Finding The Carrot King

By Girlygirlyolo

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I just want to get away.....Its like the abuse never stops. My step-dad abuses me almost every day. He tells... More

Read Please!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note IMPORTANT!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Thanks Guys!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Know It All
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 37

141 8 0
By Girlygirlyolo

Author Note:

Okay just so you guys understand, this chapter the kids will be in eighth grade. Amber the 4th child is in the 6th grade. Niall and her had a son right after Amber, his name is Oscar. Oscar is in the 5th grade.

Recap of last chapter:

The kids were at the age of 4 and Emma turned 22.

Rebecca and Harry announce they are having a baby.

Eden's rare cancer rash has spread and might be getting worse over time.

Harry tells a fake sleeping Rebecca he never loved her. So he leaves to go travel around the world.

And now everyone here is Chapter 37 of Finding The Carrot King.

Elleah's POV

My best friend Allie and I are walking down the street. Her boyfriend Troy invited us over for a game of Spin The Bottle. Of course I didnt tell mum that or she would freak out. Especially if she knew that this boy named Evan likes me and he will be attending the game.

"Hi babe!" Allie smiled. Troy picked her up and kissed her glossy lips. Evan walked up to kissed my cheek, making me blush. He entwined our fingers and we all headed inside.

Our other friends Marco, Elizabeth and Riley were already sitting down. They had a vodka bottle that was half empty next to them. I picked the alcoholic beverage up and glared at them. "What thell hell are 14 year olds doing with vodka?" I strained, looking around.

Allie giggled taking the bottle so she could swig it. I groaned sitting in Evan's lap. Every time we come over here they start drinking. You see my Tennis coach does a drug and alcohol test every Monday so I dont drink. Besides drinking is illegal for a 14 year old!

"Come on try it babe. It taste really good and it doesn't get you drunk." Evan slurred, pushing the drink in my hand. I graciously declined pulling my phone out. By now everyone was drunk and horny besides me.

Troy and Allie were basically snogging. on the couch. They aren't virgins because when they drink sex always comes into play. Evan placed his hand on my inner thigh making me squirm. He started kissing my neck making me get up.This always happens so I know exactly what to do.

"Guys the police are coming!"

They scrambled like little fish making me chuckle. Since they will pass out any second I left the house and started the long journey home.

Emma's POV

Stupid boys and their stupid video games. Eden has been locked in his room all day playing the new GTA game. He refuses to do his weekend homework and his grades are slipping. All my kids have 4.0's except him!

Edward walked down stairs with only a pair of basketball shorts on. My son is a very handsome boy with his 6 pack. No I am not eye raping my son, I was just saying that he has amazing features.

His hair reminded me of the 16 year old Justin Bieber I used to love. Except somehow Eddy ended up with strawberry blonde hair. Sometimes I think he dyes his hair without telling me.

"Hey mum where is Eden? He and I are suppose to go play a little football." My son asked grabbing a Sprite from the fridge.

"He locked himself in his room. Remember your father got him the new GTA game."

"Uncle Niall isnt my father. He is your husband but not my father. My father ditched us 10 years ago for a bimbo. Wasnt her name Rebecca or something?" He stated. I smacked the back of his head calling Rebecca a bimbo.

"She is not a bimbo Edward Phillip. If you must know she and her daughter Hannah have nothing to do with Harry . Amber loves Hannah also, they are play mates." I corrected the boy.

He shrugged and sat down next to me with his freshly made sandwhich. Elleah walked into the kitchen immediately going for Edward's soda. Edward looked at her like she stole his money.

"What was that for?! I dont want your cooties over my drink." He pouted. She gave him the 'bitch-do-I-care-what-you-say' look.

"You didnt say that to Yazmine when she licked your-"

"What the hell did Yazmine lick?Who is Yazmine?" I asked. Edward slowly put his sandwhich down before sprinting out the room. I shook my head and turned my attention to my daughter.

"Where have you been this whole time missy? Your tennis teacher called and said you didnt show up to practice." I accused of her. She took Edward's sandwhich and bit into. I waited two seconds before she realised meat was in it.

"Ew chicken!!"

She ran out the room spitting profanities about being a vegetarian. Eden peeked his head in the kitchen for a second before popping in. He looked at me with tired red eyes evident.

"Mum I have a addiction to video games. It seems very dangerous and it needs to be stopped." He groaned. I smiled at teenager just remembering his younger years. After Eden's speech about how his addiction is out of control he went to take a shower.

