Harry Potter Preferences

بواسطة Nightmermaid

37.6K 415 104

thingamabobs, whosits, and whatsits galore when it comes to preferences about our beloved Harry Potter charac... المزيد

blood purity
how you first met/talked
how you first met/talked
how you first met / talked marauders
your animagus
how they ask you to be theirs
what their family thinks of you
gif series : hand holding
your wand
who's family you spend the holidays with
when they realized & said they loved you
being with Cedric Diggory would include
being with Draco Malfoy would include
being with Blaise Zabini includes
being with Oliver Wood includes
gif series : cuddling

how they annoy you

1.7K 20 9
بواسطة Nightmermaid

Harry has this annoying habit of cleaning his glasses on you. Especially when you wear white.

"Bloody hell scarhead!"

"Oops, sorry, I keep forgetting."

Ron clears his throat at the worst possible times, because it sounds like he's laughing. One time your friend had told you news about her owl passing away and Ron cleared his throat and it sounded like he was containing a laugh.

She can read faster than you, so when she's showing you something in a book she changes the page as soon as she's done.

"I wasn't finished."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, you ask me this every time."

He loves affection, but sometimes it's too much because he'll breathe in your ear or put his weight on you.

"Draco please get off me, and stop breathing in my ear damn it."

"Sorry kitten."

He loves playing with your fingers, but he has a tendency to bend them more than you actually can and it's discomforting.

"Ow Ced, you did it again!"

"Oh oh, i'm sorry baby."

He has this weird habit of picking you up or moving you with ease when he's looking for something or your in his way. He's fairly strong so it really isn't difficult for him, but it makes you feel less than a person.

"I'm still a human with rights, don't move me around like a doll."

"Sorry... you were in the way."

God, Blaise hums every time you study, and it bothers the fuck outta you because everyone knows Blaise is practically mute.



Theo pulls your hair a little too hard when he attempts to style it when he's bored.
"Knock it off Theo!"

"Damn, okay then."

Her god damn nails. She was always tapping or drumming her god damn nails when she was clearly bored or annoyed herself. It drove you up a wall.

"Enough, Parkinson."

"Uhg, fine."

Ginny was a god damn mumbler, and it made you want to strangle her. She wouldn't do it on purpose most of the time, which you knew and tried to let it slide. Then when she would do it on purpose you flip shit.

"Ginny, what the fuck did you say?! Damn girl speak uP."

You hated when he pranked you. Turning your hair neon pink, changing your height, anything like that you hated.

"Fred it stops being funny after awhile, knock it off or i'll knock you out."

"Okay okay... love you?"

He loved to impersonate you. It was annoying and super immature. Yes this was George Weasley, king of the immature but still. He did it way too often and you wanted suffocate him for it.

"George, do me a favor and shut up."

Luna always told a part of a story she was telling you in her head and the other part out loud, then expected you to know what she was saying.

"I literally have no idea what your trying to tell me."

"Oh but I thought-"

"I know, you thought."

He asked too many unnecessary questions, and sometimes you were left speechless because you couldn't believe that someone could ask that many questions. It literally stupefied you.

"Nev please, you ask to many questions."



"Oh alright."

Every time you and Dean bickered he always, ALWAYS, said "okay, fine, whatever." to try and end it, but it always pushed you over the edge.

"Stop saying whatever, don't you care!"

"I do but I don't like fighting with you."

He related everything to Quidditch, and you weren't the game's biggest fan. If he didn't mention the game at least once there was something wrong.

"James I don't wanna hear about Quidditch, we were talking about me mother."

He asked inappropriate and personal questions he already knew the answer to in front of anyone who was trying to flirt with you. It was his way of getting rid of them.

"Hey baby, how your legs feeling from last night? I didn't know you were that flexible."


Remus could be so consumed in what he was reading that he would ignore you. You loved that he was an avid reader but it was like it was just him and the book. You have to either take the book out of his hand or go to extreme measure.

"Remus, i'm sitting here practically naked and you can't put the book down for a second."

"One second."

Peter sometimes followed you around like a lost puppy and you would have to hide away from him to get alone time. You loved him but when he wasn't doing anything he glued to you.

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