Mischief Meets Mischief (A Lo...

By FlyingWords

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Jang Hana has been living in the forests of North Carolina to escape. To escape the mortals who would ask que... More

Chapter 1-Crash Down
Chapter 2-Pranks and Confusion
Chapter 4-Fights
Chapter 5- Unexpected Visitors
Chapter 6-Patience
Chapter 7-Nightmares
Chapter 8-Secrets
Chapter 9-Welcome to Asgard
Chapter 10-Pain and Suffering
Chapter 11-Sanity
Chapter 12- Where Are You?
Chapter 13- Found, Part 1
Chapter 14- Found, Part 2
Chapter 15- Found, Part 3
Chapter 16 - Waiting For Death
Chapter 17- Nothing
Chapter 18- It All Ended With An Arrow
Chapter 19- Visiting the Prisoner
Author's Note
Chapter 20- A Talk With the King
Chapter 21- Crime and Punishment
Chapter 22- Love Notes and Death Threats
Chapter 23- A Frozen Blade
Chapter 24- Three Little Words
Chapter 25- Nothing (Final Chapter)
Authors Note
Epilouge- The Love of a Lying Man
Sequel Teaser
Help Me
Book 2
New Cover
Doctor Who
Watty Awards

Chapter 3- Explanations and Explosions

6.4K 220 47
By FlyingWords

AUTHORS NOTE- I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to every one who read, commented, voted and/or followed me! You guys made my weekend awesome! And I just want to say for clarification that this story takes place after The Avengers but before Thor 2.


We sat down on the living room couch. In Loki's eyes, I could see many different emotions and I could sense them in his presence. Confusion, curiosity and fear. There was always fear.

"So, what would you like to know?"

"Everything. But just start with your past."

I smiled. Oh course he would choose the most painful thing about my past.


I didn't know anything about her and I was about to go mad if I didn't find out. I looked at her and I could feel the sadness and the pain coming from her. What had she possibly gone through?

"Well, let me tell you a story first. A story that will help you...understand me better. Long ago, there were two rival kingdoms in the heavens. One was ruled by a clever, beautiful and tricky goddess. The other was ruled by a muscular, brave god. Both of them were very competitive with each other, as were the kingdoms themselves. The two gods had a bet to see who could create a more horrifying creature. They both put elements they knew the other feared. Courage, bravery and arrogance from the god and beauty, mischief and brains from the goddess among some of the other qualities. They kept going for days, each element worse than the one before. The thing they were making grew conscious very quickly and soon realized that if it didn't interfere with the gods, it could be made completely. So it stayed silent and waited to become complete.The god and goddess never stopped for a second to realize what they had created. When they finally did, what they saw was horrendous. Feared by everyone in both kingdoms and by the gods themselves. They both picked up the creature and flung it to Earth as hard as they could." She stopped for a moment and I knew that she was trying to keep herself composed, like I had much too many times.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She nodded, gave me a small smile and closed those beautiful eyes of hers. I desperately wanted to know more but I didn't want to push her anymore. I saw how hard this was on her.

What was happening to me?! Since when did I care about anyone but myself?!


I almost couldn't do it. This was something I buried deep inside of me and now it was coming right back.

"Are you alright?" Loki's voice was concerned. A new emotion coming from him.

I gave him a small smile of thanks and closed my eyes for a second, trying to pull myself together. I wouldn't lose control, not again. I took a deep breath and started again.

"Being the technical offspring of 2 gods, the creature, the monster possessed incredible power. The evil, the anger in it began to grow. The monster became possessed and controlled by the traits deep inside it. It was also very...mischievous. The people who saw it always ran in terror, they were always frightened. So the thing began to kill and destroy, still under the power of the evil in it. But in very mischievous ways. The people couldn't comprehend what it was so they labeled it a god. The god of Mischief, much like yourself, Liesmith."

I stopped and looked at Loki.

"Any questions?"

His face was a mask of indifference but I saw how confused he still was.

"Yes. How does this story connect to you?" He asked.

I gave a small chuckle. It was almost cute, how much he didn't know.

"You really don't understand do you? That thing, that horrible, hideous monster...was me." I almost couldn't bring myself to saw those final 2 words. I closed my eyes and felt a tear rolling down my cheek. Then I felt a cold hand wiping it away ever so gently. I opened my eyes to see pools of emerald staring right back at me.

