Finding The Carrot King

By Girlygirlyolo

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I just want to get away.....Its like the abuse never stops. My step-dad abuses me almost every day. He tells... More

Read Please!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note IMPORTANT!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Thanks Guys!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Know It All
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 35

173 8 0
By Girlygirlyolo

Emma's POV

I placed the little pink shorts on my belly, folding them up. Dr. Reese informed me that I can go into labor at any time. So to prepare Harry has been at the hospital non-stop checking on me.

Sammy has also stopped giving me the medicine to slow down labor. She says there is no point because my body is starting to fight against it.

"Okay Emma I have to go now. The boys and I have a photoshoot with Vogue."

I nodded and waved Harry goodbye. Right after Harry left, Sammy had stepped in. She was in her normal nurse attire since her shift started.

"Hey Sam what's up?" I asked, looking at her. She took a huge breath and put her hands on her hips.

"I just helped deliver a baby. It was the most beautiful thing ever!"

"Havent you delivered babies before?"

"Yeah but it makes me feel so alive every time!"

I sat down slowly in the rocking chair. My back is killing me plus the babies are kicking really hard. "Are you ready to be a mother? I mean you are only 18 years old, got pregnant at 17." Sam shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah I am ready. Of course Im scared but it will be fine." I nodded my head.

Sam and I talked a little while longer until it was time for her to have lunch. Her boyfriend was taking her to a fancy Italian resturant. That reminds me of my favorite Italian resturant in LA. The place was called 'Breadsticks', it has the best breadsticks in the entire world!

«Skip ahead to November 7, 2013»

"Harry I cant take it anymore! I am sick of being pregnant. How in the world am I a week overdue?!" I cried.

I have never expected to be a week overdue. Especially with triplets; considering there is no room left! Ive tried so many things but nothing seems to work. Nothing!

Niall kissed my forehead while rubbing my lower back. I moaned feeling the pressure dissapear. "I am so sorry baby. Maybe they like staying in their mummy's womb." Harry persuaded. I shook my head whining like a baby.

"Hun I think you should take Dr. Reese's offer and induce-"

"Hell no! I will not have a forced labor. These babies will come out naturally!" I snapped. Niall put his hands up in the air as a defense mechanism.

"Hey Simon called Niall. He says he wants us to get to know a Cancer victim." Harry sighed. Niall stood up to go with him. "Now Emma dont go into labor without us here." Harry enforced. I smiled, standing up to stretch.

"No promises."


"...They say she's in the class A Team. Stuck in her daydream, been this way since 18 but lately-"

I stopped singing when I felt a big pop in my lower region. My head slowly went down and right in front of me was a big puddle of water.

I started to panic looking for my Iphone. When I found it sitting on the table a sigh left my mouth. I went into a contacts and did a group text.

To: Harry, Niall, Becca, Beth, Mum, Dad, Liz, Sophia, Perrie, Louis

Guys my water broke! Get to the hospital now!!!

I slammed my phone down when I felt a contaction. Deep breaths left my mouth trying to work through the pain. I limped to the bed and pressed the emergency button. A few minutes later Dr. Reese and Sammy ran in.

Sammy noticed me panting and layed me in the bed. "Congratz Emma you are in labor." Doc laughed putting his gloves on. I nodded at him looking at my phone. There were some frantic messages and a Twitter alert. I checked the twitter alert first.


Guys @Emma_Tommo214 is going into labor. I am going to be a daddy!!!

Thats right Harry you will be a father soon. Sammy helped me strip down to just my sports bra and boy shorts, they were the color black. Right now I was just sitting on the bed, covered with bed pads so my water wouldnt get on it.

"Just tell me when you are ready to get into the tub okay?" Sam said. I nodded, grabbing the bag of cookies on the dresser. They were oreo's, which are my favorite.

After a while I started getting bored. These stupid baby moniters strapped to my stomach are pissing me off. The door opened and closed making me look up.

It was Beth and Becca who had arrived first. "Hi Emma. How are you feeling?" Becca whispered.

"Im okay. The pain isnt that bad but it still hurts." I replied. They sat down watching me getting prepared for another contraction.

I groaned feeling the forceful pain in my cervix. The door opened and closed again, but I was in too much pain to look up. Someone leaned my head on their broad chest. The person smelled like a musky vanilla flavor.

I finally looked up to see who was holding me. It was my brother that was holding me. "Where is everyone else?" I whispered. "They are checking in down stairs. They let me through first since I used the famous card." He softly chuckled. I playfully hit him chest.

