On His Radar

By Bunny_Cloyd

61K 3K 381

She didn't belong in my world. I wished I could tell her I was the good guy. That I was her knight in shining... More

Author's Note


3.3K 156 33
By Bunny_Cloyd

Got my info on the Mafia from Wikipedia 😄


When I opened my eyes and saw her fighting with the man who was twice her size and holding her own, I was impressed. Let's just say that it took a lot to impress me.

I actually had to watch them fight for a while before I shot the man.

She really wasn't what she seemed and the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover" applied to her.

She had just became very valuable to me.

This had made me respect her and I saw her in an entirely different way. Now I understood that she wasn't just a piece of ass. I wouldn't ever treat her as such again. I had to put in work if I wanted to make her mine.

But first I had to trap her.

I thought that when she allowed me to kiss her I had won some points with her but then she walked away from me as if unaffected.

Was I reading her wrong?

That kiss was fucking amazing. I had an embarrassing hard on in front of my brother that didn't go away until long after she left. I was such an idiot.

My brother and my men had laughed at me, making jokes until I'd gotten pissed and kicked them all out of my room.

Now I could think and I had to find a way to protect her before my enemies used her against me.

I walked to her room and nobody stopped me. I entered and her eyes immediately opened but I could tell she was tired.

I raised my hands trying to keep both her from sitting up and sat in the chair by her bed. I got straight to the point.

"Will you come home with me Ebony?"

From the expression that crossed her face, I knew I'd said the wrong thing.

"What you think that just because you saved my life and I saved yours and let you kiss me that equals a fuck?"

"No." I said quickly.

"Well I am not just a fuck. I have morals. I'm not that desperate! Just because you're a good kisser- wait what?"

"No no continue with the good kisser part, your rant is getting interesting." She blushed and I adored her innocence.

"I didn't mean sleep with me. I'd never disrespect you like that."

She narrowed her eyes and I knew she was thinking about that day I'd offered her money for sex. When she opened her mouth to talk, I spoke first.

"That was an mistake. I sincerely apologize. I was not thinking straight that day-"

"Obviously." She muttered.

"-And I had no idea how to get your attention. Let me be frank, I'm sure you know I'm dangerous. There are dangerous people who want me dead. And now you and your mom aren't safe. Uh, where is your mom by the way?"

"I have no idea. Lets make a deal. You find my mother. Get her clean and keep her safe. And I can't agree to have sex with you but I'll come home with you."


He pulled out his phone made a call. He said like 3 words in Italian so fast I couldn't catch anything then hung up. Not even 5 minutes later he got a call back and he grinned at me. "Done Bella."

Just who the hell was this man? And why did he want me?

"I'm gonna give you some time to get dressed, we're leaving in 10."

There was an unspoken demand in there somewhere and it was sexy.

I did as he said and waited on him to come back. When he did he looked really really angry, so angry that I took two steps back before I gathered my resolve.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you give your mom money to buy more drugs?"

"Hell no! I-" I know she didn't. She wouldn't! "The box over there let me see it."

He passed it to me and I checked the inside to find all the money I had stashed was gone. She did, she stole my money to buy drugs. I tried not to feel hurt but I couldn't help it. I traced over my father's pictures with my fingers until I couldn't see him anymore.

Darreko gently removed the pictures from my hands, put them back into the box and held me, still I refused to shed a tear.

"You seem like you've been holding all those tears and pent up emotions for a while. Let it all out, I'm not here to judge you, Bella." He said softly. I didn't expect him to be so... well, considerate. I cried in his arms, I didn't make a sound but my whole body shook with the intensity of my sobs.

My stash was everything I'd been saving my whole life. It was about $15,000. I was saving it to buy my first house after college now I had nothing.

"Where is she?"

"On her way to a private facility in Alaska now. I couldn't force her to stay but I gave her no option. It's really cold there but in that facility they have nothing that they could runaway with. No shoes, socks, jackets, blankets, sheets... The bed is air regulated so there's nothing they can use to hang themselves with. She's safe." I wouldn't want to be one of his enemies because this man had mad connections.

"What about the money?"

"It's gone. She got robbed the moment she flashed it."

"One of your workers?" I asked, testing him.

"No I ordered my workers specifically not to deal to her and the one that disobeyed me for a fuck was... Dealt with."

So he was mafia. "Thank you." I gently pull myself out if his arms. A half smile was all I could manage as I made my way to the bathroom.

I cleaned myself up in the small bathroom and we left. We met his his brother, Antonio, outside. Antonio winked at me and I blew him a kiss in return. Darreko frowned. He probably thought I was interested in his brother but I was solely interested in him.

9 men that I met unofficially upstairs waited outside in the parking lot for directions. Before we made it to the car, he made quick introductions to his men.

"This is Ebony. She's coming home with us. She's mine."

I didn't say a word. Until I made it clear otherwise, I was his. I merely smiled and waved at everyone.

I quickly learned Darreko or Reko as they called him only had 9 people that he trusted out of all his men besides his brother Antonio. I would make sure I learned the name of every one of them. These men stayed in the main house with him, a three story villa in what they called the circuit, a huge gated community that was basically a city by their descriptions or like an Indian reservation.

They had their own police force, hospitals, schools, even a college, etc.

Nobody left the circuit permanently unless they died.

They refused to tell me anything more until I was under oath or Omerta as they called it.

"Omerta," Darreko explained, "was a code of honor that placed importance on silence, non-cooperation with authorities, and non-interference in the illegal actions we may or may not participate in."

I. Was. Fascinated.

"Omertà implies '...the categorical prohibition of cooperation with state authorities or reliance on its services, even when one has been victim of a crime.' A person should absolutely avoid interfering in the business of others and should not inform the authorities of a crime under any circumstances (though if justified he may personally avenge a physical attack on himself or on his family by vendetta, literally a taking of revenge, a feud). Even if somebody is convicted of a crime he has not committed, he is supposed to serve the sentence without giving the police any information about the real criminal, even if that criminal has nothing to do with the Mafia. Within Mafia culture, breaking omertà is punishable by death. "

In other words the Mafia was no game.

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