Finding The Carrot King

By Girlygirlyolo

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I just want to get away.....Its like the abuse never stops. My step-dad abuses me almost every day. He tells... More

Read Please!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note IMPORTANT!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Thanks Guys!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Know It All
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37

Chapter 36

148 7 0
By Girlygirlyolo

A few years later

"Edward Phillip I told you to clean your lego's up!" I groaned, rubbing my sore foot.

My hard headed son mumbled a sorry before cleaning his mess. Eden and Elleah walked into the room with their father. They must be done with whatever he does with them.

Over the past few years Harry has only been able to see his kids on weekends. Edward rarely goes, something about being scared of him. Eden and Elleah though love visiting Harry.

"Look what daddy got me mummy." Elleah whispered. She was a very shy girl. Not that I have anything against that. Leah held out her finger and showed me a plastic ring. This little girl is obsessed with any type of ring.

Eden ran pass me and started helping Edward clean up. "Leah it is so pretty. How about you help your brother clean up while I talk to daddy." She nodded and went over to her brothers.

Harry and I stepped into the hallway to talk. "Sorry I brought them back early. Rebecca wanted to um...have umm-"

"Sex yeah I know. Ever since you and Rebecca started dating she has had something against my kids. I dont know what got her panties in a bunch but control your girlfriend." I snapped.

"I would tell Niall the same thing."

"Whats that suppose to mean?" I growled, pushing his chest. Harry looked unphased by my meaningless gesture. "What I mean is that  this pregnancy is making you crazy. Rebecca doesnt hate OUR kids okay?" Harry fought back. I placed my hand on my baby bump feeling insulted.

"You are lucky that those are your kids back their Harry," pointing behind me. "Because if they werent I would never speak to you again!" I shouted.

I stomped back into Edward's room about to tell them lunch is ready. "Mummy why are you and daddy fighting? I dont like when people fight." Elleah mumbled. I replied with a simple 'because', trying to avoid the topic.

"Come on kids lunch is ready."


I bit into my turkey sandwhich, watching my kids chow down. Elleah apparently hates meat so she has a veggie sandwhich. Eden is a lactose child so he is eating lactose-free pizza. Then Edward is the only normal child at the table.

"Mummy when will we get to see Uncle Niwall?" Eden asked. He still was pronouncing Niall's name wrong. Also the kids dont call him dad because they believe no one has two daddies.

"At mommies concert tonight. He will be their cheering me on." Proudly stating.

My fame has boosted by like a freaking rocket. The fans created a fan base called the 'Emmories'. Ya know like 'memories' but switch the 'e' and 'm' around. Wierd but I go along with it.

This pregnancy with my forth child has put the tour on hold, which is called 'Passion'. Niall says that I should just cancel it completely but that would crush my fans.

Rebecca and our albums are like head budding on the album charts. Her album 'We Are Loved' and my album 'Emma' keep fighting for first. Her album is all about sex and clubbing, mine is about my family and life. I dont understand how she is my competition.

After lunch I packed the kids up in the car to head to the venue. My song "Secrets" came on the radio. This was Elleah's favorite song from my previous album.

"There's something that you want to know but it's stored inside me." I sang along with Leah. I turned onto the freeway when the chorus started up.

"It's the Secrets inside me, that make me who I am. Dont be a fool and try to break me-"

"Mummy I dont want to listen to this! Can you turn to something else?" Edward groaned. I heard a slapping sound then Elleah's voice. "I like mummy's voice!" Edwards whispered a bad word quietely making me shut the music off.

"Edward Phillip I heard that! That deserves a time out mister." I forcefully said. He pouted saying how sorry he was but he still got a time out. I parked the car and walked to the backstage door.

The security stopped me and asked for identification, which I gladly showed him. We all shuffled into the stadium. The crew were all running around trying to make things perfect. Some fans were already let in to here my soundcheck.

The kids ran on stage making the fans aww. I giggled before making my appearance.

"Emma I love you!"

I smiled waving at everyone while scolding Eden for hitting Edward. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist. "Hello babe." He whispered into my ear. I blushed and put in my hearing piece.

Niall turned me around and slowly kissed my lips. He placed his hands on my stomach. "She is getting so big in there. Only 4 more months till she is here!" I nodded ushering the kids off the stage. A person handing me a microphone and the first song started.

"Look it into the stars and see. The beauty inside me-"


The concert was over and the kids were asleep in their rooms. Niall made me lay on the couch so he could rub my feet. A moan left my mouth when he got the soft spot.

"I love you darling." Niall whispered. I started to doze off. He got off the couch and placed the blanket over me. The warm blanket made me fall asleep imnediately.


"Mummy I want more milk! I want to be a strong football player." Edward whined. I poured more milk into his glass before sitting down again.