The rest of the crew got up to the room eventually. Mum started crying saying how I am all grown up. Liam got out his phone and started recording everything.

"Hi fandom world! I am Emma Tomlinson and well in labor." I akwardly said, scratching my head. After a while Li turned it off when Dr. Reese came in.

"Im going to check your cervix now Emma."

He put the gel on his fingers and stuck them in me. His other hand firmly pressed on my pelvis. Mum held onto on my hand as a whimper left my mouth.

"You are coming along beautifully! You're about 5 and a half cenimeters. I think you should try to get some sleep, makes things go by faster."

I nodded and rolled onto my left side. The babies heartbeats were echoing through the room. Everyone except Harry decided to go to lunch across the street. Niall said he will bring me back a sandwich.

I gripped onto Harry's hand when a contraction rippled through. His strong hand stroked through my hair to comfort me. I felt one of the babies moving down my pelvis a bit. It was the most painful experience ever.

Sammy turned the room lights off to let me go to sleep. I placed my hand on belly and closed my eyes. It took me a little while before my body went into unconsiousness.


My sweat filled head rested on porcelain white tub. It is about 10 pm and I am 8 cm. Harry rubbed my lower back trying to wean the baby out. I lifted my head up as tears left my eyes. He kissed under my eyes, letting me rest on his body.

"You are doing so good Emma. Just keep breathing babe."

Sammy gave me the water bottle with a straw in it. I took a big gulp, cooling my burning throat. She then got the wand and placed it in my lower belly. The heartbeat's filled my ears making me smile.

"Emma it looks like its time to push!" Sammy cheered. Harry lauged, rubbing my belly as I propped my legs up. Dr. Reese told me to let my body react on its own. When a contraction came I started to push.

The pressure builded up and I cried in pain. "Good job hun. Take a deep breath and push again." He said. I pushed again feeling the ring of fire. As a reflex I gripped Harry's hand to squeeze it. Im sure he lost all function in that area.

"Harry would you like to catch the baby?" Sammy asked. I felt the baby's head twisting and turning trying to come out. Harry nodded, leaving my side to catch the baby. When he looked down he gasped; I guess he got a glimpse of the head.

I took another deep breath before pushing again. This was a a whole new different feeling. It felt like something was being taken from me. My head lifted up to see Harry holding the baby. I guess I missed him cutting the cord.

He looked at me with tears pouring out his eyes. "Its a boy." I nodded, resting my head on the leather pillow. I knew that in a few minutes minutes the pain will start up again and I would be back to pushing.

"Edward is 5 pounds 8 ounces hun." Harry whispered, pushing my matted hair out my face. I would of said something but that familiar pain came back.

Once again I pushed and pushed before Harry caught the baby. This baby was Elleah, weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces.

We repeated it one more time before Eden was born. He was a little baby that weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces. Dr. Reese cleaned me up and got me back into the bed.

Harry carried Eden and Elleah over and Sam held onto Edward. He gave Elleah to me to hold her. She already had brown lucious curls like her father. Eden had brown hair but it was straight, Edward was a bald baby.

Elleah started crying wanting my attention back on her. Yep she is a mommy's girls. I gave her my pinky and she started sucking on it.

A knock came from the door before the boys came in. Everyone went to my house a long time ago. Something about preparing and stuff.

"Guys they are so cute!" Zayn cooed. He grabbed Elleah from me. Louis took Edward and Niall grabbed Eden. Liam once again got out his phone and snapped a bunch of pictures.


Look who's here!

Eden James Tomlinson and Edward Phillip Styles

Annndddd Elleah Mae Stylinson.

"Liam! I didnt want people to know about Elleah's last name yet." I groaned.

Liam shrugged then went over to Harry to hug him. Harry returned the gesture back to him. Niall came up to me and kissed my lips.

"We heard your screaming outside the room. We knew each time a baby came out because you would make a wierd sound."

I hit his chest taking my son away from him. He was starting to doze into a deep sleep. Sammy came over to me with a smile on her face. "Sorry but it's time to feed the babies." She stated.

Harry and I decided breast feeding would be out of the question. Not that it was a bad idea its just that I believe bottles are better. She gave me the tiny bottle filled with my breast milk. We had pumped earlier today, at the beginning of labor. I placed the bottle in Ed's mouth and let him do the rest. Zayn insisted on feeding Elleah so well he did. Lou just let Harry feed Eddy since as Lou says he needs 'boy time'. Eden finished his bottle so I placed him on my shoulder. I started patting his small back so he could burp.

