My Sweetest First Love (Taesa...

By bangteuwaiseu

207K 9.8K 2.3K

Minatozaki Sana and Kim Taehyung were the perfect couple inside the whole campus of BYP University on their l... More

p r o l o g u e
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
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s e v e n
e i g h t
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e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n - special chapter
f i f t e e n - special chapter
s i x t e e n - special chapter
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e
t h i r t y
t h i r t y - o n e
t h i r t y - t w o
t h i r t y - t h r e e
t h i r t y - f o u r
t h i r t y - f i v e
t h i r t y - s i x
t h i r t y - s e v e n
t h i r t y - n i n e
f o r t y
f o r t y - o n e
f o r t y - t w o
f o r t y - t h r e e
f o r t y - f o u r
f o r t y - f i v e
f o r t y - s i x
f o r t y - s e v e n
f o r t y - e i g h t
f o r t y - n i n e
f i f t y
f i f t y - o n e
f i f t y - t w o
f i f t y - t h r e e
f i f t y - f o u r
f i f t y - f i v e
f i f t y - s i x
f i f t y - s e v e n
f i f t y - e i g h t
f i f t y - n i n e
s i x t y
a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t
a n n o u n c e m e n t

t h i r t y - e i g h t

2.5K 158 59
By bangteuwaiseu


I want to laugh at Yuta right now. He's not being talkative. Usually, he bumps into someone's conversation and talk with them. But now, no word from him came.

"Ya." Yuta elbowed me.

"What?" I faced him.

"You said this will be a party!" He whispered. I know he's too bored right now.

"It is!" He rolled his eyes on me. "Respect the engaged couple, Nakamoto. Don't leave until the party isn't finished."

"Yeah right," he crossed his arms and groaned in frustration. "I'll book a plane ticket now."

"Then go. I will not stop you." I smirked and he rolled his eyes again at me. I'm starting to think that he's gay.

"Hey, Sana." Jimin called me.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"Introduce us your boyfriend!" He said.



"Hey, Sana!" I heard Chim's voice. I'm walking towards the garden. I was only a step away from the garden when I heard it.

It means... Sana is here?

I became nervous all of the sudden. "Yeah?" My heart melted as I heard her voice.

"Introduce us your boyfriend!" I gulped.

'Introduce us your boyfriend!'

'Introduce us your boyfriend!'

'Introduce us your boyfriend!'

I gulped. It echoed inside my head three times.

I want to run away and cry, but tears shouldn't take place this time. This is a special day for Tzuyu and Kookie. It's their anniversary.

I walked in the scene with my fake smile. "Hello, guys!" I greeted them.

"Good thing you came, Tae. We've been waiting for you!" Kookie stood up and assisted me.

"Sit beside Jimin. The seat there is still vacant." Tzuyu said and I sat beside Chim. We bumped our fists and man-hugged each other.

"What took you so long?" Mina asked as she drink her bottle of coke.

"I had an overtime duty. I have to pay for my apartment's rent by the end of the month." I explained. I noticed that I am sitting across Sana. She became silent.

And I noticed a man, which I do not know who, beside her. Do they know each other?

Wait, is he the boyfriend that Chim is asking earlier?

"Tsk. I told you to live with us." Kookie said and handed me the pizza.

"No. Soon you'll be married and have kids. I have no room in your house." I refused. Besides of that reason, I really don't want to disturb them. I don't want to live with a couple.

It envies me.

I don't want to think about it because I will get sad. Eventually, I might become depressed. I don't want that to happen.

"He has a point," Dahyun agreed. "You're not the man of the hour, so I'll interrogate Sana's boyfriend instead."

"I told you, he's not my boyfriend, guys." Sana said. I saw a glimpse of hope when I heard that. "Yuta, these are my friends. Friends, this is Yuta."

"Hi, I'm Chaeyoung." Chae stood up and shook hands with him. Oh man, she's flirting with that Yuta guy.

"Nakamoto Yuta," Yuta smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Hey! Chaeyoung! If you don't stop flirting with him, I will call your boyfriend!" Dahyun said and Chae immediately sat on her chair.

It's nice to see my friends happy. Tzuyu and Jungkook are now engaged, Nayeon and Yoongi are married (they got married last year). Finally, Jimin chose Dahyun over Chaeyoung. I don't exactly know what happened. I was just informed that Dahyun and him are now officially a couple. I'm curious about what Chae felt.

Jin and Mina are planning to get engaged and start a family. They broke up last year, I don't know what happened. Destiny made a way for them to be together again. Momo and Hoseok are dating after 5 years of being 'in-like' with each other. They told us that they should finish their studies first and graduate before dating each other. Well, that worked. Since Momo has a dance studio and Hoseok is becoming popular in showbusiness.

Now, Namjoon, Jeong and Jihyo are a bit complicated. Namjoon dated Jeongyeon before. He started courting her, but he failed because Jeong didn't say yes. She reasoned out that there is someone waiting for him. Namjoon realizes his mistakes and goes back to Jihyo. We all thought that Jihyo is arranged with we-don't-know-who guy. Turns out that that guy is Namjoon. Such destiny for the both of them. I'm happy for them.

"Wait, why isn't Jeong here?" Sana asked.

"She has a recording for her new drama." Jihyo answered. Jeong went to a drama school and molded her talent even more. Now she's an actress and she's been doing a lot of shows and dramas in the past two years.