I got up from the stool and left the kitchen. I really needed to start packing for our family vacation. Every year one of the kids pick where they want to go. Obviously Oscar doesnt get to choose yet since he barely knows anything but London. Last year Amber wanted to go to Russia so we did. Except we all ended up with a Russian virus for a week. The year before that Eden picked California, LA to be more specific. It felt good to be back in LA after being gone for 15 years. Remember Ava? The girl I ran into back when I was 17 at Starbucks. Well her child is now a Olympic swimmer for the USA. It is amazing to know she took my advice and got help.

Anyways, this year it was Edward's turn to pick again. He always picked the good places like Hawaii and Texas; warm places I toured at. So this year he decided on not telling us until when as he says 'the moment is right'.

I really hoped he picked a place that was kid friendly. Not Vegas or anything. with booze and strippers. I dont want my kids loosing their virginities with a prostitute.

"-Evan how could you say that about me?.......Travis is a liar and jealous our relationship.........A slut?! How could you call me that when all you do is get drunk and sleep with high school girls!"

Teen Drama. Dont want to deal with it right now. She will find me when she is ready to vent everything out. I kept walking down till I reached my room. My body leaned on the door hinge watching Niall take his clothes off. Even at the age 34 he is still a very hot guy. Our sexual relationship has been strained to the point where we never kiss anymore. Sometimes I feel that our marriage is fizzling out.

I walked inside the room and walked past my half naked husband. I grabbed a black skimpy piece of lingerie. It was the same one I wore at our honeymoon.

Niall looked at the piece of cloth with lots of lust. "Can you even fit into that?" He asked. I was taken aback by his very rude question. I shrugged my shoulders and started stripping out of my clothes.

Of course Niall wouldn't turn around when his wife is sexually frustrated. I put the black lacy thong on and the red see through sheer top. My baby fat was kind of showing but nothing major. I dont understand why I stress about my weight anymore. My doctor says Im 135 pounds which is pretty good for me.

"You could at least appreciate your wife in lingerie. Am I so fat that you cant even kiss me?!" I shouted in frustration. He stalked over to me and attacked me with his chapped lips. That pleasurable feeling that I missed returned.

Niall's hand slip into my panties and rubbed fast circles. My back arched in bliss and a moan left my mouth. The shallow breathes I did have turned into pants when I climaxed. He removed his hand and licked it.

"That is a preview of whats going to happen tonight." He nodded. I slowly got up because my legs where sticking together. Niall slipped out the room as I took a quick shower. Once I was dressed I sat at the edge of the king sized bed.

My eyes trailed along all the pictures on the wall. Edward's first football game caught my attention. That little 11 year old was the best quarterback ever!.....Until he broke his leg and was out the rest of the season. Oh and Eden's live changing surgery. It felt like yesterday when it happened.


"Mum I am scared of needles." Eden whispered. I pushed his brown hair out his face and kissed his forehead. My old college roomate Josh happened to be the Scientist who found the cure to Stestockios cancer. Eden will be the first patient to have this risky procedure done.

"Dont worry son those needles are your friend. Without them I wouldnt be able to tuck you in at night." I smiled. The doctor told us that the O.R. room was ready for him.

I waved my final goodbye to my son hoping he would survive during surgery.

Flashback Over:

The surgery lasted for 10 hours but he survived. After 8 years, he still has that thin scar running along his stomach. Eden tells people he got into a fight and the guy used a switch blade to cut him. Everyone knows that is a big lie but we dont tell him that.

Elleah's POV

I knew all along that Evan was just using me. Allie even warned me but I didnt listen. My body felt numbed with no emotion left. I rolled my sleeve up and traced over my pink scars.

It has been a whole week since I've cut, that is a record for me. Mum always questions me about my choice of clothing since I always wear long sleeved clothing.

The ring tone I have set for Allie started playing on my phone. I took a huge breath before picking up the phone and answering it.


"Ellie bug I have some exciting news! Okay well you know Tracy, the schools,most hottest girl ever?"

"Allie I told you to stop calling me Ellie bug. And yes I know who Tracy is. She is actually my brother's lab partner."

"Fine whatever. Anyways she invited me to her 15th birthday party! So you need to help me find a hot dress."


"Come on Ellie-"

"Dont call me Ellie bug okay! I am so sick of being your slave. Well guess what our friend ship is over!"

I hung up the phone then screamed into my pillow. Why does my life suck so much? Evan was right, maybe suicide will be a great escape.

