My Beloved Person

By AyuIndahSari

19.5K 645 56

Go Ha Jin returned to modern time at last and now she had to live with a longing for a certain man. As she li... More

When I Open My Eyes
Prayer For Them
A New Life For Her
They Who Caused Me So Much Pain
The Freedom They Sought
We Reunited At Last
The Beginning Of Our Story
Dark Wave Of The Past
Hatred, Rage & Regret
Proposal Under The Stars
Wedding And The After Ending

If I Meet You Again

1.2K 53 4
By AyuIndahSari

It was all because of her...
For the first time in his life, Wang So was accepted by his own father.
He even called him 'Father' instead of His Majesty.

For the first time in his life, Wang So felt like he was accepted by the people around him.
No one called him a beast...
No one even cringed when they saw his face...
No one felt scared of him...
They praised him...
Sang their joy of him for calling the rain...
All because of this beloved person...

At the same time, It hurt Wang So so much when she pushed him away.
The way she told him to leave the palace, saying that he only bring bad luck to people around him.

No.. That was not what he wanted to hear from her soft looking lips...
He didn't want to hear her saying such hurtful words again..
She was his 'Person'...
She belonged to him...
He wouldn't have it any other way..

Her lips tasted so sweet, it was also soft as he rubbed it with his own.
The more she rejected him, the more he wanted her to be his.
He wouldn't allow her to have another man in her heart.
He would erase it for sure.. Even if he had to kill the man himself...

"You said you're afraid of me?" Wang So stared at the lovely woman next to him as he gave her a soft smile. "I don't believe it"

"You are my only confidante after all" Wang So continued speaking, "That is why.. I am not sorry for anything" He eyes stared at hers,

"Not for kissing you"
"Or Bringing you out here"
"Threatening you for not to have feelings for another man.."
"I am not sorry at all"

Hae Soo didn't say anything and Wang So just stared at her for a while before reaching to his clothes and took out something from there. It was an hairpin.

"Take this" Wang So said as he gave the hairpin to Hae Soo.

"I have long wanted to give you something like this" He said sincerely.

Hae Soo looked troubled, "I was only trying to help you, Your Highness" She said, clearly she didn't intend to accept the hairpin.

"I never asked for your heart" Her eyes pleaded him not to be like this.

However Wang So didn't give up. He had no intention to give up nor he wanted to. He stared at Hae Soo with determined eyes, there was a challenge in the depth of those eyes.

"Try running away from me then.."


Jun So once again opened his eyes, a soft gasp of air escaped his dry lips as he lifted his body to sit on the bed.

"Ahh..ahh.." He muttered softly in annoyance, "I feel like I am going crazy just by having this endless dream"

letting out a soft sigh, Jun So stared at the ceiling. He wondered whether he would be able to meet Hae Soo again. His longing kept growing bigger every single time he had these dreams of the past.

"Aish!" He stood up from the bed, feeling frustrated "Let's focus on the party first then hire private investigator later" He said, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. Tonight's party was celebration for the success of UniQue's newest beauty care product. All elite workers from Golden World company and it's business partners would attend. He didn't want to make a single mistake..


"Manager Go, Here is the report you asked me to do" said Chae Won as she put the report on Go Ha Jin's table.

"Thank you, Chae Won" said Ha Jin, she took the report and opened it. Her eyes stared at it's contents carefully and nodded, clearly satisfied with the report.

"The team's performance is getting better than the last few weeks" Ha Jin said, smiling at her supervisor. "You have worked hard, Chae Won"

"Thank you Manager!" Chae Won replied, clearly she was happy to be praised by Ha Jin.

"Please keep up the good work" Ha Jin said and put the report back on the table but knocked an envelope accidentally. Chae Won picked it up for her and saw the Golden World logo on it.

"Manager, This envelope.." Chae Won said as she gave it back to Ha Jin.

