Intertwined Fates (Transforme...

By LunarStar2798

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*Under editing* You all know of Ratchet as the cranky Medical Officer of the Autobots. What you didn't know w... More

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Book 1
Book 1: Chapters 1 & 2
Book 1- Chapter 3
Book 1: Chapter 4
Book 1: Chapter 5
Book 1: Chapter 6
Book 1: Chapter 7
Book 1: Chapter 8
Last Year Home And News
Good-byes and Torture
Its Where My Thoughts Hide or MY Love
You Held Me Down but I Got Back Up
Lost It All
Field Trip
I Regret Nothing Part One of Two
I Regret Nothing Part Two of Two
Say What Happened?
What you know isn't always true
Reving the Sentinel Prime
Losing and gaining a friend
Ending Ties With The Autobots
The Final Fight
Important Update

Fight for the Allspark

9.7K 247 132
By LunarStar2798

Jazz POV

When we left the human base and while driving off to meet the others I comed the rest of the team.

::Jazz to the Autobots. Does anybody copy?::

::Optimus to Jazz we copy. Are you and Bumblebee with the children?::

::Yes Sam, Mikaela, and LunarStar are with us.::

::Good to hear that. How did you escape the human base?::

::LunarStar and the boy seemed to have found the Allspark and made the humans realize that they need our help. Megatron was in the facility and the humans were told what was happe-:: I cut off because I felt another spark beating in me. I turned on the radio and looked at LunarStar to see that she was holding a sparkling. That can't be right LunarStar, Primes sparklings, and Bumblebee were the last sparklings born on Cybertron that survived.

::Jazz is something wrong?:: Optimus asked.

::LunarStar has a sparkling with her.:: I told everyone.

::How is that even possible?:: Optimus asked.

::Do you think that the humans were experimenting with the Cube?:: Bee asked.

::Ratchet to Jazz find out how she got the sparkling, and put it on speaker::

I jerked forward a bit to catch her attention, "LunarStar where did you get a sparkling?" I asked her.

She looked down a bit confused then back up, "Sparkling? Isn't that the word for baby?" she asked.

"Yes where did you get him?" She was still looking at me when the little one started to squirm around in her hand. When she looked back down at it, he stopped and cuddled up to her and fell into recharge.

::The sparkling seems to think that LunarStar was it's carrier.::

::What!?:: Ratchet yelled.

::Ratchet shut up! It just fell into recharge when she paid attention to it.:: I told them all.

::Is it possible that she could've formed a bond with it. From what you said Jazz she seems to not mind at all.:: Bee said.

::Can we find out how she got the sparkling?:: Ironhide said impatiently.

LunarStar seemed to have her answer so I put the com on speaker again, "Simmons was experimenting with the Cube, turned a phone into this little guy, something told me to get him out of there and I did before Simmons killed it. I replaced him with my phone and I have named him ShadowLight." she said and before she could hear what the others started to say I turned the speaker off.

::Why would they kill a sparkling.:: Bee asked.

::Prime should we really help them?:: Ironhide said.

::Like I said before, they are a young species and have a lot to learn about.:: Prime said.

::Put us back on Jazz.:: Ratchet said.

"LunarStar keep the youngling safe. From what Jazz was saying it thinks your his parent." Ratchet told her and LunarStar's optics got a little wide.

"Oh so much for my youth." LunarStar said sarcastically and Ratchet grumbled something but it was barley heard due to the chuckles. After that was all said we kept on our way to Mission City.

Luna's POV

While driving down the highway Optimus and the rest of them finally came into veiw. They turned around and started following us from behind. Jazz accelerated Ironhide and Ratchet moved over to block Barricade when he came into view. I looked at the rear view mirror and saw a mine sweeper tank turn into a bot and slice through the bus in his way. I flinched I felt sorry for the driver he was in there and it burst up on flames. Optimus came out of nowhere, he transformed and tackled the decepticon. When he tackled him he and the decepticon fell over the edge of the highway in a tight tussle. I looked at the radio, "Jazz will Optimus be okay?"

"Yeah he will Lil' Lady." he said.

I nodded not sure if could see me or not but I put my head back and relaxed a bit. We slowed down a bit and I looked out the windshield to see that we just arrived at Mission City. We pulled to a stop and I saw Will go into the store and after a couple minutes he came back with some walkies. After he got back on his Jeep we started to move again. After five minutes we came to a stop and we all got out.

One of the soldiers put some green smoke down close to Ironhide. A Jet flew overhead of us and I figured this is where they are going to have a perimeter around it.

Ironhide transformed and looked at us, "It's Starscream." Wow kid must have cried and screamed a lot, I thought. "Back up take cover. Bumblebee." Ironhide said and took off with Bee. I put ShadowLight in my pocket as the shot hit the truck.

"No no no move!" Will yelled. Epps came up to me and pulled me with him. Some crumbs of the pavement landed on us and around us some building pieces or pavement. I looked around and noticed Will on my right side. I got up and walked over to Sam and Mikaela just as Bee was crawling.

I froze mid-step and looked at Bee some tears stinging my eyes. "Bee," his legs were blown off. Sam just kept walking back, " Bumblebee your legs."

