In Love With the Enemies

By catsRULEdogsDROOL

75.7K 1.7K 300

The only life under thinking, confused Maroon remembers, is her life with Viva. Maroon's life takes a dramat... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter One

17K 161 29
By catsRULEdogsDROOL

How I picture the Vampire's Manor to look like on right! :]

His grip on her throat tightened as he sunk his teeth deeper into her neck. She moaned out in pain and pleasure as her body grew weak in his arms and he pulled her tighter. He continued to suck away her life, his other arm holding her to him.

Just as Maroon's eyes started to shut, he pulled away, licking his lips. He removed a hand from around her neck to wipe away the remaining blood that stained his lips.

Licking the blood off his fingers, Viva smiled down at Maroon, showing her his sharp fangs.

"Thank you, Maroon." Viva whispered. Viva lifted Maron into his arms, as if she weighted no more then a feather, and carried her to the bed. Laying her carefully down on the bed, he pulled a wool blanket over her weak body to keep her warm.

As Maroon's eyes started to shut, she used all her strength to call out to him.

"Viva?" Her voice only coming out as a small, hoarse whisper. Viva stopped short and gazed at her from over his shoulder.


"Do you love me?" she questioned, her green eyes watching his.

Viva smiled, "Forever, my Love."

Maroon smiled weakly before closing her eyes and falling into a heavy, dreamful sleep.


We are under attack...

I just want you to know that I love you...

I always have and always will...

You will be alright...

I will come for you...

Don't lose hope...

I will find you.

It was absolutely silent. Sure, the manor had always been quiet, but never this quiet.

Maroon reached her hand to her neck to feel that the bite had already healed like Viva had promised. She could feel her strength had returned and slowly lifted herself up. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness fairly quickly, assuming that it must be late.

She threw off the blanket from her body and turned to placed her feet on the wood floor. Pushing herself up, Maroon walked to the bedroom door. Turning the handle and swinging open the door, she smelled blood and smoke.

Everyday she woke to those smells, but this time it was different. She felt uneasy as her stomach turned and her body started to shake with adrenaline.

"Hello?" Maroon softly called out, not even above a whisper. She took a cautious step into the hallway, her hands holding the wall for some support. The hallway was empty, so ever so slowly, Maroon made her way to the staircase.

Halfway down, Maroon peaked her head from underneath the banister. Her breath hitched and her heart stopped.

Scattered around were shredded, ripped apart, remains of Vampires. Her friends... Anxiously scanned the decaying pale pieces in search for her beloved Viva. She didn't see him.

From across the room, a man walked into the hallway. Maroon didn't recognize him as he stepped over her friends and into the other room. What had happened while she was asleep? Where is Viva? Who are these people? Why would they do this?

Maroon crawled up a few stairs until she was back on the second floor. Resting against the wall, she pulled her knees to her chest and ran her hands through her black hair. Tears started to form then fall from her green eyes as her heart felt tight in her chest. Her body quivered in fear as she let out a silent sob of pain and grief.

"Viva? Where are you?" She cried quietly to herself. Touching her neck, she lifted her head and looked around the hallway. She knew she had a scar for sure, but otherwise the flesh had completely healed. Feeling the risen skin of the scar, she closed her eyes. Viva...

"I have to get out of here." Maroon told herself, "I have to find Viva."

Composing herself best she could, Maroon got up and hurried back to her room, keeping a quiet as she possible, not wanting to be found my whomever was downstairs and had killed all her friends.

Pulling on her white tennis shoes and grabbing Viva's black sweat shirt she had borrowed from him long ago, she also, grabbed a scarf from her dresser, wrapping it hastily around her neck to hide her scars.

Maroon didn't have anything of warming possession but the silver ring Viva had given her for her birthday last year, and matching silver necklace of his family crest of protection.

Standing in front of the mirror in her room, she stared at her reflection. She had lived here for 3 years now, she couldn't remember her life before Viva. What she did. Who her friends and family was. Who she was. All she remembers is Viva. Her love.

A loud bang from the first floor snapped Maroon out of her absent daze. She hurried to make sure she had everything she needed before she made her way back into the hallway. Seeing the coast was clear, Maroon cautiously and carefully walked towards the stair case. Ascending the first few steps, she peeked her head under the banister to see only the motionless remains of her friends.

Maroon sucked in a deep breath to calm herself before she made her way slowly down the stairs. She looked both ways making sure the coast was clear before she made her way to the door, to make her escape.

But Maroon stopped when she heard voicing from the other room. Shaking her head, she kept concentrated on escaping then eavesdropping.

But what if Viva doesn't know who attacked? He'll have no leads to get revenge. "Perhaps if I am real quiet I can get a name then escape, tell Viva, and we can get our rightful revenge. Yes!" Maroon thought to herself.

Taking gently steps towards the room, she leaned her back against the wall opposite of where the conversation was taking place and opened her ears to listen.

"What are we still doing here Caleb? We killed them all. Mission completed." A man with a youthful, but mighty voice shouted.

