Reserved ~ Chris Schistad (SL...

By lxnars

25.6K 726 319

re·served rəˈzərvd/ adjective 1. slow to reveal emotion or opinions. More

Chapter 1 (episode 1)
Chapter 3 (episode 3)
Chapter 4 (episode 4)
Chapter 5 (episode 5)
Chapter 6 (episode 6)
Chapter 7 (episode 7)
Chapter 8 (episode 8)
Chapter 9 (episode 9)
Chapter 10 (episode 10)
Chapter 11 (episode 11)
Chapter 12 (episode 12)

Chapter 2 (episode 2)

2.9K 85 28
By lxnars

Chris's POV: (note: the beginning is slow at first because I have to explain everything they do, sorry loves xoxo)

I peel my eyes open in an attempt to wake up, which doesn't work out very well since my eyes shut a second later.

"William, I am giving you permission to spray water on my face," I speak hoarsely to William, wherever he is.

"I was going to do it anyway," William grunts.

"I would have punched you."

William laughs, and I hear movement next to me. Next thing I know, my face is being drenched in cold water.

"What the fuck William!" I yell, jolting up and glaring at him.

"Hey, you woke up."

I roll my eyes and tread towards him, grabbing the spray bottle full of water out of his hand and spraying water all over his face. He sighs in defeat with his hands raised in the air. "Let's call a truce"

"Easy for you to say, you're dry" I hold the spray bottle in front of me, finger on the trigger with a brow raised up.

"Alright, I'll buy you breakfast." William negotiates with a grin.

"Absolutely" I turn on my heel and put the spray bottle on the dresser next to my bed.

He begins to change as I step through the small doorway which leads to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

I strip down, tossing the liquor and smoky smelling clothes on the floor. I turn on the knob of the shower to warm, so the water will be nice and hot when I jump in. I reach into the bottom drawer, grab a towel, and set it on the toilet.

When I finish washing my body and hair, I turn off the shower, grab the towel off the toilet, dry off and wrap the towel around my waist.

I leave the bathroom to grab some clothes from my dresser then quickly return to the steamy small space to get ready for school.

"Ready to go?" William yells 15 minutes later.

"Yup" I call out and head towards the front door.

30 minutes later....

We strut across the courtyard of the school with all eyes on us as we pass by, but I only notice Eva's group: Vilde, Sana, Chris, and Noora.

I swiftly turn my head to face Eva and wink at her. She rolls her eyes in return and smirks playfully.

I realize William walking towards Noora and decide to follow and enjoy the show. Noora shakes her head and bumps into his shoulder, stomping away from him with the girls following close behind.

When Eva walks past me, I greet her with a grin.

She glances  at me for a few seconds but quickly breaks eye contact.

Vilde's POV:

"You totally just blew off William! Why would you do that?" I question, raising my hands in the air," I mean he did come back for you."

"Vilde it's not that easy. You don't forgive a guy right after they break your heart." Noora squints her eyes at me.

"At least talk to him?" I pry. I truly want her to be happy, and I can tell she is miserable without him.

"When I'm ready." She looks at me with a glint in her eye, begging me to stop this conversation.

"You know what I'm ready for?" I relent and change the subject.

"That party tomorrow night?" Chris (girl) queries with excitement.

"Yes! I need to find a guy to hook up with.." I place my finger to my head, tapping lightly. It sounds ridiculous, but I want the attention. All the other girls don't even try, and guys are fawning over them.

"You don't need a guy Vilde." Sana rolls her eyes and explains," A guy shouldn't define your social status."

All the girls nod, annoyance creeping on their faces. I roll my eyes right back,"I'm just making the most of my life guys, live a little!"

"Guys are not worth it Vilde," Chris snaps.

Odd, that's out of character for the normally always-down-for-a-party-or-new-guy Chris.

"You ok Chris?" Eva looks over at her with concern.

"I'm fine." She walks away, leaving us all confused.

Chris's POV:

I enter the stuffy classroom and sit in my desk. After about thirty minutes of my teacher's irrelevant lectures, I raise my hand to ask if I could go to the bathroom.

"May I go to the bathroom?"

"Yes, Mr. Schistad."

I aimlessly walk out the classroom and make my way to the courtyard to smoke, instead of heading to the restroom. I grab a seat on one of the many benches and close my eyes, letting out a small sigh.