Elleah was playing with her food, something was wrong. "Leah what is the problem?" I asked. She pushed her plate away and crossed her arms.

"I dont feel good. My tummy hurt lots and lots!"

I stood up and walked over to her. I placed my hand on her forehead to get a glimpse of how hot she was. Much expected her head was on fire.

"Its seems like Ms. Leah has the stomach flu. You wont be going to school today." I said.

She nodded and climbed the stairs, probably to lay down. I turned to look at the other to kids behind me. Eden looked at me then back at Edward.


They shook their heads and ran to get their backpacks. My neighbor Lisa carpools for my kids, which I appreciate very much. She has 5 kids; 3 with a previous marriage.

Her oldest is a girl named Piper and she is a Junior in High School. Next is Greg and he is a Sophmore. Her third daughter died of cancer at a young age. She never talked about her but I know its a soft spot.

The death of the child left her and her husband in dismay. He would start coming home at 3 am with different ladies while Lisa would be here passed out from crying. After a few years she gave up and filed for divorce. Piper didnt take it very well at all. She started going to parties, getting drunk and having sex. One day she came to me with a pregnancy scare.

After telling Lisa about this she went off on Piper. Hurtful things were said making Dan get custody of her. Lisa regrets the day she laid her hands on that girl.

A few months later she met Kris, her current husband. They had twin boys named Kyle and Danny. Both boys are in the second grade which I think is really cute.

"Hi Emma! Where is Elleah?" Lisa's son Greg asked. Eden and Edward ran down the driveway to where the car was. Greg was a very handsome boy with natural blonde hair. His girlfriend though is a slut with fake blonde hair. I have no clue why he dates her but whatever floats his boat.

"She has the stomach flu. Its wierd because that girl never gets sick." I akwardly laughed. He nodded and said he would be late for school.

I locked the front door and ran up to Niall and I's room. He was sprawled out on the bed. My baby girl started kicking when I sat at the end of the bed. We decided to break the 'E' tradition and named her Amber Lee Horan.

"Happy 22nd birthday princess!"

I leaned over to kiss Niall's chapped lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down on the bed. Niall rolled on top of me and attack me with kisses everywhere. "So what do you want to do today?" Niall panted. I was lost for words because I had no clue.

"Well Elleah is sick so we cant go far. Besides I dont want to be anywhere without my kids."

"Harry and Rebecca could watch her. I know you want to go to that new spa down the street."

I growled just thinking about Rebecca touching my kids. Her presence just makes me feel like puking. I felt so disgusted right now.

"I forgot that Rebecca and I have a meeting. Something about us hosting X-Factor." I groaned, walking into the closet looking for a suitable outfit.

I found some light washed stretchy jeans, blue blouse and a white leather jacket. Niall walked in saying Harry and Re- ugh I cant even say her name are here already.

I got dressed quickly so this meeting will be quick. I ran down the stairs, tripping once before reaching the living room.

Rebecca's laughter stopped immediately when she noticed my presence. To kill the akwardness Elleah ran into the room. "Daddy!" She shrieked. Rebecca glared at me then at my daughter. I was considering smacking the hoe but decided against it.

"So can we start this meeting before I die of Rebecca syndrome." I snarled, sitting down far away from the two as possible, I dont understand how Harry lives with her, let alone look at her.

"Okay well Harry and I have some spectacular news!" Rebecca said in the fakest white girl voice. You know those girls who role their eyes into the back on their head when talking.

I slowly nodded my head telling her to continue. She took a deep breath and grabbed Harry's hands.

"We are having a baby!"

I was so sick right now that throwing up was a serious option. I went over to Elleah and took her off of Harry. It must of been hard because she started crying.

"How could you get her pregnant! Now my children will have to deal with you cheating on their mum." I cried.

"Rebecca and I have our own lives Emma! Besides Ed, Eddy and Leah love Rebecca. They wouldnt care about me not loving you." Harry defended back. Elleah scowled at him while angry tears left her eyes.

"You hate my mummy!? Well I-I hate you daddy an-and Rebecca too!" She screamed. I was suprised at how loud this girl could scream. Elleah always kept her feelings to herself, especially when it comes to Harry.

Rebecca looked at Elleah like she was a piece of trash. "Shut up little girl. Your daddy doesnt love you he loves me!" She snapped. Elleah ran away, crying really loud as she did it.

"Dont talk to my daughter like that!! Get out my house both of you. Harry I dont want to ever see you again. Edward will be glad to know his low life of a father is gone." What I said was really harsh but its true. He needs to get his priorities in check before he comes here.

Rebecca stood up abruptly to leave. "Come on Harry. It's about time this hoe lets you go," Harry looked up at her with a emotionless look on his face. He shook his head before standing up and leaving with her.