"Ahh, this is an invitation to a celebration party, it seems our president is delighted with the success of UniQue's new product" Explained Ha Jin. "As a manager, I have to attend it"

"I feel so jealous!" Chae Won said, "Golden World's parties are known to be one of the best you know"

Ha Jin let out a soft chuckle and shook her head "A party is only a party if you see it like one"

"But there will be many handsome elite men!" Chae Won retorted

"What is it with you and your type.." Ha Jin chuckled more, "Handsome elite men won't guarantee your happiness"

"Now you sound like my grandma" Chae Won grumbled,

a soft laughter came out of Ha Jin "Well if you want to meet handsome elite men THAT much, guess you can come with me"

Silence fell to the office, followed by Chae Won's squeal "Really?! I really can come with you?!" she asked.

"Yes, but please dress elegantly" warned Ha Jin, noticing from the last time they shopped for clothes together, Chae Won was fond of a certain type of clothes.

"Roger that~" Chae Won grinned,

"We will meet at the Hotel Lobby, 8 PM"

"Okay~!" Chae Won left the office cheerfully, clearly she couldn't wait for tonight's party.


Finally the night of the party had come..

Jun So arrived later than he expected, as he entered the party hall, people quickly swarmed him like bees. Some congratulated him, Some asked for his advice about business, while others especially women asked his private number.

Jun So dealt with them all like he always did, by playing it cool. Even when he tried to walk to where his parents and his little brother were, they kept on tailing him. He was so busy chatting as he didn't realize the person he had longed to meet entered the hall.

Go Ha Jin entered the party hall with Chae Won who clearly had her eyes widened in awe from the moment they stepped in but Chae Won's feeling right now was different from Ha Jin. The moment she stepped in, she knew she would feel uncomfortable. She felt like she didn't belong here.

"Wow.." Chae Won muttered, "Just.. Wow.."

Ha Jin sighed "Chae Won, please close your mouth"

"Oh right" Chae Won said as she did what she was told to do, acting normal.

"Manager Go" a voice called out to Ha Jin and it was Madam Seo. "I am glad to see you here" she said, clearly delighted to meet Ha Jin.

"Madam Seo" greeted Ha Jin as she gave a slight bow to the older woman, Chae Won also did the same.

Madam Seo nodded and glanced at Chae Won "I can see you've brought your friend" She said, "and here I am wondering whether you will come with a man or not"

Ha Jin smiled, "I am not in romantic relationship, Madam" She said, "My mind is full with work right now and I intend to keep it that way"

It wasn't like she wanted to stay single for the rest of her life, but her heart belonged to a certain man. A man she might never be able to meet in this life time.

"Splendid!" said Madam Seo excitedly, "True! We modern women don't need men by our side! I am proud of you!"

Ha Jin let out an awkward laugh, she wondered whether Madam Seo's past life had anything to do with the words she uttered just now. Clearly the woman before her used to love Taejo Wang Gong, The First King of Goryeo but the King loved another woman.

"Ah, I forgot!" Madam Seo suddenly said, pulling Ha Jin out of her reverie. "I want to introduce you to the Director of Golden World's Company. He is the son of our president and also the heir of Golden World"

"Oh.. but.." Ha Jin turned her head to Chae Won,

"Go, I will wonder around while waiting for you!" She said, smiling happily.

Ha Jin smiled and followed Madam Seo to a person surrounded by people. As she got closer to the crowd, she could faintly heard the voice she thought she would never ever hear again in this life time.

"Thank you, I shall look forward to do business with you"

"Director So" called Madam Seo, "I want to introduce you to the manager who manages the UniQue branch in Gangnam"

The man whose back was facing Go Ha Jin slowly turned around and the moment Go Ha Jin and Jun So face each other, both of them was stunned, as if time went still only for them.

'4th.. prince..?' Ha Jin mused

'..Hae.. Soo..?' Jun So mused


Author's note : Well, Finally both of them meet but what will happen ~ ?

Nyahahahaha ~ Well just wait ~ XDD Anyway, thank you for the people who like my story and I am grateful to people who say that my story gives them sort of comfort. ^o^)v

They encourage me to keep on writing! See you again at the next part! (^o^)/

PS : I am using I.O.I - I love you, I remember you for BGM when Jun So and Ha Jin meet for the first time~ XDDD

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