The Princess (The Chosen One)...

By laurenk0409

105K 3.8K 463

Ara was the princess of the EXOTIC Land, and her brother Prince Mark was moved to Earth so they could be safe... More

~Chapter 1~ The first day
~Chapter 2~Crazy Sasaeng fan?
Happy Birthday CHEN!!
~Chapter 3~ Friends
~Chapter 4~ Secret
~Chapter 5~ Help!
~Chapter 6~ Who are you?
~Chapter 7~ Kris Story
~Chapter 8~ Xiumin/Luhan Story
Chapter 9 ~Suho/Tao/D.O/Lay's story~
~Chapter 10~ Kai/Chanyeol/Baekhyun/Sehun's Story
~Chapter 11~ Clues are given
~Chapter 12~ Secret Revealed
~Chapter 13~ BTS
~Chapter 14~ The King
~Chapter 15~ Chorong's death
~Chapter 16~ Betrayal
~Chapter 17~ The murderer
Part 2
~Chapter 18~ War begins
~Chapter 19~ Mark
~Chapter 20~ What happened to BTS???
~Chapter 21~ The magic
~Chapter 22~ Exo and BTS
~Chapter 23~ The Evil Spirit
~Chapter 24~ BTS vs. BTS
~Chapter 25~ BTS vs. BTS part 2
~Chapter 26~ Golden Wolf
Part 3
~Chapter 27~ Find the Knights
~Chapter 28~ Fate
~Chapter 29~ Familiar faces
~Chapter 30~ People think I am the evil one
~Chapter 32~ Loyal Friend
~Chapter 33~ Exposed
~Chapter 34~ Support
~Chapter 35~ Apink found!
~Chapter 36~ Choices
~Chapter 37~ Last
10K Special Epilogue/Q&A/Book 2!
~Book 2 - Chapter 1~ Flashbacks
~Chapter 2~ Missing
~Chapter 3~ Sehun and Jungkook
Author's Note
~Chapter 4~ Awkward
~Chapter 5~ Dead
~Chapter 6~ Back to the past
~Chapter 7~ Us
~Chapter 8~ Save me
~Chapter 9~ Don't Wanna Cry
~Chapter 10~ Always
~Chapter 11~ Ko ko bop
~Chapter 12~ Five
~Chapter 13 ~ Special (1)
Author's Note
~Chapter 14~ Energetic
New Story Out!!!
~Chapter 15~ We like
~Chapter 16~ Look What You Made Me Do
~Chapter 17~ Power
~Chapter 18~ DNA
~Chapter 19 (Last Chapter)~ Sixteen
Special Chapter (1) Park Chorong
Special Chapter (2) Kim Taehyung
Special Chapter (3) Jeon Jungkook
Special Chapter (4) Oh Sehun + Park Chanyeol
Epilogue / Q&A

~Chapter 31~ Lies

1.3K 51 3
By laurenk0409

Ara P.O.V

"You want my help? I could help you get your memories back." I smiled.

I put up a jar; this is where everyone's memories are in. I am not aloud to give the memories back unless they ask for it.

"Here." I give it to him.

He starts drinking the jar. 

Eunwoo P.O.V

"Guys, you don't really think that Ara did that..." I exclaimed.

"How can we trust her?" Chorong glared at me.

"Why are you glaring at me! Aren't you guys suppose to be her best friends!" I rolled my eyes.

"I mean we are but... this whole situation is telling us that Ara was trying to hurt Minhyuk." Eunji replied. 

"Why are you so quiet Jinjin?" MJ asked.

I looked at Jinjin and he was nervously thinking. 

"Jinjin??" MJ repeated.

"huh, wh.. what?" Jinjin stuttered.

"Are you okay?" I asked suspiciously.

"Obviously.." Jinjin faked a smile.

He was obviously not okay. What is up with him?

JinJin P.O.V

I can't be caught here. I worked so hard just to break all of them apart, and now Minhyuk is failing. It's all because of Eunwoo. Why does Eunwoo have to be so smart.

"Obviously." I faked a smile.

Eunwoo gave me one suspicious look and ate his lunch. I think I should start making a move.

"Eunwoo." I whispered.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I want to say something. I don't know if this is true, but I was watching everything." I lied.

"What do you mean?" He widened his eyes.

"I saw what happened. Ara isn't that nice; she's faking her memory loss. She is trying to kill all of us." I acted.

Pinching myself so tears would fall down. Eunwoo dropped his spoon and just looked at me. 

"Are you lying right now?" Eunwoo questioned.

"I am sorry. That's the only thing I heard. I was too shocked.." I lied again.

"That's impossible! She would never do that! Why would she want to kill us?" Eunwoo exclaimed.

"Because she was ordered. She's the daughter of the Mafia." I explained.

"I don't beli.. eve yo.. u" He stuttered.

"Eunwoo." I pinched myself more harder.

All the other people there started to burst into tears. I am doing it. I succeeded. 


Thank you so much for reading this chapter <3 I am going to start a new book called 'Unwanted'. 


There is this one girl, who was never wanted. Her family, and her brother hates her. Everyone loves her at school because of her beauty, but she knows that they don't love her as an actual friend... But what will happen if things start changing. People starts noticing her again for who she is, and her family starts changing...

Anyways thank you for voting and commenting!! I will be updating more chapters today probably. Also, thank you for 1.6k views 0_0!!

Sorry for any grammar mistakes or any spelling errors. Can anyone recommend me more books?? 

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