Do I... Love Him?

By mrsdeneahoran

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My names Cassie Foldger. People call me Cassie, or Cass. I'm 18 and just graduated high-school. My best frien... More

Do I... Love Him?
Authors Note :)
Authors Note.
Authors note.


58 3 1
By mrsdeneahoran

Chasity's pov.

( A/N: Btw... i am skipping forward just a little bit.... srry :/)

Tomorrow is Harry and I's one month anniversary. He is yet again making our date a surprise. Why is everything a surprise? Geesh. I smile to the thought of being with Harry for a month already, and getting to know the lads for two. I walk out of my bedroom and set down on the couch waiting for Jamie to finish getting ready. Tonight we are all going out. I am wearing a light blue dress, it has a lace pattern on it, has a sweetheart neckline,

it is tight from the middle of my stomach up, then it is loose the rest of the way down, and ends just a little above my knees. Then i have on silver, diamond studded pumps, loosely curled hair, and black mascara, black eye liner with a little wing the a little bit of foundation and blush.

I pull out my phone as I wait for Jamie. I decided to go on twitter. I do a quick tweet.

@Cassie_did_it: Waiting for @Its_Jamieee to hurry her bum up!


" Hey, do i look ok?" Jamie asks as she walks out of here room. I look at her. She looks beautiful. As always. She is wearing a red dress, it is strapless, silky, tight mid-stomach up, the it loose down. Blaxk pumps, loosely curled hair with a waterfall braid, and neutral make-up. "Stunning." I smile. Liam and her's one month was last week. Their date was A dinner at this fancy place, which, i forgot the name, then a nice ride on the London Eye.

We both grab our phones and i grabbed my keys, then we left. The car ride wasn't very long. Like 7 minutes or so. So we just talked the way to the lads' place.


"Hey! Can you go to the restroom with me?" Jamie asks. I give her a weird look and she drags me to the restroom. Well, at least it's not as loud as it is out there. You can still hear the music, but its not as bad. " So why did i have to come to the bathroom with you?" I ask Jamie as she stumbles to the sink. "I just didn't want to go alone. What, are you upset that I took you away from Harry?" She smirks as she dries her hands. I blush. "Furious." I play along.

We walk back to the dance floor, and i didn't see Harry. " I'M GONNA GO FIND HARRY!" I yell to Jamie over the crazed music. She just nods and continues dancing like an idiot.... with Liam. They're so weird. I chuckle as I squeeze through the crowd. All i smell is sweat and alcohol. I scrunch my nose up in disgust. I finally made my way out of the crowd and walk to the booth we were sitting at about 15minutes ago. Nope. I check near the entrance. Nope. Where can he be? I start walking over to the bar to get a drink. When i get there i freeze. Harry is there.

Well, you think i would be happy right? Well, not this time. Especially when he has his lips on some red-heads. I wanna just walk over to him and slap the living crap out of him. But i cant move. Then when they pull away, the red-head see's me and smirks. Oh, well, remember me saying i couldn't move? Well that face just willingly gave me the ability to. She just made the wrong move. I storm over there and obviously Harry saw her smirking in my direction, and as he turns around to see what she was looking at. I slap him. I didn't just slap him, but i slapped him hard. Hard enough to fall towards the counter. When he hits the counter, he knocks over a glass.

He gets up and is holding his left cheek where i hit him. He looks at me with a guilty face. I then look into his eyes. His eyes are over filled with guilt. Well guess what? I don't feel one bit sorry. He deserved it. Infact, he deserves WAY more. I stand there and glare at him. He takes the hand off of his face and tries to put his hand on my shoulder to pull me into a hug, but no. Aww, he thought that would make it all better? Ha, no freaking way. I push his arm away and turn around and somehow in these shoes, run out of the club.

As I turn to run out he starts yelling my name, but I don't, and won't listen to what he has to say. I finally get out of that horrible place, and set down on a bench. We just went public with our relationship two days ago thinking we were ready, but clearly we weren't. After I set down on the bench, that's when i let it all out. Everything. My dad, the hate I was currently getting, and then this. What did I ever do to get all of this? And why would it happen? I am bent over hiding my face in my hands and just sobbing.

I hear some footsteps, and think that they're just some other people leaving, and then some laughing. The laughing fades as it goes down the street, but the hear some more footsteps come closer, and closer. I don't even bother looking up when i feel someone wrap their arms around me. The person starts rubbing circles on my back with one hand, then holding my head, stroking my hair with the other. " Shh... shhh... its okay." I hear an Irish accent speak. I immediately know who it is and relax.

He repeats his motions and what he says to calm me down. I sniffle as I slightly pull my head away, and notice that i had left a big wet spot on his shirt. " Niall?" I look up and temptingly wipe away some tears. " Yes, love?" He looks down. " Why are you doing this? You should be in there having fun! Not wasting you time out here with me and my life." I lean out from his chest and sit up straight and wipe away some more escaping tears.

