Five Choices

By ScoobyDo6105

72.3K 2K 561

America Rose Wilde just moved from NYC to the border of California after her family moved for a better paying... More

Read if you love West
XXII (2)


7.3K 152 28
By ScoobyDo6105

School Sucks


I turn around just in time to see a speeding black car zip along the school's parking lot. My eyes are glued open and my breathing is ragged. The car pulls into a spot along the school's brick wall and leaves the motor running, creating white noise. Until the driver stops the motor and walks away. 

I close my eyes and even my breath out until Im okay. I glance up the at the building and see the proud lettering of the school's name. Pacifico Vultures. Next to the words is a beak of a bird. Vultures.Aren't they those birds that eat dead animals? I shiver in disgust and walk into the school. 

New kids walk left and right like a herd of cows, and I have to ask a few for the directions to the front office. They give me a once over then point me in the direction. After five minutes I walk into the school's office and smell papers and computers. The ladies here are talking when I go in, so I end up clearing my voice a couple of times before they notice me. One stands up and grins. 

"Oh you must be America. Here's all your information for today and the rest of the year. Good luck." She wishes me then goes back to her conversation. 

"Thank you." My voice croaks. I walk out of the office and follow the hoard of people until I get ot lockers. I count down the locker numbers until I reach mine. I walk up to the faded blue color and twist my lock. 

After a couple of tries the locker wont open. Open open. I'm getting the code right but when I pull it the locker wont budge. I sit there and tug on my locker for a few, until backing away. I look down the empty hall and realize the bell must've run. It's all empty until a boy walks down the hall whistling. 

"Hey." I call. He turns around and adjusts his glasses. 


"Can you help me with my locker?" I ask pointing to it. He walks back over to me and reads my locker number. 

"Oh you have the sticker locker."


"You know, the locker that always sticks?"

"No, Im new." I explain. The boy nods then kicks my locker. 

"Enter your combination now." He demands. I nod and enter it in. I shake under his gaze for a few until I finally pull the thing up and my locker pulls open. 

"Hey! Thanks you!" I grin as I see the empty and bent inside. I look to see the boy walking away whistling again. I guess Ill have to kick this from now on. I quickly put my books away and pull away only to notice the inside of the door has a ton of stickers. I guess it's called the sticker locker for more than one reason. I see names sprawled on the locker and an extra sheet of blank stickers conveniently stuck up. 

I smile as I write my name quickly before sticking the sticker right in the middle. 

America Rose Wilde.

I look at my schedule and read what books Ill need before shutting my locker. I swear I can hear something clank, but ignore it and walk down the halls. 

I scan the numbers on the walls looking for the room I'll walk in late to. I find it and pull open the door. The whole class looks at me, including the old teacher. 

"You must be America." He smile and gestures to a seat in the back. "You can sit there for now." I nod and walk to the back with my head down ignoring the looks I'm getting. I settle in the back and look up to the board to see the teacher writing stuff down I don't understand. Looks like this will be a long day. 


The smell of pizza and burned popcorn captivates my nostrils as I stroll into the cafeteria. I see people linger around the lunch line and walk over. I grab a pizza and go to pay. 

"Hi." I mumble to the lunch lady. I look at the chip in my tray as she rings me up and look up as a cookie slides up. 

"On me," the lady smiles. "I know a first day can be hard." I smile at her and look down. 

"Thank you." She smiles at me and goes to the next kid. 

I walk away and look for an open table. None. Until a kid gets up and moves to another, leaving one wide open. I look around seeing if anyone wants it, and see a girl with black hair eyeing it as she holds a salad in her hand. 

Before I can stop myself I start to speed walk over to it. So does she. We look at eachother as we make our way to the table and laugh as we both collapsed onto it. Laugh. 

Like friends. 

"Hi, Im Beth." She says as she holds her hand out. "Beth Shade." 

I hold her hand and nod. "America Wilde."

"Cool name." She comments and sits down, relaxed. I follow but still tense as I look at her. She has green eyes and looks to be on the goth side, but I don't mind. As long as shes a friend I don't care. "So where did you come from?" She asks as she opens her salad. I take a bite out of my pizza and look around. 

