By hayleymarshallc

130K 3.2K 478

a·mour əˈmo͝or,äˈmo͝or/ noun a secret or illicit love affair or lover. More

another book?!


10.6K 241 57
By hayleymarshallc

[chapter two]
|| amour ||


Asta woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off. She stuffed another pillow on her face and groaned. She didn't end up sleeping until late because of her party last night. The alarm being set for about four hours after her eyes had closed for good that night.

"Turn that off!" She heard William yell. He sounded groggy and cranky, great. Hungover William was always a joy. She made some groaning sounds before rolling to the side of her bed and unplugging it. She smiled in victory before rolling over, onto the ground. A loud thud sounded in her room before a series of groans and curses.

She groaned as she got up and went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. She heard laughing and some people talking. She walked in to all of the penetrator boys and she gave William a glare. Of course he had invited the caravan of macho men over, again. She then looked at their faces.

"Woah! You guys got beat up. Damn!" She spoke before looking at Chris, whose face was all bruised up. She grimaced at him, reaching into the refrigerator to pull and ice pack out and hand it to him. A kind gesture toward him, she always had been like this with him. They held some sort of mutual respect, with a little flirting from him. She didn't take him seriously though, that's who he is.

"Nice outfit." Chris commented and winked at her. She heard some whistles before she looked down and realized she was in her pjs. Booty shorts and a tank top. William turned around and glared at them all. Asta covered her face with her hands as some of the boys chatted again. Her face had gained some heat to it at the comment, she tried to best to ignore.

She walked back over to the fridge before pulling out things to make a smoothie. Humming a tune to herself to drown out her brothers talk of girls and how amazing their drink adventures were last night at the asscrack of dawn.

She made her smoothie and sat down with all of the boys. "I bet you can't even get Vilde to kiss you!" Someone stated jokingly. She made a sour face at this comment. "You want to bet?" The other penetrator said. Asta had enough of them bad talking her new friend. She was not going to let that happen. She had barely known the girl, but she knew she was a good friend and a very sweet girl.

"You all are being dicks!" She fumed. Her face once again gaining heat. She clenched her jaw and stared at the two responsible. Sometimes these boys could really be pieces of work. She didn't realize that the outburst would cause the boys to laugh, which made her even more infuriated.

The one boy who made the comment in the first place about her newfound friend looked her in the eyes and poured before saying "AW did you hear that she said she wanted dick!" He yelled back, smirking. She was about to make a comment about how his was probably tiny when willliam had enough of this. "Alright shut up" he told the guys.

"Go get dressed, we're going to school."

The day at school so far had been uneventful, she had no energy to be at school today. She just moped and dragged herself through it. Occasionally she would get called on in class and blush bright red, obviously not paying a lick of attention.

Finally, the bell for lunch rang.

Asta was walking to lunch and heard some guys talking. "That's the hot one, yeah the Magnusson." She cringed. Not unusal for people to talk about her as if she wasn't there, but it was unusual for boys to outright say she was hot. The cliche of this school was beyond measure.

"Hey Asta!" Vilde yelled, it finally hit her. Vilde was the closest thing she had to a best friend. This morning when she was so riled up over her honor she realized she had connected with her the most out of the group. Vilde was kind of loud and insecure at times, where Asta was calm and confident. She didn't know what it was, but they had gotten close, no matter how annoyed they get at each other.

"Hey V!" She yelled back, before plopping down onto the bench and sat with the rest of the girls. She looked across her and saw Chris sitting down with the penetrator boys, on his phone. He looked up and saw her looking at him. He smirked and pulled back out his phone. Her phone dinged. It was a message from Chris.

"You're SO keen on me."

She looked up at him and rolled her eyes. He winked back. She typed a reply.

"Keep dreaming."

She once again rolled her eyes.

Her phone pinged again and the girls looked at her. She smiled awkwardly before checking her texts.

"You want me to dream about you? ;)" 

she sighed in defeat and sent one last text.


Asta looked up to see him getting up and coming over to her. For whatever reason her heart rate picked up and she froze for a second as he reached the table. "Hey can we talk?" He pushed his hair up out of his face. She thought he looked nice. Not in any other way she normally did, she just was intrigued by him and not used to him being so openly talkative with her. The boys usually didn't bother her at school too much, she didn't want too much attention drawn to her by it. It had been a sore spot for her earlier in school, girls got very jealous and standoffish towards her early on when al go the guys were constantly attached to her hip.

She glanced back up towards Chris again and squinted, unsure of what he could want to speak with her about. "Uh, yea, yeah sure." She looked at the girls who were now giving her weird glances and shrugged.


They walked a little bit away so no prying ears would be listening. Chris guided her to the front of the school and gestured for her to sit next to him on a bench. Her heart once again picked up pace, nervous. "What is it you want to talk about?" Asta asked Chris. Her hair blowing in the wind as she wrapped her large jacket tightly around her for warmth. Her breath was visible in the air, Chris watching her lips as she pushed the air out.She scanned his face and he did the same to hers. The brown eyes met the sparkling blue eyes, and the blue looked away.

"I heard about that penetrator guy at the party. I was wondering if you're okay. That's all."  She gave him a small smile before nodding her head at him. The guy who had grabbed at her. Oh. He noticed. "I'm okay. I told him to go to hell." She laughed with him.

"Thanks though, for worrying. It means a lot." Brown met blue again as she spoke and they say there for a minute as the brown looked away this time. "You're my friend, it's what friends do." She smiled at this, happy that Chris wasn't just a selfish person that was fucking girls for his own needs. Then she gave him a devilish grin, a challenging look in her eyes. "You know, that reminds me. We're friends, Chris, but we don't really know each other that well." She spoke softly.

He glanced at her through his eyelashes, a small look of surprise on his face. He recovered snd smiled playfully at her. "Well, let's get to know each other then."

After the talk with Chris, Asta walked back to her table and the girls looked up at her.

"What did you guys talk about? " Chris (the girl) asked. She heard a chorus of ooos.

"Guys!! He was just asking if I was okay." She rolled her eyes playfully and they all just mumbled "whatever you say".

"So what are we doing tonight?" Vilde asked. Asta looked at her best friend, an idea popping into her head.

"You guys might say this is dumb, but we should all hang at one of the houses and just hangout and sleepover there?" She suggested.

There were some comments but Noora shushed them. "That's a great idea. Slumbering it. No buts" they all smiled at Noora.

The bell rang and they all said their goodbyes before heading to their final classes.


Kind of short chapter guys, but yay they're going to have a sleepover and Chris and Asta are cute as friends. Aww.

Till next time (btw thanks for over 200 reads!!)

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