Bound By Bloodied Claws

By SnowLacusButterfly

918 33 8

Vampires and werewolves have been blood enemies for centuries, but now a new threat is rising...demons are es... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Two

125 5 0
By SnowLacusButterfly

You liked to bite. In fact, you were very good with your teeth. But being bitten wasn’t so much your thing.

You stood in the middle of Howling Moon, congealing the demon blood getting way too close to your shoes, and knew that you’d have to offer your neck.

The wolves surrounded you. Jace held your hand in a deceptively light grip.

“This is Y/N Y/L/N.” Jace’s voice boomed out and every wolf there stilled.

When an alpha talked, you damn Well listened.

Your racing heartbeat filled your ears. He kept staring right at you as he said,

“She’s my mate.”

“Oh, fuck no!” The instant denial came from Mike. You’d expected that outburst.

What you hadn’t expected—Jace tore away from you and in an instant, his claws sank into that wolf’s shoulder.

“Oh, fuck yes,” he snarled right back. “And if you can’t accept her…” He yanked out his claws as Mike stumbled back.

Wolves are brutal. Another Council warning.

“If you can’t accept her,” Jace continued, “then get the fuck out of my pack.”

Pain broke rough lines on Mike’s face. “A vampire? You’re tying to a bloodsucker—” Now you wanted to claw him. The wolves kept acting like Jace was the one trading down. Dude. Vampire princess.

You toed the dead demon’s body. The blood had reached your shoes, and it wouldn’t be coming out of it later. “They’ll destroy you.”

Now it was your voice that captured everyone’s attention.

Mike puffed out his bloody chest. “We did a good job of destroying them.”

Yes, they had. And you were impressed, but you weren't planning to show it. “You took out two…” Your gaze swept the room. “With twenty to two odds, I should hope you’d win the match.”

Jace lifted a brow and watched you.

You braced your legs and tried to look all kick-ass. “What are your plans when there are two thousand of them…and still just twenty of you?”

“Did that bitch just say two thousand?”

“Two damn thousand?”

Shock coated the faces of the shifters. Even Mike looked nervous. Jace didn’t. He just kept watching you, and he kept his claws out.

“You’re being hunted,” you told them. “How many wolves have the demons taken out in the last few weeks?”

They didn’t answer, but you saw the swift glances that passed between the pack members.

“They’re also attacking us,” you said. “For once, the vampires and the werewolves share an enemy.” Now they were all focusing on you with narrowed eyes and tense faces. “If we don’t take these bastards out, believe me, they will destroy us. They’ve got the numbers on their side. They have the power…”

“So what?” Mike demanded. “An alliance?” He fired a fierce stare at Jace. “Is this just some truce ‘til we kick the ass of all—”“It’s a mating,” Jace said, voice flat. “It’s forever.”

Until death. “A doorway opened between hell and earth, and the demons are slipping right through that door,” You said. More of the hel spawn came through each day.

“So close the damn door!” Mike snapped.

Jace’s fingers stretched as if he were itching to plunge his claws back into the wolf.

Maybe he was.

“We will,” Jace said simply. “The wolves and the vampires will send them back and close the door.”

They had to work together. In order for that doorway to shut, they’d both need to bleed. Only you’d be the one giving up the most blood.

And Jace would be the one to face hell.

Murmurs swept through the bar. The wolves finally seemed to realize just how serious this night was. A vampire wasn’t their prey. Instead, a vampire was becoming their alpha’s mate.

Jace came to your side again. When his hands—still tipped with those deadly claws—rose to your throat, you didn’t flinch. He swept back your hair and his knuckles brushed over your skin.

The wolves closed in now, watching, and some—some were already shifting. Mike swore and turned away. He stomped for the door.

“Don’t be afraid,” Jace’s voice, right at your ear. You could feel the whisper of his breath on your flesh.

“I’m not.” You're own voice was just as soft as his.

His claws skated down your neck. “Liar.” Wolf senses. Could he really smell your fear?