"NYC." SHe nods and then brightens. 

"Hey is your dad the guy who gave one of his patients his liver or something." I wince as she remembers my family. I hate how that title hangs over our name and brings people to think we are amazing. I mean my whole family is in the medical field and I hope to go there someday. My dad's a surgeon while my moms a nurse. 

"His kidney." I mumble and look down. "But yeah thats him." She grins ear to ear and moves along the table to be next to me. 

"Do you want to be my friend?" She asks. I look up and see her green eyes.

"Yeah. You seem nice." 

"Oh I'm more then nice. Im amazing. So amazing I'll tell you who to stay away from and who to stay with." She says and looks over the cafeteria. "Well first you stay with me, and maybe a cute boy. Then you stay away from them," she says and points all around. She points to girls, boys, and even teachers as she tells me who everyone is and how they are bad. Finally she gets to the girls in the middle table looking like queens. "Alright. So those are queens. And the one with brown hair is Riley, while the blond is Jen, and the one with such blond hair it looks white is Kendall. Stay away from them. Or don't fall for their act. They'll stab you with their manicured fingers." She says and something in her voice brings me to look at her. 

A fog over took her eyes like shes remembering something and I scramble to change the subject. "Who are the hotties?" I ask with a grin. She raises an eyebrow and glances at her clock. "What are you-" She shhs me by putting a finger to my lips and pointing to the door. The whole cafeteria goes quiet and my throat goes dry. 

IN the doorway three hot guys are standing there. One is dressed in a black band shirt and blue jeans with a baseball cap on backwards, while another is wearing a flannel. The one in the middle has curly blonde hair and a lopsided grin. 

"They, are the 'kings'," Beth says making me look at her. She does quote around the word 'kings' and goes to explain. "The 'queens' are Riley, Jen, and Kendall. The way I remember who each is dating is the hair color." Beth says and points to the moving boys walking to the middle table. Shes right.

Riley, the one with dark hair has the same color as the guy in the baseball cap. 

"The one in the cap is West. Hes the badboy of the school and doesn't care about anything," Beth whispers. 

Jen, the blond stands and runs to the curly hairs boy. 

"The curly is Jaxon Smith, he's a joker. And a player." Beth hisses, sounding like she knows something. 

And then there's the two ghosts. The boy with such blond hair is grinning at Kendall as he walks closer. As if he senses me watching him he turns to me. I immediately look away but I feel him watching me. So I look up. Only he doesn't look away. Instead he stares into my eyes, with his blue ones. Soon I cant take it and turn to Beth. 

"That," she points to the ghost boy, "is Kyle. He's the star quarterback and just about the name of this school. Also a big player." Beth says in a hiss. I nod and look at them all as they sit with their girlfriends. 

"Anyways, know you know the ways around the school, so tell me your schedule." Beth says. 

"Oh yeah!" I say with joy and pull out my sheet. She runs her eyes over it and frowns but then smiles.

"We have no morning classes together, but have all the afternoon ones. And you have Johnson. He's my cousin, so I'll make sure to make you be on his good side." SHe says and looks up. 

"Mr. Johnson?"

"Yeah, he was your second period." I nod as I remember the guy who looked like he was barely out of his twenties and had cute glasses on. 


"I knew you would remember him." I blush and look away. 

I finish off my pizza and excuse myself to throw it away. As I walk up to the trash can I feel eyes on me. I turn around looking but no one is staring at me. Everyone's just eating their food or joking around with their friends. I grab my cookie as I tilt my tray. I watch my pizza crust fall into a pit. 

As I turn around my face almost collides with a chest. I laugh awkwardly and look up. I see the boy with the baseball cap-West?- staring at me. I feel like the world has stopped moving as he stares into my eyes. I break the spell by stepping away and moving around the trash can. 

I realize the cafeteria is silent and everyone is looking at us. I ignore it and walk to where the tray drop off is. I hear footsteps behind me and I whip around. I place my tray on the others without looking and see Beth. She has my stuff in her hands and takes my cookie. 