Maroon hands tightened into fists as she heard those words. They intentionally kill them? Why? And who was Caleb?

"Yes, Kyle. We killed them, but not all. Viva escaped before we could find him. We can't rest until he's destroyed. Otherwise all of this will had been for nothing." A new voice replied, most likely Caleb. He seemed gently yet powerful, Maroon felt the urge to go to him. To see who this voice belonged to.

"Nothing?" The other man, Kyle, hollered outraged. "We killed most of his coven! The damn bastard just happened to escape. I am sure we can just track his scent and find him. Or perhaps find a survivor and torture it out of them." Kyle suggested. Maroon shivered.

In a calm voice, Caleb answered, "Kyle. Their are no survivors. We killed every last one of them. And Viva having that much power and speed, he could easily be two states away by now."

What? How does this Caleb know my Viva? Does Viva know Caleb?

"But he is their leader! He'll come back for survivors." Kyle argued back, causing Maroon to flinch as his voice shook the house.

"No," Caleb calmly replied, his voice melodic and gentle. "He knows I'd leave no survivors."

Maroon's breath stopped. Viva does know Caleb then. "Why don't I know of him? Why wouldn't Viva tell me? And would he really do that though? Leave his clan to fight on their own while he fled? Leave me behind as well?" she thought curiously in her head, feeling a bit betrayed.

"It would be best if we burned the place down and returned home to the pack." Caleb stated. Maroon heard a few chairs move across the floor boards, but was in to much shock to notice. Burn the place down? They can't do that!

Maroon heard the voices speak all together and noticed they were getting up and coming toward the doorway that she hid behind.

Pushing herself from the wall, Maroon sprinted towards the front door. Grabbing the door handle, she pulled it open. She grunted as she pushed her legs as fast as I could out of the house and down the porch steps. Maroon didn't dare look behind her and simply prayed they didn't hear her and were coming after her.

"Oh my God! I'm going to escape." Maroon told herself as she heard nothing behind her. Maroon got closer and closer to the nine foot tall gate that surrounded the whole house, and each pulsing step her hope grew higher.

Just as Maroon was about to make it to the gate, something large shoved her to the right, causing her to fly sideways before painfully crashing down to the cold earth. She let out a cry of pain as she landed on her back, all the air in her lungs fleeing.

Maroon desperately breathed in air as she felt the air knocked out of her. She rolled over to her side, heaving in air. Her black hair fell in front of her face as she turned her head to see what had knocked her over. Her eyes grew large in fright as she stared up at the large creature that stood, growling viscously at her. The creature strongly resembled a wolf, only this one was five times bigger, and a hundred times scarier.

"Maroon. This necklace will always protect you from all harm. Always know that." Viva's words rung in her head. Viva...

"Kyle! Stop!" A voice boomed. Maroon looked over to see a tall, strong man standing ten feet away from the large creature.

The huge wolf stared at her fiercely before giving out a low growl and walked over towards the man. Keeping her eyes on the wolf at all times, Maroon noticed the man had started walking towards her.

The man looked to be twenty-four-years-old and had a tall, strong build. His sandy blonde hair was cut down to his chin, but in a good looking way that almost seemed natural on him. As he grew closer, Maroon noticed his blue eyes. They were captivating as if they stared straight into her. She could't pull her eyes away.

The man stopped next to her before moving down to kneel beside her. She didn't dare look away or run now.

"What is your name?" the man questioned, his voice gentle but his expression held no emotion as he stared at her. Maroon soon enough figured out this was the man with the melodic voice, Caleb.

"Maroon." She mumbled back, her voice quiet, but not longer shaky. Maroon didn't understand the feeling, but she felt like Caleb wasn't going to hurt her. She knew she shouldn't feel this calm next to someone who had killed all her friends and is trying to kill the love of her life, but she couldn't help it. It felt natural.

"Maroon." he mimicked back, making sure he heard right. Maroon stopped herself from smiling as her name came through his perfect lips. "Do you have a last name Maroon?" he asked.

"Baitmen." she replied. Caleb looked deep into her eyes before standing up.

"It is nice to meet you Miss Baitmen." Caleb said, his voice sweet but his face still expressionless. Caleb then reached out a hand, offering to help Maroon up. As she was about to reach up and take his hand, something came out of no where and bite the air around their hands.

Maroon let out a scream in terror and stumbled back. Caleb turned to the wolf and glared at him. "Shift, now!"

The wolf that had just bitten at them started to formed before he suddenly was human. Maroon quickly shielded her eyes from his naked form, blood rushing to her cheeks in embarrassment. With her eyes covered, Maroon froze. That wolf had just turned into a human? No, they couldn't be? Could they?


Yes, I have decided to add a new story. It is not fully edited, and this is just the rough draft. Please don't say this story is just like Twilight either. It's not. I am not using anything Twilight for this story.

Otherwise. I hope you like the story! :D

Comment and vote if you do!

Anyone have idea for a nickname for Maroon? Kind of difficult one to come up with. haha :]

Post ideas you may have!

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