"Hi boys! How was school today?" I asked as my boys ran into the house. They didnt answer me but pulled some sort of art out their backpacks. It looked like drawings that were  sticky with glue.

"Mummy our teacher let us make art! Happy birthday." Eden smiled, handing me his very Kindergarten artwork. Edward also handed me his even more messy art work.

Eden's looked like some sort of cake with glued down sparkles everywhere. Edward's, well I cant really say what it is but it came from the heart.

"Guys it is so pretty! Now go do your homework before I make you lunch. We are having pigs in a blanket. Well Elleah is having grilled cheese bites."

While the boys were doing homework I went to go check on Elleah. She was still down about what Harry and Rebecca said. Leah had hid in her closet for a hour before I could find her.

"Leah what are you doing?" I asked, squating down next to her. She pushed her curly brown hair out her slighty tanned face.

"I am dressing my barbie doll. Not the Harrwy doll, I dont like him anymore." She replied shaking her head. A smile was placed on my mouth because of the love I have for Leah.

"Where is Uncle Niall? Is he making us lunch?" She asked, placing her hands on my round belly. Amber started hiccuping which made Leah laugh.

"Yes baby girl. Niall is making us our lunch."

She nodded going back to her dolls that she loves. I got up from the ground and straightened out my shirt. I left out her room to go check on Eden's stomach.

He has a rare rash that happens to 5 out 1,000,000 people in the world. It was devastating to know that the rash could be cancer material. But so far it hasnt gotten that far so its good.

"Eden mum has to check your belly, lift ya shirt up." He took a bite of his apple slice before lifting his spider man shirt. A sigh left my mouth. I knew his rash would start to spread but I didnt know this quickly.

I shakingly pulled his shirt down and pulled my phone out my back pocket. I went through the contacts and called his number. "Please answer!" I whispered.

"Emma I am kind of busy. Can-"

"Its getting worse. E-Eden's rash is getting worse."

"Well go take him to Dr. Cash, maybe-"

"Dont act like you dont care about your son Harry! What I said earlier was wrong but dont degrade your child."

"Fine. How about I schedule an appointment with the doctor. Tell Eden I-"

Rebecca's obnoxious voice interrupted us.

"Harry you cant leave a pregnant girl hot and bothered. Now tell Emily we are busy."

"For your info slut it is Emma. Sorry Hoebecca for ruining your...'moment'. Bye Harold."

I hung up the phone and turned around to my children. My worried expression was replaced with a happy one. Never let your kids see you upset because then they wont be happy. I always want my children to be happy. Even if their backstabing, manwhore of a father loves another woman.

Rebecca's POV

I twirled the bottom of my red lingerie top waiting for Harry to hang up. He had a strained look on his face when he came back in our room. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him onto of me.

"Harry if you dont take me here and now I might scream." I purred into his ear. He softly laughed before getting off of me. I glared at him and propped myself onto my elbows.

"What the fuck Harry! Why did you get up?" I asked confused. He ignored me and left out the room. I let out a frustrated scream then got off the silk bed. My hand furiously wrapped the bathrob around me.

I slump down into the wooden desk chair bored to death. Sex with Harry has always been my activity of the day,now that the fundimental part is gone I have nothing to do. All my friends ditched me for their boyfriends so that isnt a option. I am such a hypocrite because basically I ditched them for Harry.

Maybe this baby will help Harry and I's jacked up relationship. A baby always seems to help people who are having dating problems. Harry already has 3 kids and they turned out fine. Hell what am I kidding! Ever since I started dating Harry, Emma has went all 'mommy kill Rebecca' mode. I think it was when I kissed a drunken Niall she really hated me. Not that she already hated me before.

Harry came back into the room with his eyes full of lust. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me. He looked hurt by my small gesture.

"Dont give me that look Harold. When I want sex you avoid me at ALL cost, but when you want sex I have to fill your needs."

He started saying how sorry he was and how much he loves me. You know weak little Rebecca gave in and had rough but sensual sex with him. Sometimes I worry that the only thing we have in common is our love for sex.

Harry wrapped his clammy arms around my sweaty waist. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I pretened to be asleep to see if he would say something.

"Rebecca our relationship was a huge mistake. I never really loved you, it was a act of selfishness. Emma has Niall and here I was with nothing. So of course I felt lonely without a companion. This relationship was rushed and had no love what so ever. Since One Direction has slowed down to a complete stop I think I will travel the world-"

He continued on with his rant but I stopped listening. This baby was suppose to save us not reck us. Does he not care about his beautiful baby soon to be born. Obviously he doesnt if all he wants is to travel the world.

"-Goodbye Rebecca. I am truly and deeply sorry." He cried. A warm tear slid out my eye when he left the bedroom. I heard the front door slam as he left for good. Many tears cascaded down my face as I cried myself to sleep.

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