Once the babies were fed and fast asleep the boys and I could finally talk. "Wow. I cant believe my baby sister is a mother!" Louis mesmerized. "Yeah. After a long 9 month pregnancy I'm officially a mum." I sighed.

This pregnancy has been full of ups and downs. At the beginning I felt stupid for having drunken sex and just being pregnant all together. Now I am a 18 year old mother with three kids. My future is most likely going to be a big rollercoaster.

All of my lower region was sore and starting to throb. I turned on my side to get comfortable. Immediately I was put into a deep intoxicating sleep filled with the cries of my babies.

~a week later~

"Okay do you have everything? I dont want to leave anything behind!"

"Yes Emma I do have everything. Now you grab Eden and Edward, I will grab Elleah." Harry laughed grabbing Leah. We said our goodbye's to Sam and Dr. Reese before leaving. A few days ago Eddy and Ed got circumsized. Their wee wee's were so small after that. At first they were really big; they get it from their father.

When everyone was buckled in Harry started the car and drove off. He pulled into the driveway and turned the ignition off. I got out the car to grab Leah and Ed. Harry would have to get Eddy.

I threw open the door of my house. That chocolate smell that I was used to was still their from a month ago. It has been a whole month since I've stepped foot in here. Harry made it inside and we headed to the nursery.

I closed the door to the nursery when the babies were fast asleep. "I am going to go take a long deserved shower." Harry said. I nodded letting him free. Now what can I do before my babies need me. Sleep would be a good answer but I'm not sleepy. Maybe a good movie would help.

Inside the movie theater was Niall and Rebecca watching 'No Strings Attatched'. It kinda made me jealous thinking about them being together. The time she told me she wanted Niall still haunts me.

Rebecca placed her head on Niall's neck and started nibbling. At that moment all I wanted to do was pull her weave out, not that she has a weave on or not. But I wanted to see how Niall would react to it. What he did do shocked me to the core. He grabbed her face and sucked the life out of it. I gasped, covering my mouth in shock. Niall smirked at me, "Did you really think I loved you?" Rebecca twirled her blonde hair acting like nothing happened.

"How could you do this to me?!"

"Because Emma you are a fat pig-"

"Emma wake up...wake up!"

At lightning speed I sat up with fear coursing in my body. Harry was holding a screaming Eden in his arms. I rested my head in my clammy hands. "Emma you were screaming for the past half hour. You woke up the whole house!" He whispered/shouted at me.

I weakly stood up from the bed ignoring Harry's endless rant about me. I stood in front of the mirror and pulled up my tank top. The flat stomach I've been used to was now pudgy and big. I poked it in disgust trying to make it dissapear.

"Emma that is just pregnancy fat. Dont stress yourself over that."Harry sighed. I ignored him once again trying to stop myself from puking. Harry shook his head then left me alone in my demon thoughts.

You are fat!

A cow is skinnier than you!

Niall doesnt wasnt a horse to kiss him!!

I used my shaky fingers and put them into the back of my mouth. A nauseous feeling over came me. My breakfast flew into the toilet making me feel satisfied.

I flushed the toilet and brushed my sour mouth. I heard a cry come from the baby moniter plastered in my room. Must be one of the babies.

I went over to Elleah's crib and picked her fragile body up. Her diaper felt heavy; needing to be changed.

After she was cleaned up I sat in the rocking chair. I held onto her head and back, resting her in my lap. Her vibrant green eyes bored into mine in a deep stare down. Leah's cream colored skin shining over the sun's glare.

"I love you baby girl."

She cooed, wiggling her bum around on my lap. I giggling at my frisky little girl. "I can see you being a tennis player. Of course I dont know why but I have the feeling." Her eyes started to close telling me she was sleepy. I stood up and walked over to her crib.

Once she was alright I picked up a whimpering Edward. His eyes were different from the rest of the babies. His were like a brownish orangey color. Which very much suprised me.

"Now you my son could probably be the football player. Maybe even star quarter-back. But your brother Eden is a softy. He will be the soccer player of the group." I felt someone's stare on me. Standing beside me was Harry and Eden once again.

"Emma I am sorry if I upset you. I just didnt want the mum of my children to be depressed." He stated.

"Harry its not like I am going to relapse. If I do then you will help bring me back."

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