“Have you ever been bitten?” he asked.

"I'm a princess, I do the biting." You said with a stern look on your face.

So many eyes were on you. You'd known the bite would have to be in public. It was one of the pack rules. Claimings had to be public. Witnesses had to see the bite. Witnesses—just like in human marriage ceremonies.

Because that’s what a marking was…marriage. When a male wolf bit his female in front of the pack, he claimed her.

I can do this. You thought. It would just help if you're knees weren’t shaking. You gave him the truth, “Never, ever there happy?” No one had ever bitten you.

“Good.” Too much satisfaction purred in the one word.

“Don’t forget,” Your voice was way too breathless. You weren't actually looking forward to this, were you? “I'll get my turn later.” you said. “I’m counting on it.” Jace purred. Oh, damn.

You titled your head, arching your neck even as you closed your eyes. You wouldn’t look at the others as he did this. You would just close your eyes and pretend that—That I’m not giving my life to a werewolf.

His lips touched your skin first. You'd expected the bite. The sharp sting of teeth. Werewolves were supposed to be wild. No better than animals. That’s what the Council said, that’s what—His tongue licked your skin, and you lost your breath. Your breasts tightened even as your body tensed.

You didn’t open your eyes. Don’t want to see them. He sucked your skin, licked you, but didn’t bite, not yet. His arms surrounded you, his body sheltered you, and he made you wait.

Worse, the bastard made you want.
Because your skin was too sensitive, his lips too wickedly skilled, and if a vampire had a sweet spot—okay, yes, they all did—it was the neck. Just a few licks there, and you were choking back a moan.

Then you felt the edge of his teeth on your skin. “Do it,” you told him, desperate.“You accept me?” You nodded. “Say it, Y/N, I need the words. You have to say—” “I accept you!”

His teeth sank into you. Not your neck, but the curve of your shoulder. The pain was white-hot, pulsing. Then pleasure whipped through you. A wave of pleasure so intense that you cried out and opened your eyes.

And saw a giant, white wolf leaping right at you.

Barely a bride, and already, the groom’s family was gunning for you. Jace lifted his head at your cry and he roared, “Mike!” even as he shoved you back. Then your husband jumped into the air. His bones crunched, popped, and fur broke over his skin.

The man vanished, and a giant black wolf attacked in mid-air. You touched your shoulder and felt the wet warmth of your blood. The skin ached, but you knew the flesh was already healing. Vampire healing power.

The two wolves were a twisting, snarling mass. Claws flew, razor-sharp teeth snapped. Blood matted their fur, and their growls filled the air.

You lunged forward, but a hard hand wrapped around your arm.

“Easy, there, pretty. ” The man’s voice rolled with a Cajun accent you'd once heard during Mardi gras in New Orleans. When your body guards took you to play. “Don’t go gettin’ between wolves. If Mike wants a challenge, then Jace wil give him one…”

As you watched, the other wolves circled and howled. Jace tore into the white wolf.

More blood. Your nose twitched at the smell .

Didn’t they know better than to fill a room with blood when a vampire was around? Your teeth began to burn as they stretched in your mouth. What would it be like? To have that fresh, wolf blood? Would it truly be as powerful as the Council said?

Jace went for the white wolf’s throat. His powerful jaws caught the flesh, caught, held…

Mike sagged beneath him, the fight gone. Surrender. Submission. Jace tossed his head back. His howl filled the bar. Then the black wolf turned and stared at you. His teeth were bloody. His eyes wild. What have I done? You thought.

The Council was wrong. There was no way you'd ever be able to control him. The wolves were running around now, some human, some animal, and it was chaos. Jace transformed as he approached. Fur melted. Bones shifted. By the time he reached for you, he was a man.

Even if his stare was still the wild gaze of the wolf. He came to you, caught your hand, and said, “Mine.” You knew that it was too late to run.

Mike raced away from the bar even as Jace’s howl filled his ears. Bastard. He’d hated that asshole for years and now Jace was pairing up with a vampire? Another reason to hate the SOB.