"Chris?" A familiar voice calls out.

I turn my head to the side and see a curious Eva waiting for my reply.

"Eva, have you come to seduce me?" I grin and scan her alluring body.

She shakes her head and scoffs as she sits down next to me.

"I am here because class was boring." She shrugs.

"How convenient, so am I."

Our eyes connect for a brief moment, then we both turn away.

"So um, are you going to the Penetrator party tomorrow night?" I glance back over at her and study her face. Her eyes hold such light in them.

"You know I was thinking about it, but then I thought 'oh that ugly chris guy will be there'." She catches my gaze and nudges my shoulder playfully.

Her laugh is peaceful and comforting, and I catch myself wanting to prolong that sound. "I'm sure that's what you thought." I wink, aiming to summon her laugh once more.

"You're disgusting." She frowns, but holds a slight smirk.

"I'm logical."

Her eyes look up to the sky, giving the impression that she's in thought. "Hm, debatable."

I watch her as her eyes look down at the ground, then to my arm.

"What's that?" She points to the fading bruise on my arm.

"I was in a fight the other night." I proclaim as she returns her gaze to mine.

Her eyebrows furrow, "Oh."

She seems unsure of my answer, and for a split second, her mouth opens to press for an honest answer. Instead, she sighs and lifts off the bench, turning towards me, "Anyway, I should probably get back to class."

"I should probably get back to smoking." I raise up the pack, shaking them at her with a smirk.

She steps forward and leans down. She is inches from my lips, and all I can think of is wrapping my hands around her waist and pulling her on my lap to kiss me. Before our lips touch, her hand reaches out and grabs the pack of cigarettes. She swiftly pivots her body to face the trashcan next to the bench and chucks them into the opening.

Unable to react quick enough to stop her, my mouth falls open.

She swivels her small feet back to face me and pouts, "Were you hoping for a kiss?" Without waiting for a response, she takes off toward the building.

My initial feeling was anger, definitely anger, but another part of me didn't want to be angry with her. Instead, a smile stood in the place where a frown would have been as I watched her walk away.

"I'll see you tomorrow night, and I expect my kiss" I called out.

Eva's POV:

As I saunter through the halls of the school to return to my class, I try to shake the butterflies  that had mustered up from my interaction with Chris, especially his last remark. "I'll see you tomorrow night, and I expect a kiss." He had shouted. I wanted to kiss him just then, but I couldn't. It sounds cliché when I think about it, but if I show him that I have any feelings for him, he will pull away. He sees me as a conquest, once my affection is acquired, he will jump over to the next girl. I know that making out with him at parties doesn't fulfill his end goal which is why he continues to flirt and approach me. If I know this information, then why do I place myself in that never ending cycle? Honest answer, it's an excuse for me to be close to him.

The longer I delve into my thoughts, the more I feel agitated that all my self-respect seeps down the drain when I'm near him in a party setting, in any setting. Thinking of him only deepens my hidden desires, so I decide to choose the only escape that will save me from emotional destruction. I will have a new boy accompany me to the party tomorrow night.

I block Chris from the center of my mind as I push the heavy silver door open and tread to my classroom.

The Night of the Party:

Chris's POV:

My car slides into the lawn across from my friend's house and I shift it to park. I turn my head towards the entrance of the house and to my surprise, Eva and some guy are walking on the concrete, making their way to the entrance. I hastily push open my car door and step out. I smirk as I cross the road and strut next to Eva, snaking my arm around her waist.

"Hey babe," I let the words fall out of my mouth. Her body tenses as she realizes what's happening which only excites me more. She wants to play games, I'm all in.

Both her and the boy stop in their tracks. Eva snaps her head to glare at me and grabs my arm, throwing it away from her body.

"What the hell are you doing man?" The guy spits at me, but his words carry less weight than a feather. I internally chuckle at this boy.

"What's your name?" I shoot as I take a step towards his puny figure.

"Daniel." He remains firm in his stance which surprises me, but he has no clue who he is messing with.

"You see, Daniel, Eva and I have been together for a while now, and just recently went on a break, she's trying to make me jealous by being here with you," I glance at Eva who is burning a hole through my eyes with her glare, but I revert my stare to Daniel.