"Really?" Sana is amazed. I just want to stare at her forever. I miss her face. I miss her voice, her touch and her smell. I missed everything about her. "That's good to hear."

"Yeah, but that's affecting her health." Namjoon replied. "She's getting sick lately."

"Why do you know about that?" Jihyo asked him. Ooh, there is the jealous Jihyo.

"Don't get jealous, babe." Joonie held her waist and pushed her towards him. "You know I'm best friends with Jeong."

"I know that." Jihyo rolled her eyes. "I'm just worried that she'll get your attention."

Joonie laughed, "No, babe." He pinched her cheeks and kissed her on the other cheek.

"I'm so glad to see the two of you being so sweet and all." Sana said. She stole a glance from me and it made me crazy. She awkwardly averted her eyes and joined the others' conversation.

"Good thing you didn't kill that Jeong gal." Yuta said, pertaining to Jihyo and made everyone laughed. Aside from me.

"I was trying to kill her inside my mind when we were in high school." Jihyo admitted.

"Wait, it's beer hour. I'll get the drinks." Kookie stood up and asked me to come with him. I looked at Sana before standing up.

We entered his house and I followed him to the kitchen area.

"I'm glad that you still came," he said while giving me the bucket of beers. "I thought you won't."

"It's a special day for the both of you. Do you think I will let it pass?" I chuckled. He took three cold wine bottles and we went back to the gang.

"Isn't it cool that Sana is here? She's back after 6 years!" He said while smiling.

"Y-Yeah..." I answered him hesitantly.

"Here are the drinks!" Kookie exclaimed when we got back. They placed the empty boxes of pizza and other foods aside and made space for the beers.

Kookie placed it on the table and Jin asked him.

"Where are the shotglasses?" Kookie just realized that he forgot the glasses. He face-palmed and went back to the kitchen.

"May I drink?" Dahyun asked Jimin. Jimin placed his hand around the backrest of the chair. Dahyun placed her head against his shoulder.

"No, you may not." Jimin answered and Dahyun pouted.

"Then why am I here if I will not be able to drink?" She reasoned out.

Jimin chuckled, "Your parents will be mad at me if I take you home drunk."

"You have a point." Dahyun sighed in defeat.

Kookie went back with a tray of glasses in his hand. He placed it on the table and we started drinking.

"Nayeonie, you look tired." Momo said. "Why don't you sleep?"

Nayeon yawned, "I'll wait for Yoongi to finish."

"What? No. We'll go home. Now." Yoongi stood up.

"No, it's really fine, hon." Nayeon is really tired. She's growing eyebags.

"She can sleep in our room for a while." Tzuyu insisted and helped Yoongi in bringing Nayeon to the room.

"Hey, can you still drink?" I heard Yuta asked Sana.

Sana smirked, "I can. I could drink a thousand bottles if you want me to."

"I will not be responsible of your actions, Minatozaki." Minatozaki. That's the name I used to call Sana. Now it's his name for her.

You really get replaced even with the simplest things.

"Okay!" Sana drank the beer on her glass with glee.

Tzuyu and Yoongi came back and sat with us.

"Why is Nayeon tired?" Sana asked in curiousity.

"Last night we--"

"Don't continue your sentence, Yoongi." Hobi said while pointing and laughing at him. "That's enough."

Yoongi smirked, "As you wish, Mr. Celebrity."

"Celebrity?" Sana asked with a glass on her hand.

"Yeah. He's proclaimed as the dancing king of today's showbusiness." Chae answered. "You gotta know a lot of stories since you left us 6 years ago."

"Do you really have to specify the years?" Sana said whilr chuckling.

All through the night, we just drank ourselves to sleep. We didn't care, we just partied for a night.

Pictures were taken, beer bottles wetre emptied and we were all tipsy.

"It's getting late, Sana." I heard Yuta said. Sana didn't hear him and continued on dancing. She's drunk, alright. "Hey, Sana! Let's go!" Yuta said those words in Japanese, but I quite understood it because of his gestures.

The others already went home. It's just me, Sana and Yuta were left in the garden area. Kookie already cleaned the trash.

"Let's go home," Yuta stood up and accompanied Sana while walking.

"No, Yuta! I'm waiting for him!" Sana ranted and started crying. "I-I'm still waiting for Tae! He'll come! Just wait!"

Yuta faced me and sighed. He then shook his head sidewards. I stood up and helped him.

"No, I can handle her." Yuta said. "She's a bit heavy, but--"

"Please." I begged him. "This is my only chance to be with her. I don't want her to remember this tomorrow."

He looked at me with pity in his eyes, "Alright." He gave me Sana and I smiled at him.

"Thank you," I mouthed while carrying her.

"I'll start the engine." He went outside and I was left with Sana. I looked at her and she's still crying silently.

"I-I want Tae back." She cried. "Tae will come for me. He will because h-he loves me."

"I'm right here, Sana." I whispered. She faced at me and hugged me.

"T-Tae..." she buried her face to my chest and cried even more. "...I miss you. P-Please don't be mad at m-me."

"I am not." I carressed her hair and kissed her head.

"P-Please love me back again."

"My love for you never went away, my Sana." I hugged her back and at that silent moment, tears raced through my cheeks..

"I-I love you, Tae."

"I love you, too, Sana."


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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