Mike had shifted, transforming in order to heal. Jace had sliced him too deep. Even now, the blood spilled down his neck. “So sweet…”

The whisper had Mike slowing. His gaze swept the dark shadows. A row of broken buildings waited on the left. Empty. Faded. His nostrils flared, and he scented… bloodsucker.

Mike slapped a hand over his throat, and he began to back away. Normally he wouldn’t run from a vampire, but…but he’d already gotten his ass handed to him once tonight. “Stay away from me!” He shouted. Laughter floated in the air.

“No…” The voice was closer now. “I saw you…I watched it all.”

Mike spun around and came face-to-face with the vampire. Tall, as pale as the woman had been, but muscled.
And the vampires fangs were out. “You were going to kill the female, weren’t you?”

Talk about being screwed. He should have known the bitch hadn’t come in alone. “No.” He could be honest here. Maybe it would help his cause. “I was going to kill him.” More laughter, and then the vampire closed in. Mike didn’t even have a chance to scream.

~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

“This is…ah…your place?” You paced in front of the fireplace. “It’s not quite what I was expecting.” Jace pulled his gaze off your ass. The rush from the shift still fueled his body. No, not just from the shift. From you.

He had your taste now. Knew the feel of your body. Knew the sound of pleasure on your lips. He wanted more.

“What did you expect?” His voice was rough. Always was. Like sandpaper when yours sounded like silk.

You stopped your pacing. You slanted him a quick glance from beneath lowered lashes. “A cage?” He tossed out.

Your jaw tensed. “And I suppose you never once wondered if I slept in a coffin?” You sarcastically claimed

He laughed. “No, princess, I know better.” You just needed to stay out of sunlight because the light made you weak, almost human. Not because it set your skin on fire.

That was just a Hollywood myth.

“And I know better, too.” Your voice came even softer than before. You turned to stare at the heavy bookshelves that lined his walls. “But I did expect pin-up queens and at least one big screen TV.”

Yeah, well, they were all on the other side of the house. Jace shrugged. Then he took off his t-shirt.

Your gazed immediately dipped to his chest. Your hand lifted and rubbed the curve of your shoulder, the tasty spot he’d sampled less than an hour before. He’d be sampling a whole lot more of you soon.

The princess. He’d asked for you because, hell, yeah, he knew the power that you wielded in your blood. If he got enough of that vampire blood in him, he’d be near invincible.

He wanted that power. Would need it if he was going to stop the demons. But there was…more.

He’d wanted you. Had, for a very, very long time. You didn’t even know how long he’d been watching you.

“I remember the first time I saw you.” He hadn’t meant to say the words, but they broke from him. How many nights had his vampire princess haunted his dreams?

Your eyes widened. “Wh-what?” There it was again. That small stutter. The hesitation he hadn’t expected from you. He’d thought that the years would have made you harder. Perhaps they hadn’t. Or perhaps you were just playing him. Time would tell.

“You stopped aging ten years ago.”

A slight inclination of your head. Fresh meat, or at least, that’s what the pack would have called you. Jace just thought of you as—Mine.

“We’ve never met.” Now your voice wasn’t so hesitant, but your fingers were still curled over the mark he’d put on your flesh.

“No, but I’ve watched you.” Before he’d taken over the pack, his job had been to monitor the vampires. To catalog their every move and report back to his alpha. He’d watched and seen a h/c beauty gaze up at the sun with tears in her eyes. Her twenty-fifth birthday. The day you’d finally changed.

Lathan, the ex-alpha, had wanted the pure blood taken out. You were supposed to have been a message to the vampires. We’re taking over this town. Time for you to be our bitches. But Jace had seen you stare at that sun, and instead of hurting you, he’d torn his alpha apart.

Wolves couldn’t really recognize their mates on sight. At least, they weren’t supposed to recognize them. Mine.
“Jace?” He liked the way you said his name, though he would prefer hearing you scream it in pleasure to whispering it so quietly. Later. “You didn’t answer my question,”

You said with a lift of that stubborn chin.