Daniel gazes at Eva with a confused expression pouring from his face.

"He's lying," She rolls her eyes and takes his hand in hers, "Bye Chris." They resume their walk and enter the crowded house, but I catch her glance at me before she disappears.

"This is going to be fun," I proclaim to myself as I walk through the door.

Chris's (girl) POV:

I make my way into my bathroom and pull out the box from the crumbled pharmacy bag.

"This will determine everything," I whisper with an unsteady breath.

I sit on the toilet and hesitantly place the portion of the stick that is meant to be exposed to the urine under me.

I place the stick on the side of the counter and wash my hands. I anxiously wait for five minutes, desperately trying to distract myself from the fact that my whole life could change.

I close my eyes and grab the stick with shaky hands. I slightly open one eyelid and allow my vision to adjust to the line's on the stick. I swiftly open the other eyelid and blink rapidly at the one line appearing.

"Oh, thank gosh." I breathe out.

Chris's POV:

I step into the space filled with sweaty bodies and alcohol. My eyes shift to Eva and Daniel making out in the middle of the room. His hands roaming every inch of her body with such aggression.

Anger began building up in me, threatening to explode. I shake it off, reminding myself that I am not that guy; I don't want to subject myself to feel for someone, only to be suffocated in a relationship that will end in disaster. A random girl struts across me, eyeing me up and down with pure lust. She notices my eagerness to escape and takes it as an invitation to pull me against her warm body, joining our lips in a sloppy mess.

Eva's eyes glance to the girl and I while Daniel is leaving kisses up and down her neck, and I internally smirk. She is clearly keen on me and–

"Get the fuck off me!" Eva shouts pushing Daniel away from her. He stumbles back with an expression that I know all too well.

"You know you want it whore!" He retorts with a vicious glint in his eyes as he stomps toward her.

Eva's POV:

"Let's take this to the bedroom," He whispers in my ear, biting the lobe with an aggression that makes my stomach queasy.

"I just want to make out, nothing more." I tell him with an annoyed tone. Why do all guys want sex at all times? Can't they just enjoy what we give them? Obviously not, he is being a desperate pig.

"Come on, you know you want it."

He grabs my butt with his left hand then grips my arm forcefully with his right.

"Get the fuck off me!" I scream at him and jerk my arm from his grip. When my arm is freed, I use the opportunity to push him away and sneer at him.

"You know you want it whore!" He barks at me. His eyes go black as he stomps towards me. My stomach is in knots, and I'm frozen with fear.

Before I can snap out of my frozen trance and slap him in the face, Chris is already behind Daniel, tapping his shoulder. He doesn't give Daniel the chance to react before he grips his shoulder, turns his body to face him and punches him in the face. Daniel immediately falls to the ground and blood is dripping from his nose. "Don't fucking touch her" Chris spits at him. Daniel seems disoriented as he stays on the ground.

My eyes go wide and my jaw hits the floor. What did he just do? Why did he do that? What does this mean? The questions flood my mind as I replay the scene over and over, trying to formulate plausible answers.

Chris looks at me with concern. "Hey, are you okay?"

I shake my head side to side, not to answer his question, but in disbelief. He takes a few strides toward me and reaches his hand out to take mine, but before his fingers graze my arm, I swiftly turn around and slip out of the house to get some air without a word.

Chris's POV:

After Daniel drops to the floor, Eva looks bewildered. "Hey, are you okay?" I go to reach out for her, but she runs out the house and disappears. My eyebrows furrow.  Why was Eva so quick to leave without a word? What was she thinking?

I revert my attention back to Daniel who is picking himself off the floor and wiping his bloody nose with his arm. What a douche. Her face pops back into my mind, but I push her out of my thoughts and decide to leave.

When I get back to my apartment, I notice the door is slightly open.

I cautiously step into the dark apartment, "Who's here?"

A man, also known as my father, stumbles through the common room, leaning his head too close to mine.

"It's your father," His musky, sour breath breathes.

I gulp and turn to walk out, but he grab my arm and yanks me back to face him, causing me to trip on my own foot. I quickly recover, and my eyes attempt to adjust on his face which I know holds a scowl.

"Don't turn your back on me boy," he grunts sternly.

Then, the expected happened.

What do you think the expected is?


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