"You alright?" Sam asked.

"No he's not alright you fool. His legs are gone!" I said.

"Please get up. Bumblebee? Get up!" Sam said clearly ignoring everything I just said. So I did the most logical thing I could do. I slapped him hard.

"Oppi." I called out to Ratchet. Jazz told me that's the Cybertronian word for father. I looked over and saw that Will and Epps were arguing about what just happened. Sam just kept begging Bee to get up I saw he wanted to get to the Cube so I brought it to him. Like if fate was playing around with us just for amusement a tank rolled up. I thought it was one of ours until it started to fire at us. I ducked and stayed where I was next to Bee. I looked up and saw the con rolling over cars. Both Jazz and Ratchet took off to fight the con. Bee looked at Sam and handed him the Cube. Sam looked at the Cube and back at Bee then to me. Mikaela took off running in the direction of a tow truck. I looked over and saw that Jazz was on the con and the con threw him off. If that could leave a mark on him it would but being metal it shouldn't. Ironhide was dodging missiles and transformed missing the missiles as he did so he shot his own. As he did so Jazz and Ratchet came out. Jazz shot at the con and Ratchet used his saw and sawed the con's weapon off. Will's team ran over at that moment and were using their grenade launchers on the con.

I looked over to Mikaela and made my way to her, "Need help?" I asked her.

"It won't start. Come on." She said.

"Let me try." I told her she moved and I swear the car liked me better than her because I only tried once and it turned on. She looked at me and smiled.

"Didn't know you knew how to hot wire a truck." She said.

"Yeah. My parents and Sam don't either it's something Will and Epps taught me should I ever need a fast get away. Which I doubt." I said. She drove while I was in the passengers seat back to Sam. I felt movement in my pocket and checked on ShadowLight. He seemed okay so I put him back in the pocket.

When we reached Sam the bots were falling back except for Jazz he was on the floor in front of Megatron. I heard the same voice again but a little louder and was able to piece it was Prima, 'Save him. It's not his time.' I got up and ran to Jazz. No one saw me take off so I used that to an advantage. I made it to Megatron and pointed my pistols at him and shot them at the same time one hit his optic the other his hand. He dropped Jazz and looked at me Megatron looked scared for a split second then he jumped down. Jazz by this point grabbed me and ran off.

"What were you thinking LunarStar he could've killed you." Jazz told me.

I looked up at him, "I wasn't going to let him kill you Jazz. It's not your time." I said and looked away from him. When we finally reached Bee. Jazz put me down because at that same moment the tank was getting back up and I heard helicopter blades. I looked back to a building not that far from us and saw another con.

"Sam! Where's the cube." Will asked as he came up to us running.

"Right there." Sam said while him and Mikaela finished tying Bee to the tow truck.

"All right, I can't leave my guys back there, so here, take this flare. Okay, there's a tall, white building with statues on top. Go to the roof. Set the flare. Signal the chopper and set the flare." Will said.

"No. I can't do this." Sam said to him, "Here." he handed me the Cube and the flare.

"Always got to be me? Whatever I'll do it. I'm a fast runner got nothing to lose right now." I hope I thought to myself.

'You will do fine LunarStar,' Prima said to me. I found that I could trust him so I made sure that my guns were loaded. One with the safety lock on, the other in my hand, and the flare in my jacket. While making sure I was set Will got Sam to go with me. Will came up and hugged me.

"You better make it back Luna because I didn't just go through hell to see all four of my girls safe." Will said.

"If I don't tell Sarah I say hello and if you hurt her, I swear to God you hurt her I will freaking haunt you for life. Tell Hayley she is the one and only best friend I wish I had met sooner." I told him his face priceless, and he didn't know what to say.

"Sam, LunarStar we will protect you." Ironhide said. I gave Sam the Cube and the flare. I looked up to Ironhide and my father.

"Okay." I answered for both of us. We started to take off.

"Sam!" Mikaela said, "No matter what happens, I'm really glad I got in that car with you." Jazz took off to help with the tank.

Ironhide had to ruin the moment, "Sam! LunarStar! Get to the building! Move!" He said as they charged their weapons. We started off again Sam was running too slow for me so I slowed a bit so he could catch up. Missiles were fired in our direction and both Ironhide and Ratchet fired back. While running Ironhide moved a car and the con from the building shot at him. We kept running and Ironhide caught up, "Keep running you two. Don't stop." he told us.

The con who later I learned was named Blackout landed by us and tried to kill us. We dodged him and kept running. A giant ugly Doritos chip landed in front of us. Both Sam and me hid behind the closest car to us. It started to shoot at Ratchet and I felt the pain. I whimpered and then the feeling of pain went away. The con transformed and flew after it was shot.

"Sam, LunarStar, get to the building!" Ironhide said. I nodded and we got up and took off again. A familiar jet flew and landed a couple spaces away from us.

"Give me the Cube boy and femme." I looked back and stopped running when Sam fell.

"Did that jerk just dent my car?" the chick said. I looked at her she saw me so I flipped her off. Sam got back up and we took off again. We finally got to the building and ran inside. Megatron busted through.