"Are you sure your alright?" Loki said, while pulling his hand away from my cheek and placing it on my knee. I realized he had moved closer towards me. I could sense how scared he was, how much he wanted to protect me and stop my tears for some reason. Why would he care?

I stood and turned to my bedroom. "Just give me a second OK?"

He nodded, still looking worried about me.

I walked into my room and closed the door, collapsing on my bed and letting the tears fall silently.


I finally understood.

Who she was and her past. We were painstakingly similar. I saw and understood how she felt. We both thought of ourselves as monsters and have both been controlled. I was worried about her now, she had been in her room for a while now. I walked up to the door and just as I was about to knock, the door opened. She looked composed but I could see past that. I saw how saddened she was. How broken. What I did next, I may never be able to explain what drove me to do it.


The hug caught me by surprise. I was surprised to find Loki there in the first place. I looked at him and felt my eyes tearing up again. He reached his arms out and gently pulled me aginst him. I hesitated only for a second before I leaned into him. His body was cold but his embrace was warm at the same time.

I knocked on the mental door in his mind and asked him to let me in. The door opened and I could understand his emotions. I saw how worried he was about me and how much he cared, even with knowing about the monster that was me. It touched my heart, but that was something I couldn't possibly risk. For his sake and mine.

Oh. My. Gods. I actually cared about him.

He pulled away and put his arm around my shoulders and guided me to the couch and sat me down. He looked at me and I could see how much he wanted me to continue but he was afraid of pushing me too hard.

I took a deep breath and continued.

"I was overcome by my evil, my power. I tried to fight it the best I could but it was destroying me from the inside. I thought I was going to die so I decided to have some fun while I could. I played pranks on mortals but it always ended in death and destruction. So eventually, I gave up. I lost hope. SHIELD found me and captured me. I remember being surprised that they didn't kill me immediately. But they locked me in a cell and all I remember after that is pain. Never ending pain. I couldn't take anymore so I blacked out. I have no memory of what happened but when I came to, I was told that Thor and Odin saved me. Thor saw the dark magic destroying me from the inside and told Odin. Odin couldn't destroy the darkness from me with out destroying me completely, so he simply changed the intent. But he couldn't reverse it all the way. There is still darkness, evil inside of me. There is still a monster, somewhere. " I muttered.

Oh no. Not now! I could feel my anger boiling inside. I tried to contain it but I just couldn't anymore. The transformation was starting.


What was happening? I felt her extreme anger and I saw her hand starting to turn black. I tried to grab it to see what was going on but she hissed and pulled away. I looked back up at her to see her whole face and turned black and her eyes were nothing but white. Her already dark hair turned darker if it was possible. She looked beautiful in an amazingly powerful sort of way. I stepped back to look at her fully. She was literally glowing with purple energy but this was darker than before. I looked into her eyes again and I saw them flicker purple for just a second. In that second she looked absolutely terrified, and that scared me. What could possibly be so bad that it could scare her?

"Loki! Loki! Please! Run! Go now!" She sounded like she was in so much pain. As she said that, her eyes turned back white and she raised her arm, firing a blast of energy at me. I heard a deranged cackle and her her speak. It was her but the voice sounded...well...evil.

"Run little Liesmith! Run!"

I ducked just in time and dogged the blast. Instead it shot a huge hole in the wall. I got up and ran out of the house. I looked back to see her flying. Yes, flying right at me. Jang somehow had wings sprouting from her back. They looked like angel wings and they were absolutely beautiful.

She was going much too fast for me to outrun her and I just stood there, more scared than I had ever been in a while. Right before she would have hit me, I saw her eyes turn back to purple again. But brighter than they were before. I didn't see fear but determination burning in those eyes.

"No!" she screamed, in her regular voice this time. "I WILL NOT HURT HIM!!!!"

She pulled up and I just stood there like a fool, not knowing what to do. She flew about a hundred feet in the air and I saw her dark aura of energy starting to flicker. I knew that Jang was still in there somewhere. Still fighting. I then watched in horror as she blew up in a mix of dark and light purple energy. And then she started to fall.

Please don't kill me because of the cliffhanger *Hides behind Loki* :)

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