He might as well put his cards on the table. In this devil’s bargain, you only had each other. If he couldn’t trust you… then maybe he will be the one to kill you one day.

“A few years back, I was your guard dog.” He used the derogatory term deliberately. A faint furrow appeared between your brows.

“For seven months, I watched you. Day and night.” He’d even seen you drink your first batch of blood—and watched you vomit it out moments later.

You hadn’t wanted to be a monster, but fate had different plans for you. And him.

Your eyes widened. “When?” “Right before your change.” His gaze swept over you. “Right before—” “Right before you took over the pack,” you finished and your hand dropped. Now he was the one surprised. “Did your research on me, did you?” “Yes.” Flat. “I know all about you. The lives you’ve taken—the vampires you’ve beheaded.” Because once, that had been his job. Watch. Hunt. Kill. Until a vampiress had shed tears of blood at sunset.

Not that he’d exactly become Mr. Nice Guy since that night. He just hadn’t killed you.

“You know, and still you’re ready to....” You kept your chin up even as your hands clenched into fists at your sides. “We don’t have to—to for the bonding to take place. You drank from me, now I just need to drink from you.”Jace slowly shook his head as he stalked toward you. “You think you can drink me, and not want sex?” He understood vampires so well . The reason most of them had stopped taking from live sources was because once they tasted blood—ah, fresh from the vein—the bloodlust tended to overwhelm them.

You're gaze held his. “I can control myself.” Interesting. His nostrils flared. You had control, but you were also aroused. From the idea of drinking his blood? Or just, from him?

He’d worried that a vampire female would be repulsed by him. Normally, they went for class. Not for a beast that howled at the moon. But this princess, you, were something different. He’d known that for years. He’d just had to bide his time and wait for you.

“You might have control,” he allowed, “but we wolves aren’t exactly known for that.” “No.” Again, not pulling your punches. So he wouldn’t either. “And I’ve wanted to ravage you for ten years.”

You're lips parted, and you gave him a glimpse of those little fangs. “You—what?” Why did he find your fangs sexy? “I don’t care if drinking me spikes your bloodlust. I don’t care how rough you get.” He wasn’t worried about some bruises and scratches when pleasure waited. “I can handle anything you’ve got,” he told you as his hand stroked down your arm. Such smooth, soft skin.
“Don’t be so sure, wolf.” But he was. “So why are you doing this?” His hand deliberately brushed the side of your breast. Want a taste. “Why throw yourself to the wolves?” “I’l be saving my people.” Your lips firmed. “Isn’t that enough?” No.

Your lashes swept down but you didn’t back away as you said, “I mean, that’s why you’re doing it, right? You’re sacrificing yourself—mating to a bloodsucker—in order to save your pack.” He didn’t speak, but Jace did begin undressing you. “Wh-what are you—” Your fast stutter almost made him smile. Would have, if he hadn’t been so hard and hungry for you. He couldn’t even draw in a breath without tasting you.

“It’s time to finish this.” You’d done the public ritual, and now you would bond. He could feel a new power filling his body. He’d drank from you only once, and already the change was happening. Soon he’d be infinitely stronger, faster. To stop the demons, he’d have to become more. So would you. But first, you’d have to have sex.

Your hands caught his, stilling him.
He stared down at your body. You looked so breakable, but wasn’t. Not even close. So why the hell did he feel the need to be gentle with you? “Don’t worry,” he told you. “I won’t hurt you.” You're long lashes swept up, and you gazed at him. The blue ring in your e/c eyes seemed even brighter. “Uh wolf I'm sorry to say but.” You stopped and sighed and then your lips curled in a smile that punched right into his gut. “You’re the one who needs to worry about getting hurt.”

Then your hands were on him, pushing back, and he realized you are very strong. The wolf inside growled.

Your fangs were out, and Jace knew what his lady was going to say even as your lips parted—“It’s my turn to bite.”

To Be Continued

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