"I smell you boy and the femme too." Megatron said.

We got to some stairs and started to climb them. Sam then finally reached me and I sped up when Megatron popped up through the floor. We finally made it to the top and we ran while turning the flare on. We reached the other side Sam was about to give the Cube to the Air Force. I heard some missiles being fired and saw them heading to the helicopter, "Watch out!" I screamed and pulled Sam back and down to the floor. Sam pulled me over with him to a statue as Megatron emerged from the floor.

" Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshlings?" Megatron said. "Give me the Allspark boy, and you and the femme may live to be my pet."

"Go to hell." I screamed.

"Oh, so unwise." Megatron said and swung his hand after he turned his hand into a wrecking ball and hit the ground beside us. The force of the hit was enough to send us flying off the building. Sam held on to me while we fell I closed my eyes and felt something catch us.

"I got you children." Optimus said.

"Optimus." I said in relief.

"Hold on to the Cube." He said as he held us to him and jumped down using the buildings in between to help him slow down and make it to the ground. That plan was ruined when Megatron decided to jump down, hit Optimus and brought him down on his way.

"LunarStar, Sam you both risked your lives to protect the Cube." Optimus said.

"No sacrifice-" Sam started.

"No victory." I finished for him.

"If I cannot defeat Megatron one of you must push the Cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself to destroy it." Optimus said.

'Don't let him do such a thing LunarStar. You must do something else to prevent our last descendent from falling.' Prima's voice sounded in my head. I swear that one day this will kill me.

"Get behind me. It's you and me, Megatron." Optimus said. We made our way over to a ditch.

"No, it's just me, Prime." Megatron said.

"At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall." Optimus said

"You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose!" Megatron said back to Optimus.

We heard jets coming Sam and me got out the ditch and headed to were Megatron was Sam handed the cube to me him getting tired of holding it. Megatron then started to make his way over to me and Sam Optimus pushed him away from us.

"Mine," Megatron said.

"No it's not yours you possessive ass-hole." I said.

"LunarStar put the Cube in my chest! Now! LunarStar! No LunarStar!" both Sam and I held up the cube to Megatrons chest and and it started to disintegrate in our hands and into his spark. While it did visions of what the Allspark did before it left Cybertron and after it did when it landed on Earth.

'It's yours now. The power to create and destroy. To bring the dead back. Absorb it you must first to use it's power fully.' Primus' voice sounded through my head. Once it was gone I stepped back. Sam came up to me and hugged me tightly. I hissed and realized my leg was bleeding badly, but I held the pain in. Right away I checked on ShadowLight and saw he was alright and soundly asleep.

"You left me no choice brother." Optimus said. I gasped and felt bad for him. I looked down and sighed.

"LunarStar, Sam, I owe you my life. We are in your debt." Optimus said to us as Mikaela pulled up with Bumblebee.

"I owe you my life too shorty." Jazz said.

"We gained new comrads. Thank you, all of you. You honor us with your bravery." Optimus said.

"Permission to speak, sir?" a voice said.

"Holy shit Bee you talk?" I said. Everyone shook their head at me.

"Permission granted old friend." Optimus said.

"I wish to stay with the boy." Bee said. I turned to Sam and mouth ' you better say yes.'

"If that is his choice." Optimus said.

"Yes." Sam said. I felt someone come up behind me and scoop me up.

"And I with the girl." Jazz said as he handed me to Ratchet.

"Only if she says so." Optimus said again.

"Yes." I said. Ratchet didn't know what to do, "Dad put me down. Will and the paramedics can fix the cut with stitches."

I saw Optimus walk over to Megatrons body and pull something out. We were all taken to some base close to Mission City. Once there Ratchet wouldn't let me go until some army personnel came over and told him that he'd bring me back. Ratchet finally let me go and the soldier was quick with the stitches. He told me to take it easy when he left me with Ratchet. After that nobody other than the Autobots and the selected few were allowed to see me or keep me company. Those selected few were Sam, Mikaela, Will, Epps, Figs, Ron, and Judy.


A Week Later

Bee got his legs back, we were on the hill Sam and Mikaela said Bee broke down on them. Right now Sam and Mikaela were on a heated make out session. I was sitting in front of Jazz enjoying the quiet between us and holding ShadowLight close to me. I felt like Jazz was hiding something from me but I could never put my finger on it.

"LunarStar?" Jazz asked.

"Yes?" I answered back.

"Close your eyes." he told me.

"Okay." once I did it felt like only ten seconds later someone touched my face. Startled I opened my eyes and looked at the person responsible, he had Silver hair. I stared in shock, "Jazz?"

"Yes." he said smiling a lot.

"How." I asked.

"To be able to do this." he said as he pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. I returned the kiss with the same passion. We pulled apart breathlessly and kept our foreheads touching. He sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him. ShadowLight jumped off my arm and landed on Jazz cuddling between us. Jazz chuckled and looked at me, "So does this mean you'll be my girl?" he asked me.

I smiled at him and pecked his lips, "Does that answer your question?" I asked him. He simply smiled at me and pulled me in for another kiss. In a life like mine fates will intertwined.


I'm thinking about just doing one book but with all the movies in this one.

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