33 8
By Kaisa-Chan

Tazzy’s Pov

            Once again the thunder crashes and I jump at the sound of it shaking the house. By now the house was completely lit up by candles and at the moment Andy and Senna were playing Monopoly while CC sat next to me on the couch. His arm was slung over my shoulders in a comforting way and would tighten every time I jumped at thunder. I had to admit though that it was really sweet of CC to be there for me.

            As time went on the thunderstorm was just getting worse and worse, I really wished that I could just go to sleep but I could tell that it wasn’t happening. CC pulled me in closer to him and I buried my head into his shoulder. All of this thunder was just wearing me out, “Hey, try and go to sleep okay? I promise that I won’t leave you.” He says.

            I nod to him and shut my eyes as I turn the music up even louder. I don’t want to lean on him and have to have him be my constant today but for once I put my pride aside. Curling into him I grab the front of his t-shirt and curl my hands into fists, effectively latching onto the fabric. His scent drives me mad. It’s a blend of some cologne and something else I can’t really pinpoint.

            At some point CC begins to hum some tune and I hear the vibrations from his chest through my headphones. It’s a nice tune, one I’d heard from a long time ago I think. It seems familiar to me, I’d heard it somewhere before.

Taking my head away from his chest for a moment, “What song is that?” I ask him.

CC grins slightly, “Well… you should remember it. You wrote it after all.” He says.

Confusion rolls over me, “Uhm… I don’t remember it.”

“Well then, just take some time and try to remember it.”

I shake my head, “It’s no use, I can’t remember.”

CC shrugs and hugs me close again. I attempt to squirm away but unfortunately it wasn’t working. CC continued to hold onto me and I just lay my head on his shoulder in defeat. Perhaps this wasn’t so bad after all.

The time passes on by and the storm keeps on raging. By now all of us are beginning to get hungry. Figuring that I should probably go and see what there is to cook I go into the kitchen and start searching through the pantry for anything. However on second thought I go through and see that there’s a bunch of perishable items that I should use up first. Taking out the electric griddle I plug in the battery pack and then decide on making everything possible with the perishable items first.

Tossing a bunch of eggs onto the griddle I begin to fry up a bunch of them. Taking the other half of the eggs I begin to make pancakes. Somewhere through the middle of my baking binge CC joins me as we both fumble around in the semi-darkness. He takes my iPod from my ears and then sets it on the counter and turns it up as loud as it will go. The music blares through the kitchen and does almost as good a job of blocking out the thunder as when it was in my ears.

I laugh as I watch CC dance around in front of the griddle as he flips pancakes and eggs. Going over the fridge I open it and take out the orange juice. Grabbing down four glasses I pour the drink and then set it at the table. Going back into the kitchen I hold out a plate for CC to put the food on.

He flips all of the pancakes on one plate and then the eggs on the other. I sashay over to the table and set the plate down. Turning around I gasp as CC pulls me over to dance with him in the kitchen. He twirls me around and around as I laugh my ass off. However my foot catches on the corner of the cabinets and down we both went. CC hits the floor first as I land on top of him. Our eyes meet and it’s almost like I’m back in the past when we both met for the first time.

“Tazzy…” CC says.

I blush as my eyes are still locked with his, why can’t I look away? “CC…”

CC doesn’t reply but rather he places his lips on mine. Shock traces through me but at the same time I feel the shocks go through me as how they used to all those years ago. God did his lips feel good! Our hands latch into the other’s hair as our lips crushed further together. Air was no longer a necessity to us as we reveled in just being with each other. His tongue darts out and flicks along my bottom lip as he asks for interest. Opening my mouth our tongues play around with each other before air is necessary.

Separating we both panted as blushes coat our faces. It was then that my mind came back together.

Oh shit… what did I just do?!



Anyways, thanks to all of you that actually let me know either in PM or the comments about what you wanted because it kind of gave me a basis on what to write. It seriously helped ^_^

Rate, comment, fan, all that good stuff plz! ^_^

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