Edward's POV

Eden and I were in the game room bored out of our minds. We have literally played every game created by man. Seriously! Mum ordered games from Korea for us to play. They are the worst games ever!

"Yo Eddy did you finish the chapter review for Science?" Ed groaned.

I nodded.

"Can I copy it?"

I nodded again.

He pounced up and I assumed ran to my room. All that boy does is copy my homework or notes. Eden will never graduate if he doesnt step his game up.

Unknown's POV

My sexy fiance kissed my lips and layed her head back on my shoulder. We were at our home in Paris staring at the stars. Soon she will be my wife and we could start having kids.

Nadia is a Italian girl who is saving her virtue for marriage. She is 28 and I am 33 years old. I told her about all my other kids that my ex's have given birth to. Nadia doesnt approve of me not visiting them in a decade so she is making me go see them. Tomorrow morning.

Honestly I dont know how they will react when they see me. Im sure my kids wont like seeing me but I want to have a relationship with them. A father is suppose to be able to bond with their kids, not wonder if they are even alive.

"Hun are you going to miss me when you leave?" Nadia's thick accent spoke. I smiled at the pouty lady and kissed her. She makes me feel so complete. Her parents on the other hand think I am a filthy gold digger. I understand they are worried but money is no problem for me.

"Good because I will miss you also. How about we go watch some X-Factor. My sister told me that my favorite judge is doing a tribute song. It is a repeat episode but I never got to see it."

I agreed and pulled her back into our apartment. She went into the kitchen to make popcorn while I got the couch warmed up. Nadia never expressed her interest in this show. Only if she new the secret behind it.

Nadia came back with the popcorn right when a contestant was finishing his song. She cuddled into me once the crowd started clapping. The host Ariana Grande walked on stage with her over the top red dress on.

"This next song is a tribute to Emma Tomlinson's mother. She died a few years ago of stage 4 lung cancer. Please welcome our 10 time Grammy and Oscar winner judge, Emma."

Nadia screamed with the fans as Emma walked out. She looked stunning and very put together. I cant possibly believe it has been a decade since Ive seen that girl. Her old brunette hair was now a carrot orange color in a tight bun. Those grey eyes that I loved staring into now green like evergreen leaves.

That long satin blue gown she had on looked absolutely stunning. The way way her voice boomed at each high note brought me back to the olden days. Her arms hanging loosely while her hands shook with nerves. I miss that girl so much it isnt even real.


I removed my head from the tv to look at my upset future wife. She had a hard glare creased onto her subtle skin. "Yes h-hunny?" I croaked. Emma was floating in my mind still. "Well Harold I was trying to kiss my lovely fiance but he was to busy staring at Emma. Is there something going on with the two of you?" She asked in disbelief.

"If I told you what happened you would freak. Might even consider beating me to a pulp."

"Give it your best shock."

Well here goes nothing.

Emma'a POV

Everyone was quietly chomping on their dinner. It felt awkward to just sit here and not say anything to eachother. Elleah was poking her eggplant platter. Usually she eats so something is wrong.

"Elleah what is wrong with you? You have been acting very weird lately." I asked, wiping my mouth free of pasta sauce. She muttered something under her breath only Amber caught onto.

"Mum Elleah said a very bad word." Amber giggled.

"Shut up you ugly brat!" Elleah shot back. I gasped at the very much upset teenager. "Elleah Mae Stylinson do not talk to your sister like that!" I demanded. She threw her napkin down and shot out of her chair.

"I hate the fucking last name Stylinson. Everyone makes fun of me for having half the last name of my lost father! Why couldnt I be a regular child like Amber and Oscar with a father?! I am sick and tired of being the bad guy. All of my friends have used me just because of my mom being a famous person. By the way Amber isnt my sister. She has nothing to do with me or Harry Styles. Niall is just a replacement to cover up your true feelings. I know you miss Harry even if he left you with three 4 year old toddlers! This house is full of problems I cant stand anymore." I got up from the table and stalked over to her. She was breathing hard, obviously still very angry.

"Young lady you're grounded for a whole month! No phone, tv or any electronic available to you. After school you will return straight home. Oh and you can kiss that Tennis championship goodbye!" I hissed.

She busted out crying and ran up the stairs. I took a deep breath before turning back around. Oscar was crying in Amber's arms. Niall look defeated and the boys were well laughing. They always thought I was easy on Elleah since she was a girl.

They sure thought wrong.

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