Red Hot Hell (a Kuroshitsuji...

By LuuuuvmyGrell

38.3K 1.2K 123

Estelle is a unique vampire among her race.....she loves Kuroshitsuji! After a mysterious event lands her in... More

What Happened to My Coffin!?
Bloody Conversations
Life in A New Household
Another Problem (Sebby's POV)
Questionable Tactics
The Fun Part Begins
The Curry Contest and the Start of the Hunters' Season
Vampire Party
Queen of Hearts
A Wonderful Performance
Author's Note
Her Dam, Murderous
Some People Just Don't Get Any Peace
Midnight Murder Mystery
The First Victim
A Boring Night Gets More Exciting
Yet Again, The Plot Thickens.......

To Work in the Morgue

2.6K 91 11
By LuuuuvmyGrell

Estelle immediately burst out from the coffin, startling a silver-haired man holding a skeleton in his arms.

"That is not the coffin I spent fifty years getting just right," the girl hissed. She looked at the man. "What did you do to my velvet-lined coffin?!" The vampire would rip him apart if he said he put someone else in it. She hated cleaning out the smell of corpse from it.

Whether the silver-haired man did not notice her strange eyes or simply did not care, the girl did not know. He simply shrugged and said, "I can assure you that no such coffin is in my shop."

"But I was asleep in that coffin before I woke up here!" she growled. "How would you explain that?"

He chuckled creepily. "Then I have no idea how you got here, Miss." Estelle did a double take.

Wait..... that appearance...... that laugh.......

She pointed a midnight-blue finger at the silver-haired man. "UNDERTAKER!!!!!!" the girl exclaimed dramatically.

Undertaker tilted his head. "That is my name, yes."

This could not be happening.

The vampire looked around her. The surroundings were immediately familiar to her: the coffins, the halloween-like decor. Yes, it was happening.

She was in her favorite manga.

Before she could go and let her inner fangirl take over, the sound of wheels stopping in front of the front door alerted her to unexpected guests. Instinctively, the black-haired vampire dashed back to the coffin she found herself in, grumbling about the poor quality of the lining. Her coffin was so much more comfortable.

"Undertaker, are you there?"

That voice was very distinctive to her ears. Ciel Phantomhive, Estelle thought.

If he was at the shop, it meant that they were at the Jack the Ripper case. Close to the beginning of the series. It meant Madame Red was alive still. The vampire wanted to glomp the woman, but resisted and kept quiet. Excitement bubbled inside her. OMG! her fangirl persona squealed. She could meet Sebastian!

On the topic of said demon butler, Estelle wondered if he could tell she was there. He had been able to detect Grell despite his unmemorable disguise, so why not her? She could certainly sense his prescence.

Having met demons once or twice in her early years, she could tell that the atmosphere around him was darker, more dangerous than any human she had ever encountered. No Death Dealer could possibly mistake that distinctive tone around the butler. Not only were her senses simply screaming not human! to her, but the sheer power she felt radiating off from him was only something she had previously encountered among her own kind. However, it was not enough to intimidate her.

The whole scene went off without a hitch, Estelle having to frantically cover her mouth at hearing the hidden joke. Madame Red's lewd words had made the vampire uncharacteristically blush, and Lau's wordplay would have been better suited to Japanese or Chinese. Word puns rarely worked in English.

As the meeting went on, Estelle felt the subtle force of Sebastian's personality directed at her for slight moments at a time; most likely to keep the others from getting suspicious of his actions. The pressure was not unbearable, but it certainly made her want to fidget. Only her exceptional self-control kept her from revealing herself. I will SO get him back for this, the vampire thought dangerously.

Once they had gone, the girl carefully poked her head out of the coffin. Eying the man in front of her, she was aware that he was still a very capable and famous Reaper despite his seeming harmlessness. Having been almost reaped once before, the girl had become wary of the creatures ever since.

Undertaker chuckled crazily, prompting the vampire's quick exit.

Like she did back at her own London, Estelle kept to the rooftops, staying out of sight of anyone. Sniffing the air carefully, she could tell that vampires occupied this city, but they had either moved on or were asleep for the day. The girl rubbed her fangs with her tongue; she needed blood.

Whipping her head back down over the crowd, she spied a small alleyway which contained a rough-looking thug alone. The girl smiled to herself. Not a good idea when he was being hunted.

She stole her stealthy way to him, dropping down into a section of the alley where he was not likely to see her well. She had to hide her eyes. Clearing her throat delicately, the vampire drew in the greedy man further into her web. When no one could see or hear him, she was quick to finish the meal.

The blood tasted bitter from the narcotics he had in his system, but Estelle did not complain and guzzled him down immediately. Diguising the corpse to make it look like he got his throat slit, the girl took to the roofs again, waiting for sunset.

Thinking about how the manga went, she knew that there was going to be a party that night at the Viscount Druitt's place. The vampire knew she looked good enough to sneak into the party and blend in, but it would be difficult to convince the watchful demon there that she did not intend to suck his master dry.

And I need shoes, she reflected at the sight of her bare toes. People would certainly notice if a guest walked around barefoot.

Looking at the time on Big Ben, the vampire easily broke into a shoe shop and stole a pair of acceptable heels. Gaining quick access to the neighboring dress shop, Estelle dressed herself in a beautiful ball gown fit to her figure. Perhaps she could outshine the other women in the event; after all, she was a vampire.

In no time at all, the girl was enjoying herself like she was born noble. Men were enchanted by her, women and their mothers jealously glared at their husbands and fiancees, and Estelle knew she had caught the eye of the main characters.

Now it was only a time before the prince-like man did so as well. There was no way he would pass up on such an attractive female.

Managing to snag herself a partner for the dance, Estelle suppressed a giggle at the clear discomfort of the cross-dressing Ciel. She had to admit, he looked adorable in the dress, though she thought pink was not the perfect color for his skin tone.

The vampire maneuvered herself close to the couple, making sure to stop beside them and getting rid of the human male quickly. She sweatdropped at the sight of the tired 'young woman'.

Catching sight of the Viscount coming closer, Estelle dropped down quickly and whispered, "I believe we have something to discuss, Faustian. That coffin was already uncomfortable without you pointing your nose at it."

The man froze for a second, but his attention was shaken from the girl when the Viscount started clapping.  She slipped away quickly and quietly, knowing that he would find her.

Since she never really had anywhere else to go, the girl went back to Undertaker's morgue. Surprisingly, there was an open coffin seemingly for her, looking a lot more comfortable than the previous one. Estelle was impressed.

The sun was not coming out in a few more hours, but the vampire could use some rest after her stressful day. Going out in the sun may not burn a vampire, but it was a guaranteed way to deplete their energy quickly. Closing her eyes, she hoped she would not be buried alive while she was asleep. It was work enough the first time around; there was going to be hell to pay if it happened  to her again.

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