Ember's Cupid

By Dez_Lafey

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Mason and I were close. I looked up to him, not as a lover but as a partner. He was my best friend, my other... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

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By Dez_Lafey

The color of Jade appeared before me. A thin layer of white was placed around this malevolent color; in the center a small, black sphere took form. I wondered what was before me and suddenly the picture became clearer, strands of thin black hair-like fibers popped out of the top of the oval. Two eyes were formed; this captivated me, I had felt as though something was engulfing my body. The warmth had absorbed my body and I had somehow felt free. A small nose appeared along with a thin jaw line; the slim cheeks complimented the fully formed face. Bushy eyebrows were centered directly above the eyes along with short blonde hair. This lean man opened his mouth only to shut once more. "Who are you?" I tried to scream but words would not form. He had then vanished before my eyes leaving an empty black plane.

"Was it only a dream?" I open my eyes only to stare at the ceiling, each corner was a different color yet the middle stayed white. I rise only to notice that I had left my door opened as I slept. I thought I had closed it though... The day started out as if it was any other. "Mom...! Dad! Morgana! Evan! Is anyone home?" I walked down the stairs only to see my brother, sister, and mother sitting at the table crying. "Embrena you need to sit down." Almost 40 minutes later I was curled into a ball on my bed. "Emma... He left, he's actually gone. " A loud gasp creeps out of my phone and my best friend lies on the other line silently. "I'm so sorry; do you want me to come over?" I sniffled and tears crept out of my eyes. "No... I am going to go for a walk to clear my mind." I stated as I shoved my words down my own throat. "I love you sweetie, come back safe." Emma stated. Had they even known what day it was? Had he even seen how much I was hurt? Had he even cared?

Step by step I walk closer to the park. "Amber, I am sorry! You can't blame me." A man screams at a woman. "You cheated!" She screamed back after she slapped him then walked away. Rapidly I darted my head towards a crowd filled with men, one man with red eyes and blonde hair was making eye contact with me. He approached me only to freeze in place; his tall body was so close that I could feel his breath on my head. "You can see me?" His words sent a shiver down my spine. Coincidentally another man tripped over a rock and almost fell on me. "Watch out!" A short man with curly red hair screamed as his red eyes glimmered in the sunlight. "Alex don't shoot!" The blonde haired man screeched as he reached for the other man. Time stood still, an arrow flew towards me. With every second the arrow grew closer, at the tip was a shiny red heart filled with pink liquid. Instead of hitting an object, the arrow hit me.

A sharp pain grew in my left arm. I could feel my life force drain away every ounce of blood felt as if it was being sucked from my body. My organs were failing and my breath was slipping away, I was dying a slow and painful death. Why is this happening to me? I want it to stop! It hurts so badly! Please somebody, anybody help me. "Please" I whispered as a tear fell from my tear duct. Screaming replaced the silence yet a black blur was all I could see. "Alex!" The blonde haired man screamed. I opened my eyes with no pain at all, was I dead? A black bow appeared in my still hand, as it twitched my limbs slowly regained feeling. I stood only to see a crowd of people surrounding the man, his body laid unconscious. "Alex!" The man cried as he keeled on the ground.

His head pivoted towards each and every person as he looked so confused, his eyes landed on me. "It-... Oh my... It's true." He barely said as his breath slipped away. "M-my name is Mason, I know you may be very confused. But I will tell you everything you need to know, it will just take some time. Come with me and it will all be okay." It was very easy to tell that he was hurting. "W-Where is Emma, she'll keep me calm." His hand slowly inched towards my shoulder. "I only heard that this could happen... Miss... Can you tell me your name?" For some reason I didn't trust him. I gulped and blinked rapidly, "Ember." He smiled with tears in his eyes, "Ember, have you ever fallen in love?" He asked so bluntly with a blank expression.

Slowly I shook my head, "How old are you?" His voice lightened and his smile grew. "I turned nineteen this morning." His expression changed so quickly, he was obviously shocked yet he hadn't spoken a word. "I need to go to Emma, and Morgana, and Evan, and... I need to go to my family." I spoke with such scared words, I didn't know why I felt the way that I had. I felt as if I was alone, I knew that I had everyone that I had loved; even if they were far away or not with me anymore. Yet the empty feeling was still trying desperately to consume me.

"I need to go home! My family, Emma, everyone must be worried! They are all probably waiting for me!" I arose only to be pulled back by Mason, "Don't! You can't!" I shook him off and ran. Thirteen miles, I ran as fast as I could. Every emotion was rushing towards me; all of my anger, my pity, all of my sadness, and self-doubt. "Ember stop!" Mason screamed at me but that only made me quicken my speed. I approach my house and the door flew open. "Mom! Evan! Morgana! I'm home!" I walk into the kitchen and my mother was cooking my favorite, spaghetti with home-made shredded cheese. My sister and brother both sat on the island while chatting with my mother. I hid behind a wall; I guess it was my instinct that kicked in.

"Emma, can you come here." I knew they were worried about me! "Hey, so the kids will be in bed by nine and I will not talk about their dad. I understand Ms. Fameelya." Walking forward, all eyes were on me. "I'm home" I state with a smile. Confused expressions were splattered across the room. "Who are you?" I was frozen in place, they don't... Tears filled my eyes and I laughed. I could only laugh, in such a serious matter. Mason then ran towards my still body, before he could speak words flew out of my mouth. "I have the wrong house. I am so sorry... Uh... I'll just... go." Slowly I stepped backwards and then I ran into Mason. My eyes couldn't leave my family, they weren't waiting for me, they had completely forgotten about me in a matter of seconds.