"C'mon. We are going to Johnson's." 

"Okay..." I trail off as I follow her small body to the cafeteria doors and walk through the empty halls. With everyone at class I get a flash of this morning and shiver. School is creepy with no one around and all hiding. Paper litters the hallways, and I accidently kick a paper ball. I sigh and pick it up and throw it away. 

"So your cousins with Johnson?" I ask her as she grins. 

"Yeah. He's a few years older than me."

"How old?"

She squints one of her eyes as if thinking, then look to me. "You know, I don't know." She then turns into a familiar classroom. 

I follow behind her hiding behind a filing cabinet as she talks to my teacher. This is weird.

"Yeah, David. It the new girl America." I look up and see the Johnson walk over to me and grin. 

"Well its always a pleasure to get to know my students. How about we talk some more about you America." Johnson's asks as he settles down on a desk. 

"Ok." I walk over to them and look over at Beth. She picking at her salad, oblivious to me staring at her.

"So, America. What are your hobbies?"

Oh this is weird.


As Beth and I sit in our next class room she talks about her cousin who is my teacher and really likes me. I shiver from the thought or hi even liking me more.

Beth disappears beside me, making me walk a couple of feet more. I realize then that shes turned into a classroom. i groan and walk to the only door she could of gone into. 

Shiny wooden desks line in perfect rows, and a whiteboard lines the front with today's lesson screwed on the top. I spot Beth and walk quickly over to her desk. Her eyes are not on me though, they are glued behind me. And I find out why when i feel a hand tug on my hair. 

I turn around to see the blond from in the cafeteria. He grins at me and I smile. 

"Um, hi?" I croak. He raises an eyebrow and I think Beth told me his name was Kyle. 

"Hey America."

"How do you know y name?" I ask, puzzled.

"Your new, everyone knows." I nod and sit down. I look up at him and wince as the light catches my eye. Kyle sees and moves his head. 

"Thanks," I mumble and turn to Beth. She's just staring at Kyle with a smile. Ok then. But then her smile morphs into a  sneer. I turn back around to see the other blond-Jaxon- walk in. He grins like her owns the place and winks at a few girls. Player alert. 

"Oh hey America!" He calls. I look up with scrunched eyebrows. 


"Ive been wanting to talk to you!"


"Where did you come from?" He asks. I take a moment to respond because I remember Beth telling me he was a prankster so he could mean the literal thing or what city I came from. i go with the latter. 

"My moms vagina," I state. His mouth opens then he grins. 

"I like you," he jumps up onto my desk and grins. 

"Cool," sharing, I turn to see Kyle glaring at Jax. I look at them with my eyes as they have a hidden message conversation. "Do you know what's happening? I ask beth with wide eyes. She shrugs and looks at the clock. 

"We have ten minutes until class starts." She states. 


"CLasses after lunch don't start until twenty minutes so people can get back in the mood for learning. It's weird. Only at Pacifico Vultures." I laugh and look at the clock myself. 

"Ok then." 

"So, America," I turn to Kyle who's talking to me. "Are you coming to my game?"

"Your game?" I ask, leaning toward him. 

"My football game Friday," he points out. Kyle plays football? Oh God. This will not be good if he actually becomes my friend. So many talks about football will happen with him and my dad its not even funny. I groan without meaning and look up with a startled face with arms wrap around me. 

"See she thinks footballs dumb too," Jax teases. I roll my eyes and pull away from our awkward embrace.

"No, its that my dad loves football. And Kyle," I wait until he looks a me to finish, "I would love to go." He grins then bounces over and hugs me. 

"Brilliant. Ill save you a seat on the bench."

"The bench?"

"Yeah, only my closests friends can sit there." I raise my eyebrows and nod my head. Okay, so he thinks we are close friend. I can deal with that. fterall any type of friendship for me is great. Besides I think Im fitting in here. I have Beth anyway.

"Ok." Kyle, Jax, and even Beth grin. 

"Great. Now I finally have Friday night plans." Beth says. We all burst out laughing at that. 



Okay, I know it's short, but stick with me. It'll get better. Promise.

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