He looks at me with a frown. "I'm doing this because i care. And i wouldn't be having fun in there after seeing what happened. And i especially am not wasting my time! I'm glad that i can lend you my," he looks down at his shirt, " now wet shirt." He chuckles. I giggle. " I'm sorry." I breath in with a wet sniffle sound. Gross. I probably look like a raccoon, especially since i see some mascara on his shirt. " Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I just ruined your shirt! I'm sure you don't wanna walk in there with a tear and mascara stained shirt!" I ramble on. He just looks at me and chuckles. I look at him. "What? Is it my raccoon face? Oh my gosh, I need a paper bag to put ov-" I ramble on again, but he interrupts me. "No! Its just that you look cute when your ramble on about something." He chuckles. I feel the heat come up to my cheeks.

"Why don't we go, and i can clean your shirt and get this raccoon back to take a shower." I say as I stand up grabbing his wrist as i do so. He stands up and we start walking over towards my car. Jamie can always ride home with Liam, right?

As we get to the car, i hear my name being called by a voice i really do not wanna listen to.

I turn around to see Harry standing at the entrance of the club. My eyes start to tear up, and Niall notices. "Here, you are in no state to be driving right now, and I'm not drunk or anything, so i will be driving." He suggests as he helps me in the passenger seat. He closes the door and quickly gets in the drivers seat as he notices Harry almost over at the car. Niall starts the engine and Harry picks up his pace. I can see his mouth moving and hear muffled yelling. Since i am in the car, i cant understand what he is saying. He is now running, as i notice that Niall is now driving away.

I watch Harry slowly disappear still running, then we turn a corner, so I couldn't see him at all now. But i'm glad, because he is the last thing i wanna see right now. I lean my head on the window and just wait till we pull up to the flat, which didn't take too long.


Niall's pov.

Cassie is unlocking her door right now, and i couldn't help but just think. Why would Harry do what he did to her? Well, whatever reason, he deserved to be slapped. Infact, he deserves far more what he got. I'm sure she just went easy on him.

We walk in and Cassie goes into the kitchen. I watch at her as she gets two spoons and a tub of ice-cream. Original way to get over what happened, but delicious. But seriously? Why would somebody, especially Harry, ever do something like that to her? Cassie is just so beautiful, sweet, funny, and just a great person to be around! Honestly, i was really jealous of what Harry had. Well, you know what they say, ' You'll never know what you have until its gone'. She turns around and notices me staring.

"Uh- Ummm... you wanna watch a movie?" I ask her while rubbing my neck, embarrassed that she caught me staring. "Yeah, uh, just let me go clean up a little bit, and I will be right out." She hands me the ice-cream and a spoon. She starts to walk into her room, but stops. " And I can throw your shirt in the washer too." She says as she turns around. I set the ice-cream down and then take off my shirt. After it comes over my head, I see Cassie staring. I smirk and chuckle. She shoots her head up, then blushes. I was gonna ask her if she likes what she see's, but i decided not too, especially what happened earlier tonight.


Cassie walks out of her bedroom and is wearing a tank-top with pajama shorts, hair in a messy bun, and no make-up. She looks absolutely beautiful with out make-up on. You can really see her natural beauty and not make-up beauty. She walks over to the couch and sets down next to me ad grabs the extra spoon that she got for her. I hand her the ice-cream and she gets a bite. "So, have you thought of a movie yet?" She asked as she turned towards me. "No, i wanted to see if you had one in mind." I answer while taking a bite of the cold creamy dessert.

We look trough Netflix and decide on a chick-flick. But i'm not gonna judge because it is what girls do when their relationship doesn't work out so well. And besides, 27 Dresses is a good movie.

We are half-way through the movie, and the ice-cream is gone, the chips are gone, the CHOCOLATE is not here anymore.. and now we are on popcorn. Tomorrow, I am taking this girl grocery shopping.

The movie is now over, no more popcorn, no more soda, and now there is no more cookies. Yep. I am definitely taking her grocery shopping. And i didn't know she could eat so much! She is like a female version of me. I look at the huge mess we made on the coffee table and the stray popcorn on the ground. I look over to see Cassie asleep with tear stained cheeks. I frown. Carefully, I pick her up bridal style and start to carry her to her room. When I gently lay her on her bed, she stirs a little bit and keeps her eyes closed as she mumbles a barely audible name, but i think it was 'Harry'.

" Shhh... its okay. Go back to sleep." I whisper as I stroke her hair and give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. I reach her door and stop when i hear her quietly speak. " Niall?" "Yes, love?" I turn around. "You can come and sleep in here if you'd like." she offers with her eyes still closed. I smile. " Sure, love." I walk over to the other side of the bed and get under the covers. She smiles as she feels my weight shift on the bed. "Thank you, Niall." "For what?" I ask." For everything. For coming outside and supporting me, and spending time with me by watching a movie and helping me finish all my snacks."She giggles. I chuckle and smile. "Your welcome. Good night, Cassie." I kiss her on the forehead. "Good night, Ni." She replies and then falls asleep. I smile at her calling me Ni. I'm glad i could help, and have her trust me, and feel comfortable around me enough to let me stay with her and give me a nickname. I mean, i already had that nickname, but i don't really think she ever called me that.


Hey guies! This is the last chapter of the year! Well.. you guys may not be able to read it by tonight.. but it was my last update of the year... Its 11:30pm where i am... just being lazy, and waiting for the ball to drop! Haha.... okay.... Comment what your New Years Resolution is... mine is to at least get 1,000 reads.... PLEASE HELP ME TO GET THAT MANY READSSSS!!!! LLN... okay.. byeee!!!

<3 mrsdeneahoran

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