Once the both of us were fully out of the house I fell apart. "No one that I have met has ever handled that as gracefully as you had." I cried into his arms, all my tears fell on his lap. "Why can't they remember me?" He held me close, "Ember you are safe; I promise. I am right here, I will always be here."

It was like any other day, though that is how life seems now. Every day was unexpected and that is exactly what Mason and I prepared for. Yet nothing could prepare us for what this day brought. "Good morning Mason!" I screamed as I ran through a blue framed door, and laid on the small bed next to the wall; together we had bought an apartment. The house was equipped with three bedrooms, three bathrooms, one kitchen, one living room, one dining room, and a loft. Mason and I have made a system, every two months we visit our families. We watch them from afar and keep them safe. Everyday Mason comforts me, I trust him completely.

"Ember, knock it off! Let me sleep in." I could only laugh it was easy then, he just had to smile and it would brighten my day. "It is time to have my world famous breakfast!" He popped out of bed faster that I could imagine. We'd hunt, we'd eat, we'd laugh; I was never alone when Mason was by my side. That one hunt was a mistake; I should have never let him outside of the house. "Let me just make these two fall in love then let's get a hot dog, you look too skinny today." I laughed as usual; Mason was trying to be funny.

One second turned to two and two to three. The arrow was shot and time stopped once more, in slow motion my head turned. My breathing synchronized with my heart beat, Mason's body toppled to the cement and the victim fell as well. "Mason!" I screeched as I ran towards his lifeless body. Dropping to my knees, I held him close. A crowd of civilians circled around his now visible body. I knew what I had to do yet I hated it so much. Turning to the new cupid I softly spoke. "My name is Embrena, you may be very confused. But I will tell you everything that you need to know, it will just take some time. Come with me and it will all be okay."

Calmly I spoke and comforted him. "What is your name sir?" Begging myself not to cry, I calmly asked. "Chase... I need to go to my sister, she will explain this; she is a doctor." In haling deeply I shake my head. "Come to my house and I will explain it all." His hand gropes mine and he stands. I turn my head to Mason's still body and sigh, things were obviously going to change and it hurt to think that it could have been prevented.

"So you mean to say that I am not human anymore?" I nod and gulp when he asked his question. "And I became like because I haven't fallen in love?" Silently I pierce my lips together, "and it is impossible to be human again?" I muffle my cough as my face hides behind my palm, for a peculiar reason I felt as if it was my fault. "Today is a bad day so I need you to come with me." I state while my expression stands still.

Black, everyone was dressed in black. Mason and I were smiling in a picture; this image was the center of many candles and flowers. "Are we at a funeral?" Chase asked as he tugged on my sleeve. "When a cupid changes places with a human it dies. Humans are not allowed to know that we exist. It would rip apart the fabric of their universe. So yes, this is Mason's funeral." I state as my mouth laid blank on my face. Many cupids surrounded the image and placed white roses next to it. Even if cupids fight for their own hunts... When one of our own dies we mourn them, we were human at one point. "I'm sorry for your loss." Many people came to me and repeated those words before they had left. The last person that was at the ceremony was about to leave before he stopped. "I know the both of you were close, hell you two were inseparable. Just know that I am here for you, you don't have to grieve alone."

Once he had left, my imagination took over. I thought that I was alone so I sat next to the picture. Humming the melody that Mason sang to me so that I could sleep, I stroked the image. "Hush now you young child, don't you dare cry. Lay your head upon my chest tonight. You are not alone and will never be as sad. I am here to love and protect you like a dad. Hush now you young child, don't you dare cry. Go to sleep and I will be there tonight." Curled into a ball I fell asleep.

"Ember wake up!" Mason screamed as he shook my lifeless body. I open my eyes only to see his smile. "Mason!" I screamed as I jumped into his arms, it was all a dream! My heart pounded as he embraced me. He was so cold, his grip loosened and my heart sank. "This is the dream isn't it?" Mason only smiled. "I always knew you were too smart for your own good." NO! I wanted Mason back... but... it was impossible. "Can you take me home, I can't keep doing this Mason." He nodded and walked with me as I walked home. I opened my eyes to see Chase towering over my resting body. "You can't just fall asleep in the middle of nowhere." I mumbled and held my hand out. His large palm engulfed my petite fingers and he lifted me to stand. "Let's get you home."

"You can take the bedroom on the far left down the hall. There is a guest bedroom as well so you can chose between the two. My room is in the loft and I will show you around tomorrow." He nodded and walked away, this is what Mason would have wanted right? As he disappeared from my sight, I sighed. It was time for my shower; I run the water and a boiling stream popped out. My leg enters then the rest of my body follows, I lie in the tub and fall asleep. Hours later I crawl out to check on Chase. Entering his room I came to notice his presence was absent. Searching the house I find him in Mason's room. "What are you doing?" Once he notices me he jumps. "I was exploring..." Exploring, in this room? Once those words came out of his mouth I exploded. "GET OUT!" Faster than he ran the words poured out of my mouth. I was furious, he had no right!

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